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Post some cocks touching each other…
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I want to grab this bbc and rub it all over mine...
i was waiting for this thread
Me too this is awesome
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This is the only type of sex that I really enjoy. Anal sex is very...unappealing. Am I broken?
Nah, I'm the same way. Only interested in oral and jerking. Anal is disgusting. I'm convinced that very few people enjoy the physical sensation of anal, it's mostly about the power dynamic, and it resembles penis-in-vagina sex, and it's everywhere in porn.
>I'm convinced that very few people enjoy the physical sensation of anal
happy to be one of the lucky ones then.
im also the same, except im not even into oral anymore. i prefer to jerk and frot with another dude but thats it. i connect to a guy more when my dick is on his rather than inside him.
> I'm convinced that very few people enjoy the physical sensation of anal
i think this is projecting a bit too hard. i'm with you, never found anal very pleasurable myself (top or bottom), but i know that lots and lots of people do genuinely enjoy it
I enjoy it, and all I have is my toys. I get it though, it takes the right physiology and mentality to enjoy it. Not everyone's prostate is as sensitive or easy to hit as others.

No, you just like what you like, and that inevitably means there are people out there who feel the same as you. Anal also involves a fair amount of preparation compared to a blowjob or frotting.
I'd love to just do this with a guy, but cheating.
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Just ask your girl if you're allowed to touch cocks with other guys
You'll be surprised how many of them won't register that as cheating at all and give you the all clear (a lot of girls are laser-focused on competition from other girls and give zero fucks if their male is having same sex sexual activity)
Some will ask to watch, maybe your bitch is one of them
Nothing quite as hot as tapping tips with a horny bro and squirting little strings of precum while listening to a horny girl noisily going schlick schlick on her slit lips
A lot of gays get really touchy if you try to tell them you aren't into anal, and think it's gross.
The way I see it, I KNOW what my asshole does on a daily basis, and I'm willing to bet I can guess what everyone's else is up to as well; I don't want it involved in sex.
No, I don't care how much you douche, I don't care how many chia seed drinks you've downed, I don't trust your shit hole, sorry.
just wear a condom
lightly used assholes are phenomenally tight
>a lot of girls are laser-focused on competition from other girls and give zero fucks if their male is having same sex sexual activity
it sounds like you're being rude to people and being judgy about how "gross" they are for enjoying something quite normal. you can just stop at "i don't want to do that" and then it's on them to be polite about your choice

i don't do anal, but i don't insist on blathering on about how gross i think it is. it's fine, just not for me
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I don't sperg out on anyone about it, just felt like doing it here.
I literally do just say "I'm a side and not into anal" and people get uppity, or in the case of messaging, ghost me.
Same experience
Unlike you though, I think this is a blessing.
Anal sex isn't normal or safe and people who participate in it are reliably mentally unstable and have other negative personality across both sexes and all sexualities.
Eliminating everyone who wants to do it or have it done to them is a fast and easy way to filter out most of the perverts and retards and get a shortlist of other same-sex attracted males who I might want to partner with long term.
>isn't normal or safe and people who participate in it are reliably mentally unstable and have other negative personality
>perverts and retards
Gay men in a nutshell
ok, yeah, if they're getting upset or argumentative over just that, pretty stupid

ghosting just means they lost interest of course. they want anal and you don't, so you're not compatible. it's a little brusque, but so common on the apps that i don't even see it as rude anymore. it means there was no real connection to begin with. on to the next
Me and my ex bf did anal but I can probably count with my fingers the number of times we did
We definitely frotted and sucked a lot more
Do you think that anal would even have come into your heads if you two lived on a desert island somewhere with no internet and no media constantly pushing forced memes about how anal is the gay version of sex?
I think all male-male content through history has been 99% cocksucking and frotting, it's the normal way to bond with a same sex partner
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I mean I do like anal, but only once a month or maybe a few times a year. It feels great (as a bottom) and being cummed inside is hot. But sometimes it is uncomfortable and the prep can be annoying.
Guys try to have sex in every hole OF COURSE they would think about doing anal even if they had never heard of it.
fuck yes
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This is what male-male sexuality is all about, not sodomy
Completely delusional. She would be without a doubt against it.
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Is there a name attached to that masterpiece on the right my cock is dying to know
That's probably right. Another proof that females are toxic and possessive. I think most males would be ok with his female partner engaging in intimacy with other females, but it's not the same when the sexes are reversed. That's why there's so many men in "straight" relationships perpetually curious and horny about male intimacy. Both society and women prevent them from exploring their natural urges, whereas two women friends can be intimate in all sorts of ways and nobody gives a shit.
>I think most males would be ok with his female partner engaging in intimacy with other females
most men would find a way to get jealous and possessive about this too, especially if they weren't welcome to watch or join in
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No, I'm a simple French straight guy who ended up playing with one of his gay best friends.
He has never played with a cock larger than mine...he is happy! and I let him suck me as much as he wants
If you're straight, why are you browsing an image board called, "handsome men?" You delusional fags are the worst
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What you are saying against anal can also be said against oral.
thats a mirror you fucking retard
Of course they'd have thought of anal. You'd have very little to do on a desert island but think of places to put your dick and anal is pretty intuitive. Lots of salt in this thread. Put no anal in your bio, you people are the niche ones so the responsibility is on you to specify. I'm sorry you're missing out on it but there's no need to pretend everyone else is just pretending to enjoy it or that its some dangerous niche fetish invented 20 years ago and psy-oped into people's heads, even most straight dudes are into the idea of it but don't want to ask their girlfriends.
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Is this you, French dude? I'm not finding any results in image search.
If so, you have a fan
i don't like anal but you're 100% right. i dunno why some guys decide to get all weird and preachy about it. defense mechanism i guess
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I'm a bi guy with very little sexual experience with men (only jerking off, and touching cock), never sucked a guy and not sure I'd even be capable of anal/bottoming.

I really want to though, but I'm scared of getting an STD. Frotting seems wonderful
Made my bf cum doing this, wish I was that sensitive
Dude literally said he’s French wym?
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I love frotting like this where it looks like the bigger cock is dominating the smaller one, anyone have any more?
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>Am I broken?

Yes. It seems the only pleasure you get is from someone else witnessing your self-satisfaction. Sex is supposed to be about satisfying the other person by way of satisfying yourself. So you're kinda halfway there.
I love frotting irl but looking at those pictures I feel nothing. Just random cocks without a body.
Do you think only one person gets off during frotting?
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When I frot with my bf, we both cum
Ya I'm confused too
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those dicks look like leeches

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