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thread about white men and their asians
whether it be raceplay or just a normal relationship

let other anons know about your deepest fantasies
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Uncut BWC absolutely mogging that cut asian dicklet
of course
asian dicklets aren't worth anything
>dragon's dogma 2 came out
>you requested a week off of work just so you can play
>you get home, just to quickly kick off your shoes and your clothes, leaving them strewn upon the floor
>you rush upstairs to your gaming room, there waiting for you on a side table near your PC is a spread of various snacks, sodas, energy drinks, and food
>you pull back your gaming chair so you can get comfy and you spread your legs
>soon after you boot up DD2, your chinks enter the room with your clothes
>he neatly folds them and set them aside, before getting down on all four and crawl underneath your desk to situate himself between your thighs
>you feel your chink gently lift your balls with his hands and leans in for a big whiff
>he says he misses you before giving the base of your cock a deep passionate kiss then moves up slowly kissing along the way till he reaches your tip
>your chinks stopped briefly at your tip, he puckers his lip to french kiss your cock head
>once your chink is finish with kissing your cock head, he slowly takes your cock in his mouth, sinking slowly till he reaches back down at the base
>he then starts to move his head back and forth, rolling his tongue all around your white cock as he sucks your cock
>he moans with great delights with your cock deep in his throat
>you pay him no mind
>to you, all of this is normal. so much so that it would feel weird to play video game without your chink sucking on your cock
>some hours and a few cans of drinks later, without missing a beat you tell your chink its time for him to get a little pick me up
>you sigh with relief as you piss down his throat
>your chink in turn, chugs every last drop of piss you have to offer him
>while he's still in his ecstasy, you break it by giving him a quick slap to tell him you're out of food
>he quickly gets out from under your desk to fetch you more food as quick as he can
>you think to yourself what a great life you have before getting back into your game, ignoring your chink when he gets back to continue to suck on your chink
>its gonna be a great week
Chink here only serves white masters
fuck I missed these posts from you. desu id klll for a full on story/series with this exact dynamic between a nerdy white guy and his asian boyfriend.
I miss my Asian ex so fuckin bad
I want to worship bwc. i need a white bf real bad
I've tried all types. They are the best.
thanks man
and I'll cook some more stuff up later
No matter how hard people from my race lust after white dick I take solace in the fact that there is always an Asian out there who will grovel even harder
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If you are interested you can join our group
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patiently waiting for more
sauce on left?
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My photo
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me and white top :)
yes MOAR
Good boy
Man I wish WMAM was as popular as WMAF. Its actually crazy how mainstream WMAF has become. Like its just completely normalized, even non asian/White people talk about it like its part of everyday life
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I'm a White Nationalist or some shit like that and I often fantasize about having a Yellow BF.
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It's completely within your virtue to dominate lesser men.
Race play shit is corny and lame. I just want a normal relationship.
then go have it.

Some like the fantasy/roleplay aspect of it. 75% of the people here enjoy it for the RP/fantasy. The other 25% are the depraved losers lol
>then go have it.
Negative. My area isn't graced with many Yella folks. I've seen some fine ones as tourists, though.

>Some like the fantasy/roleplay aspect of it. 75% of the people here enjoy it for the RP/fantasy. The other 25% are the depraved losers lol
I don't understand the appeal, personally. I basically only like White and Yellow and the reason I like Yellow is because they're almost like an alternative form of White. I just want a cute Yella boy to play video games and watch clouds with. Don't really wanna degrade the fucker, at least in such a cheesy manner.
>Don't really wanna degrade the fucker, at least in such a cheesy manner.
You're actually perfect, and if no one has told you that then they're doing you a major disservice.
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Tell me they weren't born to take cock
he's the perfect role model for asian boys, always happy and eager to serve
Been called a few things, but that's not one of 'em. Whatever you're imagining is more flattering than the reality.
jfc yes
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Absolutely breathtaking twink
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asian male moment
are these two on x or of?
says it in the beginning. X
wish I had a white bf
would spend all weekend long worshipping him like this
cooking and cleaning for him, licking his cum after he jizzes onto floor as a treat for me, waiting on him, no order would be too much
I'll be rooting for you king
i need him
nothing cure asian more better than a white cock
I wish I had an asian bf that does exactly these things
OMG I actually talked to him on Grindr a few times :)

Missed my chance with him :(
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They all rushed into position when they heard their white master come home
fuuuck having three eager Asian's rush to greet me when I get home <3
>not waiting for you white master by the door
>not greeting him the moment he enters
its clear they don't care for him at all
they just only want his dick
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Right >>>
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they're the perfect little whores
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>they're the perfect little whores
Dude, I used to plow this little asian twink swimmer in high school. perfect body. We stopped when we went to separate collages but fuck he was the best.
I’m almost exclusively into guys with body and facial hair so I haven’t been into many asian guys. Recently I messed around with this Filipino guy and I was really surprised by the absence of body odor. I have a keen sense of smell and I can usually pick up on a guy’s natural scent even freshly showered. I could barely smell this guy even after being outside all day. I was kinda into it honestly
Holy shit that’s Warin Hidaka, back in 2012 he used to have this youtube channel called Hidakalaka show, he’d collab with A Chance of Bromance. Then he uploaded an incredibly weird video where he cried and said he did something that fucked his life up forever and never uploaded again. I always wondered what happened to him.
I literally cannot find any evidence that any of the entities or channels you named ever existed.
Damn dude, that’s hot. Please post more of him.
How about now?>>2617931
Silly me, trying to search those terms with spaces between them. That guy covered his tracks very well if he did do something that fucked up his life forever, no FB, IG, twitter, anything.
Right? I could only find his LinkedIn and a Behance profile. Looks like he’s just working as a boring sales wagie. Which is a shame because he was so artistically creative. What a world…
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Boy, I tell you what, how about you get your little Yellow ass in this vehicle and we go on down to Strickland and break in my new desk?
Everyone in the Lonestar knows that’s where the cutest Vietnamese guys.
Sure of that ? Cause he really looks like a chinese guy living in Paris too...
Pic is one of his grindr pp, I can share more if you thi4HTRnk that could be him
Damn, so not a 4th-gen Japanese-American former amateur YouTuber-turned-sales specialist living in Wilmette, IL? Oh well, post more of this twink anyway, he’s cute as fuck.
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desu I really wanna RP with someone where I have a twink Asian (or multiple) boyfriend(s) who devote their entire life to me and my cock soleley because I'm white, but there's also romance and genuine love between us. There'd be a ton of focus on him/them sucking/riding/nursing my cock for long, extended periods while I play video games, and perhaps toilet play stuff too.

Also, perhaps findom/classplay stuff, only with me being a low/middle class white nerd who makes minimum wage with an Asian who makes 5-6 figures and INSISTS on spending all his money on me.

I also adore the idea of broken/bad engrish accent asian boys too.

IDK maybe this isnt the place for posting this, but its an RP style ive been DYING for for years and have never known where to look for someone to indulge me.
Sounds cute, but I'd take the monogamous version. I've always had a fantasy about being tutored by a merdy Yellow boy in math or something and then we end up falling in love and making fuggenings.
The duality of man
I'm not white but I've been dating twinky asian guys. They're the best.
would indulge you
but i'm a fat chink
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white guys, what underwear do you prefer on your asian?
>I'm not white
What is your background?
Indulge me. My Snapchat is vituperava
You have Signal? Mid 30s skinny gook here. Like a lot of what you said.
violating cute japanese megane boys. longer face framing bangs are the cutest on jap boys
Wow that's surprising first time I see someone I know here. I Hooked up with him once and did soft only. Did you meet him too anon?
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My white jewish daddy dom keeps ignoring me. I know he's a huge asian chaser, but he's just busy right now. How do I get his attention? I miss him...
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probably the best WMAM ever.

batmanrobin8 and phuc possibly?
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So the stupid things was just making a porn? Meh
can I please just get more of this? Please? I've been dying for it. I'm desperate. I want entire stories on this.
White size queen bottom here. Used to talk to this Asian cuck who was devoted to my cunt. Loved to smell and eat out my hairy asshole and watch me get drilled by fat cocks. Hot little fucker.
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Asians, would you be willing to share your white man with another chink?
as a desperate white subtop I want two or more chinks to eagerly share my cock and force themselves onto me. UGH I'd be in heaven.
He's perfect. I want one just like him
>being asian
>tall with a big frame
>not a skinny smooth twink
white men here mostly looking for a pocketsized twink to overpower, am i doomed
I wanna watch white boy pussy get ruined and kiss it after. I’d even drink another man’s piss out your hole
not really. Youre probably not as tall as me, would you be willing to shave though? or use that gel people use.
I do shave when it gets out of control, but my hair grows back ultra fast, stubbles poking through like not even a day later.
Lots of weirdos itt, was roofied and gangbanged by a few much older guys i barely knew in my late teens, beyond the physical/sexual abuse what was almost as bad was the racial shit like itt, it fucked me up for years and after years of counseling, a few years struggling with gender dysphoria/hrt, i’m in my late 40s and happily married but this stuff still gives me nightmares

t, 48 yr old asian 5’5, 155, used to be 5’5 125
care to elaborate?
hairy, big frame and tall. Are you muscular? Because Asian muscle guys are the best
nah anon, not muscular, just a lil bit fat
Got kik?
Aren't there like 9 bottoms for every 1 top? I see no reason why tops can't have 2 bottoms each. One for cooking, one for cleaning.
in reality, i would prefer a monogamous relationship
but if we're talking about fantasy, i wouldn't mind if he had a whole harem taking care of his every needs
two chinks to suckle on his nipple, two chinks to lick his feet
a couple of chinks to act as his furniture, a chink as his rickshaw driver, etc.
Fuvk yes im fantasy I want a whole harem of chunks adoring me and doing everything for me. I wanna be treated like a god <3
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Tbh id kill for a sort of reality warp story with this topic of being an average white man going on vacation to an Asian country and there’s randomly tons of attractive Asians just touching/complimenting without asking and progressing to just pulling the white man into a room to be surrounded by desperate Asian chunks worshiping his white body whether he wants it or not.
Sauce? (Handle is no work)
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no. get your own colonizer you praying mantis
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Ty. Wasn't showing up on Google results for some reason.
Can you share the other pics from this series? Thank you.
is it just me that I want my white top to wear those hugo boss uniform outfit from 1930s-1940s Alemand and he do me however he wish?
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This is all I want. An Asian to love and own my white cock like that
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asian bottoms I've been with weren't gay. they liked women but they wanted to take bwc out of curiosity about why they couldn't get girls, or envy.
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Chink's first BWC.
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Asian boys are raised to respect white guys. I'll never forget my school and being caught off guard when one would call me sir, when we were the same age.

Dont forget how they would always cover their dick with their hand in the locker room, and you'd catch them looking at yours.
I don't think any of these are real. if it was real then why I'm still a virgin asian? I'm sure these are either studio porn pairings or AI.
skill issue. white guys literally fuck asians all the time, constantly. source: i am a white guy who fucks asians
see, it's a lie kek. no proof or timestamp provided, it's just a non-existent brag or a LARPer. tick tock.
must be a great feeling having your face used as a canvas for a white cock
22yo jap looking for someone who can chat with. any guys interested in mydiscord:hako0120
>ywn never get to kiss a white man and his dick goodnight
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chink slave looking for white master and daddy to chat or humiliate
telegram @shyskbs46916

Who dat?
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Asian for bwc master channel
I want to make love to a Dutchman. I wanna hear him whisper consonants in my ear while he orgasms.

No kidding though, I'm curious how Dutch men talk dirty in their own language.
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happy memorial day guys
remember if youre drinking today, don't forget to share some of your beer with your chinks
once after youre done with it
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Pls don't let this thread die
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The ONLY thing you chinky yellow sluts are good for
thats so cute
what i would give to have a white guy pet me like that
Need an Asian cuck to worship my hairy cunt before and after I get railed by thick dick
>its a warm summer afternoon
>you go out onto your back porch to relax
>you sit down on your deck chair and look over your property
>its nothing too big or grand, but its a place to call home
>you look to your right, its a small side table with some drinks set out for you
>to your left is your chink, naked and on his knee with his legs spread wide apart
>around his neck is a tightly secure dog collar, enough to allow him to breathe, but tight enough to let him be uncomfortable whenever he moves
>between his legs is a cage, locking up his useless clit and a small bell
>you take out your tablet and start watching your favorite movies
>you run your hands through your chink's black wavy hair
>your chink's bell starts ringing, letting you know that he likes it
>beneath him is a tiny pool of pre dripping out of his cage
>you chuckle to yourself as you go back to petting him and continue to watch your movie
>before you know it, you already finish all the drinks and you have to go use the restroom
>you get up to go back indoors
>your chink wants to follow you, but you stop him ordering him to stay outside
>you come back out quickly with your chink's drinking bowl in hand
>you plop it down and give your chink the command of "aim"
>he quickly get to work
>he undos your pants and pull down your boxers with his teeth to let your white cock pop out
>like a dog, he grabs it from the side to help you aim towards the bowl
>you sigh as you start pissing into his bowl
>it quickly overfills as your cock still remains in your chinks mouth helping you aim
>a few seconds later you're all empty and your chinks quickly nods as to shake out the last few drops of piss from your cock
>with a gentle slap on the back of his head, he continues his routine
>he cleans off the tip of your dick and give it a small kiss before he tucks it back into your boxer and buttons up your pants
>he waits patiently for your next command
>you nod and points to the bowl
>your chink eagerly laps up your piss from his bowl as you sit back down to continue watching from your tablet
that’s cute
eww piss
Gaysians are God's gift to mankind. I'm a slim ghoulish looking white dude and after discovering them I now have an endless source of out of my league sex. If you just have a job and know how to say the right words, just log on a dating app and you'll have a smooth bubble butt up in your room the very same day. Honestly, I don't even see the need to date other races anymore.
I need a chink to fuck whenever I want who will do whatever I tell him to do.
god, i would love to be own by a white guy like this
he wouldn't even need to ask to fuck me
>you come home to an immaculately clean house, just the way you like it
>you strip out of your clothing, throwing them onto the ground knowing that your chink will eventually come and clean it up
>in the living room, is your chink sitting on the couch playing video game
>you walk infront of him, blocking his view of the tv and ask him how was his day
>before he could even get a word out, you pull his head towards your big white cock
>he drops the controller as you shove your cock all the way to the base
>you rock your hips back and forth as you grip your chink's head harder
>you're skullfucking him at this point
>with each thrust you hear your chink gag, which is like a beautiful symphony to you
>its not long till you have to bust a nut, you hold his head down, ensuring he can't pull away as you shoot your load down his gullet
>you hear him choking on your cock and cum, but you don't care, he's your property
>your cum starts to leak out of his mouth and nose as he continues to choke
>you pull out, your cock coating in a mixture of cum and saliva
>you rub your cock all over your chink's face to clean it off before you grab him by the hair to give him a few good smacks across the face
>"Welcome home Daddy" he says as you strike him again
>"Thank you Daddy and thank you Dadddy Jr." he says as he kiss your cock tenderly
>you sit down on the couch and pick up the controller
>"go get me a sandwich" you say
>your chink quickly complies and heads off into the kitchen with his face drenched in your cum to make you a sandwich
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Asian chink slave channel welcome white master

the fucking dream
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he's going to town on that cock
wish i could service a white cock like that
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asian boys compared to white dom dads
This is a classic. The difference between men and asians clear as day
In the Philippines one wink or an air smooch is all it takes. They’ll stop and turn around to hook up with you.
surprisingly both hot
I’d want to breed the left while getting railed by the right
It's really hard for me to considered asian males as "men". That's not even that small for asians, it's the norm

would be better if all asian males just learned to serve bwc honestly but thaats already happening
guy on the left services my blown out cunt after guy on the right makes me nut hand free with his fat pipe
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white frat bros hazing asian freshman
guess which is asian
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there's no "asians" in that pic
its just a white man and his property
I'm going to create the porn category of "loving raceplay" no words like "colonizer" or "ricedick" just amorous sex, but he says he loves my big white cock and I say I love fucking his tight chinese ass.

also I want a fob asian with a heavy accent

also this man should go backpacking though east asia and record it
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love asian ass
why does it say "generated on pornhub"? is this ai?
fucking sauce
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it's so nice to see asian males being fully trained
You just know their blood plasma is mostly alkyl nitrites, cocaine and meth.
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I'm really in the mood to suck an asian bottoms cock, need an asian boy to love and spoil and be super psyched on me
maybe your butt ugly and not on the same level as the guys you are referring to. dont matter if you are white, asian, whatever, if that's the ONLY thing you have to market yourself with then you're probably a fugly socially awkward loser.
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maybe coz ur completely delusional to think your experience is in any way reflective of OTHER people's experience. hookup culture is sooo prominent in the gay world that to be a gay virgin of ANY race puts you in the .00001%. you must be reallyyyy unappealing to be in that tiny minority.
What a sexy twink, fuck I’d love him
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all asian men should be serving white guys

women aren't interested in that baby dick.
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preaching to the choir bud
Virgin singaporean twink here! I'm going on a solo trip to Bangkok soon and hoping to find a nice dilf to hookup with! Any body here with experience or advice? Or do I just hop on grindr to find the first guy I'm not afraid to fuck? Filled with anxieties and horny :(
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We need to be training all asian "men" and boys to serve white cock. Youre literally never going to get a woman. Short and petite, round ass, little clit. Get a white man to protect you and take care of you.
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He's straight but willing to take white cock
we're not saying yk, i do make white boys happy near me
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Lucky asian bitch lol
good boy. if any white dude needs to get sucked off you need to do your job as an asian boy
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White boys make Asians Drool. "Straight" or gay.. they want to know why their sisters are all BWC Only
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Born Faggots.
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chinks always look so happy in the arms of a white man
That's AI you dummy
i wish i was able to look up at a white man like how that chink is
This is the moment when asians realize they aren't men
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another chink faggot doing her thing
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i love when white men dress us up
damn u really got yourself a slut.
I just don’t understand this. I like asian guys. I’d feel so lucky to have a beautiful asian guy in my life who enjoys me. I would never play with this kind of gender fire, feminizing them and all that. If I accidentally pushed one to transition I’d want to kill myself for pushing a beautiful guy destroy himself. Can’t understand this mindset at all.
Anon it's just a fetish, a kink, just like anything else. I don't think it's really that deep. I don't get fisting, bug chasing, BDSM ect. but to each their own I suppose.
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WMAM is going to keep becoming more common.
>you have a little boy dick
>tiny hole
>naturally submissive
it's for the best that you find a white man. most asian boys are starting to realize this
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asians when they know their white man will be home soon
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first white dick
best moment of every asian's life
Good thing not all asians exist to fulfill your desires and perceptions of us. You do realise we asians have our own wants and equating an asian wanting to transition as "destroying" himself is fucked up.
nobody even mentioned trans anything anyway. bro's schizo
I'd breed my step son the second he presents to me like this
underrated webm. This is actually what asian males turn into when they see a white dick. like hungry little puppies
no need to get them a ring
just get them a dog collar, its all the same to them
If you think transitioning isn’t tantamount to self-destruction you don’t know enough about it. The hormones wreck your bones long-term and are extremely carcinogenic, the surgeries are even worse. Also, everybody has their own wants, duh, and some of those wants would lead to wanton self-destruction if acted upon and should therefore be discouraged.
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Another asian tries bwc. won't be her last
That’s literally a boy
what anime are they watching
See my live feetpics and $more on snapchat mayah0027 (blonde skinny guy) ..

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