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Last thread was a phenomenal success. Post more rape fantasies involving hot creepy jeet perverts, it gets me rock hard.
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What actually is Desi?
Desi means anyone belonging to the Indian subcontinent and/or having some South Asian ancestry and genetics. But mostly it also refers to village guys in India/Sri Lanka/ Bangladesh/Pakistan/Nepal.
Also I am kind of surprised and just realised that the Dalit mogger guy who was trending for sometime in the incel and lookism spaces for his almost perfect facial aesthetics didn't get posted on the previous thread. Sure the gays here would love him based on his face alone.
Beautiful... beautiful man. Such gorgeous brown skinned hairy body and sexy moustache.
Love his bright pink knob
needs more real men in here
>real men
>posts fatass with clearly photoshopped moobs
seethe virgin
yuk yuk yuk
I would go up to him and call him a pajeet so he could beat me up and rape me forcing me to inhale his curry musk and sweat id squirm and struggle to get away but he'd punch me in the back of my head knocking me our breeding my little hole till I'm left a complete mess
nobody asked for this
At least start with a hot guy
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Rate out of 10
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A young college stud that I met on Grindr in Chennai when I visited a couple of years ago! Can't wait to go back for a second round. Easy to say that the business trip was easily worth it thanks to him! Musky, hot, and had the stamina of a work horse.
wtf are we supposed to rate here? shitty ass photo, not a single piece of skin other than face is shown, are you fucking retarded?
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Diego Sans is brazilian, not indian.
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This pic is an /hm/ classic, dunno if he's Desi but wow
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Nope I searched and it seems he's from Oman
Nice bush with a tight foreskin
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Aussie here, I love desi men. So many Aussies do not like desi men & I can never understand why. They are great kissers, usually hv uncut cocks, are quite hairy & often very good looking. I hooked up with a married desi last week, he invited me over to his place as his wife was at work. Amazingly clean, modern house. He took me up to their bedroom and we immediately kissed, before getting naked. His cock was bigger & fatter than mine, he was over 7” and very thick with his pink knob end poking out of his foreskin. We sucked each other for 30 mins then I turned him over and rimmed his hole before poking my tongue deep into his desi hole. He was in ecstasy and thrust his cock back into my mouth as I dropped my balls into his mouth. My balls hang nicely when I’m relaxed. He soon said he was going to blow as he’d been hanging out for some white cock. He started to squirt and I put his brown cock in my mouth and swallowed his thick load. We chatted for a while , he wants more white cock another day & I decided to get moving before his wife came home. Loved sucking him in their marital bed, such a hot fat cock
What's with the string around the waist?
Ok, show us then. I'll at least look at him and see if all that shit you said is true, so show us.
It's a religious thing. Same with the cord around the wrist.
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uh, i don't think it's religious

p sure it's cultural, the string is a way to maintain weight (you stop eating when the string feels tight) but i could be wrong
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Look up "molathadu"
WhatsApp me: +387603261861

I am Almir from Bosnia looking for male fun on cam
typical amerifat making assumptions about other cultures, classic
b8 thread
Lol it’s so gross
dumb ass
wtf are you saying retard
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I recommend looking into Bonghunkx.
Holy shit, source?
This twitter has a lot of indian porn
Based on the filename I think I found it on Tumblr ages ago
Or, no, I think it's reddit.
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Amazing, stick that up my bum any day of the week
giga chad
When I was a teen some big tall Indian guy spanked my ass and then grabbed and started rubbing it in the middle of a store. When I turned around he winked at me. I was really short, pale and had long hair that covered my face so he probably thought I was a girl. My parents were right in front of me and had no idea.
Been getting off to the fantasy of being roughly fucked in public by an Indian dude for over 10 years now. Pretty fucked up but I cum so hard to the memory.
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Pos Indians in this position
i can smell them from here ugh
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>page not found
What's the best site for desi porn?
About to meet with a big bara indian guy, he wants to anal me but I've never taken it up the ass before.
What do
He actually looks kinda like this
Lol. I used to do so when I was 14 years old.
He convinced me to take him, and then he fucked me. It was real hot
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lots of hot desi daddies and sons there
I love it when they are cute but also extremely hairy
pls greentext
Indian dudes can be really creepy and grabby speaking from first hand experience idk where they even this audacity from like they have zero inhibition i got groped and touched all over by some fat, older man with a thick moustache here at a club in manila even though I was young enough to be his son
not canada
>>2621483 okay
>have sucked his dick before
>he wanted to fuck me
>told him that I didn't want to do anal
>he brought it up a few times
>each time I said no
>one time he brought it up
>I said maybe but not today
>while I was gagging on his cock he started fingering me
>felt good
>he told me that I should let him fuck me
>I was nervous but I let him goad me into it
>I told him that I wanted him to be in control then since he knew about it and I didn't
>He bent me over
>lubed me up with baby oil
>I was super tight since I'd never been fucked before
>He pushed in a little bit, then told me to crawl forward
>so I crawled over the bed so instead of leaning over it I was laying flat
>he climbed on top of me
>pushed his fat cock back into my tight, nervously clenched asshole
>It hurt, I tried to relax
>he went slow, his weight and warmth on top of me was nice
>it was a chilly day
>he bucked his hips a little and I started to moan even though he was barely doing anything
>it quickly started to feel really good
>I moaned and sucked on his fingers while he rocked back and forth on top of me
>I was so tight he couldn't really 'fuck' me properly so it was more like he just jostled back and forth
Still felt great though. Afterwards I sucked on his feet for a bit.
This channel is a goldmine for all the handsome lean muscular and hunky bearded manly guys from India. They are built quite well but aren't extremely disproportionate looking either like all the roid guzzling gym rat types. Make sure to check out.
u r supposed to rate shittyness. 100/10 on shitiness
Jesus why don't indians just pick up some weights and look like this look at the guy on the 3rd he looks divine
>hot poojeets
the racism is leaving my body
why can't they all look like this? yummmmmmmm
Goddamn wya
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love this dark brown greasy cock
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A 'straight' Indian college student that i talk to online.
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He doesn't know I screenshot his pics
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My goodness a treasure trove of hairiness.
Great cocks too on delicious brown skin
>tfw you live in your house with your Mom because you are a typical Momma's boy so you would never get to experience this with your friends/roommates.

Why even live?
Just your typical Indian boomer uncle chilling lol. His phenotype is objectively considered to be unattractive but his uncut thick dark cock with those extreme low hanging big dark balls somehow make him appealing in an erotically dirty, forbidden fruit sort of way.
too bad its shopped, look at how his leg hair bends around his cock tip
his actual dick is probably 3 inches like most indians
>his actual dick is probably 3 inches like most indians

Average basement dwelling Whitoid copetard. At least he isn't disgustingly obese like most Amerimutts lowering their testosterone and attractiveness guzzling down junk processed Mountain Dew, Pop Tarts, Lunchables and Doritos tier slop.

Also, you really think that you people don't shop dicks on Whites/Blacks all the time? Lul, get a grip.
Also, this is actual data. Not whatever bullshit statistics made up by Ameritards to validate their Nigger and Spic thug fetishes.
need these men to rape me pls
even this data is not that great, it's comparing surveys (not studies, surveys) with differing methods for taking the measurement.
>Data that disagrees with my biases is "not great" but data that agrees with my preconceived biases is the only real data.

Not quite the reply you think it is, buddy.
Different measurement methods are popular depending on which country you're in, all of them have a size bias one way or another. Some percentage of the difference between all these nations is down to that.

The rest is you being defensive, sorry.
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I wanna try catfishing this Indian guy I work with ever since I saw this pic of his on Instagram.
Barefoot at the gym is crazy
fuck love that dickprint i'd get on my knees and bury my face in his sweaty musky curry crotch
I think being attracted to the Indian men ITT or irl in particular isn't the same as being attracted to white or black men. It feels like it's a lot more animalistic and raw fully knowing that these guys are literal sex starved rapist perverts that would fuck anything like it's the vibes from
it's almost like a taboo attraction to a bunch of beastly perverts.

t. azn twink
Condoms too big for Indian men - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/6161691.stm

>The conclusion of all this scientific endeavour is that about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture.
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a guy from twitter that i follow
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>I can never understand why
Because they are awkward as fuck, don't know how to communicate well, and fucking suck at having sex and usually have small dicks. That being said, I still have sex with them.
According to your own admission, almost all Indian guys are sexless losers with no skin in the dating and erotica games. So what prompts you to have sex with them? Is it some fetish thing? Or you had some unique experiences unlike others with attractive, good bodied, big dicked, personable Indian men too? Quite a weird ass, out of pocket stance you have there.
stfu you amerimutt
Would get raped by with consent
I want to get kidnapped by him and get raped and bred for an entire month till he's tired of me and I'm a broken mess.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa holy fuvk
Omgggg imagine getting kidnapped by these two fucking Indian animals and bring forced to become their cum dumpster
I'm only interested in fucking westernized, 2nd+ generation immigrants, not run-of-the-mill brown asian insects.
This, asians with bug mentality are literally the worst and complete nutjobs, not in a cute way
Americans like you ruin this website
I really like how dark their cocks and balls can be in comparison to their skin color, not that I mind dark skin color as well. I think it is an attractive trait.

Do any of you by a chance have pictures of very hairy indian dads/grandpas?
I want to find pictures with dark indians being fully covered in body hair but it seems like only some ethnicities of india have body hair and majority of them are hairless.
I want to see how a lot of body hair will look like on a dark skinned indian person
I’m a total size queen so I’d let him fuck me just to feel those fat nuts slap against me while he stretched out my asshole with his big thick dick
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punjabi daddies are a guilty pleasure of mine
I sometimes go to indiatown for groceries so I can sniff all the men as they shop
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Man just post hotter and more beautiful guys. Pics like these will turn people here more sour towards Indians.
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ooo it's my time to shine love me some dark desi daddies
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>no face
kill yourself
I actually find south asians pretty gross. Not even in a hot way. Like. Generally diarrheal and also skinnyfat+short and nerdy.
>indian/desi thread
>the only hot persons posted are all clearly latinos and Middle easterners
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Even there it shows bangladesh and sri lanka arround 4 inches.

Indians are generally quite short in penis and height sizes
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Because indians are generally weird as fuck. Sketchy and socially akward.

Together with the fact they tend to be unhygienic, and gross in a non hot way
Like the kind of person that has skid marks on the underwears and smells like shit and food

The only redeemable aspects one could gaher are the fact they are hairy yet at the same time they have weird ass ugly faces and tend to also be either short or skinnyfat
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Good Lord, this guy is an absolute stud. They need to clone him or have him breed a bunch of indian women asap.
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Holy shit, craving for that cock to fuck me up forever
ages ago there was a short vid posted of a young desi suddenly fucking an older one in the ass (grandpa/dad age), and haven’t seen it since. anyone have/know where i can find it or the full vid?
Gotta be the malnourished 20%. The bbc is British they basically bullshit the article . Average is 5-6in there

International size is 7.5in long where 60% were 2 or 1 inch off. But 10% met or beat the standard
Let it be known
in other words, you could say these men
are desi…rable

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