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Since there's a lack of pec threads, I'll start.
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Majin Boobs
how is this even possible? is it natural?
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moar titties plz MOAR
Just cummed so fucking hard
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ginger hair
pink nipples
alabaster skin
moar MOAR
Who is this guy?
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If only men could lactate...
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love jiggly pecs
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Guys, these pecs are achievable only with steroids, right? If i had such chest, I would be happy.
Have you even tried working out? Do chest exercises and develop a habit. Steroids isn't a fix to you being unfit
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> Have you even tried working out? Do chest exercises and develop a habit.
Sure. I’ve been working out for almost 4 years but I haven’t reached such results. I haven’t even got just visible chest. I spent so much effort, time and money on healthy food and a trainer. But I still look like a weak fag, not like a man.
A lot of these beautiful chests are heavily influence by genetics. Anyone can grow a strong chest, but only some will have it look aesthetic.

Have you consistently worked out 4 years and kept your diet consistent for months at a time? The fact you hired a trainer says to me you half-assed it and expected massive results.
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Hop on the roids mah dude.
>not eating enough, not lifting heavy, or both
for most people getting big will make their dick look small
what you're going for is proportions
get your shoulders wide as you can get them natty
cardio to get your waist as thin as you can natty
don't skip leg day
be able to do 10 pullups from a dead hang
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steroids shrink your nuts, not your dick.
i think anon meant your dick will look smaller in comparison since you're getting bigger. roid nuts must be one of the ugliest things a man can have though.
holy fucking retard, jfc
you're the retard faggot. Steroids have never, ever effected the dick in anything except erection quality. They atrophy the testicles due to test production in the body shutting down. This can be avoided via HCG.
nobody is talking about that retard, it's about the contrast of a huge body with big muscles, jfc amerifats are fucking fried LMFAO
nah. no (You)s for retarded brainlet chimps like (You)
juicy titties yum
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WHO IS this ginger root?
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>shaving them
On the one hand I feel he is ruining them, on the other I wish I could freely grope him as part of the "shave".

I've recently discovered I want a hairy turkish boyfriend
Oh yeah. For the love of all that is holy, please mute the video though.
tremendas tetas...
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such succulent boobas...
What’s your routine? I’m still not where I want to be yet but I found adding angled cable flys (both low and high) helped with pec size
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I swear if this is another case of some idiot not taking rest days to allow their muscles to heal and grow...
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how the fuck you think it is natural? none in this thread are natural.
That's pretty short sighted. There are plenty of guys in this thread that could be natural.


All of those physiques could be attained naturally in a few years of lifting, and that's just in the last few replies.
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Who is he?
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this is so cringe like lol
bgtfo with that enby bullshit
Are you retarded on purpose?
are you referring to multiple people with "their"? then you are an enby fag and not welcome here. They is always plural.
smartest amerifat:
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All right guys, stand back and let me gross you out. It's just something I like to do to shake things up ...
but why
dude... what IS this thing?
Some photoshop of some fat guy ig maybe himself?
I have NO idea why anoncdecided to post that like its not even that gross its just dumb looking lmao

Ignore it and move on

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