>We*rejected german peace overtures*>were*allied with the bolsheviks, did their best to save the bolshies' totalitarian hellhole*>the*firebombed german cities, killed hundreds of thousands of german kids; tortured german pow's*>good*the brittish public cheered for every german city that was razed and every kid they managed to burn alive*>guys
That was Hitler's plan for UK by the way.
>>17422655>*allied with the bolsheviks, did their best to save the bolshies' totalitarian hellhole*The stormfaggot has had to change this due to Nazi Germany allying with the Soviets utterly mind broke him. Lol. Lmao even!
>>17422655>*rejected german peace overtures*>...only after Nazi Germany broke practically every treaty it had ever signedI know scraps of paper mean nothing to you Hans but here in the South, your word of honor means everything. Maybe you should take a hint.>*allied with the bolsheviks, did their best to save the bolshies' totalitarian hellhole*Three words,Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact>*firebombed german cities, killed hundreds of thousands of german kids; tortured german pow's*Could have ended it at any time by overthrowing Hitler or surrendering.>*the brittish public cheered for every german city that was razed and every kid they managed to burn alive*The loudest critic of the bombing of Dresden is David Irving who's literally fucking British.
>>17422693> overthrowing Hitler or surrendering.Bad faith. Such actions were criminal and unthinkable for the Germans.
>>17422659why not post the source this is based on instead of some redditor's blog
>>17422655Nazism will never be rehabilitated.
>>17422698It wsa bad faith in Hitler that got Germany in that mess
>>17422655Its insane that people can't see this. We need to rise up, rise up now, rise up let our roar be heard. We chose wrong, but there is still time to fix our mistakes before they are set in stone. We can rise up, make them feel our muscles. Our policy will be hard but fair. We will no longer be under the yoke sicne 1945. We chose the wrong way! We need to rise. And we could have a great future again. Where men are allowed to be MEN. And there are no tampon's in the mens toilet
>17423713>twatter screenshotDidn't read.
>>17422655Not true, the British generally had the false impression they were "liberating Germans from Hitler." Your post would be an accurate description of the Russians though
>>17422655>*allied with the bolsheviks, did their best to save the bolshies' totalitarian hellhole*Lmfao faggot
>>17423713>fresh breast milk ice creamgoing a bit too far there pal
>>17423929How is that an incorrect assertion?
>>17422655Anglos have effectively destroyed all self-conscious whites. That includes the American South, then the Boers, then Germany, then Rhodesia, and South Africa.
>>17422655Hitler wasn't selling the German people anything different than the Kaiser did, Germany must take its rightful place by force since the world refuses to acknowledge its greatness. The reason the US still has so many troops in Germany is to keep it from doing the same shit again.
>>17423713>fresh breast milk ice creamThe absolute insanity of nerds typing this out lmao. What the fuck, have you losers ever talked to people in real life? My granddad, a Hungarian farmer, would've slapped me senselss for saying something so perverted
>*allied with the bolsheviks, did their best to save the bolshies' totalitarian hellhole*Who's gonna tell him?
>>17425860he has been told multiple times, he just copes by saying it doesn't count
>>17425860This is a demoralization thread spammed by pajeets. Nobody in this thread is actually German or at the very least pro-Nazi.
>>17422655>allied with the bolsheviksTreaty of Brest-Litovsk 1917Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 1939
>>17425899>Stalin is the brideLet's be real here he was the one wearing pants in their short relationship
>>17422693The "-" is a word as well, retard.
>>17422659based HimmlermanThe villain we needed not the one we deserved.
>>17422665>allying with the Sovietsname the alliance, when did Germany and The Soviet Union make a formal military assistance treaty?>>17422693>your word of honor means everythingand the Germans never broke a single treaty.>MR pactWhich wasnt a formal military alliance while the British did establish the mutual military assistance treaty with the USSR.>people deserve to be murdered for not killing their democratically elected leaderswhat the fuck?>even the British themselves recognize their mistakeTrue.
>>17422768already had been.You just dont like when its used by Gentiles.>>17425559What does this even mean? Germany was the most domestic self concerned and least expansive colonial power.Whenever England got the upper hand on France they annexed the entire country, Germany effectively demolished the French army and took a small river valley that was historically apart of the Germanic cultural sphere.>>17425860>>17425864>>17425880Why do you mistake a non-aggression pact for a military alliance?
uh oh the rajeet is back
>>17426004You are literally a self admitted jew living in Switzerland thobeit.
>>17423713lol what the hell is wrong with stormweenies?
>>17426004>>17426082Why is op a pajeet, exactly?
The fuck did this big eyebrow having Kraut do to make the British kill him?
>>17425997>Why do you mistake a non-aggression pact for a military alliance?He desperately want to avoid admitting that the narrative about Churchhill being a hero, which he grew up with, is nothing but lies and that the man doomed not only his country but the rest of europe. Pretending, ridiculously, that the germans were equally complicit in supporting the soviet union helps him with that.
>>17426256>aggressively shills for hitler>has severe seething episodes about the British especially churchill to the point he outright makes up scenarios to say they are dumb>refuses to ever post his hand while saying he is totally white>also just tends to be most active during said pajeet timesyou can probably put two and two together
>>17422655Rejected lies.Helped the side whose only crime was self defence.Caused very few civilian casualties compared to Germany.Civilized Germany.
>>17422698Then they are a criminal people and there was no innocent person left.
>>17425992Germans broke every treaty.After the Germans declared war and invaded their allies.Hitler was nit democratically elected nir did he respect democracy.The mistake wss not killing more.
>>17425997>Whenever England got the upper hand on France they annexed the entire country, Like during the Napoleonic war.
>>17422693Prove you a white dixoid and not an ellis islander if not an actual subhuman shitskin.
>>17425559The world doesn't owe the Germans a thing. They were French rapebabies for hundreds of years and never good enough to build an intercontinental empire
>>17425992>name the alliance, when did Germany and The Soviet Union make a formal military assistance treaty?Molotov-Ribbentrob pact.
>>17426990You first.
>>17426280Can’t blame Indian for loving Hitler.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsLAdKk4t7U
>>17426833>>17427032Even league of three emperor pact collapse, history repeat
>>17422749If OP gets to make the exact same thread every week then I get to copy and paste replies form previous threads too.The article in the post you're replying to is this: https://listverse.com/2017/08/20/10-plans-hitler-would-have-put-in-motion-if-the-nazis-had-won/which links to this article: https://www.pajiba.com/tv_reviews/ssgb-some-brits-dont-think-it-sounds-all-that-bad.php which links to this wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea_Lion#Planned_occupation_of_Britain which sources that information form these books:-Shirer, William L. (1960). The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Simon and Schuster, New York. pp. 782, 943-Otto Bräutigam: "So hat es sich zugetragen…" (Holzner Verlag, Germany 1968, p. 590)-Adolf Hitler: table talk 5 November 1941 (in: Hitler's Table Talk, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1953)Now do you think the idea is wrong because these sources are factually wrong and historically inaccurate, or because they're not pro-Hitler.
>>17427033I didnt claim to be a dixoid and posted porn you retard.
>>17426830>the peace offers were liesFalse.>self defenseThe civilians of Danzig are not military targets, Pidor.>compared to GermanyGermany never killed civilians as a war time measure. The British did.>civilized GermanyLook at a list of every composer from Europe, compare the number from Germany to the number from England LOL.Anglo-Saxons are literally from Germany.>>17426833What treaties and what part specifically was broken?Hitler was democratically elected, he won a plurality of the votes.>the mistake was not killing more EuropeansJewish>>17426835Britain wasn’t in a 1v1 during the Napoleon war and they never held the upper hand against France. It was Russia that defeated them then another coalition thereafter.However when they did 1v1 the British took the whole of France.The British do this to everyone like they did to the French, to the Boers, to the Irish.Germany never actually took an entire country in one sweep unless it was itself a German speaking country and technically they never even did that.>>17427000Actually the world does owe the Germans not trying to murder them.Furthermore the Germans have no French paternal lines.The Germans literally had an intercontinental empire though. There are still more Germans abroad in former German colonies like in Africa than French in former french colonies.>>17425559>must take its rightful place by forceGermany already did and the US approved. Also stop quoting The HOI4 monarchist line.Germany was the most domestically concerned European power historically fighting far fewer wars of expansion than France or England. You just dislike the Germans because they did it better.
>>17427450They’re wrong because they’re factually wrong and Hitler’s table talks is not a well sourced book even in the age of woke it has been shredded for its lack of historicity and the uneven distribution of claims and evidence.>pro Hitler sourceWhat even is a “pro Hitler source”?Something that doesn’t outright lie about Hitler is pro-HitlerIf Hitler was truly so evil you wouldn’t need extensive poorly source books from 80 years worth of authors who white wash everything Western and Soviet while really reaching for ways to condemn Hitler.There’s also the problem of the endless web of fallback explanations.>Hitler was going to do “x”Well why didn’t he?>he uh didn’t have uh somethingThe Germans sat on Poland for 5 years with enough ammo to kill the entire planet, 90% of Poles survived despite the efforts of the Home Army. Yet this called a genocide of Poles. The Germans sat on Bohemia for even longer and during peacetime. Where’s the grand enslavement and mass genocide?This “if the Nazis had won” is just another cope to explain why Western foreign policy followed Rodef Jewish law lmao.
>>17422655What's the real point of spamming these threads? None of us have a time machine to go back. Are we gonna just bellyache till we die?
>>17427639>Germany never killed civilians as a war time measure
>>17426272>He desperately want to avoid admitting that the narrative about Churchhill being a hero, which he grew up with, is nothing but liesLiterally all of reddit believes this you fucking moron. Stop trying to sound like you're revolutionary. /pol/faggots and Reddit trannys are literally two sides of the same coin.
>>17422655Post hands
>>17427639>>17427656I am 100% convinced at this point that you are as neet and have autism. Seeing how you've kept this going for over a year now.
>>17427639>FalseNo, it's the truth.>The civilians of Danzig are not military targets, Pidor.They were animals, not civilians.>Germany never killed civilians as a war time measure.Correct, they killed them as part of their plot to wipe out all of human civilization.>Hitler was democratically elected, he won a plurality of the votes.Democratic system didn't work that way.>What treaties and what part specifically was broken?Everything? Both the spirit and the literal meaning.>However when they did 1v1 the British took the whole of France.When was that? When you were playing Europe Universalis 4 doesn't count.>Actually the world does owe the Germans not trying to murder them.It did. The German people existed because for a act of mercy. >You just dislike the Germans because they did it better.Lost two world wars.
>>17426272Churchill was not a hero, but he still helped save Europe. Not just that, but he saved it's soul, if only by accident, through teh nobility that was the destruction of Nazi Germany.He purified himself and others through the act of righteous bloodshed. The impurity of the Nazi being was corrected, their blood was santificied by the ground it was shed on, and Europe was better off for it.
Allies stole rightful German land, that alone shows their terroristic, barbarian ways. Giving it to Poles was the most insulting way of conducting affairs and I'm happily cheering on now see the European white, native population of France, UK, Russia & USA
>>17427774A few problems. Firstly there is no way to verify these beyond finding actual bodies because Eastern Europe still living largely a pre-modern way of life so any farmer claiming someone murdered his entire family will be taken at face value even if his family turns up alive at some later point.Secondly, there is no reason to take these people at face value as they have a tremendous incentive to lie for both political and financial reasons during and post war.Thirdly, this region of the world was home to the largest partisan movement and largest partisan army in the world. The Germans were not going village to village indiscriminately killing civilians, like the British did in Palestine, the Germans were using typical counter partisan security measures common to the times and much more benevolent than the measures deployed by the USSR or the British Empire or Yugoslavs.These were also not people being indiscriminately firebombed, even if we assume these are innocent civilians, they are being discriminated against on an individual level rather than condemned as “people who made the mistake of living in the target zone”, at the very least, assuming every slander against the Germans is true, they at least did it in an organized and discerning fashion rather than callously blasting away without discerning friend from foe.Many POWs, neutral and even allied civilians died to British bombings.How many German citizens who were also members of the NSDAP were executed in a mass killing in Poland?>>17427887You have been entering into Revisionism threads for a year?
>>17428279Could you please post a couple of books on the eastern front, partisan warfare, and massacres that you got these ideas from? I'd be very interested to find out if anything other than that fucking Mattongo toilet paper has entered your skull
>>17428279>The Germans were not going village to village indiscriminately killing civilians, like the British did in Palestine, the Germans were using typical counter partisan security measures common to the times and much more benevolent than the measures deployed by the USSR or the British Empire or Yugoslavs.This nigga is delusional
All the "hitler was actually le good guy" talking points ive seen are rendered moot by reading mein kampf where Hitler explicitly talks about his intent on attacking other European nations for economic gain he even goes as far as to specify that it HAS to be whites whites who die too, because Germany cant into colonialism
>>17428279Ok.Lets put this into perspective.1. Can you prove any German woman was actually raped and not just straight up gave false testimony?2. Can you prove Dresden was actually bombed without using fabricated photos and actually show me a document signed by Churchill to bomb Dresden.3. Can you prove the Volga Germans were actually exterminated and not just relocated.4. By your own definition of evidence, can you prove the communists ever did a single genocide? Can you prove anyone died at the Gulags? Can you vertify the bodies? Can we really trust historians?
>>17422655It's honestly kind of remarkable how the Western Allies openly had a policy of extermination of German civilians and how it seems to be kind of accepted and tolerated today.
>>17422693The only notable thing about dixoid history is them being traitors to the Union.
>>17428279>Firstly there is no way to verify these beyond finding actual bodiesMuh bomes and all that. Except of course said bomes were discovered long ago and you retards are either ignorant of or purposefully ignore them. When your ilk are told about them just jump onto the cope about how "we can't know they were murdered". As if hundreds of thousands of bodies being buried in the middle of nowhere is completely ordinary. >https://www.researchgate.net/publication/250397297_Excavating_Nazi_Extermination_Centres>The excavations at the Rzuchów forest (Fig. 6), focused mainly on five mass graves (Pawlicka-Nowak, 2004a: 22-24, Pawlicka-Nowak, 2004b: 59-64), and eight ‘objects’. These are remnants of structures or installations, four of which are defined as ‘field furnaces’ and four as ‘crematoria’ (2004a: 18-21). The graves vary in length between 62 and 254 metres, and in width between 3 and 10 metres. Depths of 3-4 metres are recorded only for two mass graves, 2 and 5. They were filled with grey soil, burnt waste and ground human bones. >The mass graves (Fig. 8) are up to five meters deep and their fill consists mostly of charcoal and cremated remains. About a fifth of the graves also contains decomposing corpses in the state of wax-fat transformation. Grave 10 is one of the biggest (24x18m) and the deepest (5.2m). It consists mainly of decomposing corpses, and at the depth of 4.4m there is a layer of lime. Lime is found in other graves too and was probably used to accelerate decomposition. Mass grave 5, 32x10x4.5m, is also one of the largest graves, but it contains only layers of burnt human remains. The burnt fill is separated by sterile sand indicating multiple filling. The drilling and the analysis of sediments suggest to the archaeologists that when the centre was eliminated, there were 33 mass graves.
>>17427980>>17427988This is a self admitted woman who has an irrational hatred of European people in particular European males.They regularly get basic facts wrong such as believing Danzig was not a free city or believing Germany declared war on France.Ignore this poster they bring no serious analysis to the table.>>17428106While it is a shame gorgeous ginger women will suffer there is justice in the fact the Merchant Souled Anglo has gotten “the bad end” of the Faustian bargain. While Germany bargained with Wotan, Germany did in fact get what Wotan promised; a good fight and thousands maybe millions of Heroes. Lines on a map are a cope. The German folk wax and wane, but an Ilian fight occurs once in a race’s history.The Anglo bargained for a top spot in the world of international capitol and they got it, now they reap the rewards of international capital, betrayal and replacement.I hope the generation born between 1950 and 1960 enjoyed it because 1200 years of history as well as the future of their descendants has been sold to pay for this single generation to live as kings.The Germans still have Valhalla-a battle record showing them rolling 9:1 against the rest of the planet. What does the Anglo have once the last boomer is gone?Cattle dieKinsmen dieBut Renown lives FOREVER
>>17428418But there aren’t hundreds of thousands of bodies. There are hundreds. And no we don’t know if they were murdered. Where is the proof they were killed by the Germans even? How do we know these aren’t victims of Partisan on Partisan violence resulting from multiple factions of Partisans. We know Betar and Armija Krajowa came to blows with each other and with the Ruthenian bandit gangs almost as much as they did with the Soviets and Germans.How do we know they didn’t die of starvation or disease or collateral damage?We don’t. To call ALL of it murder is speculation and extremely biased against the Germans.
>>174283891Don’t care2Yes the British and Germans have no incentive to lie.>signed by Churchill???Churchill wasn’t the head of bomber command.3Don’t care but Slavs are known for ethnic cleansings. Things they still do today while Germans generally just shove off the rowdy elements and put the rest to work as employees to Junkers.4Don’t careAlso communists are liars who have incentive to lie. Germans rarely if ever lie compared to Slavs, Jews, and Communists.The German personality type does not lie well. While Slavs are dumb enough to believe their own lies, Jews literally just live in an alternate world, communists make it a point of political action to deploy strategic misinformation.To deny any of this is just absurd.>>17428366Actually I am correct.Also not an argument.>>17428358Actually there are plenty of Jewish authors the children of partisans who cover these things and the Armia Krajowa has numerous books filled with personal accounts.So why aren’t you well read on the topic?What books have you read about the Partisan War in Poland?
>>17428451>But there aren’t hundreds of thousands of bodies. There are hundreds.No>Mass grave 5, 32x10x4.5m, is also one of the largest graves, but it contains only layers of burnt human remains1440 metres cubedhttps://www.legendurn.co.uk/how-much-ash-left-after-cremation-what-size-urn-do-i-need>The average amount of ash left over after the cremation of an adult is about 3 to 3.5 liters 3.5 litres = 0.0035 metres cubedOk, the source says it's in layers with lime and sand, so lets say only 1/5 of that grave is filled with human remains, so 288 m3 of humanity288/0.0035 gives us about 80,000 people, in a single grave, in a site with over 30 graves. And that's being generous>we don’t know if they were murdered>Partisans>starvation or disease or collateral damageI already answered this cope. Why are there hundreds of thousands of bodies in the middle of nowhere?
>>17428459Oh, you haven't actually read anything on the matter that wasn't from /pol/, have you? That's even more depressing than being misled by an actual published piece of denier history. Well, please enjoy being a retarded nigger, or if you experience some kind of miracle feel free to actually name the books that gave you your beliefs
>>17428471I don’t go on /pol/ unless theres a happening but I will take your self admission of ignorance on the topic of eastern partisan warfare as a concession.FYI, /pol/ doesn’t have WWII threads.
>>17427691You’re supposed to go don’t to your local NSDAP headquarters and join. Oh wait. They don’t exist. Then just whine and complain about da jooz or something.
>>17428459>signed by Churchill>???>Churchill wasn’t the head of bomber command.LM AO YET Stormfaggots like youSay that the holocaust was fakeBecause there are no signed documents by HitlerEven though Hitler was not personally involved with the campsFUCKING CHECK MATE NIGGER RETARD.You cant find a SINGLE document signed by Churchill that Dresden was bombed. So it literally never happened.Every German nigger is a liar until proven otherwise.
It's the same thread with the same talking points over and over again. Whenever one argument is refuted OP jumps to another or simply goes in denial until the thread dies and the cycle repeats. He's a textbook example of arguing with a Jew
>>17428877He's actually a fucking Indian
>>17428521>yeah but Muh ShoahWhat is wrong with these “people”?
>>17428877>>17428919Actually neither. These threads devolve into (You) just outright lying about Hitler because the British position is so untenably moronic it has become indefensible when under any real scrutiny.There are never any real answers given.You will >claim Hitler broke Munich despite never actually breaking any of Munich’s points>claim Hitler allied with Stalin despite the MRP being a NAP not a military alliance>claim Hitler wanted to wipe out Europeans for no reason other than???You don’t even give reasons for that last one you usually just say “he was heckin insane” >claim Britain was “balancing the powers” by torpedoing an independent Europe and ushering in the age of Asia and America>claim a flight of German single engine aircraft strafing a polish stable used as a hospital (once) is equivalent to carpet bombing the entirety of middle of Europe for four entire yearsThe copes are endless you never give any answers you never give any analysis, you hand wave away criticism as some Neo Nazi conspiracy or Indian nationalism.You lost, and we are watching you flail around trying to divert attention away from your loss.
>>17428521>the holocaust???Who is “denying the holocaust”? Everyone in these threads has always said the holocaust was a justified security measure meant to suppress war criminals, partisans, bandits, and terrorists, the fact many slanderous lies have surrounded this German security action and such lies are constantly disproven does not mean anyone is “denying” what actually happened.No. There was no mass gassing.No. There was no mass murdering.Yes many Jews died in the war but they died largely of malnutrition, collateral damage, and just outright fighting in the woodlands of Poland in what was really a free for all.Also this entire gotcha, which didn’t even work, is just whataboutism because the British behavior in WWII was unbelievably evil and lead directly to Europeans being half commie half capital and entirely ZOG.
you can just smell the curry from these posts
>>17428447>self admitted womanI thought I wasn't a woman, anon. Can you at least keep delusions together? >They regularly get basic facts wrong such as believing Danzig was not a free city or believing Germany declared war on France.Danzig was a free city, but Germany did declare war on France by invading Poland.
>>17428447You are denying the holocaust by claiming it was a security measure.Though, if it was, then I think it's fair to argue every single German death during ww2 was a security measure.
Danziggers had it coming.They were willing to provoke another (a fucking 'nother!) great war in Europe. If anything Prusskis should have been culled to the last man.
>>17425997>Why do you mistake a non-aggression pact for a military alliance?Sure looks like an alliance when you're both invading the same country at once
>>17422698All revolutions in human history have been illegal acts, and revolutionaries have been branded as criminals or terrorists.
>>17429160>when you're both invading the same country at onceSAAR! DO NOT REDEEM THE EAST!I WILL REDEEM IT YOU BITCH!t. Rajadolf Hitler
I don't want my country to be a client state of Germany or Britain or Russia or America.I just don't ok?Crazy but true.
>>17427988>firebombing german cities, burning hundreds of thousands of kids alive and having the brittish public cheer for this >allying with commies, supporting a horribly evil ideology, whose adherents would go on to ruin his lands I fail to see what's noble about any of this.
>>17427980>hurray for the noble, glorious act of burning hundreds of thousands of kids alive>several anons repeats thisYou brits haven't changed at all since then, huh? I'd argue that, with souls as rotten as yours, the collapse of your civilization was only a matter of time. You importing africans and muslims to rape your daughters was probably inevitable.
Meanwhile German soldiers were doing the child burning with their own hands instead of planes.They reaped what they sowed.None of those German children would be dead if Hitler hadn't started a war with Poland.
>>17429852>>hurray for the noble, glorious act of burning hundreds of thousands of kids alive>>several anons repeats thisSurvival of the fittest.Germans were unfit.
>>17422655>the brittish public cheered for every german city that was razed and every kid they managed to burn aliveDid this actually happen though?Like ever.I know Germans were very fond of publicly humiliating "undesirables" in their country, and their Japanese allies were even worse at that, but I've never heard of the same happening in Britain.
>>17429847The Nazi was an animal. Allowing him to be in charge of an country created an state of pure evil. This allowed good to exist through the opposition of evil, and allowed Western Europe to spiritually cleanse itself through the destruction of this evil.
>>17429861NO NOT LIKE THAT
>>17429858How are there 600,000 people in that barn?Were those kids apart of a partisan group?Do they even exist?95% of those who died would have lived if Churchill had accepted Hitler’s peace offer or literally just let Poland reap what they sowed with Germany.
>>17429861>>17429903Germans aren’t the ones going extinct.Survival of the fittest.There are still Germans in Namibia.Where are the Anglos in Rhodesia?
>>17429890Can you make a serious post instead or at least walk us through your logical thought process by defining your terms?
>>17430083The only thing Poland "sowed" with Germany was existing.
>>17429098DanZoomers were victimized by Poles who chimped out on civilian liners and aircraft lmao.
>>17429160>>17429235But it wasn’t an alliance.They also don’t invade at the same time. The Soviets invaded much later. Also, so what the British made a formal alliance with the judeo-Bolsheviks while Hitler didn’t.Own up to it
>>17430087>Germans aren’t the ones going extinct.Except every other /pol/tard is telling me they are? Which is it.>Where are the Anglos in Rhodesia?Anglos chimped out while German Namibians didn't.
>>17429088>the holocaust is not a historical event it is a correct interpretation of an eventLOLDid the holocaust happen or not?It was a security measure and the vast majority of people died as POWs due to malnutrition and collateral damage damage being caught in the thunderdome of Slav-land. Where is the German partisan army in England?
>>17430083>peace offerHitler had already been given what we wanted under the expectation that he wouldn't take anymore.Then he took more.And more.And more and more.
>>17429085The declaration of war on Poland was not a declaration of war against France. Simple as.You are anonymous. But you claim to be a woman. Why shouldn’t I permit you to discredit yourself?
>>17430123>The declaration of war on Poland was not a declaration of war against France.Except it was because Britan and France made it clear that they would enter a state of war with Germany in case of an invasion of Poland.
>>17430087>Where are the Anglos in Rhodesia?Still therehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_people_in_ZimbabweThere's actually more of them than German Namibianshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Namibians
>>17429029>Indians are the ones who want to stop immigration to the UKL O L>>17430094Shooting at German liners, forcing the Germans to undergo illegal search and seizures, the fact Poland was also an illegitimate state which had no problem breaking the land agreements with Germany when it benefitted them.>>17430101>/pol/??>but GermanyIt’s worse in the UK and the Anglo world broadly. Berlin is majority German. London is majority foreign.The British were never invaded and defeated so what’s their excuse for being worse off than the Germans?>Anglos chimped out by existing LOL get a load of this anti-White nigger.We are still waiting for you to prove races do not differ in intelligence lmao.
>>17430135>Poland was also an illegitimate stateHow.And Germany recognize Poland didn't it?
>>17430135>Brings up modern politics>Gets confused when called /pol/
>>17430109>under the expectationWhat expectation?>he took moreWhere? When?Hitler only ever raised issues that Weimar Germany also faced.You don’t know about this because you don’t know about Weimar Germany. You aren’t aware of Austria, Sudetenland, and Danzig being decades old problems that Hitler (finally) handled after years of being in power.You don’t know this because you don’t come into these threads to trade information. You come into these threads because you have strong feelings about WWII because you were told as a child it’s the reason why the racism exists.>>17430128Except it wasn’t. It was literally not a formal declaration of war on the UK or France.Not a single German lifted a finger against Western Europe until they struck Germany first.>>17430133Nope there are actually more German Namibians than English Zimbabweans. There are only 20,000 English Zimbabweans based on the census data. The 44,000 number comes from a foreign news article.
>>17429021>you never give any answersWe do. I just did.>you never give any analysis,Wrong. See: >>17429098>you hand wave away criticism as some Neo Nazi conspiracyProve you are not a Neonazi without devilving into hitlerite talking points.Pro tip: you can't.>or Indian nationalism.You will NEVER be huwhite.
>>17430156Germany recognized the Poland which existed in 1918, there was no reason to see Poland being a shackle on Germany in 1919 was a legitimate state. Legitimate Polish land claims begin and end with what they already agreed on with their neighbors. If Poland wanted to modify the borders without conflict they should have discussed it with their neighbors.Instead they wanted to saber rattle and the government established by the Poles died in exile.>>17430161>modern politics???I said the Germans are demographically Better off than the UK. That isn’t a political statement it is a statement of fact.Why are you obsessed with /pol/?Is there something wrong with objective facts?
>>17430162>You aren’t aware of Austria, Sudetenland, and Danzig being decades old problems that Hitler (finally) handled after years of being in power.What's even your point? This is common knowledge. It changes absolutely nothing. Weimar wanted those regions back using peaceful means, Hitler decided on a military approach.
>>17430175>and the government established by the Poles died in exile.Because Germany invade Poland in alliance with the Soviet Union?
>>17430175>Germany recognized the Poland which existed in 1918Germany lost the war, you know that? Germany also signed the Versailles Treaty where they very much recognized the later Polish border. Why do you even think that Germany had any say in this? They were the defeated party. They signed whatever the entente presented them. You really seem to struggle to grasp that.
>>17430170>we doNope.>Danzig is at fault because I said soLOLPoland illegally occupied Danzig. You ignore this and can never give an answer.Claiming Danzig was at fault is the same as someone claiming “Germany simply deserves to conquer Poland”.It’s not a real answer.>Neo Nazi>HitleriteDo you even hear yourself?You call anything that isn’t shamelessly biased in favor of your personal opinion Neo Nazi Hitlerite talking points.What if these are just the facts?I am White with blue eyes and light brown hair. This attempt to ‘culture-jam’ non-lefties doesn’t work. This worked on lefties in 2016 with the “how can I be racist if I am black? How can I be a misogynist if I am a woman?? I am a a gay trans black woman and I think woke sucks!!” This only worked on shitlibs because shitlibs are retarded ideologues who fall for rhetorical parlor tricks.This doesn’t work here. You aren’t going to discredit Hitler in the eyes of unbiased Whites by associating him with browns.Also the dismissal of things because they are Jewish works because of the reputation of the Jews.There is no reputation of associating Hitler with brown people in modern American media or academia. It simply doesn’t work.You are trying it and I applaud your efforts. But you lost.Leftism lost. You were completely outmaneuvered by the Jewish Right and now it’s gentiles vs jews largely independent of politics.You got eliminated, sorry, thanks for playing, try again in another 800 years when you fall for some other political psyop in whatever civilization comes after this one.You lost.It wasn’t even an impressive loss.You were exposed as bovid retards and stripped of all power in a single media cycle.
>>17422655>*rejected german peace overtures*Only because Germany made it clear it did not respect treaties.>*allied with the bolsheviks*See Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.>1689217479326819.jpg Modern issues of immigration to Britain are independent of the outcome of WWII.Every week with this same bullshit.
National Socialism is a leftist ideology you dumbo.Literally in the name.
>>17430194>Poland illegally occupied DanzigPoland never occupied Danzig, It was a free city ruled by the local nazi party
>>17425565>my dad would commit child abuse if i said something stupid!Horrible. I hope CPS took care of him.
>>17430194>Claiming Danzig was at faultIt was.>M. BECK to-night, through his "chef de cabinet," informed me that at four customs posts on Danzig-East Prussian frontier Polish customs inspectors were to-day informed that by decision of Danzig Senate they would henceforth not be allowed to carry out their duties.This is what started it. What, never heard about that?
>>17430204And it suffers from the same deluded identity politics retardation.
>>17430178It exonerates Hitler of expansionism and places him firmly in a line of German leaders that no one had any problem with. So we must ask, what was the problem with Hitler if the charge of expansionism is debunked?It was Hitler against the Jewish mafia.English Jews didn’t have a problem with Weimar Germany shirking their war debts or grand standing against Poland. It was only when someone arose who didn’t play Shalem did the self described international jews like Samuel Untermeyer and Henry Strakosh chimp out and declare war on Germany.>>17430182Germany and the USSR never had an alliance. Why are you calling a non-aggression pact an alliance? It is a non-aggression pact. It does not guarantee mutual military assistance like the British alliance did.>>17430188>Germany lost the warWhich means Poland should diplomatically isolate itself, invade its neighbors, and escalate tensions with neighboring major powers?We know why Poland didn’t play nice with Germany. It’s not even like some secret table talks nonsense, the Poles told the British they expected to be able to hold off the Germans long enough for the Anglo-Frank to win in the West.Poles unironically believed they could take on the German army.>they were the defeated partyThey signed an armistice.It’s irrelevant if Germany surrendered unconditionally in 1914 even, Poland wasn’t the victorious party which is why it strained their relations when they quickly gobbled up all the land they could in wars of naked conquest.
>>17430222>It exonerates Hitler of expansionismIt doesn't. >They signed an armistice.And a peace treaty, and further legal documents. >Poland wasn’t the victorious partySo? No, seriously, what's even your point? How is any of the stupid shit you write relevant in any way? For some bizarre reason you think that legal documents and treaties are less binding than what Germany wanted.
>>17430222>It does not guarantee mutual military assistanceThey did give mutual military and economic assistance to each other though.It was an alliance in all but name, as in, it was an alliance in *practical reality,* which is all that matters.
>>17430204I don’t care about Left-Right. But I know (You) are a Lefty so I wanted to remind you, you lost.ZOG right completely annihilated ZOG left.No true Left has even existed for 35 years. >>17430209Nope. They increased their Westerplatte Garrison illegally which constituted a violation of Danzig’s sovereignty as defined in the League of Nations and treaty of Versailles which was cause for Germany, a guarantor of Danzig to declare war on Poland.However more than this, Poles were firing upon Germans from within Danzig.Poles were for decades subjecting Germans to illegal search and seizure in Danzig. By all legal metrics Poland is at fault.You can argue their infractions were minor given the scale of what occurred afterword, however they were still infractions.>>17430213No what started it was the Poles funneling in thousands of uninformed Thugs after Hitler was elected. The Poles even violated the sovereignty of Danzig in the early 30s when they doubled their garrison, something they did twice, illegally both times as defined by the treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.But you never heard of that did you?Read more.
>>17430230>ZOG right completely annihilated ZOG left.
>>17430090I did.Nazis are animals, not sapient human beings. None of their behavior or believes are human. They were entirely lizard brain impulses bereft of any understanding of reality. Thus, animals.
>>17430230>thousands of uninformed Thugs after Hitler was electedWell, that's cute. Makes you wonder why Hitler signed that non-aggression pact with Poland then. Or why he said this on 30 January 1939:>We have just celebrated the fifth anniversary of the conclusion of our non-aggression pact with Poland. There can scarcely be any difference of opinion to-day among the true friends of peace with regard to the value of this agreement. One only needs to ask oneself what might have happened to Europe if this agreement, which brought such relief, had not been entered into five years ago. In signing it, this great Polish marshal and patriot rendered his people just as great a service as the leaders of the National Socialist State rendered the German people. During the troubled months of the past year the friendship between Germany and Poland was one of the reassuring factors in the political life of Europe.Such good friends, am I right?By the way, the events you described happened before Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Poland. In 1933. It happened again during the pre-WW2 tension, but even Germans themselves don't mention it in their correspondence with the British.
>>17430221All politics is identity.>>17430227It does because it calls into question why was Hitler the man who took the heat for things others before him had done?Why was Hitler specifically targeted by organized Jewry before even taking office?Restoring your old territories is also just not expansionism. Expansionism is expanding, not (re)litigating existing claims.>and a peace treaty and further documentsAnd?>so?So Poland isolated itself by not settling with German among others.Poland could have avoided any tension with Germany by adhering to the previous land agreements.Poland at the very least could have decided against invading Ukraine and Russia.But Poland wanted to actually take land that was never really theirs and that they hadn’t even ruled for over a hundred years.The British and French correctly believed Poles were stupid and violent enough to isolate themselves and thus become reliant on foreign guarantees.>>17430228Nope. It wasn’t a formal alliance as it did not guarantee military assistance.It was literally a non-aggression pact.>in practical realityIn practical reality it’s still not an alliance.> German and Soviet cooperation in the invasion of Poland has been described as co-belligerence.[9][10]> Co-belligerence is the waging of a war in cooperation against a common enemy with or without a military alliance. Generally, the term is used for cases where no formal treaty of alliance exists.
>>17430107The holocaust happened . If it is a security measure, then so was killing every single German. Which the allies did not do.
>>17430255>did not guarantee military assistance.Irrelevant because they still gave it to them.
>>17430222>It’s irrelevant if Germany surrendered unconditionally in 1914 even, Poland wasn’t the victorious party which is why it strained their relations when they quickly gobbled up all the land they could in wars of naked conquest.So Poland won a war against Germany, and Germany agreed to the peace terms, but it wasn't legal because it was the wrong war? What am I not understanding here?>>17430230>Westerplatte Garrison Oh no, not one small military base of 200 people! I suppose the US occupies and controls Cuba since it has a base in Guantanamo bay>which was cause for Germany, a guarantor of Danzig to declare war Germany and Poland went to war in 1933?
>zog this>migrants thatThis is just a/pol/ thread.
>>17430255>It does because it calls into question why was Hitler the man who took the heat for things others before him had done?Done what? Shit, what are you even talking about? Man, you write so much dumb fucking shit it's insane. Poland isolated itself which is why it had treaties with France and signed non-aggression pacts with Germany and the Soviets? Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? How is this isolation, you dumbo?
>>17430233This is why you lose.>>17430249You haven’t.Define >Nazi>animal>human being>the morality which justifies the murder of man/animal>where does this morality come from>any understanding of realityWhat does this even mean?Someone who has no understanding of reality could not built tanks, the Germans built tanks, thus they do not fit the criteria of having no understanding of reality.I understand you as a tranny have no ability for abstraction, but I am giving you this in the hopes it causes you to shut the fuck up so I can speak with the handful of lefties here who have more than two but less than three brain cells>>17430250Because Hitler was trying to repair and normalize relations in the hopes cooler heads would prevail. To no avail or anyones surprise the Poles were incorrigibly retarded diplomatically.What your last state existing in 1795 does to a mfer.>>17430257The holocaust was a security measure because Jews were overrepresented among partisans.The Germans were not overrepresented among partisans. The Jewish partisans predate the holocaust security measure. Again, we are waiting for you to show us these German partisans operating in England or the US.>>17430261It’s not irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if they worked hand in glove, they didn’t have a formal alliance.If you’d like to compare assistance given to the USSR we can do that. Now how much lend lease tonnage did Germany give to the Soviets again?
>>17430267>Poland won a war against Germany???No.Poland didn’t win a war against Germany which really upset the Germans when the Poles were given right of conquest over Germans.>oh noAs I said, you can say the infraction is minor, but you can not deny it happened, we are no longer arguing if Germany had a legal right to go to war with Poland we are now arguing was Germany’s degree of force applied disproportionate.Which is entirely different to a question of “Did Poland give cause for a German invasion?”>CubaIrrelevant also the US is not violating any limit or treaty set down by having a garrison in Cuba in the way Poland was by having a garrison (of increased size) in the Westerplatte.>Germany went to war in 1933No, Hitler tried for the better part of six years to resolve the problem diplomatically, he had a very strong position given most Poles didn’t want Danzig and some Poles were willing to accept Germany’s offers of exclusive deals and guarantees, the Polish ultranationalists and British and French diplomats ensured negotiations would fail.>>17430283>jews don’t exist>brown people don’t exist>/pol/???
>>17430300>>jews don’t exist>>brown people don’t existThat's not what I wrote though
>>17430287>It doesn’t matter if they worked hand in gloveYes it does.
>>17430286Poland had treaties with countries like France and the UK BECAUSE they were isolated. Do you understand? If Poland is threatened by a major power, their logical move is to cozy up to another major power.The British have been doing this for hundreds of years. This is the actual origin of the modern understanding of “divide and rule” you put your “friend” into a bad position so they become reliant upon you>non-aggression pactsThese are proof of strained relations, also are you going to push the narrative Poland had good or even tolerable relations with its neighbors at the time?They literally invaded what would become the Soviets in the 20s. Gave nothing to the Lithuanians, invaded Czechoslovakia(an actual invasion), and tried to put together a kind of eastern entente with Hungary and Romania two powers hostile to the Soviets and dubious toward the Germans.This is what isolating yourself looks like. They were playing fast and loose around the local toughs and got their shit kicked in because of it while Britain laughed maniacally an ocean away because they got their war for free from the Poles.It’s like you walk into a bar looking for a fight, do you randomly start hitting people or do you insert yourself in an existing conflict on the losing side so you can say “well officer I had to step in look at what happened to my friend here”.
>>17430314It doesn’t because the original claim was they were in allied. They weren’t.The second claim which you now backpedal to is they were working together. Well ok but England was working together with the Soviets far more than the Germans ever did and the English had an actual alliance with the Soviets.
>>17430300>>Poland won a war against Germany>???>No.>Poland didn’t win a war against GermanyThey did though>As I saidNo, not as you said. A concrete bunker with 200 poles is not the same as Poland occupying all of Danzig in the same way a twig is not a tree. >IrrelevantIt's an example to compare against you dullard>also the US is not violating any limit or treatyNot sure the Cubans would agree >NoSo you lied?
>>17430319You literally don't understand what isolation means. How was Poland more isolated than Germany or the Soviet Union? How is the Polish-bolshevik war relevant to what happened in 1939? Soviets invaded also other countries. Was Finland also isolated? Romania? Baltic states? Also, now you're shilling for fucking Soviets, lol. For reason you are absolutely unable to explain you seem to really hate Poland. >gave nothing to the Lithuanians Why should Poland give something to Lithuania? >invaded Czechoslovakia No? Poland issued an ultimatum and the Czechs agreed on it. Polish-Czechoslovak war from 1919 was started by the Czechs.
>>17430255>Why was Hitler specifically targeted by organized Jewry before even taking office?Because he was a RABID foaming at the mouth tier anti-semite.In your view, whenever people didn't give Nazi Germany everything it wanted and more, they are justified in chimping out. Whenever jews organize to combat a threat to their livelyhood, it's an international conspiracy all of a sudden.
>>17430342>they did They didn’t. They were given the land by Versailles. Besides if right of conquest is a legitimate form of land claim then ok Germany had a right to rule Poland because they took the land from Poles and Poles and Germans both accepted this as a legitimate form of land claims, something they didn’t share with Britain or France btw.>is not the sameNot my words. League of Nations stipulation. It was the league which asked Poland to downsize their garrison back to legal levels.>not the same as Poland occupying all of DanzigIrrelevant. They were in violation of the regulations placed on the garrison which was a violation of Danzig’s sovereignty and therefore a legitimate cassus belli for the guarantors of Danzig like Germany to act.>it’s an exampleIt’s not comparable.>the CubansWell the Cubans aren’t apart of the League of Nations nor is the United States. Their personal opinions don’t matter.Just like it didn’t matter to anyone that Danzig didn’t want any Poles. It was when Poland violated Danzig’s sovereignty according to the LoN and treaty of Versailles that Germany was vindicated in acting on their guarantee of Danzig.It also calls into question the actions of other signatories of Versailles and of the League of Nations who did not act on Poland and instead eventually acted against Germany who legally speaking was in the right.Where’s the lie? No one said Germany went to war in 1933.
>>17430599>They didn't They did. True said war did contain the capture of the corridor, but neither was Alasce captured by the French or Eupen by the Belgians before November 1918Besides, the creation of the Polish corridor didn't come out of nowhere, it was one of Wilson's 14 points. Germany was well aware it they would lose the region it to Poland. >Not my wordsWho's words then? Source>IrrelevantIt's literally your entire argument>It’s not comparable.>Two examples with a small military base on the territory of a smaller state, where the smaller state opposes the existance of said military baseIt is directly comparable >Well the Cubans aren’t apart of the League of Nations nor is the United States. Their personal opinions don’t matter.You absolute imbecile, are you geniunely retarded or just pretending not to understand?Also Cuba was a part of the league of nations you retardAlso if the opinions of states not a part of the LoN don't matter, then Germany's opinions didn't matter outside of 1926-1933>Where’s the lie? You said Hitler declared war on Poland because of the increased size of the polish garrison, which occured in 1933. Evidently he did not, as no war occured for another 6 years.
>>17430359Isolation does not mean zero relations you mongoloid.For example North Korea is considered Diplomatic Uranium, they are considered isolated, the reason being they have strained relations with their neighbors and many great powers, this drives them into the arms of China one major power which they have relatively normal relations with.Germany was isolated. They were facing down a very hostile Anglo-Frankish ring meant to contain Germany.Finland wasn’t isolated because they were able to maintain normal relations with their neighbors such as Norway, Sweden, and to an extent Germany.Romania wasn’t invaded and no they weren’t isolated.Isolation wasn’t the sole cause of Poland being invaded but it was a contributing factor considering their hostile neighbors surrounded them completely. >shilling for the Soviets Are you like unable to interact with history in an unbiased way? If some fact gives credence to a Soviet grievance is that fact now pro-Soviet?No it’s just a fact of reality.>you hate Poland I don’t. But I can acknowledge Poland brought the war upon themselves.>why should Poland give something to LithuaniaThey have a shared history and both had reason to be in a unified front against Germany and Russia.The Poles invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938.
>>17430596>Hitler was le antisemiticno, Hitler had a healthy self preservation instinct which the Jewish mafia being naturally predatory did not like.Furthermore it doesn’t matter if he was anti semitic, the jews influencing their host nation’s policy to settle personal grudges is inexcusable.>in your viewMy view?>giving Germany everything it wantedEverything Germany wanted?You mean all 2 land disputes Germany had with rogue states?>and moreAnd more?>when people defend themselves against Jewish predation it’s a threat to the Jews and the Jews are justified in manipulating foreign policy to escalate/cause warsThis is why we are correct in not allowing them in our countries or near the levers of power.It is literally the definition of an international conspiracy when ethnic partisans coalesce to use international influence to attack someone.
>>17430283It's literally a /pol/fag neet with autism that starts posting this threads almost 5 times a week on US hours.You can tell it's the exact same anon by the way he formulates his posts with the constant "???????" and one-liners of naysaying. He has been doing this for over a year now. Certified NEET and mostl likely have autism. Not even an ordinary stormfag would treat this shit like a job the way he does.
>>17430630They didn’t.I am not talking about capturing territory. The Poles did not defeat Germany in 1919. Britain and France defeated Germany in 1919. You can make the case for Right of Conquest on this technicality but then you must apply it evenly and state that Germany was twice in the right for conquering Poland.>who’s wordsIt is in article 127 or 128??? Don’t quote me on the article number but in Versailles and the League of Nations charter it stipulates the parameters for Polish-Danzig relations and Danzig-German relations.My entire argument is Poland violated the parameters laid out in Danzig’s founding document. It is not comparable because US-Cuban relations aren’t being overseen by an international court nor was Cuba or the US base in Cuba established by an international court.It is totally different. Your example would work if say America and Russia signed a treaty stating both Guarantee Cuba and America is allowed a base with a certain number of soldiers on it, if America goes over that limit, Russia would have a legitimate cassus belli for war.This is obviously not the US-Cuba situation as we know it.>Cuba was part of the League of NationsThe League of Nations doesn’t exist anymore and Guantanamo was not formed by the League of Nations nor did the League of Nations limit the number of US troops that can be stationed in Cuba.>Germany’s opinions don’t matterOk? This was certainly the prevailing view among the British and French.>you said Hitler declared war on Poland becauseI said Hitler had a REASON to declare on Poland in BOTH 1933 and 1939. Poland increased the garrison twice, illegally.Hitler didn’t declare the first time and the Poles backed down.The second time Hitler did declare but by then negotiations had completely broken down.Let me state it again.Poland violated Danzig’s sovereignty twice (two times!). Once when Hitler came to power and again in 1939.Hitler tried diplomacy first.
>>17430702You sound like you’re losing.
>>17430727lol it's just pathetic because 90% of the replies are you.You are literally mass-quoting everyone and it kills every discussion and turns /his/ into a ghost town because people are just sick of this shit.
Still no hands in the thread
>>17430722>They didn’t.>I am not talking about capturing territoryKeep copinghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Poland_uprising_(1918%E2%80%931919)>You can make the case for Right of Conquest Yeah but I won't. You're the only one claiming Poland taking those lands was "illegitimate" since they apparantly were given them rather thn conquered it for themselves. It is a stupid arguement and also wrong.>It is in article 127 or 128??? Section 11 covers the estabishment of the free city of Danzig>https://avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/partiii.aspPoint to the part where the word "occupied" is used to reference to Danzig and Poland>It is not comparable because bla bla blaDoes the USA occupy Cuba?No? Then Poland did not occupy the Free city of DanzigI don't care about anything else>>Germany’s opinions don’t matterYour own words and opinion, not nessaceraly mine. >Poland increased the garrison twice, illegallyGermany wasn't a part of the LoN though, so according to you their opinions didn't matter.
>>17430780It's not even a pajeet, its a mutt faggot larping as german natsoc. He treats this shit like a job because hes obssessed about "winning".But I am 100% convinced he has brown eyes and diagnosed with autism.
>>17430763>mass quotingWhere?>>17430780>>17430796Blue eyes, Light brown hair, continue to seethe.
>>17431315>Blue eyes, Light brown hairThese factors are irrelevant if you're a non-aryan.Even having white skin wouldn't save you.
>>17423713>And there are no tampon's in the mens toiletidk those could come in handy when you have diarrhea
>>17430791>Greater Poland Uprising was the cause of the Hundred Days offensiveL O L>I wontbut you are.>given themThey were, Poland's post war borders were defined at Versailles not the separate treaty between Germany and Poland.Article 102 places Danzig, a free city independent of Poland, under the protection of the League of Nations.The league of Nation charter (Article 10) defines what Poland did as an act of aggression as it violated Danzig's territorial integrity and political independence.Poland's garrison in Danzig was determined by the Leage of Nations in 1921, and capped at 88 (based) men and no fortifications were to be made by the Poles. They violated both stipulations, the first one twice.>does the US occupy CubaYes, it occupies a part of Cuba as per an American-Cuban agreement not overseen by foreign powers.The 1903 Cuban-American treaty even calls the American base an occupation.>then Poland did notThey did.They also violated the stipulation of having more men than they were permitted and constructing fortifications.>your own words??I am saying when discussing the legality of the league of nations and versailles (which is what established Danzig as guaranteed by league members which Germany still was when Poland violated the terms) it does not matter how any particular nation "feels" what matters are the specifics of the treaties, Poland was in clear violation (twice) regardless of how anyone "felt" about it.>Germany wasnt part of the LoNThey were in March 1933, they withdrew in November 1933, 8 months after Poland had transgressed the agreements.Their opinions dont matter either way, what matters is did Poland violate the regulations regarding their ammunition depot in the Westerplatte, Yes they did.Did they do this when Germany was apart of the LoN?Yes they did.
>>17431348It isnt me making these threads.>non-Aryanbeing a European makes me Aryan regardless of my pigmentation, my Nordic pigmentation is just further mogging.What's the point of this "people I dont like are brown" meme? If you are trying to imitate the 'quick-kill' tactic of broadly """""right""""" wing types its not working. It works for them because they are all on the same page and their primary concern isnt about rebutting dumb garbage espoused by lefties. They are concerned with shifting the narrative, thus this tactic is effective because it shuts down discussion.However that option isnt available to you because if you shut down discussion regarding this specific topic it only generates further inquiry and animosity towards those attempting to censor.You have a "feeling" of what works politically but you are misapplying it because you lack the fundamental grasp of how discourse and dialectic functions.For whatever reason the racist """"right"""" has extremely robust social instincts while, whatever you are, dont pretend you arent a lefty, is socially retarded.Your worldview existed because it was protected by a firewall of calculated ignorance and moral grandstanding. This doesnt work in a discussion about the specifics of foreign policy where one be well versed in obscure and hard to find policies and events which give context to large events.Your views are no longer safe.
>>17430630>Also if the opinions of states not a part of the LoN don't matter, then Germany's opinions didn't matter outside of 1926-1933Correct.You may begin seething and making arguments from incredulity at your convenience.
>>17431441Rightoids simply want to dominate us lefty cucks?Are you sure you aren't gay?
>>17430722>I said Hitler had a REASON to declare on Poland in BOTH 1933 and 1939. Poland increased the garrison twice, illegally.But you know that Germany had absolutely nothing to do with Danzig? Like, no treaty, nothing? They weren't the protectors of Danzig, Poland was. The whole thing was only between Poland, Senate of Danzig and LoN. Also, don't make me laugh. In 1933 Germany was weak as fuck. Poland could easily defeat it. Hitler not only didn't declare war but decided to sign a non-aggression treaty. Danzig wasn't even mentioned in those negotiations.
>>17431560What pissed the Germans off was the fact that Poland decided to defend their rights in Danzig. After Poland issued an ultimatum to Danzig Senate to reinstate Polish custom officers, Germany send a note of protest to Polish government. This was the reply:>The Government of Polish Republic have learnt with liveliest surprise of declaration made on 9th August, 1939, by State Secretary at German Ministry for Foreign Affairs to Polish Chargés d'Affaires ad interim at Berlin regarding existing relations between Poland and the Free City of Danzig. The Polish Government indeed perceive no juridical basis capable of justifying intervention of Germany in these relations.And:>If exchanges of views regarding the Danzig problem have taken place between Polish Government and German Government these exchanges were solely based on goodwill of Polish Government and arose from no obligation of any sort.This rather reply made the Germans realize that Poland will not give up Danzig willingly.
>>17422655>rejected German peace overtures “Let us invade all our neighbors, including your Allie’s you specifically said you’d defend if we invade them” isn’t a peace overture. If Germans weren’t acting like violent niggers, the capitalist powers wouldn’t have allied with the Soviets Cope and seethe, cuck. Don’t start wars if you’re so weak that the enemy will kill your people. Besides, Germans killed tons of other country’s kids, so blow it out your ass.Don’t bomb places like Warsaw, London, or Rotterdam then complain when the people you bomb cheer you getting bombed.
>>17431315>Blue eyes, Light brown hairWhere? Post them, post hands too coward
>>17422655>*rejected german peace overturesYeah, and? The Soviets made peace offers to Germany too when the krauts were still demolishing Soviet armies left and right and winning in '41. They didn’t accept any of them.
>>17427988>he saved it's soulNo way this is any any way a sincere post and not 1000% falseflagging bait. A sincere pro-Churchill or anti-Nazi poster would never bring up this self-goal considering the modern state of Europe.
>>17427639>Anglo-Saxons are literally from GermanyNo, Angles were from Denmark, and Saxons were Scandinatians who'd migrated south into what would become Germany ca. 1900 years later. They were not "German" in any way. AS were Scandinavians plus other Scandis with some admixture with local "celtic" peoples already living in what's modern Holland and NW germany.
>>17432127*ca. 1900 years before Germany existed.
>>17432127Angles, Saxons, and Jutes were all West Germanics. Not North Germanics
>STILL no handAbsolutely Jeeted.
Neither allied or axis won. Yet, there seems to have been a winner given the wests subjugation in these modern times. I will postulate that it had to do with Antarctica, but that’s a dive we don’t need to do, since if, we as america really wanted to remove the fangs sucking our blood a good war with the UK was necessary. Instead it seems this power that had skipped around and found itself in the UK has just shifted to america and we are hosts of parasites.
>>17431441>being a European makes me Aryan regardless of my pigmentation>regardless of my pigmentationOk saar.
>>17422655All true. The Allies were more evil, but Hitler certainly wanted to colonize European Russia with Germans.
>>17422655There were no "good guys" in WWII.The Allies were simply the lesser evil.
4chin wouldn't exist under a national socialist regime and you wouldn't be allowed to publicly criticize official history or government policy.The fact that you're here shows you lost.
>>17432441But they weren't. The whole discussion is just silly. There was absolutely nothing forcing Germany to invade on the 1st September 1939. The /his/ Nazi basically ignores every single transgression done by the Nazi Germany while vastly exaggerates the ones done by the allies.
>>17432559Why not? Britain and the US didnt allow media to publicly criticize government policy.The Gestapo couldnt even get "defeatists" arrested until the government itself literally broke down.Protectionist countries tend to enjoy more meaningful freedoms like freedom of speech as a general rule compared to democracies which almost inevitably turn into state curated media cycles, been happening since the Ostraka system in athens bro.democracy just sucks but you arent allowed to see the problems.
>>17432367>>17432434These are israelis btw, they mistakenly continued posting when one of these threads was moved to /pol/.
>>17431506how is that the takeaway from the post?The central thesis is the following, "Alt-Right" (whatever you want to call the current transgressive antithesis to the status quo) tactics do not work when used by lefties because the tactics are highly contextual.Thus the strangeness of lefties parroting faux-racism to combat the perceived menace of racism.>you dont like brown people? you must be brown then therefore we dont like youThis does not work.
>>17432716You are brown Gupta, we all know it. Poo in loo remember!
>>17432718You are brown though. Hence why you are in the street shitting yourself in terror at being asked to post hand. Post hand.
>>17426261The jews are a vengeful people and hold grudges for hundreds if not thousands of years. They were going to kill him much sooner, not because he was comically evil or because he had done something terrible to them, but because he was heroically naive, almost to a fault. They killed him because he had a good reputation.
>>17430702>?????? postingThat's some other dude. t. op
>>17422655What is a "peace overture"? More neo-Nazi handwaving?
>>17430197>Modern issues of immigration to Britain are independent of the outcome of WWII.How can you say that when we all know that Britain would be 99+% white if germany had won the war? Siding with germany, clearly, was your best chance of saving yourselves, and you decided to firebomb kids and ally with bolsheviks rather than grasping their hand in friendship.
>>17429858None of them would have died either if you hadn't enthusiastically butchered them, you know. I don't see any moral reason for why germany wanting to save europe from bolshevism meant that all the little hans' and gretas in Dresden deserved to die. You even gave out medals for burning kids alive.
>>17433048Britain was 99% white BEFORE the war. The only reason browns are in the UK in the firstplace is because of the war.
>>17433059>We want ti save Europe from Bolshevism!>That'd why we are invading and massacring the most anti-Bokshevik country in Europe and the invading and massacring a dozen other European countries.
>>17433076No, it's because of colonialism. Turns out empire is a two way street.
>>17433059>I don't see any moral reason for why germany-why*
>>17433076And, you know, you saving commies, their cultural marxism and a certain tribe of subversives.
>>17433086What commies would need to be saved had there not been a war?
>>17431560>no treaty nothingThey were apart of the League of Nations and they remained signatories of the treaty of Versailles.Both required Germany to be a guarantor of Danzig.>Germany was weak in 1933ok?>>17431577They violated their rights in Danzig.>>17431578Britian and France didnt defend their allies though.They completely cucked out on Poland after they got their war with Germany.Also, yes a peace overture is a peace overture.>the capitalist wouldnt have allied with the Soviets ifThey literally allied with the Soviets over the Rhodesia question, they just hate Europeans.>dont start warsGermany didnt.>Germans killed tons of other countries kidsnope.How many?Give us a number.>WarsawWarsaw was a frontline city occupied by Polish soldiers, the Germans never carpet bombed Warsaw, TOTAL Civilian casualties in Warsaw was less than HALF of Bremen and Dresden and Berlin and Hamburg.
>>17431578I should mention Rotterdam was also a city occupied by Soldiers and neither London nor Rotterdam were carpet bombed.Also you are aware the British were carpet bombing allied and neutral countries as well just because they were in the German zone of control yes?You are arguing against Germany as if Germany was the only victim of British bombing.most of Europe was the victim of British bombing to the point where Churchill considered shutting down bomber command because it was too bad for him, the shabbos golem.You dont even know the sides in the debate, you have Hitler derangement syndrome so anything that isnt couched in anti-Hitler statements to you seems pro-Hitler.What if Britain didnt literally just bomb continental Europe indiscriminantly?
>>17431929Did they?Source?>>17432127Nope. ALL Anglo-Saxon Burials in both Germany and the UK resemble Modern Germans from Bremen to a 1:1.not Dutch, not English, not Swedish, GERMANS FROM BREMEN.The city the Britons bombed for half a decade.Those faces, those people, their voices, they were identical to Hengest and Horsa.>https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363736520_The_Anglo-Saxon_migration_and_the_formation_of_the_early_English_gene_poolThe British Isles produced fat, stupid, psychopathic, ultra-violent, S L A V E S.
>>17432721>>17432724I am White and not israeli which is why you hate what I say lol.
>>17433311so post your hand
>>17433319if you post your face I will post my hand and my eyes.
>>17422659Bro and thenAnd then evil hitler said he was going to groom little children!
>>17433296>>Germans killed tons of other countries kids>nope.>How many?>Give us a number."The G*rm cries out in pain as he strikes you"
>>17427450The table talks are completely fake, so if those other sources agree with them, they're fake as well.
>>17433076>froth at the mouth at whites that don't hate their race and do your best to murder every single one of them>court literal bolsheviksI'd argue that, even with germany going too far in a few places, the german people's courage and determination in their battle against bolshevism made them the good guys of the conflict. They would have undeniably created a much better world, and you retards snuffed it out.
>>17435422Who are you quoting brownie?
>>17435422Hitler would 100% be for islamization of England. He considered Islam to be aryan religion.
>>17435427The average british person at the time and ever since.
>>17435435That was just bullshit to get access to cannon fodder. Does anyone really think otherwise?
>>17433403>I will post my hand and my eyes.Lies.I posted my photo ID once in response to a similar challenge and you did nothing of the sort.
>>17434895So I take it you can not give a number?>>17435427>>17435435Holy shit shut the fuck up. You are so obviously shitlibs who don’t care about the English people.>Hitler this Hitler thatIt’s not Hitler browning the UK.If you want Whites to abandon Hitler then stand with us when we demand the extermination of these subhumans murdering and raping British children.You’re going to get a bullet alongside them, that’s why you won’t defend the British people because when we do throw down you know you’re going to be on the wrong side of history against the White side of history.>>17435854You’re a Swiss Jew who covered their face. Go back to swindling around a trade post in the levant you Semitic dog.
>>17436068>Hitler worship thread>REEEEEEEE STOP TALKING ABOUT HITLERYou are too much of a spineless, gutless coward to even post a picture of your hand. You. Aren't. Going. To. Do. Shit.
>>17436068>It’s not Hitler browning the UKAnd it wouldn't be Hitler stopping the UK from getting browned
>>17436330>hitler would totally mass-import africans!lol If this is the quality of your arguments, brit, you must know that you're full of it. Hitler would be far more likely to commit genocide on the african continent than letting them come here.
>>17436380My boy Hitler doesn't commit genocides, rabbi
>>17436083>criticizing British foreign policy is Hitler worshipThis is either extremely bluepilled or extremely redpilled depending on who is saying it.
>>17436330>it is inevitable that the British get raped to death and replaced by brownsabsolute insanity.
>>17436412If you want to suck Hitler's cock then go ahead, but the Brits deserve to solve their problems without foreign intervention
>>17436421Their problems are the result of foreign intervention.I have no idea why you are fixated on Hitler.
>>17436462>Their problems are the result of foreign interventionIt doesn't take another foreign intervention to fix them>I have no idea why you are fixated on HitlerMe? I just said "Hitler wouldn't solve your problems" and you immediately rushed in to argue with it
>>17436472>It doesn't take another foreign intervention to fix themno one is advocating for this however a foreign intervention could be helpful.Plenty of nations throughout history were liberated via foreign intervention.>Hitler wouldnt solve your problemsWhat does this even mean?What is being argued is this, the problems the British faced post-war would not exist if they 1. had not gone to war. 2. had lost the war to Germany. 3. made peace with Germany in 1940.
>>17436494>no one is advocating for thisThis whole thread is meant to convey one simple message: Hitler should have won to fix our present problems>however a foreign intervention could be helpfulSee, you just want to suck a foreign cock>the problems the British faced post-war would not exist if they >1. had not gone to war. Wouldn't have mattered. The British were always hostile to Nazis 2. had lost the war to Germany. Cuck opinion. It would have been much worse then3. made peace with Germany in 1940See No.1. Just look at how many coalitions the British organised against Napoleon no matter how often they were forced to sign peace with him
What is a peace overture? You can't answer this.
>>17436660Opening peace offers
>>17433296>They violated their rights in Danzig.After Danzig violated the rights of Poland. >They were apart of the League of Nations and they remained signatories of the treaty of Versailles.>Both required Germany to be a guarantor of Danzig.Nope, literally a lie. Germany had nothing to do with Danzig and this is explicitly stated. You're wrong as always. I don't think you were right even once. So where are we ow with this?Hitler should declare war on Poland for increasing the garrison on Westerplatte because Germany was still in LoN:Meanwhile Article 12 of The Covenant of the League of Nations:>The Members of the League agree that, if there should arise between them any dispute likely to lead to a rupture they will submit the matter either to arbitration or judicial settlement or to enquiry by the Council, and they agree in no case to resort to war until three months after the award by the arbitrators or the judicial decision, or the report by the Council. In any case under this Article the award of the arbitrators or the judicial decision shall be made within a reasonable time, and the report of the Council shall be made within six months after the submission of the dispute.You just lie and lie and lie again. You are unable to understand the simplest judicial documents again and again.
>>17436774>Britain and France doesnt want Germany to conquer Poland>Tells Germany they will declare war if Germany conquers Poland>Germany conquer Poland>Germany makes peace offers based on Germany keeping Poland>Britain and France doesnt approve>This is now supposed to a mindblowing fact that completely redeem Hitler
>>17436798>Poland garrison an extra 100 men on March 6 1933>Poland withdraw the men on March 16 1933>This now justified Germany and USSR deleting Poland in 1939 in a supposed defensive war.
>>17436800This is your headcanon. Hitler's demands over Danzig were legitimate, and his attempts at negotiation were overly-generous. He also offered a ceasefire on September 2nd and peace talks. Long after the fall of Poland he offered a reestablishment of a Polish state. And your narrative falls apart when you notice that Poland was handed over to the USSR after the war anyway.
>>17436410>the British foreign policy in question is not just immediately giving Hitler everything he asked for>still no handJeet.
>>17436829>Long after the fall of Poland he offered a reestablishment of a Polish state.Not the same Poland as existed in 1939.A smaller and weaker Poland.And he pinky promised to respect the independence of a smaller and weaker Czechia.The allies made it very clear: attempt to conquer ANY of Poland and we will declare war. He did it anyway and then Pikachu face when his peace offers, which included his conquests and trusting him with a second agreement, were rejected.>And your narrative falls apart when you notice that Poland was handed over to the USSR after the war anyway.Ignoring context as to why that happened.
>>17437089>Not the same Poland as existed in 1939.>A smaller and weaker Poland.Yes obviously, that's what happens when Poland -- a minor power -- loses a war they provoked via being unwilling to negotiate on an issue that their great power neighbor were in the right in. It would be a truncated Polish state, Like the truncated Polish state after the war.>And he pinky promised to respect the independence of a smaller and weaker Czechia.Maybe? Pinky promises don't hold much weight.>The allies made it very clear: attempt to conquer ANY of Poland and we will declare warYes. Hitler's to blame to gambling on this. He figured with the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact the West wouldn't declare war on Germany as the reasoning would be flimsy (Danzig), and with Germany's flank secured for the time being, Britain and France could not hope to defeat Germany or protect Poland. I cut him a bit of slack since he could not have known France and specially Britain were willing to completely destroy themselves and their position in the world just for the sake of Danzig and now parts of Western Poland. >Ignoring context as to why that happened.The war was apparently over Poland. The American military was mobilized fully in 1945, and much of it on the European continent. It would be a brutal war but they might be able to "liberate" Poland from the USSR, specially since the US would soon have atomic bombs. Either the result of the war was a failure (giving not just Poland but all of Eastern Euorpe to Stalin), or that was never the point of the war at all.
>>17437099>Like the truncated Polish state after the war.and the truncated German state after the war*
>>17437099>Yes obviously, that's what happens when Poland -- a minor power -- loses a warOk so you admit that >>17436800 is correct.>Maybe? Pinky promises don't hold much weight.Good, so you admit that this explains why they, the western powers, didnt rush to Hitlers offers.>Yes. Hitler's to blame to gambling on this. I would blame Ribbentrop more than Hitler personally, since even Hitler had doubts and were worried the western powers werent bluffing, hence why he cancelled the invasion on 25th of August, but Ribbentrop kept telling him to go ahead because he had "expert analysis" on Britain.>The war was apparently over Poland.The war was over Germany.But even with that narrative you're still wrong.Britain declared war over Poland, USA didnt.By 1945, the overwhelming majoirty of allied resources and manpower were American. Thus America got the final say whether the war continues or not.In fact, the British literally had a full on plan to continue the war but they couldnt proceed without America.It is also the fact that Britain specifically pushed for Overlord to be directed to the Balkans, speicifically to block the USSR from Eastern Europe. USA said no.So when you are ignoring these contexts: 1. America held the vast majority of allied power in 19452. America did not join ww2 over Poland3. Britain wanted to continue the war in 1945 but couldnt.4. Britain wanted allied effort to be concentrated in the BalkansTHEN my "narrative" falls apart because I 'failed to notice' that Poland ended up in the USSR.
>>17437099>Either the result of the war was a failure (giving not just Poland but all of Eastern Euorpe to StalinThey were at war with Germany, dum-dum, not Russia. Considering Hitler ended up offing himself and his nation got carved to pieces I'd say ww2 was a pretty resounding success
>>17436800>Ok so you admit that >>17436800 is correct.No and I already explained why that is incorrect.>Good, so you admit that this explains why they, the western powers, didnt rush to Hitlers offers.No, it doesn't. A pinky promise is worthless.>I would blame Ribbentrop more than Hitler personally, since even Hitler had doubts and were worried the western powers werent bluffing, hence why he cancelled the invasion on 25th of August, but Ribbentrop kept telling him to go ahead because he had "expert analysis" on Britain.Possibly? But ultimately it was Hitler that made the decision. This might be a reason to cut him slightly more slack in addition to what I said earlier, but responsibility still falls on him. He misread the situation, and made the wrong move. Part of his own political thinking was the Fuhrer principle, wherein responsibility is not diffused like in a 'democracy' but where it lies squarely on the leader's shoulders.>Britain declared war over Poland, USA didnt.For America the war was a resounding success (in the short term). European world power destroyed, establishing a global empire. Huge economic recovery. So at the least one could say that the war was a failure from the alleged British perspective.
>>17437331>No and I already explained why that is incorrect.No you have admitted it.You have admitted that:A: Germany invaded PolandB: Germany reduced the Polish state upon victoryC: France and Britain opposed this>No, it doesn't. A pinky promise is worthless.The Munich agreement was such. Czechia was reduced with conditions of a documents. The Germans violated this document.Specifically Article 6: "The final determination of the frontiers will be carried out by the international commission". Germany never called for any international commission when they took Czechia in 1939, regardless of what Hitler claims Hacha said. He violated the treaty by not consulting the action with Britain, France and Italy.Yet you're puzzled why they did not rush to Hitlers peace offers on Poland which would essentially be a treaty of the same weight where Hitler would "promise" not to subjugate the now much weaker Poland whenever he sees fit.>Possibly? No it's literally what happened. That's why we got the famout anecdote when Hitler recieves the news of Britains declaration of war, Hitler turns angrily to Ribbentrop and says "Well? What now?!"Hitler recalled the invasion on August 25 because witnesses says he was worried Britain wasnt bluffing but Ribbentrop kept assuring him.But you are also right that in the end the ultimate responsibility will be on him.>For America the war was a resounding successThis wasnt your point tho.Your point in >>17436829 was that Britain and France simply gave Poland away, insinuating that it affected their refusal to accept Hitlers peace offers, hence as you said; my "narrative" falls apart.Now you refuse to address the context of the situation and simply wants to point out how America was the real victor, which is true, but still wasnt your point. It's incoherent to the debate we were having about Hitlers peace offers.
>>17437358>C: France and Britain opposed thisThe problem is I don't even know if they did. Britain never responded to negotiation attempts by Germany.And after the war, the 'allies' happily partitioned Germany and ethnically cleansed Germans in the East. Leaving behind a greatly truncated Germany. >The Munich agreement was such. Czechia was reduced with conditions of a documents. The Germans violated this document.It's very easy to make the technical argument that the Munich Agreement wasn't violated. We have probably gone over this before. The argument I like to latch on to is two-fold: France and Britain never provided the territorial guarantee to Czecho-Slovakia, technically breaking the terms of Munich. In addition, using the same logic Chamberlain used to absolve Britain of responsibility of not guaranteeing the state, the dissolution of the Czecho-Slovak state after Slovakia declared independence rendered the Munich agreement null.>"The final determination of the frontiers will be carried out by the international commission".That state had ceased to exist. And Poland and Hungary had already taken their land via "unprovoked aggression". With no arbitration from France and Britain. Violating the terms.>as that Britain and France simply gave Poland away,'failed to defend the sovereignty of Poland' if you prefer.
>>17437413>It's very easy to make the technical argument that the Munich Agreement wasn't violated. We have probably gone over this before. The argument I like to latch on to is two-fold: France and Britain never provided the territorial guarantee to Czecho-Slovakia, technically breaking the terms of Munich. In addition, using the same logic Chamberlain used to absolve Britain of responsibility of not guaranteeing the state, the dissolution of the Czecho-Slovak state after Slovakia declared independence rendered the Munich agreement null.Sure you can use this little " well technically" argument to justify Hitler taking Czechia.It would only reinforce the allied fears that Hitler couldnt be trusted with a second treaty of a second country because he could just pull another "well technically" wording like you just did.I hope you understand this logic even if you dont agree with it.>'failed to defend the sovereignty of Poland' if you prefer.lol again this wasnt even your original point in >>17436829 and im starting to get frustrated. This is why no one will ever buy your version and redeem Hitler. You just cannot stay coherent to the debate because you keep jumping between talking-points from Britain refusing Hitlers offers because they didnt care about Poland, to America being the real winners (which wasnt even relevant to the subject even if true) to Britain failure to defend Poland. It's just one argument after the other without actually standing by the original argument and rationalize it.I dont even know what your argument is right now. Britain refusing Hitlers peace offers because they failed to ultimately defend Polnd in 1945? It's so fucking incoherent.
>>17436861>ask for ethnic Germans who want to rejoin Germany to be allowed to rejoin Germany is too muchWhy?Why not give Hitler everything he asked for when he only asked for one simple thing that would cost England literally nothing to concede and cost them everything to deny?Why even couch the statement like that "Everything he asked for" as if Hitler is asking for the sun and the moon?>jeetcope, White, Aryan, already posted and still waiting for that full face shot.
>>17436517>Hitler should have won to fix our present problemsnope. It is that WWII could have turned out any number of different ways that would have been beneficial to everyone involved, we got the worst timeline just short of Operation Vegetarian not going off.>you want to suck a foreign cock because you dont like NATO imposing American liberalism on non-Americans????????>The British were always hostile to Nazisno such thing as Nazis, do you mean National Socialists?The British had an entire political party friendly to the National Socialists trying to imitate what they did for Germany for Britain.The British king told the German ambassador that if he had retained his power he would ensure nothing but good relations between the British and the German states.Obviously you are wrong and pushing a political narrative meant to justify the current status quo otherwise you wouldnt have ignored these inconvenient facts.>cuck opinionnope. Had Britain lost the war to Germany the Americans wouldnt have become British Empire 2.0 but gayer and half of Europe wouldnt have become communist.There also wouldnt be jews in Britain telling ethnic Britons to be ashamed of being ethnic Britons.>NapoleonThe British have agency, are jews forcing them to go to war or something?
>>17436798Danzig did not violate the rights of Poland actually, also violating the rights of Poland is not against the LoN or Versailles in the Polish violations were EXPLICITLY against the LoN and Versailles.Danzig did not violate the treaties signed, Poland did, simple as.>Germany had nothing to do with DanzigHey retard, Germany left the LoN in November, Poland broke the LoN stipulation in March.now which month comes first, March or November?>lienope.Also yes Germany had made a guarantee with Danzig AFTER they left the LoN.Not only did Poland violate the LoN guarantee they violated Germany and Danzig's independent guarantee when they built fortifications and moved soldiers into the Westerplatte in 1939.>>17436815as I said before, the argument is no longer did Germany have a legitimate reason, they did, the contention is now was Germany's response too much.I said you would backpedal exactly in this way, and look, you did LOL.
>>17436800>Germany makes peace offers based on Germany keeping Polandactually no they offered to restore the Polish state.So why didnt Britain and France approve?Also why didnt they approve solely on behalf France and the Low Countries which Germany also offered to withdraw from?Western Europe being occupied for half a decade and bombed by the British and Americans is worth it because Poland couldnt keep Danzig in a peace negotiation?I dont know, smells (((strange))).
>>17437482>Sure you can use this little " well technically" argument to justify Hitler taking Czechia.The real crux here is not lawyer-ing, but closer to what Chamberlain referred to with 'the spirit of Munich'. In which case I agree. Hitler lost the moral high ground with the quasi-annexation of Czechia. Czechia was not ethnically German. Undermining his own arguments about self-determination. And gave endless ammunition for those who did want war for whatever reason. >I dont even know what your argument is right now. Britain refusing Hitlers peace offers because they failed to ultimately defend Polnd in 1945? It's so fucking incoherent.The reply you're referring to was aimed at countering these points>Germany makes peace offers based on Germany keeping Poland>Britain and France doesnt approve>This is now supposed to a mindblowing fact that completely redeem HitlerGermany did offer the reestablishment of a Polish state. France wasn't really involved anymore; it was all on Britain. Hitler's sins are for me Czechia and the plans for Russian colonization.
>>17437579>actually no they offered to restore the Polish statesource plz
>>17437585Infinity sources. For example 1940/41 : die Eskalation des Zweiten Weltkriegs by Stefan Scheil, page 173>"Hitler feels responsible for the future of the 'white race' and, for that reason alone, wishes to continue friendship with England. Against this background, the economic conditions for the life of this race must be evaluated, whereby two economic units would emerge. A European economic unity centered on Germany and the entire rest of the world economy focused on the centers of America and the British Empire. Militarily, it was and should remain the case that the United States and England possess the largest fleets and dominance over the seas.">In detail Hitler’s peace proposals: >1. To retain the [British] Empire in all its parts. >2. To recognize Germany’s continental supremacy >3. To leave open discussions about the Mediterranean, as well as French and Belgian colonies. >4. To create a Polish state. >5. To consider [Czechia] as belonging to Germany. >All other European states currently occupied by German troops due to the war would be evacuated and restored. Italy was not considered a problem; it was tersely noted that Mussolini would do as Hitler instructed. The USSR was seen as a potential opponent to this “white” constellation, though apparently not a current issue. The dangers posed by threats to the “white race” could be countered together, subtly hinting at the possibility of abandoning the alliance with Japan. These peace proposals were then made known to England, from Harold Nicolson’s Diaries and Letters, 2 vols, p.104 >Diary 22nd July, 1940 Philip Lothian telephones wildly from Washington in the evening begging Halifax not to say anything in his broadcast tonight which might close the door to peace. Lothian claims that he knows the German peace-terms and that they are most satisfactory. I am glad to say that Halifax pays no attention to this and makes an extremely bad broadcast but one which is perfectly firm as far as it goes.
>>17437089>NOOOOO POLAND DESERVES TO RULE THE GERMANS IN POLAND OR ELSE MILLIONS MUST DIEWhy are they like this?>he promised to respect the independence of a smaller and weaker Czech statewhich he literally did.>The allies made it clear, we will only attack Germany over Poland despite stating we guarantee Poland against any aggression>which included his conquestsno actually, Hitler offered to restore the Polish state and even revisit the Munich agreement.Was Danzig really worth a million dead Anglo Saxons globally and untold numbers more of Europeans dead?Your only cope for this is "well Hitler would have started another war anyway and everything would be the same"speculation is your final cope because it is so blatantly obvious the British were fucking retarded for not taking Hitler's peace offers which gave a status quo of 1939 save for Danzig being restored to Germany.>ignoring the contextThe context? The context is Britain and France wanted a war with Germany, they did not actually care about restoring Poland.>restoring Poland would bring us into a war we dont want, nah youre on your own Polandthis discredits the defense of "we HAD to fight Germany over Poland it was a MORAL DUTY
>>17437572>It is that WWII could have turned out any number of different ways that would have been beneficial to everyone involvedYeah, like Hitler not chimping out on half of Europe. But surprisingly this thread isn't about it in the slightest.>NATO imposing American liberalism on non-AmericansWhere's the NATO headquarters and who was the first secretary general of NATO?>do you mean National Socialists?Yes>The British had an entire political party friendly to the National Socialists trying to imitate what they did for Germany for Britain.That lost all its relevancy even before WWII>The British kingThe one who got ousted? Lol>pushing a political narrative meant to justify the current status quoLies. I'm very much interested in the British getting their shit together, but that doesn't involve stupid Hitler worship>the Americans wouldnt have become British Empire 2.0 but gayer and half of Europe wouldnt have become communistWhat does any of it have to do with Britain?>There also wouldnt be jews in BritainTell me exactly how Jews would disappear from Britain>The British have agencyYes>are jews forcing them to go to war or something?Why is it so hard for you to imagine that the British wanted to go to war themselves?
>>17437593>Create a Polish state >Create>to make something new, or invent something>Restore>to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or positionInteresting choice of word>To recognize Germany’s continental supremacy>3. To leave open discussions about the Mediterranean, as well as French and Belgian colonies.>5. To consider [Czechia] as belonging to GermanyThere you go, the reasons why Britain didn't accept the peace>Phillip Lothian The personal opinions of a man who was not a member of the British government. Both Halifax and Harold Nicolson oppose him.
>>17437641>Interesting choice of wordI wouldn't harp on individual words when it's a German to English Chatgpt translation that I gave you.>>17437641>There you go, the reasons why Britain didn't accept the peaceThen they should have said so...as part of negotiations.
>>17437118its not correct because Hitler did offer to restore Poland. Furthermore they didnt actually care about the restoration of Poland, they wanted a war with Germany, once the war with Germany was underway the Poles were left hanging.>you admitThere wasnt an admission in his post.The Western powers stood to lose exactly nothing by accepting Hitler's peace offers, the absolute worst case scenario is the RAF stops their war of attrition for three days and the British wait to see if the Germans make good on their promise to withdraw from Western Europe.Did the war really come down to three days of RAF raids in 1940?no obviously not, they stood to lose nothing at all if they accepted peace, absolute worst case scenario, the Germans lied, unconditional surrender is something unanimously agreed upon, and they just resume doing what they were already doing.>Ribbentropactually it was Manstein who told Hitler to pull the trigger.If nothing else this proves Hitler didnt actually want a war but was pressed into it because his generals told him they couldnt defeat a fully mobilized Poland and his ambassadors didnt realize the British were willing to commit national suicide to prosecute the war.>actually Britain lost their agency in 1945its good Hitler made the peace overtures as early as September of 1939 and his most generous offers in 1940, before America had any serious investment.
>>17437358>The Munich agreement was such. Czechia was reduced with conditions of a documents. The Germans violated this document.>Specifically Article 6: "The final determination of the frontiers will be carried out by the international commission".Hacha called for an international commission, the British ambassador Basil Newton told him to speak with Germany. That is 3 of the 5 powers apart of the international commission laid out in point 3 at Munich coming to an agreement.That's a majority.Furthermore, "the frontiers" does not refer to ALL borders of Germany and Czechoslovakia, it refers to the borders of the Sudetenland which were never modified.>he violated the treaty by not consulting BritainBritain was consulted, also this was specifically about the Sudetenland, the Munich agreement NEVER EVER said it governs ALL German-Czech negotiations.Italy was also notified by Hacha but like Britain they abrogated their involvement.You're just wrong, the Munich agreement was never actually violated.>promise not to subjugate weaker PolandHitler wanted an independent Poland as a tripwire against the USSR.The entire point of this debate is to show Britain's foreign policy was not done in the interest of the British people, blatantly so, and we can look at whom was directing it, it was international jews like Samuel Untermeyer and Henry Strakosh who held outsized influence over British government figures and had connections in the United States with American jews, all of whom had a personal quarrel with Hitler because Hitler was overtly against Communists and jews and these were communists and jews.>youre just le pol anti semiteI actually like Irgun and am glad Israel has destroyed the retarded kibbutzim commiekikes.Britain lost the peace, British jews lost the peace (twice) American jews lost the peace, and the jews who made overtures to Himmler, Hitler, and Mussolini won as of 2025.
>>17437643>ChatgptReally? Is that the best you can do? Just give me the damn thing in German
>>17437482>Hitler wasnt actually wrong he just outplayed us diplomatically so we are vindicated in firebombing Europe, allying with the bolsheviks and committing national suicide because we took a foreign policy L due to our own stupdity.>jumping between talking pointsThe status quo narrative is a network of self reinforcing lies that must be attacked all at once, which is why attacks on the prevailing narrative seem sporadic, you need a highly informed view of the events of the times to grasp adequately why the common narrative is wrong, trying to explain it to someone who lacks the academic depth is like trying to explain a jet engine to a child by going "and then this happens, and then this happens and then this happens" you cant explain complex network systems by one-off singular points, they must be understood by cardinality and inter-related sets.This is why it seems schizophrenic to explain to someone who's knowledge comes from 6th grade social studies why the founding myth of the American Empire is actually nothing more than a founding myth.
>>17437632>Poland is half of EuropeIt was Britain and France that chimped out over a single city state and refused peace offers when the question of said city state was settled.France is always ignored in these threads because they are a lesser people due to their inherent medbugness, however France had it as their state goal to reduce Germany to nothing from the end of the HRE to this very day because France can not stand on their own merits, they correctly recognize that Germany will eventually overtake them, either in 100 years or 1000 years, assuming they live that long, France was obviously a war-monger and Britain sided with them.Are we going to pretend NATO isnt a front for the United States?>lost all its relevancyThey were still relevant even post war.>the one who got oustedYes, the King, who was still a King, said he would have normalized relations with Hitler to the German ambassador.It doesnt matter if he was ousted, he wasnt ousted by the mob, he was ousted in a political hit by the government.The wholistic body of the British Nation had a lot more in common with Hitler's aims and goals than with Churchill's.>stupid Hitler worshipThere is no Hitler worship in this unbiased re-assessment of British history.>what does that have to do with BritainBritian's assisted suicide was assisted by Americans, Communists, and Jews, all correctly identified as threats to Britain (and Europeans broadly) by Hitler in the 1920s.
>>17437719>chimped out over a single city stateIf Germany had wanted just Danzig they'd have taken just Danzig, not launched an all-out invasion and taken half of Poland. >Are we going to pretend NATO isnt a front for the United States?>Source: dude trust me>They were still relevant even post warThen show how many seats in the Parliament they won>Yes, the King, who was still a KingHe was a king for less than a year. Not relevant.>There is no Hitler worshipIt literally is because you can't even accept the idea that Hitler did something wrong>Britian's assisted suicide was assisted by Americans, Communists, and JewsYou still haven't answered me how Jews would have disappeared from Britain, let alone Americans and Communists. Britain isn't continental Europe
>>17437632>how would jews disappearThey would be given to israel like Hitler, Himmler, Stern, Begin, and Shamir all wanted, 3 of the 5 of those found their deaths resisting the British and the Bolsheviks and 5 of the 5 of them fought the British and the Bolsheviks.jews wanted to leave Europe for israel but the British actually stopped them and put them into concentration camps.>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprus_internment_campsWikipedia doesnt have a page for it but the British put those fleeing Europe in 1939 into camps on the island of Ceylon.>why is it hard to imagine the British wanted to go to war themselvesbecause no one actually wants to go to war, they have to be lied to, coerced, deceived, gaslit, or forced into it.Which is exactly what happened in Britain, the war was pushed by the State onto the people, at the expense of the people.No one in 1934 wanted to invade Germany despite this being the year the primary elements responsible for the war in Britain committed to war.for example the cross-party opposition to the peace movement established by Churchill was drawn up in 1934 and pushed in 1935.There is simply a much more parsimonious explanation which is British foreign policy wasnt done for the interest of the British people but their State elite which was heavily influenced by organized jewry.
>>17437734>They would be given to israelIsrael exists for almost 80 years now, have Jews all left Britain by now?>because no one actually wants to go to warDoes that mean Germans also didn't want to go to war with Poland and the USSR? That's not the win you you think it is
>>17437731>if Germany wanted Danzig they would have just taken DanzigIf America wanted Texas they wouldnt have launched the invasion of Mexico City.oh wait...Its almost like you dont understand how wars are fought.>how many seats in parliament they wonhow many seats in Parliament do British ethnic nationalists hold?Zero, yet a plurality (if not a serious majority) of Britons are ethnic nationalists.Seats in Parliament is nonsense, we can see the British people align more with a Hitler victory than a Churchill victory and absolutely more with a Hitler peace than a Churchill victory.>not relevantHe was a British cultural figurehead still beloved by the British people and held that normalizing relations with Germany would have been his position had he been leader of his country.You not liking something is not an argument against it.>Hitler did something wrongyes he didnt fully grasp the depth to which the British people had fallen and the level of influence foreigners held over the levers of power of the British state, he literally believed the whole "protect our democracy" nonsense Britian was spewing, he wasnt aware the strongest faction in British politics was willing to, and carried out, a national suicide of Britain to murder Germany.>how jews would dissapearI did answer you, you are just impatient.
>>17437572>The British had an entire political party friendly to the National Socialists trying to imitate what they did for Germany for Britain.If you mean the BUF then no. Moseley was a Mussolini simp, not a Hitler simpAlso they were irrelevant, they never won even a single seat in parliament
>STILL no handFucking pussy.
>>17437737>have jews all left britain by nowHow long has Britian had normalized relations with Adolf Hitler?oh right he's still at mythological evil status in their national myth.>Germans also didnt want to go to warYes, this is correct.Hitler didnt want war, the German people didnt want war, they were forced into war to achieve their very limited political aims which belligerent states were quarreling with them over.Germany didnt want to fight the USSR, they wanted to contain them, Hitler only invaded the USSR as a means of acquiring the resources to sustain a cold war with the Western hemisphere.I know what you're thinking>but muh lebensraumdo a Ctrl F of everything Hitler said and wrote, France and Czechoslovakia show up more often than "Lebensraum".Everytime Hitler mentions Lebensraum its either after the war started or speaking centuries into the future where the German people need to have numbers to rival the eventual Sino-Western clash, something Germans for centuries recognized was on the horizon but Anglos have chosen to ignore until like 1990.It is the win I think it is.If nothing else, Hitler winning would achieve Germany's limited political goals of restoration.Britain's victory as we can see lead to nothing more than an ever more degraded Britain, without influence, empire, or even hope for a future.
>>17437741>If America wanted Texas they wouldnt have launched the invasion of Mexico CityDo you know when Texas was annexed to the US, retard?>yet a plurality (if not a serious majority) of Britons are ethnic nationalistsWhich is completely irrelevant as we can see by Britain being invaded by browns. You've just proved my point - without seats in the Parliament you're nobody>He was a British cultural figurehead still beloved by the British peopleNo he wasn't, he was always seen as a Nazi sympathiser >he didnt fully grasp the depth to which the British people had fallenAnd what he would have done then? Firebombed London? Starved the island with his u-boats? Oh wait...>>17437761>How long has Britian had normalized relations with Adolf Hitler?That's not an answer>Germany didnt want to fight the USSRAnd yet they did. "Muh containment" isn't an argument
>>17437743If they were irrelevant they wouldnt have even been recorded.instead they were attacked through the usual means of antyr where the antifa dregs fight them in the streets and the media and statesment slander them in broader and higher society.The fact their party exceeded 10 people is evidence they stood on their own merits.Now imagine if they had been uninhibited by the State and non-State actors.
>>17437593>>1. To retain the [British] Empire in all its parts.>>2. To recognize Germany’s continental supremacyShit deal.Britain should not get to lord over people's and neither should Germany.
>>17437769>If they were irrelevant they wouldnt have even been recordedThe smallest dogs bark the loudest. The fact they remain well known, yet achieved nothing, showcases their unpopularity even better>The fact their party exceeded 10 peopleA truly staggering size>Now imagine if they had been uninhibited by the State and non-State actors.What such factors existed prior to 1940?
>being a European makes me Aryan regardless of my pigmentation
>>17437593>To consider [Czechia] as belonging to Germany.Why should it.
>>17437755still waiting on that full face shot.>>17437764The Mexican-American war is what forced Mexico to recognize Texas as apart of the United States.If the US did not want all of Mexico, why did they invade all of Mexico? Why did they invade Mexico city which is literally a thousand miles or more from the Mexican Cession and Texas?The answer is obvious, you force your opponent to capitulate in war, Poland would not have capitulated if the Germans took only Danzig.The Poles didnt even capitulate when the Germans took 100% of Poland with the USSR.You might say "how can anyone trust Hitler's peace" the Poles literally waged an illegal war for half a decade with the Armija Krajowa.>which is completely irrelevant??????????It is completely RELEVANT because it means British Policy is not being run by people who value the interests of the British people.>without seats in Parliament youre nobodyno, without seats in Parliament you have no power, not you no longer exist.Parliament is MEANT to serve the British people, not the other way around.>he wasnthe was beloved.>always seen as a nazi sympathizerhe predates the NSDAP.he was slandered by the Media and State yet was always seen as a man more in touch with the common people than Parliament.>what would he have done thenI dont know. Bided his time probably.No one firebombed London and Britain never starved so....>thats not an answerIt is an answer relevant to your question.Jews have no left Britain because Britian has not become resistant to parasitism.>yet they didgood.>muh containment isnt an argumentwhat does this even mean? The biggest question of the last 80 years has been containment of the USSR.
>>17437811You claimed you had already seen it, so, post hand. Post hand in the next post or it'll be an admission you're the brownest of street shitters
>>17437787Firstly, larger darks bark louder.Secondly it doesnt matter what they achieved, that wasnt the question, the question was did they exist, yes they did, and they numbered in the tens of thousands.The fact they were successfully contained by the British State does not mean they did not exist.>their unpopularityTheir popularity was immense given they were attacked from all sides by every level of the British State.had the sitting government supported Mosely, how large do you think his party would have gotten? What if the government had just not opposed Mosely? What if it actually was a popularity contest and not who's currently pulling the levers of power?>a truly staggering size30-50,000 people is rather large given how they had to combat an imperial state.>what such factors existedThe British were torpedoing rival parties within parliament itself, their gatekeeping had become a science in the 1600s.It was effortless for them to mobilize the usual avenues of media, police, and state officials to attack/contain the British Fascists.
>>17437821no I claimed you had obscured part of your face, so we are still waiting for that full face.or you could, you know, debate the actual thread topic...very basal coded to pivot towards haggling.
>>17437832>brownest of street shitters confirmed
>>17437834>the brown has convinced itself their opposition has been dragged down to its level, now it is declaring victory over a darker shade of brownYou hate to see it. We Europeans do not have this problem so common among jews, Moroccans, and slavs.
>>17437811>If the US did not want all of Mexico, why did they invade all of Mexico?So by using this analogy you claim Germany wanted all of Poland?>Poland would not have capitulated if the Germans took only DanzigYou miss the point where the US first took Texas and then declared war on Mexico. Germany invaded all of Poland at once>illegal warNo such thing>British Policy is not being run by people who value the interests of the British peopleAnd? If policies are successfully enforced then whoever opposes them is irrelevant since they can't even prevent it from happening>without seats in Parliament you have no powerThat's what means being irrelevant>he was belovedHe wasn't>he predates the NSDAPWhat does it even mean?>Bided his time probablySo you do accept that invading Poland was a mistake? Wow, that's some progress>Britian has not become resistant to parasitismThat was never up to Hitler it was and still is up to the British people themselves>what does this even mean?It means Hitler sent his people to die in frozen wastes of Russia against their will - something the West never did in its containment of the USSR
>>17437832What is this Jewish bargaining? You're either posting your hands or you're a brownoid, it's that simple
>>17437828>Firstly, larger darks bark louder.You've never met any small darks I suppose >They were popular I swear!!! The government just restricted themYou can cope if you want but this isn't want to evidence suggests>The British were torpedoing rival parties within parliamentA political party trying to steal votes from opposing parties! Truly evil!So in the 1935 General elections, commies (anti-war) got seats, Irish nationalists got seats, the SNP (anti-war) got seats, social credit got seats, and a number of independents got seats. All despite these evil measures.
>>17437887>Want toWhat the
>>17437679Here you go
>>17437643>>17437679>Still hasn't provided the original GermanFaggot coward
>>17437840>WEYou have admitted to being the brownest of street shitters.
>>17437854no, by using this analogy I am explaining why you would invade an entire country even if you only wanted small concessions or recognitions.America didnt want the entirety of Mexico, they didnt even want most of Mexico, they wanted Mexico to recognize the Anglo parts of the Western reaches of North America belonged to the United States, to accomplish this task they invaded Mexico city, among other cities in Mexico proper, to force a Mexican capitulation.What this means for Germany is, Germany only wanting Danzig justifies a German invasion of all of Poland to force Poland to capitulate.If America invaded only what they wanted, There is no reason for Mexico to accept peace.If Germany took only Danzig there is no reason for Poland to accept peace.>the US took Texas firstTexas was the only border with Mexico the US shared, the US attacked Mexico along their entire shared border with them.Also the US attacked Alta California during the Texas Campaign. so they didnt even "took Texas first" they took whatever they were closest to and continued on, like Germany.>no such thingLeague of Nations members were required to sign the Geneva Convention, this signing did not expire upon leaving the League of Nations, both Germany and Poland were signatories, Poland waged an illegal war according to the Geneva convention, thus making the war illegal.Stop this weird appeal to nature.>irrelevantIts not irrelevant because Mosely and friends represented a faction which achieved a level of popularity (in spite of the opposition) you said did not exist.Simple as.>irrelevant is when you have no powerwe arent talking about political relevance you mongoloid, you said there wasnt support for the BUF or for Germany, this was wrong.>invading Poland was a mistakeno, underestimating the level of jewish control over Britain was a mistake.>this was never up to HitlerHad Hitler won it would have been.>its up to the British peoplethey are irrelevant-they have no power.
>>17437854>Hitler sent people to die in the Frozen wastes of Russia against their willno, the German people wanted to win the war they found themselves in.Its not the fault of the Germans or of Hitler the British were run by foreign interests.>>17437855>I make the rules goyimgo back.>>17437887>insert typo smuggie hereAre you implying the British government wasnt suppressing the British Fascist Party?>evilevil???Why the dishonesty? Why cant you admit the British Fascists were kept out of power because they presented a unique threat to the status quo in the way communists and irish nationalists did not?>>17437924>the brown Europeanscope, moishe.
>>17437933>Are you implying the British government wasnt suppressing the British Fascist Party?Implying? I thought I was quite being clearPrior to 1940, yes. >Why cant you admit the British Fascists were kept out of power because they presented a unique threat to the status quo in the way communists and irish nationalists did not?In what way did the BUF present a threat to the status quo in a way the communists did not?
>>17437582>The real crux here is not lawyer-ingIt is actually the real crux.Because you understand that Hitler treated the Munich agreement with an "well technically" attitude, while you simultaniously ask yourself why didnt Britain and France just sign a treaty with Germany to respect a much weaker Polish state while Germany keeps its conquests.You pretty much have your answer right there. >And gave endless ammunition for those who did want war for whatever reason.This is the truth, whether you believe in a jew conspiracy or not. Hitler taking Czechia was a fundemental cataclysm and perfectly explains why Britain was relucant to sign a second treaty.>the reply you're referring to was aimed at countering these pointsNo, I dont even think you could summarize your point even you tried. Your point in>>17436829 was that Britain did not care about Poland because they sold Poland out to the Soviets anyway. I provided context in >>17437118 as to why Britain couldnt bail out Poland in 1945, that being:1. America held the vast majority of allied power in 19452. America did not join ww2 over Poland3. Britain wanted to continue the war in 1945 but couldnt.4. Britain wanted allied effort to be concentrated in the Balkansand you've so far never addressed that context. You pretty much ignored your original point which was that Britain didnt care because they "allowed" the Soviets to take Poland.THATS what's bothering me. You cannot stay corehent, you just want to talk about something else. You immediately jumped to "well USA profited from ww2". Like wtf? Even if true, that wasnt even relevant to the fucking point you made. Its frucking frustrating to have a debate when you do this.>Germany did offer the reestablishment of a Polish state. A much smaller Polish state that would be completely subservient to Germany. We already addressed this in >>17437089 that it wasnt Britain interest to have Germany force itself anything from Poland through war
>>17438116There is nothing actually against the British interests about Poland not existing let alone a smaller polish state existing.What master plan did Britain have which required a large and belligerent Poland?
>>17438280They want to prevent a continental hegemony.Being the current hegemony, Britain also want to maintain peace and stability because it benefits their own position.Germany was expanding its influence aggressively.In just 1938 and 1939, Germany had absorbed 3 nations, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. It had gravitated 3 others being Italy, Hungary, USSR. These in turn had absorbed other nations. Italy annexed Albania in early 1939.To the people at the time, this was a very rapid and alarming development in Europe, it led to several war-scares that Netherlands and Romania would be next. The guarantee to Poland was reactionary but it wasnt irrational from the British and French perspective. Hitler showed signs of treating agrements like a 'scrap of paper' as seen with Munich, so the question became whether he should be trusted with further geopolitical power.I dont know why this situation seems so complex for some people. It's been the way of the world since ancient Greece, and it's how the world function still in 2025. Just see how Britain and France reacted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They've both called for military intervention far more than USA has ever done, and there likely would have been a military intervention if nuclear weapons did not exist. In 1939, they did not exist.
>>17437585It was common knowledge. The media reported on it extensively.It's only stormfags who treats this like some sort of newsflash because their zoomer youtuber made a video.Britain and France essentially just saw it as an attempted repeat of the Munich Agreement, where they cede vital parts of a country to Germany in exchange Germany will pinky-promise not to strongarm this now-smaller country any time in the future and subjugate it into Germanys will (like they did with Czechia on March 15 1939).Germany annexed the corridor and much of western Poland, including major cities like Lodz and Poznan, while the Soviets took at least half of the country, so the Polish state would be very small and absolutely at the mercy of Germany to not trying to lawyer-dodge any signed treaty like they did with Czechia by saying "well technically we never violated the treaty because X Y Z, so we're just gonna seize the entire Polish state".Whether Germany would do this or not, we dont know. But it's completely logical that Britain and France didnt rush to sign a second treaty with Hitler given how the last one turned out.
>>17438116>3. Britain wanted to continue the war in 1945 but couldnt.>4. Britain wanted allied effort to be concentrated in the BalkansWell, this I don't know of. All I know is of the existence Operation Unthinkable. And I did briefly address that supposing what you say is true >>17437413 .>'failed to defend the sovereignty of Poland' if you prefer.>A much smaller Polish state And therefore >>Germany makes peace offers based on Germany keeping Polandis wrong
>thread has been going for a week>not ONE picture of a handYour based white aryan who is totally going to start shooting people in the based white aryan uprising.
>>17439283Dude. You can be an aryan regardless of skin pigmentation.Jew.
>>17439313Is this why you're afraid of posting hands?
>>17439273>>>Germany makes peace offers based on Germany keeping PolandIn practical reality, any kind of Poland Germany wanted to create was going to be a puppet state, which might as well have been a part of Germany for all the difference it was going to make.
>>17439273>And therefore>Germany makes peace offers based on Germany keeping Poland>is wrongThe size of the Reichgau created out of Poland, and the fact that the Soviets annexed half, means that only 1/4 of Poland would continue to exist.So the whole "Well actually" is a very faggot thing to say because yes you're right that taking all of Poland is an inaccurate statement at least in 1939, but then again, the Polish state would be so small and completely locked around German borders that Germany would have the whip hand over it like Czechia, and with no guarantee that Germany wouldnt pull another "15th March 1939" on their would-be treaty with Poland any time in the future.
>>17422659Did Hitler want to take British babies out of incubators too?