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Are you using Shi'ite Iranian diaspora as proof or something?

The fact is ALL Muslims pray, ALL Muslims fast ramadan, ALL Muslims recite Quran and read Hadith, and that includes Muslim women who do not wear the hijab. ALL Muslims are acquainted with their religion in some form or fashion. There are even fucking gay Muslims fasting Ramadan! Yes, even non-hijabis are religious and ALL believe Muhammad is the greatest of all men, the greatest human to ever walk on earth.

This claim that "Muslims are just like Christians now, religion is in name only" is a complete lie.
Do you hear that?
Its the sound of the Lionheart spinning in his grave
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A lot of this performative and since there are a lot of legal requirements to identify as Muslim to be citizen with legal repercussion if you don't, then any professed number is inflated. There is also a threat of extra juridical violence. When we see 10% or so, that is already very low estimate. At the ground level, there is a lot of evidence of this as well.


Stats on Apostasy in Islamic Countries:


2000s: 4% no religion
2017: 8-10% no religion (+100 to 150%)
Source: Pew Research Center, “The Future of World Religions,” 2015 (Pew Research).

2000s: 5-10% no religion
2017: 30-40% no religion (+300 to 500%)
Source: Gallup, “Iranian Public Opinion: 2017 Survey,” (Gallup).

2000s: 3-5% no religion
2017: 7-10% no religion (+100 to 130%)
Source: Pew Research Center, “The Future of World Religions,” 2015 (Pew Research).

2000s: 2-5% no religion
2019: 5-10% no religion (+100 to 150%)
Source: Arab Barometer, “Wave IV Survey,” 2019 (Arab Barometer).
Saudi Arabia

2000s: 2-3% no religion
2017: 2-5% no religion (+67%)
Source: Crescent International, “The Rise of Atheism in Saudi Arabia,” 2017 (Crescent International).

2000s: 2-3% no religion
2017: 5-7% no religion (+130 to 150%) Source: Pew Research Center, “The Future of World Religions,” (Pew Research).

2000s: 2-3% no religion
2017: 5-8% no religion (+150 to 167%)
Source: Pew Research Center, “The Future of World Religions,” (Pew Research).

2000s: 3-5% no religion
2017: 7-10% no religion (+100 to 130%)
Source: Pew Research Center, “The Future of World Religions,” 2015 (Pew Research).

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