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File: tree.jpg (128 KB, 1024x681)
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>there is a tree
>nobody exists to call it a tree
>is it a tree?
Materially the tree still exists, but no such classification would exist
Technically it is, but there is no one to interpret it as one. It's non-preforming.
Mereological nihilism is true. Trees do not exist, period.
>>is it a tree?
Yes since your first premise is "there is a tree"
there is an object we would colloquially call a tree
If it existed nameless, it would still remain as the concept of life and death, and it's fundamental programming remains the same and unchanged, named or nameless
The aliens running the simulation presumably have it under an objectID that corresponds to what we would call a tree, so yes.
I'm still not sure about the famines and the dogs
Without words trees would still exist, but wouldn't be called "trees" properly speaking. Words only serve to interpret the real, which is and can only be one.

We assign words on similarity basis, they're categories, not individual objects. I don't understand how this theory enables anything more than saying that everything is unique and "whole".
this is absolutely not how the simulation works.
you're thinking in really archaic terms
The individual objects might be at most the fundamental particles (I'm doubtful of that, rather, its most likely every different fundamental property of individual particles is just stored on a bit)
The name emerges from complex statistical analysis of a cluster of matter that has a statistically significant number of properties that make it so you can discriminate it from other clusters a statistically significant number of times; the "significant" part, being of course to the liking of other clusters of matter that are able do do such categories. The definition of the name is ever changing even for a single cluster.
The only things the devs can do is look at a particular set of relative coordinates, and can guide themselves on those coordinates with things like energy concentration etc.
Sadly they made their simulation so even they can't sort anything and are completely lost in their own project.
I'm pretty sure they have learned nothing from that.

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