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Atheists for Jesus their God of the Earth
Meanwhile Jesus:
>Worship God.
>Love him above all things, including yourself.
>If you're not with me, you're against me.
>If someone attacks you, forgive them.
>People who don't believe in me will be thrown into the lake of fire.
>There is no justifiable cause for divorce other than infidelity.
>Everything God did in the Old Testament was good and correct.
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>doing apologetics
Cultural christian indeed
This is embarrassing. Muslims and Pajeets really buckbroke britbongs.
Don't give them too much credit, atheists buckbroke bongs, Muslims and Pajeets are just kicking them while they're down.
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Why are atheists so butt hurt about theists? It's like they have a massive untreated hemorrhoid that is constantly cloudy their front lobe.
Also eat my flesh and drink my blood.
That too.
Atheists and theists are the same. They both have their God now.

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