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Jesus act of cleansing the temple of money changers feels weirdly undermentioned considering it’s the primary reason historians believe he was arrested and condemned to death less than a week later
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>it’s the primary reason he was arrested and condemned to death

No it isn't.

Also, Pontius Pilate said Jesus was a good boy who did nothing wrong.
It seems overmentioned. Why don't we talk about how he encouraged his followers to castrate themselves?
No, that verse is about how those who are not purely of his kind should, if they will, be prevented from reproducing so as not to threaten the kingdom of heaven that is his people.

And it was, for over a thousand years, why non whites were castrated when brought into north Africa and elsewhere.
Add on that Jesus told his followers to obey the Pharisees in all matters.
Sure, for those outside the resurrected body of Christ that would be appropriate. But the resurrected body of Christ which is his people that do his will in his name, they as the living God upon the earth are answerable to none but the Father. Your error was in deliberately failing to differentiate the pre and post resurrected circumstances.
The historians are wrong. He was killed because he was a threat to Caesar.
>rando carpenter turned schizo preacher is a "threat" to the Roman empire
If he was an actual threat, he would have been human sacrificed for the masses in Rome itself. He was strung up as a common criminal man, hence why so many of Christianity's early followers were criminals and slaves
Jesus didn't exist and the event didn't happen. Even if the magic flying rabbi story was based on a real person it would be impossible to clear out the area which was the size of a city block and had signs posted warning people not to fuck around or they would be killed on the spot.
It was probably made up, but I find it hilarious how the accounts of his trial in the gospels all have the author maintain that he was innocent and dindu nuffin and the damn Pharisees or whatever had to make up fake lies and accusations to get him sentenced to death, even though the gospels themselves record Jesus committing numerous obvious crimes that would justify it, and even make up fake ones that one would believe to be slander like this.
yeah, this
it's all christfags on this site talk about because it's the one time their prophet demonstrated anything even remotely approaching masculinity
Most """Historians""" don't like to talk about the role of Usury throughout """History""". Can you blame them? It would lead to lots and lots of noticing.
you will never be a real woman
>jew on jew violence
Hate to see it
It's definitely not the only part of the Bible that completely disproves your "hippie Jesus" narrative (which you appropriated from the extreme left-wing) but it is certainly the most obvious one.
bro he le hecking smashed tables at IKEA
When's the last time you whipped a Jewish usurer?
I'm whipping one right now

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