>not roman>founded by barbarians>artistically and scientifically bankrupt>pathetically emulates rome because otherwise nobody would know about it>massive genocide wars within its own borders>destroyed by based napolean anything else? i really hate the holy roman empire
>>17438090T. frenchmen angry that his empire lasted 1/100 the time of ours.
Until the 30 years war genocidal intervention of the swedes and french, the HRE housed the most advanced regions of the world.
>>17438090A large, centralized non-nation state similar to (but not the same as) the HRE might be the best possible thing for modern Europe.
shitskin rage at germanics thread nÂș100000
>>17438090Why does God hate Germany
>>17438090>not romanthe pope said so>artistically and scientifically bankruptprinting press, beethoven, other german things
>>17438106>Most advanced regions of the world? They never controlled China.
Man I sure hate the Holy Roman Empire /thread
>>17438090The Byzantine Empire is just as shitty a larp. Christcucks will never be Roman, nobody would care about your shitty empires if you didn't claim the name of Rome.Your empires are decadence where as Pagan Rome was glory.
>>17438848Man I sure hate indie games>>17438090Also, HRE hate is manufactured and fake. There is no real reason to dislike it. It is a medieval gem of a nation with its unique and long lasting history. People who say they hate it are either parroting voltaire or simply dislike the idea of what HRE represents as a german instrument of Rome.
>>17438861>HRE hate is manufactured and fake.True but only because nobody takes seriously the claim that it was Roman, whereas there are retards who genuinely argue that the Byzantine Empire was the real Roman Empire.