>saves the christian world >was the peak of civilization and culture for 1000 years >westerners today shit on itLiterally why
>>17437549>Literally whyIt stopped being white, overrun by the brown contamination it went from the bulwark against evil to a corrupted shithole filled with mixed race abominations more horrific than would have been thought possible.
>>17437549>>was the peak of civilization and culture for 1000 yearsWhy are christcucks and byzancucks such shameless liars? The Byzantine Empire only worthy achievement is claiming to be the Roman Empire and this only through deceiving people about what Rome was.
>>17437560We have accounts directly comparing western towns with Constantinople around 1000 AD and they are not kind to the westoids.
>>17437581I'm sure we have accounts comparing the civilization of the Islamic Golden Age to the empire of Constantinople and the Byzraelintines don't look good either.We also have comparisons between the same Islamic world with the Greco Roman civilization and the mudslimes don't look good at all, and neither does the entirety of the middle ages.
>>17437598We do and the Arabs were quite impressed by Constantinople's wealth and beauty as well. Feel stupid yet?
>>saves the Christian worldThey are directly responsible for Turks taking over Asia Minor
>>17437549>Roman empire>Has literally nothing to do with RomeWhy is this allowed?
>>17437581That’s because Faustian civilisation hadn’t overtaken the stagnant rotting Magian civilisation yet, Arab cities were also mogging the west in 1000AD. Fortunately it’s over for them.
>>17437615They are literally the Roman state. They are legally Rome.
>>17437605>the Arabs were quite impressed by Constantinople's wealth and beauty as wellThen Arabs are even dumber than you and the Islamic Golden Age was shit in art, it may make sense that they thought a slightly less shitty city was beautiful.>>17437656The same way grannies are women, Constantinople was rome.
>>17437680>granniesMeant trannies, like you.YWNBAR
>>17437680The fuck you said about my nonna????
>>17437615Their language, for starters.
>>17437558Greeks were always brown. Especially Anatolian ones.
>>17437709What "Anatolian ones"? Hellenised Hittites?
>>17437680Nero and Julian were Jewish thoughbeit
>>17437715The ancestors of modern day Turks.
>>17437723Yeah buddy, those were not ethnic Ionians, except some along the west coast.
>>17437717Smartest christcuck take
This used to be a very byzaboo board back in the day. Wtf happened?
>>17437868People actually learned about it and they realized it's not rome
>>17437549Byzzies saved Christendom when saving Christendom meant securing their own survival or expanding their borders. It's good that they didn't get destroyed in 717 but no reason to give them special accolades over acting in their self-interest.>was the peak of civilization and culture for 1000 yearsThe empire, including the capital, was in a miserable condition in the 7th and 8th century. Constantinople was depopulated and derelict (and the provinces were even worse off), with important infrastructure such as aqueducts unable to be repaired. It only compared favorably to the even more stunted Europe during the same period, but it underwent its own dark ages that were very bad. This reversed in the 9th, and by the 10th and 11th century Constantinople did regain a semblance of a wealthy imperial center. But then that went south again in 1204, and past that they could no longer make convincing claims of superiority -- whether material, military, or cultural -- over neither the Muslim east nor the Latin west for the rest of its sad existence. Its actual glory days stretched over about 3 full centuries total: late 5th + early 6th, then late 9th, 10th, and early 11th. You can maybe add the Komnenian period if you're being generous, as it remained very wealthy and advanced in the 12th century even as the state itself and its military position was severely downgraded.
>>17437549As a Frank, I am grateful for their role in allowing our culture to grow. They delayed expansion into Europe until the 16th century.>>17437558It actually became less Asiatic as it declined. All of Asia Minor was lost and the long reign of foreign rulers from the East ended.
>>17438461Pretty good summary. I had a bit of a Byzaboo phase and I still wouldn't say the faggy ramblings of Voltaire and Gibbon were fair by any means, but there was a kernel of truth to Western Grecophobia. Their whole story feels as incomplete and tragic as the HRE, if not more so.
>>17437598the roman civilization doesn't look comparatively good compared to the greek civilization either
>>17437549the holy roman empire was better than the actual roman empire
>>17437680left was made by white indo-euro valuesright was made by corrupted semitic values
>>17438612So true!
What I don't see mentioned often is how they were very philosophically developed and had universities and a hospital system.
Not all of it being religious is also not noted too often. I find it interesting that some of this material became associated with humanism when filtered through Latin materials.
>>17438611Pagan Rome and Pagan Greece were equal and both were and still are to this day the peak of human civilization, so your wrong.
>>17437549Because Germanics won and established European royalty which still exists.Rome was conquered and ERE existing fights against that narrative.
>>17437549fucking eastern roman empire and their shitty art that influenced yugoslavia
>>17437558>incel nordtroon babble in the first postYou'll always be low IQ.
>>17437715Hittites? In 1000 AD? Do you have brain damage? Maybe a tumor in your brain?
>>17437728>those were not ethnic Ionians
>>17437868turd worlders got access to the internet
>>17437549>saves the christian "world">at the expense of all the other christian regions
>>17437558Lol what? Byzantines were x2 whiter than ancient Greeks, due to Slavic contamination.
They were cucks
>>17437549>>saves the christian worldIt was a good meatshield against Arabs in the 8th century, no complaints here.>>was the peak of civilization and culture for 1000 yearsLol no. Byzantium was a mongrelized globohomo shithole, completely barren intellectually and artistically. It was like Saudi Arabia or the Emirates today - rich, but low IQ, brown and soulless.>>17438612This.
>>17438871ancient rome was a wicked despot of corrupt rulers and ungrateful citizensancient Greece was full of wise artists, scientists, philosophers, and poets
>>17437680cope, al-andalus and baghdad were paradise
>>17437549>>westerners today shit on itwtf are you talking about, there are far more byzaboos in the West today than people who seethe about it.
>>17437598>We also have comparisons between the same Islamic world with the Greco Roman civilizationwhat comparisons
>>17438461My own cope is that Byzantium was actually gonna recover in the 11th century but then Rhomanos got incredibly unlucky at Manzikert and it fucked everything up. Think about it by all accounts he had the superior army and numbers and he BTFO'd the Pechnegs and secured the European border just a couple years earlier. He wins decisively at Manzikert and things are actually not looking bad at all.
>>17442685>low IQThey had like 20% literacy rate while France had 1% lmao
WHEW, *cracks knuckles*, fighting those Persians really takes the wind out of you, let me tell you. It's about high time I kicked back and relaxed. Nothing like celebrating a glorious victory except with a hot bath. I think I deserved a little R&R, having saved the Roman Empire after all. And you know what? I think I'll sleep in tomorrow. In fact, I'm going to give myself a three-day weekend, take it easy for a few weeks while things are settling down, then get back to work reinvigorated. Everything after this is going to be smooth sailing, just how I like it. Probably some paperwork here and there, nothing but menial adminstrative duties, and I think I've proven that I handle *anything* that comes my way.
>>17437549>>saves the christian worldThese manlet brownoids couldn't even save themselves from Turks, Arabs, Persians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Italians and anyone who take a massive dump on them>>17437549>>was the peak of civilization and culture for 1000 yearsThat was Ming China and Abbassid Iraq>>17437549>>westerners today shit on itBecause it was a kike worshipping brownoid shitole with no feats except getting its ass handled, inventing a meme water flamethrower (that was designed by an arab anyway), and being pretentious greekoid larpers to a superior civilization
>>17437708Reekooid languageThe greek city state of byzantium had nothing to do with Rome
>>17444350>And you will rule better???!!?!?>Yes.