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First thread reached the image cap. Let's do it again.
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Forgot to say, original thread is >>2586062.
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Apologies in advance if there's a repost.
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/fit/ thread post
Athletes (1912)
Eugéne Jansson 1862-1915
Saint John the Baptist (1602)
Caravaggio 1571-1610
Reclining Nude (1886)
Carlos Baca-Flor 1869-1941
Morgan (20??)
Jacques Sultana 1938-2012
Wrestlers (1899)
Thomas Eakins 1844-1916
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Prometheus (1906)
Karl Zahrtmann 1843-1917
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In the Snake Pit (1915)
Kristian* Zahrtmann 1843-1917
Seated Youth Holding a Flask (c 1895)
Wilhelm von Gloeden 1856-1931
classic aesthetic male innocence
amazing soft tones and shadowing
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Any love for Antinous?
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Under the Western Sun by Henry Scott Tuke
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Jordan Mejias
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Javier Trelis
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By Robert Weinraub
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I wonder how many classical artists were gay/bi and nobody even thought about it because everyone was constantly drawing naked men
artist or where i can find more like this?
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Anything on the MooiMan Gallery website might be interesting for this treat idk
I like it
How did you create it?
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reminds me of the things i used to draw as a teenager.
ratso rizzo
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Who is this?
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Rocco Ritchie
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I don't remember this scene in 2001 A Space Odyssey
You can obviously tell in the way they painted men. It was like "well ok I can't come out of the closet but the world will know how much I fucking love men"

Fucking based imo
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Absolutely fantastic! Artist name?
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>>2604498 is an edit of a straight painting from Salvador Viniegra.

>>2604496 is an edit of a straight painting from Peter Paul Rubens. There's also a version without fig leaves.
Thanks. Those are some surprisingly big cocks, wonder he didn't give the snake a cock too =)
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My childhood friend has a dick like the guy on the left, it's super thick, long when flaccid and big balls. When he'd wear jeans he'd always have this visible huge bugle in his pants and i would just stare down at it when we would talk, even his younger brother would do the same. I remember one time he was sitting at his deskchair facing us (me and his brother) while conversating and we'd just stare at his bulge. This shit drove me gay as a kid, I remember when going through puberty i'd wake up wanking off and talking in my sleep how I loved him and his massive cock. Another time I was watching a documentary about sea urchins and mushrooms and the reproductive system and they were showing these creatures releasing their spores in a really phallic way and shit looked like straight cumshots and it reminded me of my friend and I got scary horny.

Now I'm 33, not even came in terms with my sexuality and im still thinking about my best friends monster cock, i severed ties with him because... im not even sure, i'd get like insanely jealous of him being with a girl and start to masturbate about him fucks girls.

What is wrong with me exactly? I don't really feel gay, i just feel like im big dick obsessed and sucking on a smaller cock than mine just feels gross.
>I don't really feel gay, i just feel like im big dick obsessed
i'll let you figure that one out yourself.
You do know bisexuality is a thing, right? Just because you get aroused by a dick doesn't mean you suddenly hate women. Life isn't black and white. No need to overthink
>what is wrong with me exactly?
Absolutely nothing
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This style is like one of those Jesus take the wheel drawings.
Astra Zero (aka Dustin Nicholls)


You're welcome.
Gay men were disproportionately represented in artists back then. It was a life path available to them where they could create things constructively and express their sexuality in a way that was celebrated and not stigmatized, similar to the priesthood in ways. The overlap between religious art and homoeroticism is weirdly not surprising when you think about it. Its a known art meme that certain painters and sculptors of the time were terrible at representing women because they spent all their anatomy study on men.
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Also, though, the sexes were kept segregated much more than now, so many of them attended schools & such in all-male environments, and any kind of sports or swimming was usually done nude, so everybody was around a lot of naked men more back then
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Poor guy is getting dragged by gay cinephiles for the cover art he made for Criterion's release of Fassbinder's Querelle. I feel kind of bad for him because I don't think Querelle is a good enough film to warrant the level of discourse that the art has.
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This guy is quite exquisite, great body, smile and big uncut cock with a hot bush
Theres nothing wrong with you, it's hard to look away at any decent bulge. I'm married and as I walk down the street I check out every guys crotch hoping to see a decent bulge. Was at another married guys house once and he was wearing jeans, stood against his kitchen wall and I could not take my eyes of his huge bulge. I was mesmerised, he saw me just sating at it and finally, he casually undid his belt, unzipped his jeans, let them drop to his knees revealing a pair of whities. He pulled those down and this huge fat uncut cock with a long foreskin rode up. His balls were massive too. He just said " I saw you were curious - hold it if you want " .........
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Paul Merwart. The Flood. 1896.

>give yourself some space before
>when you see it
I jumped back about 3 feet realizing what I was looking at behind that strategically placed wave.
This is the hottest pic so far. Wonder why no one had put a camera in their mouth while they have head?
i have a similiar thing with my hung best friend, a couple of days ago we talked extensively about his relationship struggles, he went a bit into detail about sex. I jerked off 5 times that night. Its destructive but also so alluring.
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Christ on the Cross
Date: 1620
Artist: Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640
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Drawing by Jean Cocteau from Querelle de Brest (1947) by Jean Genet.
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Nude (Portrait of Mr Couchez) by
Claudio Bravo Camus -- Chilean hyperrealist painter born on November 8, 1936, in Valparaiso, Chile. He lived and worked in Tangier, Morocco, beginning in 1972. Bravo passed away on June 4, 2011, at the age of 74 due to two heart attacks.
why do fags always have to have some weird fetish. leave jesus alone and go jerk to something else
if only fags were as pure and innocent in their desire as straights
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>as pure and innocent in their desire as straights
LOL sure
>guy who knows norhing at all
>as pure and innocent in their desire
Okay... I'm feeling it
>as straights
Wait what
Self-hating gays are the most detached from reality
What are you gonna do, hang it on your uvula?
Feed me attention :(
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This work is just awe inspiring
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Message him and within a week you'll be sucking his cock. If you will it, it is no dream.
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Achilles tending Patroclus wounded by an arrow, identified by inscriptions on the upper part of the vase. Tondo of an Attic red-figure kylix, ca. 500 BC.
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Dylan Mooney
Stuck on you 2020; 2021 {printed}
from the Queer, blak & here series 2020–21
inkjet print
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Duncan GRANT
The bathers (c. 1926-1933)
oil on paper on plywood
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Albrecht DÜRER
St Sebastian at the tree (1501)
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PSYCHIATRIST: So Tommy, have you ever had any persistent homosexual thoughts or experiences?
TOMMY: No Sir.
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Rita Foster
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That's really good
hardons are porn
not art

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