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Post cute Persian/Egyptian/Arab/etc boys. No blacks.
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>ywn educate and fondle a beautiful greek boy
No porn videos?
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how do you tell the difference between a mediterranean, levantine, and gulf arabs?
he's nasty looking btw
He's a buff bro now. I used to talk to him on apps because we live near each other. He's really nice and ended up doing kind of a 180 in terms of self-identity/presentation.
was this the nigga that though he was the son of gaddafi or am i thinking of something else?
>no blacks
wouldn't this just tempt people into posting them
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Anna looking good here
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this looks like AI
What’s his Twitter?
beautiful shaved armpits. need more
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I have a webm, but that's about it
Words can't hope to approach even a farcical euphemism to describe how disgusting that is.
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Is there an archive of Yahya's stuff anywhere? Half the stuff you can find of him now is from after he bulked up
Afghan-Kuwaiti twink
Who honesty finds niggers genuinely attractive and not just saying so to virtue signal? They're disgusting.
well desu a black butt, tummy or even the dick of a rare black femboy cumming handsfree has a certain appeal to it, tho it’s hard to get over the monkeyface those subhumans have
rent free in jannies' heads
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that ain't it
God damn, Abū Nuwās was right. Absolute cutie.

>the stalin picture in the back
every time
Socialism is actually pretty popular with arabs. If they're not islamists at least, which I'm assuming most twinky fags like that guy aren't.
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Who are you
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Are you retarded? This is a thread for mena TWINKS
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sex with a dick that thick would be automatic rape. wow.
the ummah has fallen
Absolutely haram. MENA twinks have halal cocks.
Maybe the dude’s a Christian/comes from a Christian background? The Middle East was Christian before it became Muslim ya know.. and frankly any cock looks better uncut. There’s something really hot about someone from that region of the world who’s uncut anyways.
Nah. Good MENAboys have no foreskin. Don't want any sand getting caught in there. Please report these thoughts to the imam.
>>2624590 Nah, foreskin is hotter. The Middle East WAS mostly uncut like Europe before the Muhammad sand cult came into being. Jjst because muslims and jews like to mutilate their men and make them all look the same like drones down there doesn’t mean other groups should
From my understanding, Coptic Christians and some of the other Orthodox Christian groups actually practice circumcision too. I think the majority of Lebanese and Egyptian Christians are circumcized.
Blame centuries of Islamic influence I guess.
Also, I know circumcision in Armenia is just about non existent…
mediterraneans are usually fair skin with reddish or copper brown hair, levantines are brown olive skin with black or brown hair, gulf arabs are basically light skin indians. there's a lot of people with mixed ancestry so it's hard telling them apart and it's quite rare to see a pure med or levant but they exist.

That is a very pretty boy. Any more?
Someone post pre-twunk Yahya pls, there's so little out there and I know some of you are hoarding

Hey that's my pics
if you're going to lie can you at-least put in some effort
Where are you from? I am just curious. Your eyes are so hot by the way.
I screened because if I post it straight from the camera roll it becomes unsupported and it wouldn't post
Algerian ethnicity
yeah sure. post timestamp or fuck off
Pov: you're an ottoman sultan coming home to your Christian boywife
This 2 I took form my mom closest
you don't have the kind of body needed to make money off of softcore pics.
guess I will have to work then
Damn, you could have waited for me before you blew him up, now I'm curious.
Can't believe this thread has been running since February.
Imagine you are Alexander the Great, you just conquered Babylon and this is the famous eunuch Bagoas the younger come to be your lover. Wow so beautiful
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God he’s so beautiful, link to his instagram/twitter?
alt timeline david laid
Hey, how come the ebony twinks and femboys thread got deleted but this gets to stay up?
Damn an arab thread without a single hot guy thats crazy....I'm sure there are arab twinks that don't look like ugly girls
i counted a handful of them at least
is that a even a he
>no blacks
Lol what was the point in posting this? Why not add no Indians or anglos while
You’re at it? So random. You fags so combative and pathetic on here lmao must be the worms
Yeah, half of MENA is North Africa kek
That's what I thought too.
Will you be my bitch?

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