you have no way of measuring or perceiving all of the work it took to make it possible for you to be where you are right now. you have no way of being self-determined while simultaneously being influenced consistently enough to make the determinism of god self-evident.christ teaches is that considerateness for others is noble. he teaches us is that the things anyone is willing to do are not really moral and if you think christ was directing us to act selflessly to the degree Christianity espouses, you have fallen into the trap of the wide road. Christ was demonstrating your utter insufficiency to prove necessity of grace.christianity does not offer the promise of eternal peace. it promises reconciliation to make up for the suffering we must endure in this world. it speaks nothing of things to come in the next, only the glory of god and the sweetness of an interregnum unbound by the rules of this life, and freedom from the ultimate consequences of those rules. Darwinism is a weak way to say that this life sucks and this world sucks and everything here is cruelty and piss. This existence is inherently cursed.christianity offers the premise that power we cannot fathom, if we become subject to it and trusting in it, will guide us and enable us. transparently, without any apparent motive force, miraculous force, not like a genie, but in order to glorify god and enable the manifestation of the will of god, which is for the fulfilment of his creation. That we are created, not evolved, is proven in two ways- firstly that the conditions needed for protein creation and liposome assembly are chemically incompatible without enzymic systems, which are sophisticated enough they must in turn be produced by ribosome synthesis, making abiogenesis a juggling act only a time traveler could accomplish. secondly that the singularity espoused by the big bang theory entails a singularity which requires an observer to collapse its wave state. What observer?
>>17433773What a bunch of pretentious sounding vapid bullshit.You sound like an idiot trying to mimic how actually intelligent people speak. Magic jewish skydaddy doesn't exist. Grown men do not believe in imaginary friends and waste their lives devoted to kike fairytales.
>>17433774refute either of the proofs i have given for the existence of god, or hold your tongue boy
this thread was moved here from pol>>>/pol/494405038if anyone is asking
pol mods dont want to see people converted to christianity cause they are athiest jews
>>17433775>hold your tongueI think the English language isn't adapted to develop ideas you try to develop>Thread moved
>>17433780>Athiest I fucking hate this phrasing.It's "atheism"Prefix a- and theism like theosophy of theology or whatever.Not thiesm.Theism means nothing
>>17433773> Requires an observer to collapse its wave state. What observer?There is no need for observed if you reject Copenhagen. Collapse does not exist in multiworld interpretations of quantum mechanics (and some others).
>>17433773>What observer?A hebrew collections of older mythology from other people culminating in the pothala fusion of YHVH and El plus other gods.Sounds reasonable.
>christian literally having a meltdown because he's unable to understand what different people thinkprotip: for those that are unaware, this is more or less the textbook definition of autism
>>17433773>That we are created, not evolved, is proven in two ways- firstly that the conditions needed for protein creation and liposome assembly are chemically incompatible without enzymic systems, which are sophisticated enough they must in turn be produced by ribosome synthesis, making abiogenesis a juggling act only a time traveler could accomplish. secondly that the singularity espoused by the big bang theory entails a singularity which requires an observer to collapse its wave state. What observer?This is not why you believe in god, it's just a post hoc rationalization. You would hold to your belief in god as well as to the belief that belief in god is rational even if I debunked these arguments, which means that they are not worth debunking.
>>17433780>athiest jewsOxymoronic statement. Words have meaning, retard.
>>17433775he cant refute you
>>17433786God is the root of theory
>>17433773>God exists therefore we need to worship a magical Jew from 1st century AD Palestine and do what this book says Quite a leap of logic there
>>17433773tldr, christianity is an offshoot of judaism so no Whites should practice it.
>>17433773The human inability to comprehend the limited nature of ourselves is the biggest hurdle that contemporary man faces. There is so much distraction, and propaganda is arrayed in such a way as to delude people into thinking we have the answers to all questions. This is so far from the truth, yet at a midwit level and burdened by innumerable distractions, comforts, and with no need to ask greater questions (because people have no real immediate problems) it is a barrier most don't even interact with.The simple fact is that most people do not fully understand the definition of "Omnipotent" and "Omniscient". They apply limited human understanding to God, such as when they mislabel Christianity as having slave morality, misattributing their own perception of flawed human tyrants to the All-Good, All-Loving, Omnipotent, All-Merciful God.
>>17438544Muslims do this all the time with Christians, by the way. They ask Christians "if Jesus is the Son of God, then who is God's wife?"
but really, St. Ignatius the God-Bearer is our role model in this region.