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What are some historical examples (besides Rome) of a high trust intelligent society being destroyed by rapidly breeding dark triad low IQ immigrants?
There aren't any. There are plenty of examples of societies collapsing because they didn't kill enough right wingers though.
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Germanic immigrants weren't that low iq actually, they were slight dumber than meds
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It is a modern thing.

>besides Rome
Rome resisted and eventually buckled under the pressure of constant barbarian raids.

A better example would be dynasties and ruling classes that become decadent and complacent. When the Emperor is surrounded by generals and statesmen the Empire is expanding. When he is surrounded by eunuchs and concubines it is in decline.
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It is sad what is happening to Japan and it is objectively the fault of "leftists" not "right wingers". We are absolutely right.
>Destroyed by low IQ dark triad immigrants
Germanic tribes were not low IQ nor 'dark triad', whatever that edgy fag shit means in your mind. stop breathing and shitting memes for a living anon.
lol we're gonna put you in concentration camps
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He's talking about the Arab influx. The primary point of entry into Rome was through eastern Turkey- nearly all slaves in total and post-republic were from the middle east. It's why Gotch conquered Rome so easily.
You're going to put him in a brothel with a swimming pool while you die in Russia?
Egalitarian EEF, neolithic Europe being ruined by violent steppeniggers.
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Then OP is retarded, east meds were smarter than Romans.
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>eastern Turkey
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>lol we're gonna put you in concentration c-ACK
Such as?
The snowflake is triggered
Unironically indian empires like Ashoka and Cholas as described in chinese and Greek travel account. Says they had no traditional form of slavery, no beggars , and owning moral debt was considered more valuable than money.
ancient whites were low iq, browns were high iq. read aristotle and vitruvius
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I'm unironically a communist tranny and I love how these videos have become a slow display of "Here's why niggers don't have anything good in their life".

I don't even particularly hate black people, nor African Americans in specific, but if you fuck off to a land entirely foreign to you and your people, this is the first time your ancestry has ever come face to face with this group, and they present to you trust and they present to you the expectation that you'll participate therein with their trust that they hold sacred - and you FAIL to uphold this most simple and basic rule? You deserve the worst. You deserve to have the rest of society put up an open palm to your face and say "no, fuck off". You deserve to subsequently be beaten into submission if you fight back. You spat first, fuck around and find out.

And the best part? Everyone can see this. People like JohnnySomali have probably immediately got rid of 30 years worth of race relations on the side of the "middle class" (soon "lower class") whites alone.

Again, I don't hate niggers, but if you finally run away from whitey and the first thing you do is start stealing? Teeth on the curb, you can't be trusted around even your own people - you're bringing *them* down.
Persia. It was simply "too nice" to ethnically cleanse the surrounding areas to create a singular homogeneous ethnic group, like what the t*rks did. All those arab/t*rkish invasions took a heavy toll in the region
New York City.
NYC has always been a shithole, name me a date since its founding and you will realize that ever since it gained prominence it was a shithole.

But its a good way of pointing out that multiethnic democracies just turn into head counts.
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America, it was more than 90% white in the 1950s and in the last 70 years was run into the dirt by becoming more than 50% non white.

Europe only needs to look at the horrific condition of America to see their future if they don't immediately drive out all the non white invaders.
>Lolicon pedophilia
>Lolicon pedophilia, Arab
I thought the Japanese liked their schoolgirls being raped and knocked up by foreigners? Why do they write so much manga about it then

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