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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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I never see any jewish twinks and guys being highlighted in gay adult content; apparently it's too "controversial" of a theme - pls share some jewish guys

never get to see any guys who look like me
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personal favorite is Motty Steinmetz, he looks so young and cute + there is so much footage of him

(although recently he did gain quite a bit)
Too much kugel?
You haven't lived until a Jew twink in a yamaka sucks you off behind the synagogue.
I shared nudes and cammed with a 19 year old twunk in the idf and he confirmed the diaper thing.
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At least you know ain't gunna be no stank-dick
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Yeah, he gained some weight during corona time it seems, and with his young looking face it didn't do him any favors, he seems to have slimmed down again, here's a recent video of him performing for IDF troops, at around 5:30 a big soldier comes up and put his hat on Motty's head and gives him a pat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRo-HAPcZUU
>no stank-dick
just dry- and mutilated-dick
this is just a bunch of pics of dudes in desperate need of rhinoplasty
>young and cute
He's 31, hardly young, he's ok looking for his age though.
in my defense he was AT MOST 28 in that pic
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anyways not super twink-ish but already too hard to find beardless jews that are over 18 so just have to make do
That dick looks dry as a chip
A lot of Hasidic Jews can't even touch their dick to pee based on the group they belong too, so of course it's dried out, no lotion from masturbating. They have these old timey looking thin white cloth underwear with a wide opening, so they can use the opening to hold up their dick when they piss in the toilet.
I grew up part Jewish in an area with many assimilated Jews, including a bunch of crushes in high school. Something about the semi-Mediterranean look and body hair gets me going.
hnnngh hard dry jewish cocks frotting is so hot
Great bush and balls - I’d suck him off for sure
I'm trying to tune out since mid November, but I'm actually upset that authentic ginger bussy has been deleted in his prime. That is a really lovely shade of ginger hair, lush and long, would have loved to twist my hand in that hair.
...and I've always had a thing for "italian/roman" eyes that Jews also have, the folds around the eyes that make it look deepset and bedroom. This is so stupidly upsetting, I really hope he was the first one who was shot before anybody knew what was happening, and not the third one who was pleading for his life in hebrew. This ginger doesn't look Arab in anyways!
Clearly you never been to the middle east. There are many Arabs who are blonde or ginger such as ahed tamimi, suha Arafat, or mok saib. or while there are Jews who are dark and pass off as arab. Either way sad all around the ginger guy was very handsome
Ron Levi
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Don't be shy anon, show us the full pic. What poster is on his bedroom wall?
>tfw no progles that turns to popcorn on my spoon
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Damn, looks just like him, if you ignore the totally different face shape.
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You people can never just have nice things
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last one for now
Is that Jay Leno?
Didn't he look like a ginger version of Gene Wilder?
I like how Gene Wilder stayed twinkishly cute even as he got older, the deepset big round eyes and the cherubic face.
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that James fellow in porn was cute, I'd let him suck my foreskin
I'm attracted to Ben Shapiro kind jews, sometimes Eli Roth's kind
Ukraine seem to have nice Jewish twunks that look twunkish into their 40s, e.g. Michael Malice.
children of the corn lookin mf
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love jewish guys!!! been into them since i was a teen and my jewish friend and i would jack off together in bed when he'd spend the night and he'd let me suck him off quite a bit
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Moar hot jew sex
I wish I were Jewish.
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failed to keep shabbos over how much I wanted to watch porn so decided to share a little at least
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Such a chore to do that without a foreskin
Where can I find jewish twink porn?
I'd suggest checking twitter or hassidish WhatsApp groups. I found all the stuff I post here on twitter, but 70% of the stuff you'll see are fatter men/women
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Odd and unforeseen spike in jew porn this week
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>hassidish WhatsApp groups
Where do you even find these? lol
from other jews also in the whatsapp groups ??
And how do you meet those Jews?
Twitter/real life
How? What terms do you search for?

>real life
I don't have any Jewish friends IRL, sadly.
Heimish sex
Available in monsey/boro park/bp/IL/any location with hasidim
Hasidic looking
Gay haredi/hasidic/orthodox
and then once you find 1-2 just look through their followers/following/likes/replies

>no jew friends
Are you not jewish? If not there is a solid chance they wouldn't be too keen on letting you in the whatsapp
Nope, I'm not Jewish and I'm not even from New York lol though I do want to visit some day.

Wish I were Jewish actually, I wouldn't mind being one. Actually, I'm wondering if I should convert. (No, not for gay sex reasons lol) I've been reading about Judaism lately and it has made me interested.

Also, sorry if I'm wrong, but aren't Hasidic not allowed to use the Internet or something? I remember reading that Orthodox Jews aren't allowed to use the Internet or have limited time to use it, instead using their time to pray and study.
1 Consider being a Noahide first, becoming Jewish is a massive deal but I'm sure you know that

2 yes and no most hasidim do believe the home is no place for electronics but modern day more and more incorporate it into their lives. There is no non-rabbinical prohibition against internet use. Many still have internet blockers, but the ones that are willing to meet for gay sex often don't (obviously) Some jews I've met at my shul even use 4chan occasionally
>consider being a Noahide first, becoming Jewish is a massive deal but I'm sure you know that
Yeah, I know, I don't mind anyway. I thank Noah for the principles he left to us, but if I'm doing something, I'd rather do something right and convert by the right procedure. I just haven't had any luck finding a synagogue or a rabbi to speak with about that, so far I'm just reading stuff online and learning with books. Purim is near btw. Any plans?

Also it's good for you to have fun. Just don't go too astray.

Just a small question, the Torah says that homosexual sex is well, forbidden and such, and there's a punishment for it, so how do you deal with that?
>do something right
There is nothing incorrect/less than/wrong about being a Noahide in comparison to becoming a jew, I do understand though as most literature revolving around the Torah/Talmud and the stringencies are jew only

Heading to Monsey to visit family since I don’t host events at my home. Not too excited about giving large amounts of money to random kids on the street, but very excited to drink way more than my wallet allows

>“small” question
How I personally deal with it is not the best, it's mostly just mess up, feel absurd amounts of guilt, repent, try to do good, mess up pt2, decide to do even worse for maybe a week to “get it out of my system,” feel even worse, go to rabbi to talk about it, do good for maybe 2 months then rinse and repeat. Aka I don’t really deal with it, all I do is just try to prevent the severity from progressing (lots of other stuff included in each step obviously but I’m not going to write a whole essay about it)

Going to do a little pic dump since this thread needs it
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>Aka I don’t really deal with it
didn't think lurking through gay porn on 4chan in the middle of the night would make me relive decades of religious trauma.
sorry man hope things get better for you lol
I know, but I was raised Catholic. Noahide Laws are just basic common morality, and we get taught those plus the Ten Commandements. If anything, I'd become a Jew or stay a Catholic, but I do desire to know more and learn more about the faith before taking a decision.

Have fun in Purim, there are no Jews where I live, which is sad because I really wanted to know what purim is like lol, I just know it's a lot of fun and you get to get drunk. Btw, what do you guys usually drink? I mean Jewish people, since I remember you can't drink wine unless it's kosher. Something like that.

>small question
Sorry my dude, I wanted to be polite. I know it's a big deal for everyone and everyone takes it differently. I hope you get to finally settle it with time. Have you tried asking the other dudes who you meet up with how do they deal about it? Also, do you ever meet with non-Jews about gay stuff or you only do Jews for that?
We usually drink anything we get our hands on, but I notice vodka is a hit and that I rarely see Taquilla. (of course wine too but you already mentioned that)

And no need to apologize was just joking around, was a question that needed a lot of detail to be answered aka why I put the quotes. Wasn't offended at all

Haven't asked, I don't like getting too personal in that way since I doubt either of us want to think about what we're doing while we're doing it, plus the ones I talk to/meet with are all married so I doubt they handle it any better. I only meet with jews since they are really the only people I am physically into enough to go through all that, plus I just trust them more since I know they won't tell, ask any weird questions like "can you do it with the kippah on," and are just more comforting to me. Plus I've only met with 2 people so it's not like I've gotten around enough/exhausted my Jewish options to even be concerned about all that.
Is he that big or he just bought a cheap condom?
But can you do it with your kippah on?
any good twitter profiles to start browsing for Hasidic guys?
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Little bit of both

Obviously no. Fuck you. Have a vid of some dude touching his flaccid dick with one though

@Chasid_il / @moyshigenzel / @jewishdick1 / @gayfrum2 / @blue81243 are all a good start
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Happy Purim everyone
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And good shabbos
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there's a schitzo attention-whore on /int/ who would be pretty cute if he shaved his ugly beard. An american who emigrated to israel. A homophobic, religious extremist, racist. I never saved his pics, though, I bet they're in the archive.
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I'm obsessed with this Israeli twink from tiktok
I could never see myself stooping so low as to fuck a colonizing genocider.
That one in particular looks bogged but israeli men are often cute and better looking than arabs
You mean a British?
only an idiot would not fuck someone just because they were born in a certain patch of land
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Not like you have sex in the first place anyway
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Anatomically correct King David. Sorry Mr. Buonarroti, you may be the best sculptor ever, but you made a huge mistake.
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Gut voch everyone
this is quite possibly the hottest thing I've ever seen
Damn I didn’t realize how badly I needed some fag to hold his tzitzit out of the way so I can frot with him… ough…
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Pesach is almost over, hope none of you got too stressed by it this year
20 year old non religious Jewish guy (twink) here, almost became Chabad a while ago (obviously didn’t because gay), had a brief affair with a Satmar guy, been into Hasidic guys ever since. Are there a lot of Hasidim into twinks?
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And pics of Jewish twinks tied up having their oversensitized cocks polished off?
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Horrible way to start Iyar
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i was curious about the side-locks worn by ultra-orthodox. I did my own research. Apparently, it's a Mosaic law that they aren't supposed to shave the corners of their face. conservative Jews will have normal length sideburns of a millimeter long. But Ultra's will say, "God told us to do this, so lets go all the way, and not half-ass it".

Why would God tell them to do this? It's never stated why. One speculation is that it's to remind you year-round of the Mosaic law, telling you not to harvest the corners of your fields (to leave them for poor to eat from, so at least one time a year they can get food without begging).

But a competing theory is that it was a popular Bronze Age fashion for gay male prostitutes to shave the corners of their heads. So homophobic Jews decided to invent a law against that fashion, as well as against sodomy in general. Very ironic, cause the side-locks look like perfect handlebars.
Keep coping, cheese dick.
>"Ultra's will say"
It's more of a beautifying thing, known as a hiddur mitzvah. (To make a mitzvah more beautiful. Like how we get larger, more yellow esrogs for sukkot, or light several candles on the menorah and get one for each family member.) Less of a stringency thing

>Bronze Age fashion for gay male prostitutes
I've heard of the 1st reason you gave from members of the congregation I attend, and from a sefer or two, but I have never heard of the prostitute one. If so that's very interesting, but what I've heard from my chassidus is that it's mainly to visually separate us from idolaters, (who typically had haircuts which were an uninterrupted circle around their head, like a halo.) and the secular public. (People who get fades or goyishe haircuts in general.) Along with that it keeps us more in check from committing a Chillul H", as we can't just remove our payes the way we can remove our tzitzits/kippah. But then again, my "stream" of chassidus is oddly hyper focused with looking different from the secular world so I may be biased in the conclusion to why we have them.

Another reason is rooted in kabbalah which gives the explanation that they act as antenna to the Sod, (secret divine layers of the world,) and would halter us in the ability to connect with such forces. But that one takes some serious belief in Judaism, which is why we don't use that it to explain why when speaking to a nonjew.
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Also not a fan of this picture since its very disrespectful and relatively gross but figured one of you would like it
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What chassidus/what general type of chassidus are you? Are you in Brooklyn?
Everyone was homophobic back them, there is really no reason to "own the homos" when they were already seen as abominations by existing. The second theory makes no sense
>I've heard of the 1st reason you gave from members of the congregation I attend, and from a sefer or two, but I have never heard of the prostitute one. If so that's very interesting, but what I've heard from my chassidus is that it's mainly to visually separate us from idolaters, (who typically had haircuts which were an uninterrupted circle around their head, like a halo.)

I don't know where he found the second theory from but the first and your explanation seems to be the correct one:
Viznitz (not a good one obviously) and I'm from Monsey, but have family in Brooklyn
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how does the rabbi respond? is he helpful?
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In the beginning it was a lot more helpful since being able to talk about the issue was something that relieved a lot of stress and struggle for me, plus he was able to refer to be passages I wasn't super familiar with in the beginning. (Because nobody really talks about the ones regarding gay sex/masturbating since its weird? ? ?) He says all sorts of things, and it really depends on what I tell him, but it honestly currently just feels like therapy but Jewish. (or a real life accountability app, but instead of clicking buttons to log that I did weird junk, I have to go tell someone I respect and casually see 3x a week) Since I've been told about all the upfront resources (seforim/tefillos) it's just running through the long term, seemingly invisible consequences of it since when people sin for so long they typically forget the consequences.

And yeah, I'd say it's helpful but I've been avoiding speaking to him or anyone else I go to for help
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troll thread or self humiliation?
lool..pathetic. this is a joke?
Do hassids remove the frenulum during the bris? I've only brb been with reform jews.
I appreaciate how much attention they take to wash their hair, beards, and ass. Many secular men could take note. Though I've heard many Chassidic men don't clean their dick directly (ie they don't touch/scrub it since they could get sexual feelings but since they are cut and the soap from their body ideally flows down to their dick, hopefully that helps with any stink.
>No kike friends
Count yourself blessed because kikes are human and only want your children's foreskin or blood
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The no washing there directly with your hand is mainly a Ger and occasionally Skver thing, not all Hasidim abide by that. Plus they typically make exceptions for the mikveh since you must thoroughly wash yourself for that. (presumably where the video was taken)

Plus Ger is just obsessed with that aspect of the yetzer hara to the point they make absurd rules (at least modern day Ger)
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I would do anything for a hairy bukharian orthodox jew new york boyfriend

something weirdly fascinating about really religious jews. It's scratching some weird itch and I find it a huge turn on, minus the fat dudes with nasty beards that seems to be like 80%
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I think religious guys of all religions (catholic muslim jew mormon) are a turn on, more conservatively dressed the better
Anyone got anything on amit sukar (bicepsking)?
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old time heartthrob and fap to his pics robby benson
lol me too Tiger Beat

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