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Hypermasculine monstermen with big tits
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omg he's perfect, who is he?!?!
I wish I knew. I haven't been able to find any source and the wechat ID seems to be a bot or burner account with no other pics. I think he's chinese.
Looks like a roided femboy, I love it
I believe he's Tawaianese, he's super yolked.
roid trannies
Are the best
Can someone here train me so I can grow into one of these beasts?
what's stopping you, anon?
You need a few things
>solid motivation
>good insertions
>good genetics
>lots of steroids
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That's the good shit right there. They look like erections on legs
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That spit should've gone into my mouth
this looks terrible
their bodies or the way they're fucking?
finally some chocolate in this boring ass thread
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I have more
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more big titties
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thanks anon
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If a normal dude took roids would he roid up? Or you have to lift massive?
Please wait a while before making a post
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You have to actually lift.
Steroids will help you get bigger if you put the work in, but they won't do much if you're doing nothing.
Who dis? Is there more of this bloathog?
Steroids just makes gaining muscle a much faster process, blasting gear and doing nothing will just cause massive amounts of water retention.
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Those are shopped, but it's Derek Bolt, he has some porn videos, usually bottoming.
Yeah I could tell it was shooped, don't care. Didn't expect him to be THIS small though.
Was a very good shopping then.
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he seems short
but cute and fuckable
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Most of the biggest looking dudes are.
Like Lee Priest was like 5'2"
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He isn't really small though, if you mean muscles wise.
He seems to be going for low bodyfat now but before he was definitely thicker like in that video posted and this pic
He also bottoms like he enjoys it which is always a plus.
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>tfw those thighs will never crush you
why even live
Imagine the thrusting power....
imagine the smell
I was so close to delving into this lifestyle. Kinda glad I didnt
Sounds like cowardice
you mean using steroids?
you dodged a bullet
>cardiovascular problems
>hair loss
>accelerated skin aging
>joint issues due to unnatural stresses
all for maybe 1-2 years of glory
and that's if you have good insertions
now THATS how bbc should look.
also need source
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Tyler Iacona
A gay man worrying about being fertile?
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I think it’s hot when men admit they’re on roids, like Sam Sulek. Also why aren’t women into roided men? Why are gay guys the only ones who’ll appreciate them.
Women typically aren't into muscles past a certain point. Women really only care about abs and v-lines, maybe biceps. Past that girls are indifferent or even grossed out to a certain point. Gays are into masculine features, and big muscles are among the most masculine features on a man.
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I feel like out of all the roided out guys out there, Erick's physique is one of the best. I like that while he clearly is big, he isn't super shredded which is personally a turn-off to me when it comes to guys who use roids and are obsessed with cutting. Janicki has that nice medium of bulky but beefy which is just perfect <3
That's the unfortunate thing about roids. There's no doubt that they really do produce great results for guys who want to be really huge past the natural limit in bigness. But the drawbacks are scary and depressing. I mean there have been some bodybuilders who managed to stay alive and evade the super unfortunate health consequences but those are rare and most won't be as lucky.

It just sucks because it really can produce some sexy results and it's the thing that always made me feel bad about being into huge roided out guys because I know it's temporary and can lead to health consequences. It's why I've tried to ween myself to looking at natural guys but these days it's hard to find natty guys who can attain a big frame unless they were previously overweight or obese.
who is he?
Erick Janicki
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I assume most of these guys know the risks and have either come to terms with not getting to 50 - 60+ years old or just don't care. Personally, I don't care for getting old. I'd rather die "early" then be trapped in a frail body that can't even do day to day activities. There's also a large difference in longevity between the guys taking TRT amounts and the guys pumping through 1000mgs + tren + orals
Whenever a hot muscle stud flexes their huge bicep I like to imagine it's my belly swelling with their child.
unnnfff I wanna suck the milk outta those tits
Source ????
Pretty sure that's cult_of_apollo
read the filename retard
I want him to choke me until I die
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No one has replied to this or identified the guy yet.

I would fucj him relentlessly.

Like anons. Tell me you wouldn’t pin him down and nibble his wide rock hard back while you fuck his tight hole.

You know you wanna massage his shoulders and impregnate him.
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>trapped in a frail body that can't even do day to day activities

I think you're underestimating what people over 60 are capable of. My granny was doing aerobics and going for jogs with her friends almost to her 90s
That last part GYAT DAYUM
Holy fuck sauce
How degenerate it is to want to lock one of these guys into a tiny chastity cage before fucking the ever living fuck out of him?
Literally perfect shoulder to waist ratio and the upside down triangle figure. So fucking envious as someone with a big waist that gives me that ugly, feminine triangular body shape.
Top is Sir Peter iirc.
Fuc who is that??
He's actually pretty fucking big, in terms of overall size rather than height. This is him compared to William Seed. Perspective is playing a part, but his torso is thick af
>So fucking envious as someone with a big waist that gives me that ugly, feminine triangular body shape.
Same, and I hate being built that way

My decade + old Tumblr account that I used to curate roided himbo images over the past few years was unexpectedly terminated. What sites do you guys use to find stuff? Tumblr as a platform is dead in the water at this point and I don't feel like dealing with bots to get my old account back.
I just want a chest that meets at the middle. :( My chest is ugly af.
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this is morphed
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It looks identical to how it's presented in the scene, and there doesn't appear to be any warping suggesting a morph?
0:50 into that video. Scene is called Passing Passion if you want to find it yourself.
Bros...I'm gonna ROID
His name is Tristen Escolastico
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Who dat?
Kris evans today
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how much do I need to lift, eat and inject to look like this?
In all seriousness that is years of lifting hard and excessive gear. Not everyone is built to be able to handle it. At that point it's no longer a hobby, it's basically your entire reason to live. Your entire day revolves around it.
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holy fucking shit
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post content or let your thread die retard.
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i want this beast of a daddy to ruin my innocence
More power to them for supporting each other but MAN that just looks weird when such a masculine man is getting fucked. I’m surprised there’s guys who would fuck a macho man
Whut? What thread do you think you are in, to begin with? Are you just plain retarded or baiting in hopes the thread stops being dead?
you will unironically never look like that unless you're a genetic anomaly that's been lifting his entire life. 98% of guys that roid don't even get close to that
You misunderstand. I’m not confused about the thread. Just that post. I would love to bottom for a roid monster. Just not top one. I don’t understand it.
Your view on sex is skewered into some bizarre power dynamic where the person getting fucked needs to be physically weaker or submissive or whatever other trait you see as "lower", which is what porn will do to ya.
this turned me gay
Nah bro. To each his own. I could see how a cute twink would fuck another cute twink. I just couldn’t top a muscle man. I’m not gonna say you’re sick or skewered from porn if that’s what your into. I just think it’s kind of funny and strange is all. Porn didn’t influence me to be a vers. I’m just like this. Everyone has their own perspective.
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You would think gays would be more into muscle men but I guess not lol. Is the board usually this slow?
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There's a line between muscle men and steroid abusers. I love muscled up guys but when it gets to olympia levels it's no longer hot.

shit like this is gross to me.

I like stuff like this.
The flex on his inner hamstrings is crazy!!! This is why I don’t like doing good mornings in front of people. Great lower back and hammy exercise but it looks like you’re trying to get fucked.
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imagine this guy fisting you
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Who is this??
Didn't know they increased file size to 8MB. Nice!
oh shit awesome, it used to be 3Mb which caused a bunch of retards to overly compress video instead of chopping it into multiple parts.
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How does a closeted bi guy get initiated into the secret masc4masc gym rat club where bros cuddle and frot after injecting steroids and taking back shots?
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This aint just muscle but steroid freaks.
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You know, if he would have stopped halfway between where he started and where he is now, he'd be smokin' ...
I love dudes on roids. It's so hot. I like my boys BIG

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