Why did the war of 1812 occur despite the American Revolutionary War coming to an end in 1783?
the british did not view americans as real. they were still just like a rebellious province to be recaptured, despite what they said about recognizing independence
>most famous battle of the war occurs after it's over
>>17438169along with the issue of Britain yoinking American sailors there were other issues such as Britain arming native tribes to impede US expansion outwest
>>17438185isn't the most famous battle the sack of Washington DC
>>17438187Not really a battle, the city had surrendered to the British beforehand and then some American forces initiated brief unsuccessful hostilities.
>>17438169>'83It came to an end in '82 you retard. '83 was the Peace of Paris. >>17438183That wasn't the consensus among the leaders. Only bloodthirsty crackheads like Simcoe thought they needed to be reconquered. The government just wanted renegade Irishmen to make sailors of.
The financial establishment of the US was heavily connected to England especially through marriages. Most of these people were merchants. The real money to be made however was in smuggling. For example the Rothschild's English branch made their money smuggling shit into England. So too was there heavily smuggling in the colonies and the US. The financial establishment was smuggling arms to both england and france to make the maximum amount of profit, but at the same time many sailors were getting captured by the British and conscripted. Some of these sailors were actually british smugglers under the employ of the US establishment which gave them "citizenship papers".While the establishment was fine with these people getting fucked over as long as they made money, the Virginia dynasty considered it an insult for the British to kidnap American citizens. It also didn't like how much new england relied on smuggling to their adversaries they had just won a revolution with so they tariffed them. What this didn't do however was stop smuggling, it increased tenfold. Actually new England's financial support of England was a huge boon to them in the Napoleonic wars and they directly resupplied the biritsh navy off the coast of canada. Sometimes british naval ships would drop anchor off the coast of new england to be resupplied by them. This was basically treason and new england knew it and signed secret deals with england to be spared in the event of a mounting invasion attempt. See new england was pissed at the viriginia dynasty which they considered uncouth and backwards, incapable of understanding their cultural and economic superiority. This betrayal of the US in secret is probably what gave england the idea to attack, and during the war new england was noticably absent from any sort of effort to fend off the briitsh. So much so the briutish made it all the way down to virginia to burn the white house.
>>17438303>not even a single mention of the United Irishmen or Indians>muh North vs. South meme >it was the (((merchants)))
>>17438303>during the war new england was noticably absent from any sort of effort to fend off the briitsh.Who do you think bore the brunt of the failed Canadian invasion you fucktard
>>17438310Yes the divide present in 1815 is the same divide present for Andrew Jackson in 1830 and is the same divide in 1860 for the Civil War The burned white house is a symbol of the financial sector of the "United States" not giving a flying fuck about the Constitution or the Union, it only cares about money and power
>>17438313The war of 1812 killed the Federalist party, this is not a coincidence.
>>17438345It was already dead
>>17438346nope, this was also when the Hartford convention was held where new endland tried to secede
>>17438347The Federalists got blown out in 1804 and 1808 and backed a dissident Republican in 1812. Secessionists were a minority at the Hartford Convention.
>>17438355Yes I'm sure in new england which was resupplying the british during the war of 1812 secession was a minority and actually there was no support for the federalists
>>17438362And I'm sure that same level of arrogance didn't continue until the civil war
>>17438345>>17438347Holy fuck are you ever retarded
>>17438385u mad?
>>17438389>hurrr are you mad at my schizo take durrrYeah, no
>>17438437prove me wrong
>>17438169Mutts went for a land grab in Canada over a flimsy pretense of Americans sailors being impressed (Read: British/Canadian deserters with British naval tattoos claiming to be mutts) and failed miserably despite Britain already being quite occupied with Napoleon at the time. They "won" a single naval engagement when the war was already over and declared victory over the British (Read: Canadians)
The British managed to burn down the white house and they still seethe. The fuck is wrong with them besides irrelevancy?