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LIONS = ginger and hairy
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more like this please
100% AI
Who is this?
Where is this from? This guy is insanely hot.
I'm a ginger but I have an un-impressive dick but I have a ginger bush. Idk if I should post. I def wouldn't be posting to showcase my package. I used to straight up shave my ginger bush because it seemed not normal looking lol
only post it if you're gonna post balls
Vlad by Mikel Marton
Ginger bush is hot, dude. Post all that shit
LOve a ginger bush and balls
Man - huge balls & a great cock
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You're 100% full of shit, second image has sources online going back to 2017 ffs
This guy name is Yuri Marmerstein. He's a stunt actor and exercise instructor.
Someone over Sauce Thread (>>2618616) was asking any nudes leak of him, but it seems nobody fulfilled his request yet.
Pic related is him nowadays. That pic was from a famous photoshoot of him back when he still had more hair on his head.
I can say for sure he has a massive dick. Everytime he posts himself doing acrobatics, you can see his flop dick dancing under his short/pants. Here is a demonstration: https://streamable.com/dcaabt
There's also an old pic of him doing good posture demonstration and he's using a tight shorts. You can see his flop dick lines as well.
If not, he's definetly a shower. Plus, his ass is delicious.
I don't know if he's gay or bi, but he posted that once someone found a dating profile using his identity and when they warned him, he said it was his old dating profile.
One of his (male) friends joked around in comment section "don't worry, every now and then we forget about Scruff", but there's no proof he's still on this app (if he ever was). Keep in mind that straight people only know more broadly about Grindr and the way his friend joked about Scruff, feels like he was joking from a place of knowledge. He also did a big strip-tease show for AIDS awareness in Las Vegas when pretty young and tell you what, all other performers seem pretty gay to me. I doubt he did that only for the money.
He doesn't disclosure his personal life (he isn't wrong on that), but he's probably taken because sometimes someone is recording his videos.
If any of you live in Nashville and is that much desperate to know if he likes taking dicks, good luck.
I miss James Jamesson so much... Weird how different he got after retiring and working as a lumberjack.
I nutted so hard to the one where he sucks himself
Indeed, my friend, it's one of my favourite videos featuring him.
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That's not IA. Is Randy Bench from Southern Strokes
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that's Seth Fornea
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more please
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Link down
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lmfaooo there’s nothing fruitier than “men” with red or blonde hair
Fellas, is it gay to be born with red or blonde hair?
yes. straight men have black hair
i have dark hair and i'm as gay as one can be.
it's a phase
Oh good. Gimme that fat cock then, gotta see how many loads I can get out of you before sunrise.
ok but you can't enjoy it cause that's gay
I will thoroughly hate each and every time I make you breed me.
unironically yes
scientists have found that heterosexual woman and homosexual men find the image of the same man with darker hair more attractive than him with lighter hair
the same dark hair preference is found in many animals as well
what does that have to do with being gay?
Actually take your meds
Here you go: https://streamable.com/11qom1
The link expires in 2 days, so hope you can see this in time, mate.
Glad to see another anon who appreciates this delicious man.
>pretending to be dense
gay means flaming faggot fruitcake, sweetie
despite some outliers, light hair is for sissies
What a lovely man.
>rumplestiltskin lookin ass the thread
God I wish he had some leaked nudes.
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Sure, Jan.
This pic reminds me of a ginger men calendar an ex-boyfriend had. I'm trying to look for it, but I can only find the SFW version.
This calendar is from a project called "Red Hot 100" and every year they release a new one. The photographer is also ginger and to be honest? Some pictures are kinda lame. I know we love our gingers flaming and red, but the amount of photo treatment he does makes their "gingerness" with an artificial feeling to it.
Blond/e hair by country:
Finland 80%
Sweden 78%
Norway 75%
Estonia / Iceland 70%
Denmark 68%
Russia 47%
The world 2%

Red hair by country:
Scotland 13%
Ireland 10%
England / USA 4%
Jewish people worldwide 10%
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Ireland and Scotland are less Germanic than England. Why would they be blonder? The official statistic for the UK is 29%. That 4% comes from the US.
Two day link is gay
Source, please?
Just go to his instagram. It's filled with him doing stunts which his flop dick can be seen.
I got the video. Show me a place to upload it.

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