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What are the guilty pleasure turn-one you’re too ashamed to admit?
>trashy men
>Indian body odour
>body hair
>older men
burly men
i like using the holes of used car salesmen who need a quick buck and fuck
and cocky men
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Older hairy Jewish men (preferably fat)
none of those you mentioned are guilty pleasures at all. in my case is bald beefy bearded men like picrel
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also very plump and hefty chubs
>>body hair
>>older men
>>burly men
how are those anywhere close to being guilty pleasures in the faggot community
How in the fuck do any of those constitute anything you'd be ashamed to admit? Body hair out of all things? Are you literally 12?
I like burly men get pegged by women. I'm not ashamed, but I do get a lot of flak from all sides for liking it.
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Obese black men turn me into a bitch in heat yet I'm closeted and could never admit this to anyone
are taboo pleasures and guilty pleasures synonymous? conservative men who want to take your rights away but you would still bottom for them come to mind. I'm not into that but I think it meets the criteria.
need sauce on this omg
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That's the least "guilty" pleasure of all--your attraction is just Bears, a whole subculture. Go to any bear event & there will be hundreds of them ready to get wild w you
bear community is cringe and "similars only" so no, and it is a guilty pleasure where i live, not everyone is an amerifat
I really like armpits
Especially if it's a white guy with very dark hair. Masturbated to Mark Wahlberg when I was 15
300+ pound blue collar workers right after getting off work in 80° heat crotch fupa ball smell
Id say ugly tops.
I'm a 26 years old muscular arab Guy living in France (pretty good looking)
I mostly top on grindr
But i always fantasize about being abused and fucked mercilessly by a hung ugly top.
I try from time to time to hook up with ugly guys and saying im a total slut bottom but never got what i wanted, most of them have small dicks, can't fuck or are intimidated and i can't meet a lot or it will ruin my grindr reputation as a top
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Being kept like a pet in heat in chastity for entertainment
I have a thing for trashy working class rural boys with bubble butts when I'm a high middle class urbanite.
tale as old as time
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sadly no sauce since its just a random creep shot that's thrown around between heimish porn accounts BUT I do have a video that should be good enough
this is mine too but in only very specific ways.
fat dudes who are specifically mexican or latino and way too overconfident and proud of being fat or think their sexual market value is through the roof. gets me hard as nails for some weird reason, met a few dudes on grindr who met that exact definition. one dude made me cum from sucking on my nipples like it was a pepperoni he was trying to get off a pizza. it was sooo fucking good. he rimmed me afterwards. love that fat brazilian.
are you fat? (either cub, chub, bear, superchub etc)
holy fuck nice quads
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loose holes
Beefy hairy girthy fatties like pic.
>ugly tops
>fantasize about being abused and fucked mercilessly by a hung ugly top

This. At one point a man can be so ugly that fucking him feels almost primal, like desperate enough just to get the deed done. Especially if the man is married or dl because you know he can't kiss and tell (because he's dl) and he knows you won't tell because who would admit to fucking him?

Personally I'd fuck anyone tall and strong enough to overpower me, especially if they give ogre vibes. Heavy on the picrel.
dick slapping face
i'm a dirty slut
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high res cock closeups
Sounds hot
Well It's kinda the opposite to me.
Im fit and muscular and want to be fucked silly by old ugly guys or hung ugly twinks
I know i could overpower them even with one arm only but im willing to be their bitch only if their cock is bigger than mine and if they'r dominant
He's an ogre beauty
Cock cock cock. Anyone would think you guys are obsessed by cocks
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/guilty pleasure?
Public jacking. Usually happens when I am stressed out and I kind of can't help myself.
Sports field park bench. Beside my car fully naked behind industrial park warehouses (high risk of trucks and vans passing). In fire escape doorways of said warehouses.
Sometimes I just tug without even cumming the thrill being nakedness.
Less /extreme/ forms of guilty pleasure are semi exhivitionism freeballing vpl and wearing a tank top that shows off my armpits nips hairy chest. Sometimes wearing no shirt to get a coffee from an open air market vendor. I'm no muscle stud just a regular middle-aged shortass beefy dude (picrel not me. He's hot tho)
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Here's some tips:
1. Scope out your spot make sure there's no security cameras around. I generally pick pretty isolated suburban spots such as bike paths, park benches under trees, or groups of trees. If beside a road then in a niche -- traffic will be looking at the road you'd hope. I only one time was surprised by a cyclist coming along the path from behind me while I was in a group of trees off the path. Idk if they didn't see me or just saw by naked butt.
2. Low traffic times. Summer nights are ideal you won't encounter your neighbour out for a run or walking the dog. You can get totally naked. Once I left my clothes and house keys on a park bench and dared myself to walk naked across two sports fields and two roads to get back. That did feel pretty risky though.
3. Zip up hoody with no shirt under is good for easy stripping. Freeball in shorts. Some people have shorts with a hole in the crotch for access but I prefer to shuck em anyhow. Removing your shirt after leaving the house is good too at any time and won't seem weird if you stay to bike paths / running trails. I do this a fair bit and mostly get nods from old dudes. I don't make eye contact with females and it can be suss if families about.
4. Don't go near schools obv.
5. Driving with no shirt fun at any time. Natural hairy chubby skinny who gives a fuck. Love seeing natural regular guys of all types ethnicities shirtless.
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6. Carrying a water bottle is a good innocence prop as well as keeps you hydrated for saliva to assist wanking
have lots of guilty pleasures, most of them fucked up

> race fetish for whites
> liking MAGA and conservative whites
> but also for some reason a race fetish for brown guys like arabs and pajeets
> creepshots
> (c)nc
> smelly bois
> homeless guys
> toilet stuff
>Delusional about appearance
Sounds about right
Arab men are the best
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>left my clothes and house keys on a park bench
House = apartment so I would have been fucked if someone found/ took the keys & clothes. Equally I'm cautious about being shirtless from my apartment door at risk of encountering neighbours although I do take the trash out shirtless sometimes
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>most of them fucked up
Completely normal to have sexual fantasies / fetishes no matter how fucked up seeming / weird / taboo. The only danger is if you enact them irl non consensually or harmfully. Fetishes are often subconsciously driven so you can't logic them away anyhow. Enjoy without guilt or shame you'll be happier.
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>What are the guilty pleasure turn-one you’re too ashamed to admit?
Furry shit
>I'm a 26 years old muscular arab Guy living in France
What race are you?
Honestly? Rawdogging a girl. But I only like doing it once a year.
> hanging and in general dying dudes
> necrophile, corpses of hot guys are fuckin sexy
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>Dads and sons shirtless together
>Dad's arm around son in public
>Dad and son using public toilets together
Vile. Filthy. Degenerate. Unbelievable.
I consider myself 100% homo but sometimes I like those FTM videos that everyone complains about in the suggested feed. Some of them are very masculine looking these days.
It's not necessarily my preference, and I've never actually fucked a trans guy, but sometimes I go down the rabbit hole and find them really hot. There was even a time, a few months back, where I fucked up a a guy in a club bathroom because I assumed he was trans when he was hitting on me. The idea was just in my head and was turning me on. Turns out he wasn't, but there's something hot to me about the idea of a masculine guy having a pussy. Like it would be a dirty little secret between us that no one would know. I love to top so it's like it would be a power dynamic thing where there's no question between us who is doing the pounding. It also seems more convenient to have both holes as an option instead of just one.
I'm also pretty slim-built and have fucked a few muscle daddies and bodybuilders before, especially when I was younger and very twinkly looking. I love the idea of dominating a masculine, muscular guy and was lucky enough to have that kind of sex before the rise of stuff like "twink top" took off and you never saw those kind of videos.
I love a good dick as much as anyone, but have always been more attracted to ass anyway, so I wouldn't really discriminate if a guy is trans as long as they otherwise look hot. Even in my longest relationship, that was kind of the dynamic between me and my ex because I found his dick kind of ugly so rarely blew him, but he never minded because I'd top him like 9 times out of 10 and the sex was otherwise good.

I'm kind of picky with dick, but also like the idea of a boyfriend with a small one, as long as it's visually appealing. I once hooked up with a super fit Asian guy, and his dick was maximum 3 inches, but well-proportioned and not ugly like a lot of small dicks you see. I'm like 7.5 inches and it was so hot to rub ours together and dominate him.
You've probably never been to France
And only saw stereotypical arabs in movies etc..
Delusional ? I can get any 10/10 french guy
i love wifebeaters and singlets
they look so slutty and erotic
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OMG simultaneously disgusting and SO hot
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More spit :-P
it’s like a gay bird mommy feeding a baby
we thank you for the gift of your body's moisture. we accept it in the spirit with which it is given

I guess I won't post any about Snowballing then
please do!
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fuck that's delicious.
Men who've been to prison, even better if it's sexual related crimes
Clockwise from top left
Yes, Meh,. Ew, Fuck Me Daddy
>pretty good looking
Prove it.
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we might have a winner
What about these 4 anon
I think counts as gore
Love the bottom left. Hope hes doing well.
Good lord yes
Clockwise from top left
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What is this from? Seems hot.
You know him?
Is he famous?
For me it's (clockwise from top left):
Yeah, fuck no, FUCK YES, eh.
Gotdamn, what's the source for this?
I like cruising it's hot as fuck. Also kinda the only place where I can find blue collar looking a guys
cruising is the most common amongst faggots
I did this once since I was pent up and sharing a room at the time, went near a river at night to jerk off. Ended up completely spraying a plant with cum, had to piss on it afterwards to wash it off
Fat neckbeards with autism shoes. I want one to infodump on me while filling me up like one of his piss jugs
i like when hot men are immobilized
>it will ruin my grindr reputation
>French Arab
this guy has shaped eyebrows, filler lips and a shitload of gold jewelry bought on credit
Made me lol
Also my first time hearing about a "grindr reputation". You people can be very pathetic
what the hell are autism shoes and how do they play into your fantasy
Busted up vans?
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Picture has been edited to gender transition the person getting hanged.
Why would someone do that lol

The unstylish shoes they tend to wear. Dad sneakers, hiking shoes, boots for the military LARPers. Love the look. And the smell makes me diamonds. Give neckbeard gamer feet pls
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Couldn't find the name of the video or actors but here's a photoset


Maybe someone can find the sauce from these pics
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Men with big, prominent, wide noses.
Had a straight buddy / housemate decades ago who was very nonjudgmental about sexual fantasies. Infront of friends' teenage son he would talk about "soft wet pussy".
When I was at the shopping mall with him he would for example point out a conventionally attractive guy and say "that guy has a small cock", and a middle aged swarthy man and say "that guy has a massive cock he has to keep it stuffed in a jockstrap".
He would tease me about my fantasies / tastes and say "you got hard, didn't you?"
His girlfriend lived with us in the share house and he told me that after we had left for study / work he would sit in the front room (his "office") which looked out from the porch on to the street, look at porn and jack off.
He was also one of the kindest, chilled out people I'd ever met and said if he was gay he would be my boyfriend, which was very sweet.
>intentionally is a pervert around children
Yeah he sounds real chill and sweet
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Flies undone intentionally or not
Would love a filthy minded bud making lewd comments. Closest I got was a buddy used to piss in public broad daylight.
I hate these kind of dicks, it's so painful to look at, the head is so big like it's gonna fall out if used "uncarefully". This is a fucking mushroom. I don't want to blame you or smth, just impressed.
i love manly men with shitty fashion
love me some stained wifebeaters, below-the-knee shirts, grimy white socks and sandals, unkempt body hair, dated facial hair

> being ordered around and told what to do by big dick asshole alpha tops
> bonus points for over 6'5" and can pick me up and toss me around
> more physically aggressive the better

was a straight jock's dl in high school. I'm 5'5" and he was, at times very uncomfortably sexually aggressive. loved it
Yeah, it's the kind of dick you hate until it's inside you.
Based. Wish there more guys my age like this. Everyone is clean cut and borderline metrosexual, honestly a turn off
Specifically Indian body Oder? Hahahahaha

If that’s what you are into, just get a gym membership at Blink Fitness
only if he’s hot, otherwise it’s just a fugly uggo in shit clothes
Likewise. I think its trashy af; but guys with a suburban dad getup (button up shirt, shorts, thongs/sandals); or better yet, guys who wear fishing apparel shirts, board shorts, and thongs/sandals in completely normal circumstances like at the shops - they just do something to me. Of course, the guy has to also be attractive to some degree.
Gray sweatpants that need washing. Tbh I can't recall the last time I saw a genuinely slobby guy out. Occasionally might see a tradie wearing sweatpants.
liking older men is historically and currently taboo for both sexes

my friends are constantly pointing out daddys and saying shit like "There's one for you." Like, yeah, I'd fuck him, too. So what? If it was "normal" they wouldn't say anything. Pretty sure they'd fuck a hot old dude too, and have, just scared to say shit.
boyfailures, mentally ill ftms, pervert but too afraid to admit it, freaks desu
Would you share a greentext from that time anon?

> be me, freshman year, spring
> I play soccer competitively and in the gym constantly
> on the treadmill when Josh (not his real name) recognizes me
> pretty sure we had a class together
> stop running and we chat, knows I'm the freshman that made varsity and said that's me
> giant fucking dick, can't miss it and he's not hiding it
> really hard to not look at it, like it's calling to me
> ask me to spot him for his workout, came in alone
> laugh cause I can't possibly spot what he's going to put up but ok
> spot for him as he pumps and I stare at his dick the entire time
> he finishes his set and asks if I have anywhere to be, say no
> offers me a ride home, tell him I rode my bike
> has a truck so says I can put it in the bed, no worries
> say cool and go rinse off, he hits some freeweights
> get dressed and he's ready to go, doesn't shower
> throw my bike in his car and get in
> tells me he saw me looking at his dick
> stomach drops, thought he was gonna beat my ass
> pulls his dick out. jesus christ dude
> can't even get my hand around it
> tells me we're going to his house
> say OK and play with his dick on the way there
> get into his house and takes me downstairs
> manhandles me as we make out
> pushes me down on my knees and start to suck his cock
> so glad he didn't shower
> pulls me up, picks me up and holds me as we make out
> turns around and puts me on the couch behind him
> "get your fucking legs in the air"
> yes sir
> spits on his dick and eats my ass and I'm realizing that I'm about to get wrecked
> slaps my ass and hole and tells me to beg for it
> tell him to fuck me
> slaps me (not very hard) and tells me I can do better
> please fuck me
> slaps me again. "I said beg"
> no idea what to say
> slaps me again "say something"
> that one hurt so I grit as I say
> fuck me hard
> "that's better"
> barely gets his head in and I lurch up
> shoves my stomach back down and tells me to stop fucking moving
> weird thing is he 's kinda gentle about it
> I'm just siezed up and terrified at this point. not even close to in and it hurts
> "loosen up bitch"
> I try and he pushes and he's finally in
> oh my fucking god
> probably only a couple minutes have passed as he gives me slow deep strokes but I'm in so much pain I can't think
> pulls out, which felt REALLY good for some reason
> sits on the couch and tells me to sit on his cock
> do my best to get down on it and eventually do
> just kind of sit there and don't move, scared
> "fucking ride, let's go"
> couple more minutes of pain before BOOM, feels INSANE
> still hurts but fucking good too
> arms around his head, we kiss and I moan
> without trying, picks me up and holds me up as he fucks me hard for a minute
> literally cry as I cum everywhere
> cums inside me like a fucking silverback
> holds me as I'm fucking shaking
> "you fucking love it don't you?"
> nods yes as I'm trying to regain consciousness
> dick and cum pours out of me as he puts me down
> always got really sweet after we were done
> lay on top of him on the couch for a while, make out
> Drives me home and gives me his number
> 3 years of this


> his Senior year, my Junior year, winter break
> his parents are gone for a week and tells me to come over
> on my way
> been about 2 1/2 years, still not tired of it
> get there, has two friends over
> senior football player and a sophomore wrestler buddy
> "the party's here"
> wut?
> Josh stands up and tells me to get naked
> dude what?
> blonde dude says "now"
> strip
> Josh comes over and kisses me, roughly grabbing my neck and shoulders
> "ask them what they want"
> I ask. they want blowjobs
> look at Josh for a minute
> "You can say no"
> feel like he wants to watch me so I say ok
> besides, dudes are gorgeous
> blow the blonde first as Josh and the other dude jerk off
> can tell he's gonna cum so pull up
> shoves me back down and cums down my throat
> gets up and the other dude sits down
> same story
> Josh walks over and tells me I'm a good boy
> covered in fucking cum
> kisses me anyway
> sits in the chair and pulls my waist down on him
> ride him reverse cowgirl as the guys watch
> watch as they blow each other
> picks me up and lays me on my stomach on the carpet
> hammer fucks me, I cum in the carpet
> cums and gets up
> get up, use the bathroom to dump this load
> come back and tells me to blow the guys again, I do
> all take turns in the shower, get dressed to go out
> They take me to a bonfire in the sticks
> actually really fun, the guys are nice to me
> drive back late and fuck josh in the backseat on the way home
> make a mess of this dude's backseat
> get back and blow the other guys again
> Josh and I shower
> fucks me in the shower for the first time
> eventually get to sleep in Josh's bed
> tells me I was awesome today as we cuddle
> doesn't even tell me to, I just blow him again cause I want to
> pretty sure I love this mutherfucker at this point

> my senior year sucks
> mess around with the wrestler kid here and there but miss Josh
> at school out of state
> friday night soccer game
> See Josh in the stands
> waiting for me after the game
> fight every urge to jump in his god damn arms like a little bottom bitch
> tell my parents to take my car home, going out with the team
> get in Josh's truck, road the nanosecond we're out of sight
> thought we were going out to eat but drives me to the nice motel (not the by the hour one)
> acrobat shit
> we do everything
> all the greatest hits
> tells me as we're watching tv that he met a girl
> always figured this was coming
> talk about her, shows me her picture
> she's tiny like me, not surprised
> ask how she handles his monster and he say's she's getting better
> fuck one last time
> tell each other I love you
> spend the weekend together
> get accepted to same school but don't get enough money to accept
> sucks

Hubby and I ran into him and his boyfriend just before the pandemic at Pride. Turns out he never got married and is out. Still see them at the bar once in a while and we all chat. his boyfriend is a great guy. Still depressed when I think about it cause we'd 100% still be together today, no doubt.
are you 80yo
mid 40s. graduated in 97
i like teasing straight bros cuz they always need to out-gay you
holy based
>my friends are constantly pointing out daddys and saying shit like "There's one for you." Like, yeah, I'd fuck him, too
this is why fags are hated through all of history
because of this predatory degenerate shit
Swear to god there's nothing gayer than a straight guy. They'll walk around naked, slap each others asses, grab each others dicks, dry humping, any kind of gay shit, you name it, they do it

That is until he finds out you're gay, then it's "weird"
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I like to record myself pushing out the load guys leave inside me. I just have to see it, I wanna know how much he came. Plus it's my ass shooting out some guys cum. Turns me on
That is one ugly ass hole dude - may the Lord have mercy on us all
Same, I don't know why but they're hot as fuck.
When he justs sits with legs spread and has big thighs
my bus stop is in front of a gym so I get to sniff all the men who don’t shower after working out
Cum farts are always a delight, especially when the hole makes cum bubbles
>Love seeing natural regular guys of all types ethnicities shirtless.
Guys who leave the house without a shirt or drive with no shirt
Sometimes guys from the campus gym would walk back to their car no shirt
Guys kicking a ball or playing frisbee in local park no shirt
I'll often drive home from a run in the summer wearing just my shorts and shoes since I get sweaty and take my shirt off. And then I get horny and slip my hard cock out of my shorts...
I had a homophobic roommate junior year. But damn did he love wrestling men when he was wasted. Biggest jerk off sessions of my life after he pinned me down. I always put up just enough fight to get him to really manhadle me. If only he hadn't been so deep in the closet (this was mid 00s in a red state), would have loved to be his closet slut
guys in wheelchairs for me. it started from a youtuber i watched and it's spiraled into something definitely fetish-y. theres just something about knowing i can pick them up and manhandle them with just enough fighting to make it fun.
No offence to you anon because you were asked to share but you guys always derail threads with the most mundane stories.
But would you date a person with a disability or is that just a fetish

I did that once (late at night) & by the time I got home I had taken off everything and drove home completely naked, then went into the backyard & had a nice jerk

I met a guy in a wheelchair in bar once. People got him on the dance floor & everybody was dancing with him, it was sweet. I "walked" him to his car (it was uphill so I pushed his wheelchair) and thought about inviting him home but felt bad because it was kind of exploitation, since the wheelchair was the only reason. It came up in a vague way & he said "you probably have steps, right" which I did, so that was that. though I should have asked where he was staying, surely an ADA-compliant hotel somewhere.
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cuck fetish :(
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I wanna top him

i honestly love to be the little secret cocksleave of a homophobic dude. The sort of hate fuck and dismissive and aggressive way they treat you but secretly using you....fuck
Ted Bundy
This guy is hot asf, I would top him all night
Subbing / bottoming, I'm a pretty burly guy and generally percieved as dominant in day to day life, I top a good deal and dom people, also bisexual so i do a good amount of women / transfemmes where I very much stand in as a daddy type figure, but I love getting my back blown out here and there. It feels like a bit of a betrayal to my personality, but its so fun.

I also occasionally sneak pics of myself into appropriate threads about people my type cause I like the validation.
based, and based, aaaaaand based yeah that's pretty based, based honestly. are there any pics of his ass?
Buying my gf men's boxers and having sex with her while she wears them.
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Hassidish pedos (the older the better)
why are older men so hot lol
News reporters, gameshow hosts, talkshow hosts. Basically cute white men with 40-50+ years of age wearing suit and tie with either a charismatic personality or serious/stern tone. Makes me want to top them and fuck their old man assholes every time.
sex starved incel here, I want to top my dad. He's actually so much hotter than I could ever be and living under the same roof as him is driving me insane
time to move out
Older men for sure. I think a lot of first gay experiences were with older men and it just does something to the brain.
>>>2606140 (OP)
>Older men for sure. I think a lot of first gay experiences were with older men and it just does something to the brain.
Can confirm. When your first is a much older man, and it's really good, you're done. Daddies from here on out.
my guilty pleasure is to be humiliated by an alpha while he gives me a lot of dick
The serial rapist David Carrick. Reading about how he made his victims vomit with his cock made me hard instantly.
if you're getting orally raped just bite his dick off, fucking idiots
Foreskin torture. Whenever I see a thick foreskin, it's like my brain goes crazy imagining all the awful things I could do to it. Pulling, tweaking, yanking, pinning.
>What are the guilty pleasure turn-one you’re too ashamed to admit?
married tops, preferably hunter/fishing camo bro types. The more aggressive the better and, ideally, more than one at a time. Super ashamed cause I'm married.
The two on the left can take turns fucking me
Ouch and yes I get you
I used to go out of my way to talk to these married guys but I remain friends with them. I already know I’m not going to get them to “explore their sexuality with the gay friend” angle so I feel better letting go those feelings
You a bear? Would love to make you a sub for me
>I find my cousin and his father hot

Long story short, i work with my cousin and his father for some time now and they’re country boys. The trucker hats, wranglr jeans, button up carhardt, and steal toe cowboy boots. It’s a turn on.

I haven’t spoke to this side of the family for over a decade before I started to work with them. After I saw them for the first time I was conflicted, idk if they know I’m gay (I’m masc and don’t talk about my life or sexuality) but i occasionally had thoughts of me fucking the father or sucking the cousin off. Then I remind myself they’re family so it’s gross

If I had to guess the father is homophobic but I’m not sure about my cousin.
My dad is gay and computer illiterate so he leaves a trail of gay porn in his browser history most of the time (i think he just forgets he can delete it lol) and I jerk off furiously to it knowing he also jacked off in the bathroom or whatever
All 8 of them can fuck me, I don't care
>I already know I’m not going to get them to “explore their sexuality with the gay friend” angle
I use the "let me do what your wife won't" angle and it works. Big ups to all the wives that stopped swallowing their hubbys. I'll take it from here.
It worked for you?
Story and how did you know they’re interested?
It can work, but it can also backfire pretty bad. The biggest trick is to get them alone. Went fishing a friend of the wife's and we were bullshitting, talking about our wives and he starts grumbling about she never blows him. I ask him why not get it on the side and he said he couldn't afford a girlfriend, and I replied "Why's it gotta be a girl?" He was surprised and was like "What, you?" and I explained I'm bi. And he was like, "that's cool" but didn't say anything for a bit. He didn't want to ask so I just stepped over to his seat, got on my knees and started undoing his pants" he got super nervous and I told it's ok, just relax. told him to pretend I'm a girl if that makes it better. He's diamonds already when I pull his dick out. Not that big. start rubbing his chest while I blow him and really like me playing with his nipples. Gets his hands on my head and stands up. I can tell he wants to fuck my throat so I grab his big-ass legs and get him started. look up at his as I swallow and he just goes nut. Pulls ne off the floor of the boat and starts making out with me and shit, it was super hot, didn't care who might have seen. I'd blow him more on the boat and then blow his fucking mind on the ride home. He'd never gotten road head before. First times for everything, big fella.
Do you still talk to him?

I got a feeling that one of my straight married friends is willing to try or might have gay tendencies

Long story short, he’s a hunter, outdoor, Christian. He says he doesn’t mind the gays but he feels they’re misguided and doesn’t associate because “I’m not one of them” but he has “gay friends” he doesn’t associate often. what caught me off guard was the reason. He said something like “without my god I do not know if I can control myself from making bad decision”

Really makes you think… what bad decisions will you make without your god?

He’s a very sweet and sensitive guy who had multiple near death experiences that really put his life Into perspective hence why he still talks to the gay friends

>does he know you’re gay

I’m “straight passing” as faggots will screech at me. Nothing has alarmed him that I’m gay but I personally feel he can change his perception about gays buy exploring why he has that issue if you know what I mean
I exclusively hit on older widowed men
Oh yeah, still go "fishing" and "hunting" together and been servicing him for about 5 years now.
> I got a feeling that one of my straight married friends is willing to try or might have gay tendencies
Look for body contact. Touching your arm when he laughs, shit like that. That's always been what I look for.
> Nothing has alarmed him that I’m gay but I personally feel he can change his perception about gays
Suck his soul from his body and make us another ally, /b/rother.
>touching your arm when he laughs

This isn’t the only guy who’s done that have another straight friend who does this. This straight friend knows im gay and he doenst mind if we talk of be seen together. we often talk about our sex/ romance lives and how we can’t seem to find anyone worth our time

I do think that guy is pansexual at the least but doesn’t want to link up because we both are strong believers in “don’t eat where you shit” rules of working in the same building. He’s 52 I’m 25
> He’s 52 I’m 25
> “don’t eat where you shit”
Bro, I'm squatting on the dinner table if I was 25 again and could get some 52 year old daddy meat.
I’m too concern about their well being to be doing stuff like that

However I have notice that I have to make the first move to really see if there’s any chemistry or interest between us.

The 52 year old is a funny, witty, punk, artist who doesn’t want to be held down or confined to anything for any longer than needed hence why he isn’t in relationships so often. I do want to see if he’s interested atleast dating or just casually messing around while we’re platonic with each other but I don’t know when is the right time to do that
I love to be "caught" and used by older men in porno arcades and theaters. I'm younger and somewhat fit so they're usually all over me. I like to act shy and see how aggressive they get
>I love to be "caught" and used by older men
Who doesn't?
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>hot guy
>turns out he's a gun-toting "muh freedom" guy

>gross wank, but eye candy is eye candy
I always think to myself "I'm not trying to marry the guy, I just want to fuck him"
I thought it was hot
You would turn a rape into a murder though
ugly men like indian men especially if they hairy chub bald with big tits
>>turns out he's a gun-toting "muh freedom" guy
that's my ideal husband though
one man's trash is another man's treasure
i need that guy asap
any other into indian men or ugly men?
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A few
especially is they’re married and smell of perfume and bo
I am deeply in love with my co-worker, I am 18 and he is 38
im a whore for widowed cock
single fathers and older men who miss their wives give the best fucks
I masturbate to andrew tate all the time
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I masturbate to andrew tate
Is there somewhere we can go to see him naked / masturbating or actually performing sex? I'd definitely enslave him if I could. He looks like he'd get so angry if you keep him from ejaculating for a more than a week.
I promise I'm not trolling when I say this, but I have a major fetish for stereotypical nerds and geeks.

And I don't just mean like, a pornstar in glasses. I'm talking pocket protectors, tightey whiteys and suspenders, basedjack Disney adult and starwars geeks, fubs, etc. Especially when it's a guy who's really sperg and awkward but built so masculine (hairy/exjock/beefy/shit like that).

What's crazy is that it's kinda been a thing I've been attracted to before I even knew I was gay. I always loved making friends with the weird kids and valedictorian guys in elementary/middle school, but it was relatively recently how fucking hot I found them. It sucks bc there's like never any good porn, except like wedgie shit.

Pic semi related, bc I've embarrassingly nutted to Philip Seymour Hoffman's character in happiness more than once
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Wow you put into words what I like too. Heavy on the whole “built masculine” aspect tho as Im not into thin dudes but yeah man, chubby nerds. As long as there’s no neckbeard they’re 100% fair game to me. I once had an online friend who falls into that description and was obsessed with lord of the rings, Im talking had multiple copies of each book and other tolkien work and it was so hard not to make a move. But apart from the geeky stuff like that I really just like any normal looking guy whos realllyyy into their hobbies and interests, autism level honestly. Its sweet and I love hearing them ramble, but its definitely hard to come by guys like that who are attractive to me, even moreso gay.
Anyway to match your movie comparison Ill go with gene hackmans character in the conversation, very much a silent intellectual, very much an obsessive nervous wreck, and very much my type
Guiltily used to "stalk" cute barista dude who always went commando. Stalk meaning I tried to sit where I would get a view of his free swinging package when he cleared the tables
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Ewwww cado coinslot
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I honestly cant look at arabs the same after i discovered he caucasus, is like all the charm minus the brown skin, more white leaning and no nigger-like features
They are also more violent and physical
I couldn't get off out of an egyptian ever now.
Racists, serbians/yugos, monobrows, pale skin
Lmfao it was like the grossest shit i ever read.
Mfs smell like shit and curry
Literal diarrheal people
That's cringe for sure. However imagine him aggressively fucking you while trying to justify in his meat head how what he's doing isn't gay.
I made a guy puke with my cock (shoving it so far down.)

That turned me on.

I love fat hairly old men. I fucked an 80 year old and secretly enjoyed it so much. I keep up my appearance as just a regular twink who likes other boys my age but my secretly desire for a senior's cock can be too much sometimes. I love Connor Habib only because he fucks old guys all the time.
Fucking old straight guys is very common for us gay guys. We envy straight ment so badly.
What's wrong with that. Right wing guys are so hot. I'm so sick of white liberal fags.

I wanna fuck a real rugged man. Not a limp-wristed fairy who watches drag race and voted for Biden.
There are more than two kinds of guy. Lib left dudes who walk on eggshells and cant speak a sentence without 30 disclaimers lest they say the 'heckin problematic' thing are also awful.
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White, straight Democratic politicians. You can tell that picrel is a total privileged douchbag. He's someone who would buy or sell you on the blackmarket. As he maintains the image of a virtuous, well-off family man.
An arrogant Liberal man in power who knows he can get away with anything are hot. He owns the police, he owns the media, he owns you and your vote. Or else.
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Doesn't actually matter which party he's from. It's just more realistic that a Democratic politician in America would be able to get away with something like this:
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my guilty pleasure is guys like this
? whats so guilty about this, it just looks like the avg american
I'm a european though
I love that mix of cock musk and deodorant

It's a good mix of two good things, too much of either is bad but both in combination is just perfect.

Also I have a thing for getting bitten, it feels primal and animalistic. Getting fucked and having a top dig their teeth into my back or shoulder is hot af. I love seeing the mark the next day or bruse late in the week.
european faggots are all boring sporty twink faggots into saving the planet or something
on the plus side we have less of the blue-hair enby ones, at least I think?
Who is this?
i find myself in a similar situation, i am m21 and i got a 49 years old uncle, who is almost twice my size and i am 5'7, he is a bit chubby and has muscular arms because he tends to build his own stuff like small huts or fences. I always had a thing for him and when once i saw him wearing only a pair of boxers that fit him tight i lost it, i could see his cock bulging and minding that he is married and he went to military and he is a pretty strong man, i really wanna get railed by him in the most brutal ways as possible
i am a techie, i am pretty chubby and extremely curvy like i got massive hips and ass, i don't have beard but my body has some fur. i wear glasses and i am obsessed with computers and the only game i play is minecraft. I'm pretty tight too and i try to be a mix between a femboy and a regular dude who spends nights on the web, just telling you i exist
my guilty pleasure is skid marks. i'm not some nasty shit eating fag but seeing a masculine dude drop his pants for me to suck him off and he's got skid marks in his drawers, damn, gets me so horny
this should be illegal what the actual fuck is wrong with bimksexual
>he thinks liberal means blue-haired autism
In comparison to this thread, my kink is very vanilla.

I love to jerk off in my father's formalwear. I think of it as a dominance thing.

A lot of his dress shirts, suits, and ties have seen my cum. I've sweated through his clothes. Showered in them. Played with lube and mud, amongst other substances.
Damnit I wondered how you’d find a man who looked so angelic! Pretty much the only thing I’m into is guys who are smaller and prettier than me and im already trans, so it’s damn near impossible. We need to clone a bunch of these wtf. Not my guilty pleasure though. Mine is cuts, especially self harm. I spent too long on Tumblr to not be into it.
might be 'joshcroissant'
Transfemmes? You know you can say trans women, right?
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>arab guys
>hairy arab guys
>smelly arab guys
>arab guys with unibrows
>arab guys with huge noses
>hairy asses of arab guys

dreading the day my boyfriend asks about my dating history and it sounds like I'm reading from the no-fly list
good taste
Dude pansexual is for people who think there are 30+ genders

Please go back to /tttt/

Is that another way of saying they shooped off his dick? Say what you mean, Anon
Upper right looks like a "transman" or whatever they're using now.

Lower left, come to my window

There are definitely "Grindr reputations", but I don't believe a single one of them is flattering!

Well this won't be winning any AVN awards, I'm afaird
Upper right is caught for sex crimes, so I'll take his horny zoomer cock any day, but everyone else is hot too, I'd worship them all
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I like fucking guys who are closeted and still in that 'I have to act as macho as possible so nobody will ever suspect I'm gay' phase. Sometimes they are even homophobic and abusive in their way of acting towards me but I can always tell they're really just putting on an act. It turns me on in two ways, 1, they think I'm stupid and actually buying their act which turns me on with a feeling superiority over them and 2, even though machoism is the absence of masculinity, it's good enough pretend substitute in the moment to make me feel like i'm fucking a masculine man. Once I have my way with them, I'm done. I guess it's similar to something like a straight guy that has a thing for virgins and once they aren't virgins anymore they ditch them and look for another virgin. I don't care if they're 'confused' and I may have taken advantage of that. Deep down they know what they really want and I want to fuck them while they're still masculine. Once gay guys come out of the closet they turn into women who are on the rag 24/7.
I also am extremely turned on by racist white guys like picrel
>I'm early 40s but I'm addicted young incel virgins (18 and up, obvs)
>the more immature the better
>found one by accident during the pandemic
>was his first everything
>love watching their faces when they cum
>they go crazy when I swallow them
>let them do whatever they want to me (within reason)
>get them addicted to me
>find a new one when I get bored
>really want to find a group of friends and be their house cumslut one of these days
i love when I can see a man’s chest hair bursting from his shirt, it’s almost pornographic
love seeing a man’s undershirt/wifebeater through his dress shirt
love when men bend down and I can see their crack
writing this down makes me feel like such a faggot god I love men so much women don’t know what they have
Used to deal weed and acquired a taste for wiggers and white trash. Fresh out of prison and covered in tats is my absolute favorite. It's amazing how quick these "straight" boys will drop their pants for a blowjob and some free weed.
Love getting a glimpse of a dudes underarm hair in two ways:
1. Young guys who wear tank tops but are kind of innocent and are not self conscious about their armpit fluff (not gymrats in muscle tanks).
2. Men whose shirts have short sleeves either rised up (like polo shirts) that show tufts of pit hair, or button up shirt sleeve that shows glimpses when they lift up their arms. Had a high school commerce teacher who wore polos that showed a glimpse of pit hair, it was an aspect of sexual awakening for me.
HOT. if true
i never understood the appeal of that limbless anime girl in the hospital with a teddy bear until I saw this man
he’s so fucking hot
imagine caring for such a hunk and letting him fuck you
I know exactly what you mean. I absolutely adore getting to glimpse some unintentional pit fur.
As an Arab, that was really nice.

For me blond hair and blue eyes are something great
well as a blond hair blue eyed guy thats really nice haha we would be a good match ;)
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fat indian
imagine the smell
Old, dirty underwear, those that have already been cummed on, worn for days on end to the point where it has changed color and ripped out everywhere. I just love the feeling of jacking off through the fabric then cum while still having my undies on, then just leave it dry in there, building up for days.
When I was in my early 20s, I was fucking this older dom top pretty regularly. After he came, he loved flipping me around and making me suck the cum and ass juice off his cock. He’d also get me to push out the cum into his hand for me to lick up (and would then kiss me)

Obsessed ever since. I’m not into scat, but I skirt the edge.
>Right wing guys are so hot.
I swallow every MAGAt I can find. They own me.
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oh yea man, fresh outta jail and balls so full they can hardly see straight. i had one over one time for anon hookup. i was ass up, prelubed and he let himself in, fucked me, bred me and then left with a bag of weed i had ready for him. was amazing.
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I'm partially Jewish and I jerk off to old photos of Nazis. I wish this was a joke but it isn't.
based jewfag
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I just want to corrupt them so bad...
Prewar Germany had a very strong athletic / body positivity / naturist culture. I think people still sunbathe nude in some city parks.
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Oh yeah, I find it extremely kino. In general the embracing of the primal and the heathen during the late Romantic era made for some really hot moments. It's funny how even though the Nazis tried to ban it at first, they just couldn't compete with the German man's desire to be naked outside and eventually legalized nude sunbathing provided it wasn't witnessed by anyone.
Jews: gay since circumcision
That's kinda true if we talk about trashy peripheries of mediterranean europe, all the male scum is always tanned, full of tattoos, with tanktops or just naked, and "to joke" they call each other with cutesy name like "honey", "joy", "my reason to life". The most spread insult is "suck my cock", but sometimes it look like they are saying "I like you, no talk, more cock"
Obese femboys, with smooth skin, dark mail paint and eyes make up
>no talk, more cock
Should be the title of my memoir
>Obese femboys, with smooth skin
Only recently found out this was a thing. Met a bouncing baby boy online (19, don't get all pissy) and he came over. Was in "regular" clothes the first time, no makeup or anything - but the most buttery smooth, soft, skin, little chubb rolls. Shit has me obsessed. He's having trouble taking dick, but we're working on it. Head's pretty good, just needs some more practice. He's gonna try sneaking some clothes and makeup out of the house so he can get dressed here next time, but he usually comes over right from class or work. Looking forward to it though.
Jackson Hinkle is such an empty-headed idiot, but fuck, he's so cute I wanna stick my dick all the way through him, even if I have to rape him, I will make him want dick
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genuine red flags turn me on so much for no reason. master manipulators and victim complexes and chronic liars are all so hot to me
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My daddy likes to fuck his wife. Not wash his cock and make me sniff it and lick it clean. It smells so strong and Ive come to love it.
>he enjoys woman juices
:/ why did i read and saw that
>whatcha gonna do when that 2" shriveled steroid dick comes looking for you, /b/rother?
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A genuinely guilty pleasure of mine is being really turned on by the idea of a guy subtly manipulating me. Especially if he thinks I'm stupid and easy to control and even more so if he's not particularly bright either but believes he is. Like everything he says is right and if he's wrong, he'll just convince me he's right.

My mom's best friend's husband was like that. He was pretty dumb, an absolute meathead, and just an overall loser but he would "correct" me on everything I said (even though he was usually wrong) and it made me diamonds to act like he was super knowledgeable.

>pic unrelated, just a hot guy
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I don't have a name for it but guys like Alex Jones and fedsmoker

Fat trashy dudes who do stimulants and are probably fun to good out with

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