>Muslims conquers Iberia on an exceptionally fast timeframe, they just kicked on the door and the whole rotten structure fell down>Christians spend over 700 years reconquering everything, long after their conquerors had been extinguished and even then they wanted to extend that "reconquering" towards Morocco but kept failingIs the latter supposed to be more impressive than the former?
Weren't they let in
>>17435511by the jews of toledo
>>17435509>they just kicked on the door and the whole rotten structure fell downthere was no structure, it was a bunch of kingdoms fighting each other and jews told the moors that it was free to conquer
>>17435509>implying there was a door
>>174355091. FAKE NEWS. 99% of people in Iberia in 700s never saw a muslim in their whole lives and did not even know that they had been "conquered". 90% of the people lived in little villages and it could take 1 week on a donkey to reach to the city, and most cities never saw a muslim at all.2. It is a way to represent the presence of 3000 bereberes but they did not conquer anything at all. They were invited and they betrayed the visigoths that invited them, the gates of some cities were opened by the jews as traitors they were. 3. There are hardly known 2-3 small battles of ""conquest"". Even the first one only had like 5000 soldiers on each side. Look at this map. It represents the "conquest" of the Suebi and Vandals in Spain. They were like 0.001% of the total population. It is also a way to represent a period of time. 99% of the people neve saw a vandal in their lives.
>>17435561In your world, were taxes invented in the 1700s and no one before ever had to pay them?
>>17435589I am stating facts. If I go to the town hall of New York and I conquer it and defeat the councillors, the map of New York state will have my flag and historians would say that I conquered New York State.Reality is a lot of different. Can anyone tell me the "battles of conquest"? from 711 to 720 (when Reconquista started)? Barely 4-5 with 4000 soldiers on each side.It was NOT a conquest. Almost no one knew that there were muslims in Iberia. In those times there was no whatsapp, no news, no railroads. If anyone believes that 3000 berebers could conquer in 7 years (with no more than 4-5 small battles) a whole country with 5 million of people, he is a retard. There was no conquest at all. Just a few battles, a few betrayals, and they just went to live to Cordoba and Granada while the Reconquista started.
>>17435511>>17435529>>17435537What's amazing is how hard the Visigoths tried to solve the JQ, they were literally suffering from a Jewish parasitism and subversion epidemic in Visigothic Iberia.>In 693, Egica enacted severe anti-Jewish laws[4] described as the most significant such laws by a Visigothic king yet. This was in response, so he claimed, to the Seventeenth Council of Toledo, to a conspiracy of domestic and foreign Jews to overthrow Christian leaders. Egica declared all Jewish-held land forfeit, all Jews to be enslaved to Christians, and all Jewish children over the age of seven to be taken from their homes and raised as Christians. Jewish-owned Christian slaves were to be invested with the Jews' property and to be responsible for paying the taxes on the Jews. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egica
>>17435714Again, that's how most conquests were in history, the vast majority of africans never saw a european, the vast majority of asians never saw a mongol, the vast majority of native americans never saw a conquistador, etcThat doesn't mean you weren't conquered, literally only spaniards cope this hard about their own history and genetics, not even Chinese or Indians are this delusional and revisionist
>>17435509slow and steady wins the racewhose empire lasted longer: alexander's or caesar's?
I know this is just a worthless bait thread but it took "700" years because they purposefully left Granada aliveMeanwhile most of Iberia was conquered after just 200 years
>>17435749They were evil bastardic genociders who got what was coming to them, they got their come uppance. How did le Jews open le gates if they were all sold intl slavery 20 years before? You retarded crybaby coward, fake ass wanna be crusader clown
>>17435771Why did Portugal lose it's dick?
>>17435846t. Justinian I
>>17435511>get a few "doors" opened>your entire nation fallsspajeets are spectacular idiots then>>17435561Is that why when they took back the territory they were so afraid of these invisible moors that they forced people to keep their doors open to make sure they don't take showers?
>>17435509Okay and what about the part where Spain and Portugal colonized 2/3 the world? Morocco was more important you say?
>>17436442More like get a rogue byzantine governor to ferry your entire camel jockey force into spain
>>17436459Also>Iberian Jews provided fighters to augment the Moorish forces. Kaula al-Yahudi distinguished himself in the battle at the head of a mixed contingent of Jews and Berbers,[49] according to the compiler of the Akhbar Majmu'ah.[50] In the aftermath of victory, the Jews reputedly took several cities and were even commissioned to garrison Seville, Córdoba, and Toledo itself.study history and become an anti semite
>>17435846I wonder who could be behind this post...
>>17436473It sure is odd how the jews immediately start sucking dick when they get conquered
>Byzantine governor lends you his ships to keep you abnormally resupplied with your berber goat fuckers >entire heavy cavalry abandons you after rumors that you had died, leaving you with only levees and those most loyal to you>visigothic king stands and fights with his peasant levees and kill a large amount of the muslimsmetal af
>>17435509Muslims never held northern spain though? they lost to a guy with a couple hundred fighters hiding in the mountains
>>17436580highest concretion of nafri dna is in northern spain and portugal
>>17437261nothing to do with the muslim invasion.
>>17437261Do you think it's a bit odd that you post history threads and then go on days long tirades about muslim rape fantasies?
most nafri ancestry in spain is female mediated, especially in the canaries where the guanche women were raped by the conquistadors, a repetition of what was to happen in central and south america a few decades later.
iberians are insecure freaks, if nafris were christcucks they would be shouting saying they are brothers who share a great history together
>>17435509It wasn't 700 years of continual wars. And for hundreds of years the Muslims were vassals of castile
>>17437635You know there is a lot of Spanish nationalist who don't even consider Canarians (barely 1/4 nafris) to be ethnic Spanairds?
>>17437664How does Spanish nationalism work when basically every area in Spain is an autonomous area
>>17437640The great thing about being a mudslime in Iberia was that any time the Christians marched you could cry to north Africa and raise a few thousand camel jockeys with the promise of pillaging and raping meanwhile Christians had to play politics and do everything themselves
>>17437675Common sentiment of Iberian and Roman heritage and aversion to the Muslims, Anglos and French.
>>17437677Christians had plenty of help. The English took Lisbon. The church calling everything there a religious war etc..
>>17437735>The English took LisbonDelusional Bongtard.
>>17437735And the Almoravids were a Moroccan dynasty not even based in Spain, what's your point? That somehow the moroccan and berber mercenaries fighting in lisbon were more legitimate?Even more embarrassing for the muslims that a drive-by of crusaders dicked them so hard they created a country. Maybe the initial conquest of spain due to the destruction of the byzantine empire was avenged through the putting down of the muslims like a sick dog by the new world powers they created by stifling trade in the Mediterranean what comes around goes around for camel jockeys so to speak
>>17437768Stop being asshurt. I'm saying that your statement about them fighting alone is false. No one claimed the morrocans were native to Spain.
>>17437775So crusaders helped siege a single city?
>>17437780A lot actually. But Lisbon is the most famous because they took the city on their way to the 2nd crusade
>>17437831Are you sure that's not just the first one that pops into your head because it was the largest contribution and was mostly due to a storm that blew the crusaders ashore and was pure happenstance?
>>17435846the jews delusional enough to make this post do not come to 4transnice b8 though, if this was written on reddit Id believe it.
>>17437836It is the most famous like I said but crusaders were at all the major battles and sieges. This is undeniable.
>>17437898so what like 100 crusaders?
>>17437899Probably more
>>17437928so a couple hundred crusaders vs the entire muslim army from morocco
>>17437950In the 1200s a couple of armored knights could turn the tide of battle. Plus you are forgetting that they got money too
>>17438030You're retarded
>>17438036Nah that would be you.
I am so tired of this subject.For some reason they want it to be an interracial gangbang were nordic white were humiliated and became med by mixing with them, and then they tell you that berbers or arabs were in fact nordic. So they tell you now that black africans raped arabs and berbers who became an islamic brown horde.Spanish will use historic sources to tell them that at the end of reconquista there was an ethnic cleansing by massively deporting them, even the converted ones lately.But not enough with that, they will tell that some moriscos still remained. So the spanish by using historic sources again will tell that most "moors" were in fact just iberians or goths who converted to islam and not really very exotic, they were concentrated in Grenada and were never very numerous.So the haters will tell that the ethnic cleansing has never happened on a huge scale inventing a new narrative of moors converting to christianity in reconquered territories centuries before the fall of Grenada, this thesis has zero evidences but they are still pushing it. The message is basically "ok you are still whites but at some point were submitted by brown subhumans hahahaha"And when the moor narrative is destroyed, they have still a trump card: the jews.They will basically call everyone else a kike because the marranos remained despite the massive sephardic deportation.They will also continue to insist with Sicily being moorish despite their deportation to the city of Lucera in mainland italy followed by a massacre.So what are the evidences of these conversions all along the advances of the reconquista? I made researches, even asked AI and I find zero evidences of it. just supposition and you have to reminder that Iberian Peninsula was like 6 millions inhabitants by 1500.
>>17438076Cool story Paco, but all modern iberians have nonwhite admixture and would be considered niggers under the one drop ruleSo yes, iberians got raped into being by moors
>>17438178My point is still true and most valid than your meme graphic nigger.
>>17438178The only thing that matters is genetic distance. Spanish are incredibly white. In fact, Iberians became "whiter" AFTER the Reconquista. Keep lying it just redpills people more and more. You can't hide the truth about Iberian superiority.
>>17437635>>17437664>>17437675you know, hispanic ideologies are just dumb by nature
By the way does this evidence of moorish mudejars (living in reconquered areas) turning back to christianity like two or three centuries before the end of reconquista are true?I searched and I found no evidences of this phenomenon but this argument is defended as the ultimate one like if it was logic despite the lack of evidences to dismiss the importance of moorish and moriscos deportations. Even thought some people who use it admit that the moors were mostly converted people so it doesnt matter from a genetic point of view. They are also using the jews, telling that they became marranos before the end, even thought it happened because of an important pogrom who happened around the end of the 1300s if i remember well.By doing researches, I just found that some king calmed the muslim riots in Castilla and this phenomenon forced the muzzies living among christians to move into the emirate of Grenada where they became fully concentrated.I just want to know is there is goddamn evidences that muslims converted back to christianity long before the total reconquest, I repeat that I found nothing except hypothesis.
>>17438808Never heard that myself. I know a lot of people were brought in from the north to repopulate areas in southern Spain