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What were Hitler's plans for Africa?
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he didn't care, he thought the aryan race was unsuited to the continent
at most he wanted camaroon back just for prestige reasons but it wasnt a primary policy
Based on the meme peace proposals posted here he apparently wanted German colonies back.
Was this the 1930s equivalent of getting boomers riled up over Russia-China?
>oh no according to my yellow journalism propaganda rag the hecken HUNS want TANZANIA back!!! This is an ebin geopolitical threat to our glorious empire and way of life o algo and the most pressing issue facing our society today. We must stop them at all cost otherwise all hope is lost .
And for those of whom the point flies over their head: not disputing that Germany would have preferred to have those colonies back but instead referring to the fact that out of all the issues both foreign and domestic which Western countries suffered at the time, why would anyone really care about these colonies (which weren’t profitable anyway) instead of a million other more pressing issues? It appeals to the most low-brow jingoism.

Germany’s African colonies were geopolitical backwater anyway, desu they should have actually been allowed to keep those territories on the grounds that they could have sent actual German genetic capital there (also known as people) and made these geographically insignificant backwater areas of the earth productive to global capital. Hell, maybe Germany wouldn’t have needed living space in Eastern Europe if they had these African territories.

WWI was a European war it wasn’t about Africa it was about solving Europe’s own border disputes and controversies . The UK and France taking this obscene amount of land in Africa was always unstable which is why it all collapsed 30 years later. It was always stupid, and there was practically nothing gained by any British or French person from nominally controlling “Cameroon” for 30 years.
I'm pretty sure "wanting the colonies back" was Ribbentrop's autism and Hitler didn't care about that shit. More so, he shut him down because it ruined any pretense of wanting peace and coexistence with the British Empire.
>The UK and France taking this obscene amount of land in Africa was always unstable which is why it all collapsed 30 years later.
Due to ww2.
>It was always stupid, and there was practically nothing gained by any British or French person from nominally controlling “Cameroon” for 30 years.
It wasn't nominal rule though
>they should have actually been allowed to keep those territories on the grounds that they could have sent actual German genetic capital there (also known as people) and made these geographically insignificant backwater areas of the earth productive to global capital.
German businesses constantly floundered in German South West Africa because Germans kept on taking state money and assistance and basically wasting it on nothing because it came no stings attached. That amny many of the German moving to African weren't exactly that good at doing their jobs due to inexperience and being über dependant on state handouts to stand such as through seizing African assets.
Peopel tens to omit that alot of that "people capital" actually hinged on wringing out assets and labour from the locals like wet rag rather than bringing in guys who couldn't hack it in the mainland or empires using the colonies as source of job welfare/dumping ground
Hitler was a longhouse cuck who was delusional about female nature so German women would probably be allowed to go on bbc vacations there.
Look at how they churned out the propaganda back then, same as now. He didn’t actually demand any of germany’s former colonies back.
NTA, but he’s right and you’re wrong. European colonies in Africa did not collapse due to WWII. That game would have collapsed anyway even without a second war. WWI led to bankruptcy in Britain and France, along with national awakenings and anti-colonialism on the part of the Africans. America, who entirely funded Britain and France at this point via their debts, demanded that Europe relinquish its colonies. This wasn’t sustainable.
Nobody is interested in arguing with your pan-africa garbage.
Hitler stripped women of virtually all their rights, fucking retard. That was one of the main criticisms levied at him by the West as a dictator. Have you read at least one book in your entire stupid life?
Delusional retard lol.
Interestingly, there was still some pro-German sentiment in Cameroon. The French mostly stamped it out before and during WW2, the British didn't care as much and let Germans do business there.
>pan-africa garbage.
It's fact lol. Germany basically losy a lot of money on the colonies because they burnt a ton of money on military crackdowns and upkeep. Germany wasn't well experienced in operating a colony due to it's recent recent reunion and not expanding much in terms of exploration.

>there was still some pro-German sentiment in Cameroon
Basically like those guys born post HK handover who carried those signs wanting the British back during the HK protests. Pretty much anyone who was alive during German rule is already well dead and the English side had been already anglified by the time of the conflict in the country.
>along with national awakenings and anti-colonialism on the part of the Africans
They were already well controlled by the 1920s and many colonies had very well established policing forces that were tied to the military.

>America, who entirely funded Britain and France at this point via their debts, demanded that Europe relinquish its colonies.
Only kicked in after the mass destruction of ww2 and when the Us leveraged the Marshall Plan as method of control (so two back to back wars). In the post WW1 years the destruction wasn't as and, the parts of Africa that did experience the war got fucked and many political movements got shut down. In Kenya the Indians actually convinced the administration to give them a presence in the government with representation while denying Africans there's.
and in several areas you had places like Italy cementing control of their two horn assets and Libya's pacification and Portugal cementing full control matching it's boundaries and expanding it's forced labour regime, France made several notable expansions in Northern Africa as well as cementing it's West African holdings.
Reading books doesn't increase intelligence for one and no, Hitler was delusional about the nature of women because he thought that they had simply been lead astray by jews and degenerate modernity and weren't whores inmately. Delusional cuckold tard.
>stripped women of basically all their rights
He basically wanted to establish a matriarchal mother worship cult, you dumb fucking faggot.

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