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How were the tatars and barbary pirates and turks able to just constantly attack and raid anything european and take its citizens as slaves?

What was the demographic consequences of those raids? For example, there are 45 million blacks living in america who decend from slaves. How many middle eastern or north africans have sizeable white popualtion or genetics bc of those slaves?
Muh balance of power as always for 90% of all Euro autism.
Because a good deal of that slave train wasn't Muslims raiding though, it was third parties like the pagan Vikings raiding Christian lands and then selling their captives to the highest bidder, in this case the Turks and Arabs, or it was conversely Christians raiding Pagan lands (ironically the raider were often still the Vikings just Christianized) and then selling them to the biggest market around, which again was the Turks and Arabs. Now the Barbary Coast raiders were indeed a case of mostly Muslims raiding Christian Lands for slaves, but Christian European states went to great efforts to either militarily defeat them or simply buy them off. In fact the United States first foreign military adventure was a retaliatory expedition against the Barbary states to force them to let American ships pass unmolested.
Ahhhh ok. Why were turks and arabs so interested in slaves? Why did europeans never seem to need millions of muslim slaves but Muslims needed millions of europeans to be slaves?
A vast and only lightly defended border in Eastern Europe that could easily be penetrated by raiding parties.
Similar to Eastern Europe; many coastal regions sans the important harbor were also only lightly defended. Now add that most states were at war with each other every five years and that standing navies are very expensive.
>How many middle eastern or north africans have sizeable white popualtion or genetics bc of those slaves
I couldn't find anything concrete on this matter. Apparently only around one million white slaves were captured during the course of the slavery of the Barbary Pirates - and they didn't have any breeding programs for slaves like the americas had.
But many coastal areas in Spain, France and Italy became deserted in fear of the slave raids.
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muslims cant live without the white pussy
North African slavery has a tradition that goes back to the ancient times - the Muslims simply continued it.
As for reasons: like everybody else they wanted cheap labor but it was also a method of forced brain drain. Additionally there is the religious component, where non-muslims were allowed to be enslaved but also the aim to convert them into Muslims. And most slavers (like everywhere else) were private persons who wanted to earn money fast.
Were? They're still doing it, only they loot the treasury by voting for gibs instead of using violence.
1) There were hundreds of Muslim slaves in European Mediterranean port cities.

2) Millions? When Charles V conquered Tunis, one of the main Barbary pirates holdouts, he found about 8000 European slaves or so, not millions.
And in some case thousands of Muslim slaves, see Malta:

“. In 1700 about three thousand were registered, a number that dropped to 2,500 between 1741 and 1769. When the French conquered the island in 1798 they found about two thousand captive Muslims.”
Sicilian historian Salvatore Bono notes that in the 16th century there were about 50,000 Muslim slaves in Sicily
For example, Trapani in Sicily held 5,000 Muslim slaves in 1569, comprising approximately one sixth of its total population. But a century later, the city registered not a single adult slave among its inhabitants. Elsewhere, particularly in trading and crusading ports that relied on galleys, the numbers of Muslim slaves remained constant or grew over the seventeenth century. These ports often received human cargo from privateers as well as from their own slaving expeditions. In Livorno, the slave population reached 3000 individuals in 1616 (of approximately 37,000 inhabitants); in Naples, between 10,000 and 20,000 individuals, or 4 to 7 percent of its estimated population of 270,000 inhabitants in the early seventeenth century belonged to the state or private persons ([2], pp. 24–31). Given its continuing role as one of the chief traffickers
ccording to Franco Angiolini, up until the first half of the 17th century, the Tuscan fleet was “the great protagonist of the Mediterranean corsairing”: between 1563 and 1693, some 16,000 slaves were captured by the Medici galleys.
Indeed. If you look at the Battle of Lepanto, both sides had enormous numbers of galley slaves in their ranks.
Spain fought durante more than 1 century to stop the barbary pirates kidnapping people from Europe. Spain fought several times against Argel until defeating them.
There was nobody to stop the Crimean Tatars. Poland controlled Ukraine and was disinterested in providing any protection to them - in fact, Ukrainians fighting Crimean tatars meant that they weren't fighting Poland instead. Russia was slowly and painfully reassembling itself, it couldn't afford to prioritise the Crimean tatars. As soon as Russia unfucked itself, it stomped them half to death.

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