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Basically any guy that comes from a culture or society where they’d normally be circumcised as a child or infant. This can be anyone from America to Israel to any Muslim nation, etc. There’s something hot when guys from these regions aren’t cut, almost like they’re rebelling against islam/judaism. (Granted , it was more of their parent’s choice ).

Ignore the OG thread , don’t know how to delete it.
I'm a cut European and find it in turn always hot when other Europeans are cut.
Are you Jewish/muslim or?…
I mean, an uncut dick is an untamed, raw one. That’s hot to me. Something Muslims and especially Jews these days, wanna take away
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Really sexy uncut dude from America. Really long natural foreskin..
How exactly do you determine the ethnicity of the pictures...? whats stopping me from sending an uncut guy from Russia or something...
I mean you aren’t wrong but again, this is 4chan. I mean you could go as far as to find pictures or take ones showing their face.. but I digress.
Damn, I'd suck that in a heartbeat.
Cut because of tight foreskin
Oh. I’m sorry to hear about that. I just wish circumcision was literally never done anywhere in the world unless if medically urgent, like in the case of extreme phimosis. I especially cringe when white dudes from Europe have it done, betraying millennia of history to “better blend in” with the growing number of Islamic men and how women there (or guys even ) expect mutilated muhummad dicks
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seethe and cry, cut cocks are superior
I mean, it’s not even sexual past a certain level anymore. White, European men, or really any civilized man should be uncircumcised. It’s proof they have not been consumed by the cult of muhummad or the Talmud. To willingly circumcise your son or somehow even worse, yourself is basically saying you submit to inferior cultures.
>missing a piece
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>much less risk of an UTI
>no smegma build up
>less chance of infections that lead to phimosis and balanitis
>superior even when missing a piece
damn right
Not him but this post is cope. All of that can be 100% avoided by just showering properly.
You'd have to be an absolute slob to ever get any of that by just being in tact.
which none of that happens if you're cut
I mean, most American men were still uncut well into the mid 20th century if I recall correctly. It was only with the boomer generation where it became like 60/70 percent of the entire male population, or even a 1980s high of like 85/90 percent. We weren’t a nation founded by Jews or Muslims, we were ones founded by Christian Europeans. We shouldn’t make our dicks look like those of the former vs the latter.
People blame kellog, but I think WWII played a bigger role. Nearly all of Britain and Australia's men were cut after the war, for example. The US is the only country that kept doing that shit however
cut your hands while you're at it, never have to wash them again
don't forget to leave some gory scars in the stub since you fags seem to find that attractive
now that is retarded sweetie, keep seething
>which none of that happens if you're cut
Do you just not shower or wash your body? Obviously if you have horrid personal hygiene you'd have issues regardless.
You have to cope. Sunk cost fallacy. Any uncut person can go get cut tomorrow if they want to. But they dont. You can never get it back. You dont even have the option.
Plus youre jewish
Foregen soon for all the guys who want their 4skin back, human trials starting in a bit.
Now THIS is rare. Guy claims to be a Jew and he don’t look like a Jew downstairs. I’m assuming ethnic Jew but religion wise, athiest or Christian.
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Uncut Filipino from Reddit
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Smexy American White dude:
I'm a cut cattle slave
So basically
>Not a problem if you wash
>Not a problem if you wash
>Not a problem if you wash

Yeah that tracks
I want my tongue under that foreskin
Imagine being so filthy you'd rather cut off one of your most sensitive body parts to avoid 10 seconds of cleaning. Cope.
do you want like a description too, euros can pass as american and latinos can pass as arab in most situations, theres not a skin color thats 'normally cut'.
Yes, adding a description of any known ethnicity or culture of the given subject would be ideal. I suppose that goes without saying.
your guy here has a second set of balls where his taint is supposed to be
who's seething now
Well since the end of WW2 it’s become disgustingly common in America anyhow. It’s like Jews wanna prove they own America even down to our damn dicks.
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A “Turk” from Turkey who is actually unmutilated. My bets are that he is one of the few Christians left around Thrace or was raised athiest. Again Turks are slowly becoming Christian so maybe this will become more common..

Again I call any Christian Turk Anatolian. Why?, because modern Turks got dominated by the Greek phenotype, not the other way around.
I heard that Turkey was becoming more muslim
Well that’s damn depressing if true.
not me
Remove your fingernails so you never have to trim them, and no risk of ingrowing either. Dumbfuck
cry louder
Just like you did when they hacked part of your dick off
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Getting your foreskin sucked is next level. Feel bad for bros missing out.
European I’m assuming since you posted this in the middle of the night (I’m in America )
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Uncircumcised Lebanese cock. Again, I say Phoenecian since Christians from the Middle East both act and dress in many cases distinctly unique from their Muslim overlords. That and they are ethnically unique too.
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Just a unjewified uncut country beau.. for some reason an uncut country guy is even more hot than some other guy in America. Rural guys especially whites and sometimes Latinos tend to be politically rebellious anyways, even the gays.. so yeah.. nice~
Great thread idea boys, keep up the hot uncut dick. Ignore these filth trolls. Coping fucks.
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My best friends who is straight has a cock is uncut but you can’t tell
Oh, I know. So many people proud to be mutilated.. I just find it hot when people who normally are cut aren’t. As I said earlier it’s like.. rebellion.
This much foreskin is a distraction. As a coach, whenever I find an uncut guy that has a "problematic" amount of foreskin, I recommend to his parents that he be circumcised. Usually they'll agree, and once that's sorted, I find that the boy's grades and focus improve nicely.
This is such a weird thing to make up and post online, please get a hobby or some friends
What are you, Jewish?
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A really sexy uncut Murican’ with a natural erect dick. God, why do we mutilated our kids so damn much? We aren’t Jewish are we?
You're american and can't even speak english? Something is fishy and its not your smega ass dick
Actually I am legit American, and cut. I just made a typo because I made that post after working out and I guess my brain hadn’t really recovered yet. :p

Sadly irl I am cut but I found this guy somewhere on Reddit. Legit the only reason I am in such a liberal hellscape is for the occasional hot nudes that is it.
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As the subject states, hot boyo with a long, meaty foreskin.
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Jewish/coping hands typed this. Go talk about mutilated cock in the appropiate thread, this one's for intact american cock
Nice. Natural, untamed, throbbing. Exactly what the cock or someone desended from Western Europe should look like, not like a Jew or inbred Muslim cock.
What a nasty little prick you are you sad fuck now piss off
i agree that cut cocks are awful but a second set of balls sounds awesome.
Heh, I suppose.
r/uncutamericans is a treasure trove for this shit.
At least SOME Americans don’t have Jew/muslim dicks. I’m seeing it slowly start to rise in Europe and it genuinely scares me.. demographics are destiny I suppose..
…. Ignore the subject on top of the other message. That was from a thread. XD

Issue being its often Latinos

When really we're looking for uncut white meat
I mean. What do You define as white then? I’m not a leftoid, opposite. But I’m curious. Are we talking standards as hugh (and insane ) as nord fags who say even 0.01 percent non white makes someone a mutt or are we talking like.. over 75/80 percent white vs Latino/… other?
Granted I myself prefer lighter the better as a doctrine..

Typically I just mean European-origin as opposed to South-American

It's not really about the skin tone desu

Just that circumcision is like 90%+ in European American men so it's much rarer to find an uncut one as opposed to Latinos where the majority are uncut
Ah, alright. That makes sense. If only the ONLY long lasting impact from modern Latino immigration outside ruined demographics was an aversion to genital mutilation. Latin America still holds a view similar to Spain and Portugal on that one, which is based.

Ehhh I think it's trending the other way desu

Last I heard the rate is around 43% which I didn't believe at first

But I got a job handling hospital finances and one of the things i'm able to see is appointment lists

There's definitely a lot of Hispanic names scheduled for circumcisions all the time
Maybe The abomination known as the American woman/karen who only wants Jew dick is making so many of them think it’s the only way to get them?
You know, this has got to be one of the stupidest threads I've ever heard of.

"There's something hot when guys from these regions aren't cut ..."

Hot? Really?

You haven't had much in the way of partnered sex, have you? Because ideas like this only seem to exist in the minds of people whose sex life are still largely theoretical.

Put your dick into someone else's warm, wet hole, or have someone put their dick into one of yours if you prefer, and you'll soon discover what really constitutes "hot" (hint: it's not whether or not someone is rebelling against their local religion).
Well said, I'll be using it in future occasions
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I have a husband and a boyfriend and am having sex more than once most days of the week, thread topic is still erotic to me.

It's funny how so many of the posts in this thread are guys who don't get it trying their hardest to derail the topic instead of going to other threads and posting shit they actually like

picrel, uncut south korean guy (circumcision rate >80%)
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Some young dude that’s American and very clearly white, from reddit. God that’s a nice foreskin.. fuck kellog.
The cock on the right looks infected
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Nah. Dark tip and long foreskin is a fairly normal combination. The desperation to find fault in this thread is very funny when you juxtapose it against what's posted in the cut thread.

Anyway, this is an American man's uncut dong, being serviced by Christian from treasure island
You may "have a husband and a boyfriend and are having sex more than once most days of the week", but from this I can only conclude that you are either a moron or a liar.

Jesus those are some fat nuts
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I'm neither, you just have a terribly boring sexual imagination. I'm guessing role play does nothing for you since you've admitted yourself that you're incapable of finding anything other than hole and pole hot.

So... you're basic. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, just stay in your lane and stick to the threads where your opinions matter.
I wasn’t trying to find fault - I’ve 100’s of uncut cocks & never one like this …..just saying mate
I don't know how to convert to 4chan webm requirement but this is how I want to do to intact anons..I'm cut asian btw..it's over for me.
>Cut asian

I'm in the US here. My dad is European but I was cut at birth
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It's ok, i gotchu bro. Here's a webmified version, a bit lower res cause it's too big for 4chan otherwise
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Same dude as previous post, but upclose. Fuck Kellogg…
I like it
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Uncircumcised American white lad, I think 20 years old. Look at that tip…
Wow hot cock, great foreskin & he knows how to treat it well
Another beauuty
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Found this lad online offsite. Another uncut white American:
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Really nice dude right here:
i just love staring at uncut cocks
so beautiful and mouth watering
especially if the guy also keeps a pube bush
i imagine burying my nose and inhaling that musky man scent while sucking on his uncut cock
i once saw a guy roll his tongue under the foreskin while sucking the guy off
instant cum
cutfags are so pathetic
their copes just make me pity them
imagine being mutilated and molested right after birth
And acting like that’s not insulting Your European heritage. I mean hell circumcision insults the heritage of more than just whites too, because even the Middle East was mostly uncut before Islam historically speaking.
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Very nice. A Nice, long and thick foreskin there.
God, I hate 4chan legit never forgetting what you last had in the subject section…
modern bathing standards alleviate all this. Men just need to be taught to clean the foreskin while showering and to not let pee and precum droplets sit in there
you're asking way too much
It's becoming more sehr4hcular actually
secular. Fucking captcha
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Most of you here sound like children arguing.
Things are fairly simple, parents shouldn't take actions for subjects like circumcision for their kids because of their belief or culture. You are jewish/muslim or whatever, ok but, that doesnt mean your children will be as well. Just teach them proper hygiene and they will decide what they want for their penis.
Personally i had a tight frenulum and whenever i pulled the foreskin back it would also pull the head forward making it uncomfortable (it might also rip when having sex). I could either go for a circumcision or frenuloplasty and chose the latter. I'm on day 9 and i got to keep my foreskin and feel more comfortable.
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Uncut American
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i'm american, haven't ever seen anyone else uncircumcised in real life. pic related is me
Shame about the awful tattoos
Holy shit that looks painful. Can you fully pull the skin up?
Hey its me. Yes i can fully pull the skin back up and probably the reason i didnt feel any pain other than a bit of stinging.
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I'm from America and uncut
Another uncut American. Some 19/20 year old by the look of it. Really nice and meaty.
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Oops, forgot the image
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SoCal white guy
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There's quite a few of us down in SoCal
Too bad California is such a left wing, dystopian hell hole… it has otherwise based views of not jewifying a guy’s dick.
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