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BUMP! Already felt in love with this thread, i love black men. Alright, let's go!-...

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Bruh, i think i broke the link. The vid name is Great Bottom, on Xvideos. Anyways...

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I guess that will do. I hope this thread gets noticed and receive lots and lots of attention. Butt kisses! ;)
Oh wait, it works fine actually. My bad
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Have you ever felt a BBB?
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as a white top, i have to say black bottoms are my favorite. they consistently know how to suck dick and i can slam my cock as hard as i want inside of them. black bottoms are 10/10. even better if they're into raceplay.
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Lol you're welcome.
Shotout to all black men out there, you guys already were born to slay! Now let's get work going, mama likes~
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more like this?
Ya, my boyfriend is black and I'm constantly anxious over the stress of worrying that he might ever somehow accidentally feel fetishized by me.
I'm not someone who's ever had to really understand race relations or history or dive into sensitive topics. Like I was amazed when he casually mentioned his mother and sisters would spend like four hours sitting while one of them does their hair. And apparently black women in particular are extremely sensitive about racial aspects of their hair. Is it better to look "natural" or should it be straightened, is it shameful to want it to be straight because that's somehow denying your blackness, is it too trashy to do your hair this way or that way because it looks too "urban" or references hip-hop. Just random shit like that.
Becoming aware of one's ignorance and privileges isn't really easy and I'm angry that something so completely out of my control is a source of division between us. I can't help that I was born into and raised in this culture and with this access / lack of access to information about a topic that should never have existed in the first place.
I love him and he's incredibly good looking, too. And I hate that he might ever feel "it's just a fetish".
Frfr bottom barrel type shit C==8
dude shut the fuck up. on some level you fetishize him and that is okay. we like what we like. just put ur white cock in his hole and have a good time.
Uh no, I don't top. Will never top.
And no, I don't fetishize him. And no it isn't ok to fetishize race.
How do I know? Because I fell in love with him before I knew he was black.
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Awwn, remember to show him some love, and i'm not only talking about sex. Show him you genuinely love who he is trough hugs, kisses and compliments and try to not prioritize sex in the relationship, sex is just a complement, not the most fundamental and necessary thing in the world. Sending positive energies and lots of love for both of you, have fun! ;)

(Ignore my goofy ass Worcestershire sauce ahh gifs, i'm just marking my presence on this thread lfmao)
Look, here’s the thing. Interracial relationships are always on borrowed time. Especially a white guy with an American black dude, yeah, sooner or later shit’s gonna snap. A little secret; there’s a reservoir of resentment towards whites within every black person, and sooner or later something ignites it. Once that happens they’ll never see you the same way and it’ll already be over. There’s nothing you can do about that.
If you’re too eager to show him you’re “one of the good ones” he’ll hate you for being pathetic and servile. If you’re colorblind, he’ll resent you for never seeing him as he really is. If you’re too interested in his culture he’ll think you’re trying to appropriate it. If you’re too angry at racism he’ll think you’re performing and that you doth protest too much. Inevitably you will just be too white for him. So, enjoy your BBC on a stick while you have him, these things never last. Seriously, enjoy every minute while you can.
Amen. I cringed so hard reading what >>2579949
wrote that i fainted and couldn't think on a proper response....
...So what now, if i touch my dick and it gets hard my 1000 years old ancestors or unrelated people that had the same color as me on 1023 b.c. on both North and South Poles will ignite my inner racist and mysogyny man to masturbate till i cum not because of pleasure or just a silly fun activity but by a random ahh urge of dominance against wemen, kids, wooden chairs, iron chairs, glass chairs, spiky chairs, my momma chairs, squary chairs, old chairs, new gen chairs, old gen chairs, chairs drawings, regular chairs, tall chairs, big chairs, wide chair, small chairs, miniature chairs, chairs and platypuses that have been hidden inside me or something and will always exist no matter what EVERYONE (literally only 1 random ass anonymous person that has the courage of sharing his out of date toughts but not his real full name and ID online) tells me... (I'm gay, my business is with MEN, what wemen, race, kids, wooden chairs, iron chairs, glass chairs, spiky chairs, my momma chairs, squary chairs, old chairs, new gen chairs, old gen chairs, chairs drawings, regular chairs, tall chairs, big chairs, wide chair, small chairs, miniature chairs, chairs and... platypuses have to do with moving my pp up and down till it spits out the funny white goey milk followed by the funny feeling? JFC LFMAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

>>2579859, keep slaying, and remember you're on 4chan, there's at least 1 bozo out there to get on your nerves or make you laugh by the unreal amounts of cringe on their "speeches"... Take care you two, toodles~ <3
...Btw, i'm sorry
if my positive energies and love i sent still didn't arrived to both of you, i forgot to do my nails today, gotta look sassy while doing my witchcrafts first y'know~
Absolutely insane salad of letters there. All I’m saying is that if you’re white, and you date someone black, they will ultimately come to resent you.
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So, you, a random ahh unknown user with outdated ahh toughts, on an online forum about men's poopoos n' weewees, from an unknown irrelevant far away location is saying to me that ALL black men in da world have a "hivemind" like mentality and only think about hate all day rather than minding their own businesses like unique self thinking beings mature enough to care about their families n' friends more than a random "omagah ma partner colur skiN is urple! Must kiLLl1!11" tought... and YOU think you're the one that can speak for ALL black men out there, as if you were a psychology specialist or something... I~...
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LFMAO fuck this shit man, i'm not exactly fully white (on both skin color and social terms), my ancestors probably made atrocities back then, but yet, i love black men with my all my heart. I'm not a "BBB enjoyer Jr." or a mini racist version of my ancestors, my relatives or my parents... I'm just myself. Idependently of my skin color n' past, i love black men and i don't have to automatically hate others humans beings just because of their skin colors n' stuff, we're not in the past anymore and i'm not forced to carry the burden and traditions from people before me, the decision of thinking about hate and being stuck on others past is YOURS!...

TLDR: I'll forever love black men n' be more busy demonstrating my love to 'em instead of thinking about hate and what my unknown relatives from a very far away continent i've fortunately never met did on their past (we had the same skin colors, oMaGah *boom sfx *boom sfx *wet fart sfx).

Dayuuuum, i'm done for now. Night night lovely thread and anonymous readers!~ >;}
I was replying to >>2580024 and >>2579949 (probably the same person) btw, forgot to add the quote thing.
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Can we like, just marry already? I like your mood... pretty please?
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Glad you like black bottoms anon
Jesus Christ... like, literally, you're literally my own Jesus Christ rn. I would follow you and your words anywhere. You just blessed my day with not only your humour but with raw facts amen!
The urge of impregnating him is ungodly strong, i mean, in a position like Mating Press who wouldn't get crazily horny?
damn lemme get a taste
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Sometimes i just want a normal looking black guy with a decent ass, is it too much for ask god of yaoi? ToT
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God, I want to fuck a big booty black guy like that. Imagine those black cheeks on a white dick.
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Muscular black daddies my beloveds~
For the love of Osiris, nigga... give us a @.
Twitter, redgif, instagram, PornHub... anything, broh.
I love your chocolate complexion and your soles.
Mating press = YES!!!
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stop making assumptions. Any relationships are in borrowed time by your definition.
Americans are weird, they try to make their issues a worldwide one.
As a black African, I don't see any issue with interracial dating, since in most of the cases in my country they end up being a successful relationship.
Sauce? I love BB the most
Absolutely beautiful. BF material
Thank you!
Ngl that painting is what caught my attention doe. He has a nice ass but damn! That painting looks interesting as hell
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My new bfs yummy thicc bussy
this is why i want to date a black african bottom. theyre usually not hung up on the woke political bullshit in the usa. im white and from america and every black bottom i meet here always brings up racial shit eventually.
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God Tier bussy right there. Moa4
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Thank you for your kind words ^^
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Is it strange that every black guy I’ve ever met was into raceplay
OC (again)
My camera work is soo awful im sorry
No shame jacked to this hot ass like 8 times. BBB is my God now.
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Perfect size and jiggle to it, unbelievable!
BWC breeding material
I need to all these guys on some white dick.
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Absolutely! Those phat cheeks belong to US
Black men usually have mediocre ass desu. But I do like all forms of raceplay so a white top fucking a nigger could be really hot.

I'd rather see white men submitting to nigger cock tho.

Black on black sex always felt wrong to me.
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If you say so.
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I swear man! I need a big booty black dude to bounce on my white dick. That’s what they all need
Ah, a Husband material enjoyer i see-... Such a man of taste ;)
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Damn! Lol... desu, any man with a bubble butt is husband material to me, i'm just virgin as hell lfmao. Nice shot.
My bad, i hate this 4chan auto corrector thing, i meant: * "To be honest, any man-..."
Love this pose
More like these?
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Sure here you go
Very nice and breedable
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New anon
Do you still check this thread? Where have you gone? I miss your mood on this tread :(
Bf material
lil_extra Is the IG handle.
He/she literally did what the op didn't (post more than 6 images) and for free... thanks for your contributions BBB enjoyer, this thread wouldn't come to life without you and your sassy mood.
does anyone know the black version of craiglists? love africa or something? it has straight, gay listings too of black hookups
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Does anyone know of any hookups sites for black bottoms looking for bwc?
I'm fine lol, no worries. Just got busy with irl stuffs and got sick. Wish y'all an awesome happy new year soon! Keep slaying my children ;)

Ps: I could contribute to adding more hot pics to this thread but recently i'm feeling like a lazy ahh mf wingly dingie lingly hoe, if you get what i mean lmao, i'm just not in the mood to hunt for hot black bottom dilfs atm :')
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Beautiful man ass
That is a well used ass. What all bbbs deserve
Just go sign up for the bleached discord via the bleached thread 2 pages down
Why you got a crease like an action figure?
Damn that one is shaped like mine. God, I need to lose some fucking weight.
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No you dont.
Holy fuck man. I wish you'd sit that thing in my face.
What a delicious black ass. I could eat you out for hours
No. I had a chance to when I was 19 to hook up with a older black man and I chickened out. He was so hot in his pictures
Bumping because I hope blackanon delivers moar OC
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I want a black bf like you! Socials?
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This is hot
I want a black bf
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I am a total top and only fuck dark skin black men.
Such a shame so many black men can have such beautiful asses but not have a submissive personality. So many won't admit to bottoming, especially for white men. Sad. Wish that they could embrace their inner sub.
As a black bottom it’s funny seeing white guys get so excited to top. They always get super passionate
hop on grindr. there's tons of dl black guys looking to hook up. I had one desperately try to hook up with me and he was hot as fuck but I didn't do it because I felt he deserved better than my fat ugly ass.
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It so rarely gets to happen. most are dl and only looking to top.
Some black bottoms like to play hard to get or have some kind of dignity
It's like they want to get fucked but try to hold for their "type" and their type most of the time aren't looking for them or are straight.
I find this to be must more common among fems and zesty niggas
I think white tops should try black bottoms. Black dudes have such nice asses
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OMG FELLOW FLOPTOKER???what r u doing here...
Not every black or white is into raceplay, but if they're into interracial, they're absolutely ready to start raceplaying.
in the hispanic community we have potaxie tiktok, hi to my floptok sisters :3

Lmao hi sisterss! Just saw a thread bout bbb (big black butts) and tought it would be nice to share some quality content. Was feeling sassy, and hungry for mature black men asses, mama really wanted to fucking sparkle some sass in this thread lfmao. Keep slaying my sisters, and may the flop community slay till the end of time, amen! >:')
What's your routine (workout, skin care, etc), I'm also black, but my butt is nothing like yours T_T
actual autism, kill yourself
Honestly 10 years of track and genetics. Also, skincare is just soap and water.
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What do you guys think of my butt?
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He venido a hacer un anuncio, Shadow el erizo es un puto hijo de puta, se meo en mi puta esposa, correcto, saco su puto pene espinoso de erizo y se meo en mi puta esposa, y dijo que su pene era "asi de grande" y yo le dije que eso es asqueroso, entonces lo estoy funando en mi twitter.com

Shadow el erizo, tienes un pene pequeño, es del tamaño de esta nuez excepto mucho mas pequeña, y adivina que, asi se ve mi poronga...

(Pffffff) correcto, bebe, todos los puntos, sin pinchos, sin almohadas, se ve como dos bolas y una pipa, se cogio a mi esposa asi que adivinen que?, me voy a coger a la tierra, correcto esto es lo que consiguen, MI SUPER PIS LASER!

Excepto que no me voy a mear en la tierra, voy a ir mas alto, ME VOY A MEAR EN LA LUNA!!, QUE PIENSAS DE ESO OBAMA?, ME MEE EN LA LUNA IDIOTA!

Tienen 23 horas antes de que las gggggotas de pis choquen contra la tierra, ahora vayanse de mi puta vista, antes de que me mee en ustedes tambien.
Heyyyyyy what's up
MOAR please
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Second ass pic
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One of the biggest juicy black butts deleted his Twitter account for some reason.
I swear bottoms are such prima donnas.
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He came back but as I said they love to be dramatic for attention
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He had some fuck videos that were paywalled but are lost now.

I think it's a pride issue. Many black gays would love to let their submissive side out and get fucked by a white dude. Some might even enjoy a reverse of the "BBC thug fucks white twink boi" cliche that's become so common. But they'll never admit to it. IME they have a thing where they have to keep up appearances for other blacks, lest they be accused of being white washed or not being black enough or whatever.

I don't get it. If a bunch of white dudes can goon themselves stupid to BBC sissy porn IDK why blacks with a fetish for white cock couldn't do the same.
Do you guys have the swerve strickland leaked ass pics?
My ass looks phatter with oil but whatev
Would lick.
I really want to see a Viking themed bleaching porn where some blond barbarian carry off a beautiful black twink, the bbt get tied up and displayed as the centerpiece of the victory feast, and then he's the desert for the entire ship.
That sounds super hot! Wish I had a tall white guy tie me up and fuck me.
Wish I could have some tall white guy do that to me.
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Can somebody please link some porn where gay bottoms say things “oh yeah give me that nigger dick” or something similar
Requesting moar OC
I (white) topped two black guys and it was literally the best sex i ever had
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lol he private'd his account then deleted it again
Two things you can’t give this weirdo
1/ A job
2/ Thick lips
As a white vers,
Black men are simply better at sex than everyone else. They have bigger thicker dicks. They sick dick like pros and moan like they love it when you fuck them. They talk dirty and they got nice asses.

Who else can even compete?
A big dick does not always make sex more pleasurable. Sometimes it can have the exact opposite effect.
I'll post a few from sniffies near me
Last one for now
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Skill issue

can I post oc?
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No offense, but this thread needs some MEN ass :p

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Not talking abt muscular men, just that this thread been leaning towards femboy and boys asses. Not telling yall to stop consuming that content but it would be nice to see some mature dilf asses soon x)
Why wouldn't you?
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That's understandable anon, no worries from a twink ass enjoyer myself. To complement what you said, i recommend you to check this african fit trainer on Tik Tok. I was just talking about him on another thread recently, he has a nice ass and has a "mature"/"masculine" look on him. I'm not sure how to use the term "Dilf", but he's totally one i guess ;)

They usually call him King of Squats:
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black ass stinks. physically smells bad
white ass tastes like dried mango in comparison
I am black
Am I fetishizing white ass?
SInce when do anuses and butts smell good? They're the same place where poo goes out, not to mention it does depend of who the ass belongs. Some mfs are really nasty and don't even wash themselves, get some sense man :/
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thank you anons, one more but I'm not very good at taking them
Good thing your name is nimbus because I would hop on you everywhere I went
Yummy, i want to put my face between your cheeks
For how great Chino's ass is, he rarely shows his whole.
>I'm not very good at taking them
Don't worry. The subject matter speaks for itself.
Fuuuuck had a coworker with this body type, big dude with and even bigger ass. He was an obviously gay dude too, walked and talked that way. If I had a bigger dick I would've risked flirting with him.
Fucking yummm. Eating a black dudes cum out of a black dudes ass would be amazing
Holy shit same here at 19 too. I still have the pictures from the email he sent on Craigslist, he was 42 and so fucking hot. He said he'd let me fuck him only if I let him fuck me too and I was too scared to bottom at the time. I regret not responding lmao
I consider myself bi/straight but I swear black men with bodies like this can be sexier than any woman
Sexy fucking man, and the hair makes it even better. Id fuck this man til both of our ball sacks are empty
Thank you! That’s one of sweetest things someone has said about my body.
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You're welcome man, whoever's face you sit on with that sculpted figure is a lucky man
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This is my fetish.
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Who's this
Who is this guy in particular? Not the massager, that's obvious enough
Dude, if he wanted to hook up I think it's safe to say that he wanted you. Don't sell yourself short.
Dayum nigga, I want some of dat shieeet, ya hittin me up w sum?

I'm a buck breaker btw
I wish there were guys in my state who'd be up for it. But alas I can't find anyone to sit on.

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