Why didn’t Joseph Stalin appoint Georgy Zhukov as his successor? What would the USSR look like under Georgy Zukhov?
>>17436504Zhukov was a general not a statesman
>>17436504Bonapartism. Communists were wary of military men as they feared someone like Napoleon Bonaparte coming to power in a counter-revolution. Some said that about Stalin though.
BTW, I'm not sure I agree. But Putin... the KGB colonel... might fit the description.
>>17436504>Georgy ZhukovHe feared Zhukov might not have been a true communist and would become a Napoleon like figure and declare himself Czar.His chosen successor, Georgy Malenkov, was a true communist unlike that pos Khrushchev, who staged a silent coup in 1953 by arresting and executing Beria under false evidence. After that he comes out with the debunked anti-Stalin speech and Malenkov and others come out against him in 1957, he gets Georgy Zhukov to side with him and get the military to coup the communists.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Party_Group>On June 18, 1957, the leaders of the group – Malenkov, Molotov and Kaganovich – were joined at the last minute by Foreign Minister Dmitri Shepilov, whom Kaganovich had convinced that the group had a majority. Although they did not have a majority in the entire Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee, they had a majority of the Presidium's 11 full members, [2] who were the only ones that could vote.[3] In the Presidium the group's proposal to replace Khrushchev as First Secretary with Premier Nikolai Bulganin won with 7 to 4 votes in which Malenkov, Molotov, Kaganovich, Bulganin, Voroshilov, Pervukhin and Saburov supported and Khrushchev, Mikoyan, Suslov and Kirichenko opposed,[4] but Khrushchev argued that only the plenum of the Central Committee could remove him from office. At an extraordinary session of the Central Committee held on June 22, Khrushchev argued that his opponents were an "anti-party group".
>>17436760Khrushchev had the approval of the military, headed by Minister of Defense Georgy Zhukov. At that plenary session of Central Committee Zhukov supported Khrushchev, and used the military to bring in supporters of Khrushchev to convince people to support him. He made a bitter speech, accusing the group of having blood on their hands over Stalin's atrocities. Zhukov emphasized that the Red Army supported Khrushchev: "The Army is against this resolution and not even a tank will leave its position without my order!"[5] In the end of the power struggle, Khruschev was reaffirmed in his position as First Secretary.[6]
>>17436760>debunked anti-stalin speechWho actually believes this nonsense
>>17436504The military wasn't highly regarded by the political elites in the USSR as weird as it sounds. Zhukov was a relatively young officer(given the rank) but how would Stalin know if people like Frunze, Tukhachevsky or even one white general or another aren't still living in his head.This generally was a problem with the entirety of the military from the communist perspective. It didn't go through enough purges and this whole military professionalism thing was suspicious for any egalitarian - Mao had the same issues with the PLA. Why can't they be just people's militia drafted from random factories?
>>17436504Zhukov was an ethnic Russian, the USSR was a machine built by Jews and allied minorities to suppress ethnic Russians, hence the USSR never had an ethnic Russian leader
>>17436760All the ones left in the politburo by the time Stalin died were sycophantic grey bureaucrats, Stalin killed all the smart people in the Party and was left with just ass-kissing clowns. The guy who doomed the Soviet Union was Stalin by governing like a mass murdering lunatic
>>17436504The Cold War might've ended due to his personal friendship with Eisenhower.
>>17436760>seize power by force because no one wants stupid bolsheviks ruining the country>complain that whoever controls the military runs the countrySmartest tankie