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Summarized by the amalgamation of EE and WE.
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Spajeets accidentally recreated the ANE race in Latin America
Nice try brownoid
I'm not sure about the route. Do anyone expect we will find like haplogroup I in Siberia? U mtDNA shows up with I in Europe, so I'm guessing I would be the main haplogroup of those Western migrants.

I think it was most likely just a split from the Middle East. ANE going directly from the South to the East and their cousins going West. Then P could enter their gene pool already in the South.
this thread is bullshit but this made me laugh
No way José lol
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Amateur chart
> But the source is listed
No such chart is present in the study, those made up numbers are also not present in the study either, it's actually very bad practice to list a source that has nothing to do with your chart
UP north African is not "para Eurasian" and no study claims or has ever claimed that, it's fully African genetically, stop spamming garbage
The chart is largely consistent with the study. Any ongoing research/discussions based info is marked by a question mark.
Ok. Calm down. Let’s talk
>The chart is largely consistent with the study.
nope, none of those numbers are even remotely mentioned in the study, it's completely made up and should not make it look like it's a map that comes from that study
Why are brownoids so cringey and desperate to insert their disgusting mud people into historical places they never existed?

It it Mexicans doing these low quality threads, or maybe Indians, Arabs?
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nah, study never mentions shit like "up north africans"
they weren't "para eurasian", the guy that made that map is 100% a nafri, and probably so are you, they were AFRICAN
Soz don’t have an answer
You may as well claim brownoids live on Mars, that would be as believable as your cringe low quality trolling threads.
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yes the chart is not consistent with the study, i agree, it was nothing to do with the study in fact, the only reason you put the link to that study was so that people would think it's an actual map from a study, hoping no one would question it
this is an amateur map from reddit too, and has nothing to do with what i said, "UP north africans" were african according to actual studies >>17439968, not "para eurasian"
Actual non-meme map. WHG Pajeets are just Sunghir Australo-Negroids mutted with Middle Easterners. Their genetic drift is due to being inbred and isolated from the rest world. This made them extremely dumb and dysgenic.
Whg weren't brown or jeets. All claims to the contrary have been debunked countless times and the claim gets repeated in countless times per day to try to normalize the existence of brownoid scumbags in Europe.
t. Villachimp, the prognathic abo-negro
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ANE were blond haired blue eyed people who looked like sean bean
They looked like any high testosterone hardcase you'd find in some shithole in northern england or in the suburbs of glasgow, not like swarthy brownoids
Spamming your fake and debunked pictures of brownoid scumbags does nothing but demonstrate that your mud people really do have monkey-brain levels of cognitive ability.
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Hoahbinh has Kostenki admixture thobeit, not a real basal easterner.
whg had nothing to do with indians, there's no proof of it, in fact, this same map >>17440009 proves that they have no relations to indians, why do you turn any thread into this?
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C is Australian aborigine shit. It's more East than West Eurasian today. Jeets are in-between of East and West Eurasians, hence why the similarity to Kostenki.
according to this map, UP middle easterners were 75% Sunghir mixed with 25% basal negroids, and chg/iran_n are basal/yana, with a bit of UP middle eastern in the case of CHG
>C is Australian aborigine shit.
only something like 1% of whgs carried C, C was more common among dzudzuana, ahgs, and anfs, look here >>17440009 europe UP isn't part east eurasian, the similarity is artificial because of lack of more modern drift, why don't you understand seriously this isn't hard to understand

also according to this >>17440009 chgs and iran_n are more east eurasian than the whg, since they are half ANS, that was even more east eurasian than the ANE
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Iran_N and Natufians are both Basalbvlls, which is where the caucasoid phenotype comes from. "West Eurasians" are just jeets.
>only something like 1% of whgs carried C
And where does their I come from? Most of their ancestry is from Sunghir-Australo negroid who carried C, not I.
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>Basalbvlls, which is where the caucasoid phenotype comes from
basals are an hypothetical population with african affinities

> "West Eurasians" are just jeets.
west eurasians are the caucasoid, everyone in the entire world agrees with this, no one cares about your contrarian blogposts, there are some things that are simply not up to discussion

>again this pic
what the fucking point of posting this for the 100000th time? what is the point? horners look like negroids there's literally no point in cherrypicking like this, at this point this is just a self own
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horners look like literal negroids, there's a point in which cherrypicking becomes so ridiculous that it harms your argument, you cannot be taken seriously, and in fact it retroactively makes your shitty collages even more shitty and retarded since it shows the extent you'll cherrypick to fit your crappy argument
>doubles down on spamming low quality trolling fake and debunked claims about brownoid trash belong anywhere but a shallow grave because his mud people monkey-brain is not capable of formulating any other strategy.

Giving non whites internet access was a mistake.
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Why is a Somali not caucasoid but a Finn is though? I have trouble telling who is more mutted with non-caucasoid races.
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>Why is a Somali not caucasoid but a Finn is though? I have trouble telling who is more mutted with non-caucasoid races.
because finns look "caucasoid" ON AVERAGE and somalis don't ON AVERAGE
do you have a problem understanding the concept of AVERAGE? do they teach you what an AVERAGE is in india? do you even understand that 1 individual does not represent an entire population made up of millions of people?
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When the exemplar of European whiteness is a Chink
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Somalis look more like Nordics than Finns do. Finns are roundoids.
only basal P has ever been found and it was in a West Eurasian Siberian.
isnt it kind of obvious considering pajeets split off from West Eurasians before P did, East Asians split off from West Eurasians before P did.
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The Chuvash-Udmurt-Tatar-Bashkir cline is a thing for a reason
somalis look like mullattos on average, literal straight up half negroid mulattos, your opinion is worthless, it's funny how you can't admit when you're wrong even when it's extremely obvious you have to keep doubling down

what's gonna be your next reply? another "but look at this 1 somali guy"?
ANS had P1, more basal P had been found in the South - in Andamanese and other Onge people. Then there's the ancestor of P found only in Papuans and Aboriginals.
scandis have zero turkic admixture

ANE or related populations are found in large quantities in chgs, iran_n or anatolian farmers
>more basal P had been found in the South - in Andamanese and other Onge people.
nope. Not a single basal P has been found outside of 1 (one) Siberian.
also the "P" in Ongegoloids is low coverage R2.
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Are you sure. How do you even tell apart Turkic admixture from EHG/Siberian?
>but muh Turks wuz East Asian
No proof. They could've been a Botai offshoot that picked up other admixtures along the way.
It's not, it's definitely P according to familytree DNA. I see one from Philippines, one from historical Andamanese, one from Malaysia.
And naturally the sister clade to P is MS which is found in Papuans and Aboriginals.
Oh, there's actually more now. New samples from Singapore.

> How do you even tell apart Turkic admixture from EHG/Siberian?
by simple admixture models

Target: Swedish
Distance: 6.1037% / 0.06103663
50.0 Russia_Sidelkino_HG.SG
44.6 Turkey_Barcin_LN.SG
5.4 Georgia_Kotias.SG
0.0 Kazakhstan_Turk.SG
0.0 Kyrgyzstan_Turk.SG

also why are you showing this distance chart? this is meaningless, most of these are turkic speakers with no turkic admixture, south euros are much closer to most of these populations than northern euros are, why do you post the same stuff over and over? you are supposed to update your views after being debunked not spamming the same debunked chart again
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And why do Turks have so much EHG admixture? Where did it come from? They have way more than Anatolian Greeks.
>And why do Turks have so much EHG admixture?
anatolian turks don't have much, chuvash have a lot of euro HG ancestry since they're mostly related to people like komis and tatars have sinstashta admixture, proper turks from central asia don't have much
also khvalynsk isn't an EHG
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Turds, Alaskans and Saami chinks are more "EHG" than Italians and Greeks and you want me to believe this shit isn't Asiatic.
Posting fake charts from a disreputible source doesn't prove europeans were brown and your low quality trolling spam is tiresome.
t. inbred currycel
>Turds, Alaskans and Saami chinks are more "EHG" than Italians and Greeks
only saami do, alaskans have no EHG, you can't into genetics, you actually thing distance=ancestry, find something else to obsess over, no idea what "turds" are
I said nothing about brown. It's not quite EHG that nordgoloids descend from either.
> "EHG"
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Which is why I put it in quotation marks, moron. This shit is literally Siberian/Amerindian-like.

Tlingit are Alaskans. Could be slightly mixed though.
>Tlingit are Alaskans. Could be slightly mixed though.
you did not post any source, i asked you to provide a source that claimed alaskans have EHG ancestry not some shitty g25 distance table
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>Which is why I put it in quotation marks, moron. This shit is literally Siberian/Amerindian-like.
it's not, it's very easy to tell EHG and amerindian/siberian ancestry apart, why do you keep posting g25 when you clearly don't know how to use it?
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I didn't say they did. Stop pretending to be retarded. The similarity is due to ANE obviously.
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Latinx wouldn't plot next to Balkaners if this was true.
latino don't plot next to balkaners according to real pcas and not the fake garbage you post, so now that we found out your entire argument was predicated on a fake pca we can conclude that you lost the argument
you said, "Turds, Alaskans and Saami chinks are more "EHG"", that is obviously not true, you are backtracking
why do you keep reposting this crappy forgery? how many times do people have to tell you that it's not real before you understand it?
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You are posting a map where mestizos/castizos are forming a cline towards Europeans.
>You are posting a map where mestizos/castizos are forming a cline towards Europeans
thank you captain obvious, yes people that are progressively more mixed with europeans form a cline between natives and euros but in that pca mestizo and castizos don't plot even remotely close to balkaners like you claimed
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Amerindian admixture is Nordic. Mestizos are Aryan af.
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It is. There is not a single P* outside of one west Eurasian Siberian. There is also a single K* and it’s in a West Eurasian Siberian as well.
>according to family tree
Look at the coverage. It’s not P, it’s R2.
Kostenki’s C1 is also found in SundAbos.

You are in denial because the implication is that White people (who look like me) have been having sex with people who looked like you for a very long time.
These aren’t even basal, the oldest non-basal clades are still in Siberians like Nivkhs.
Now the anti-Nordic bronwnoid is pro nigger zoomali. A borrealized Finn is still more human than any horn nigger.
amateur fake and false, just stop posting ffs

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