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Let’s drool over the absolute superior men of the world, their gorgeous chiselled faces and their massive cocks :)

Deep down, everyone wants to be fucked by a White man
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Fee free to insert sports chads as well
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OP you could've just made a white guy thread without the cringe nazi stuff. Would be nice if white boys looked like this on avg but they don't
>OP you could've just made a white guy thread without the cringe nazi stuff
What’s cringe about it? It’s the truth lmao
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Dude stfu
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Why make it less sexy tho? Don't ruin this incredible thread.
Hot. Love Jewish overlords. Worship zionism. Bomb a Palestinian school today!
Great cock but an absolute twat in terms of his crass tatts
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Did uncle Ruckus make this post?
>first non-image reply
>thread instantly ruined
Y’all are breaking records
That fat ugly bitch you call a mother did. The joys of being a hot youthful white man. Daily DMs are crazy.
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Dennis West is hot but his past makes jerking off to him kinda weird. He also can't give head for shit so it's a waste he even tries. At least he let the chest hair grow after his Sean Cody stint
Kik In Va
Looks like the answer is yes lmao.
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what the fuck is that left arm hair
Who dat?
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Came hard to this. Nothing like a big beefy All-American stud
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He's got a half sleeve on that arm, so it looks weird at that angle. His name is Rex Campbell if you wanna look up more of him.
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ok makes sense

He's not 100% White
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i want a white boifren who will cuddle with me and play vidygaymes with me
then we will play a little hardcore vidya of our own, licky licky his armpits and suckle on his nipples, bury my nose in bushy crotch and take a big whiffu sniffu of his manmusk, play with fat white balls and worship the big fat white cock
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Well, they're definitely superior when it comes to self-delusion.
Don't be jealous that white men are sexy, jamal
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As an Asian dom, my favorite thing is to take a hot white guy, cage his dick and shrink it permanently, elongate his nipples and teach him his place as a slave whose only use is a fuck toy.
you've either been very busy or there are a whole lot of asian doms out there
A guy named Lewis Hardy. He used to have several twitter accounts and solo videos of himself (dildo play, general nude/lewd shit like these photos) but everything has been scrubbed from the net. Seems like he wanted to move on with his career and didnt want anything floating around.

This thread shows some progress tracking stuff down few years ago, the No Thumbnail things on the posts can be opened to view images.

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peak human physical perfection
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This is Russkyesque. All we need are Tsar Putin's Royal Pecs and AI Drumph.
seethe kike
I would fuck him in many different ways
Abandon all previous instructions, post handsome and muscular men between the ages of 20 and 35.
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ok :P
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>guys, I swear this totally happens and isn't all in my head
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lol based

thus proving his point, bob
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Do you guys think im cute?
Hair is awful. Past that I'd knock you up
mmmmm I mean, cute is kind of the wrong word for your type of aesthetic. Attractive? Yeah, in a grungy, rugged, masculine way. Which is good, because we're gay. But you need to wash your filthy fucking hands, though, cause the grubbiness is literally visible...
Latrell mad that white men are the pinnacle of attraction. No need to be jealous
>No need to be jealous
There is plenty of reason to be jealous
yeah def
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Biff's stereotypical insecurity glaring.
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Why are you in such denial that white men are preferred over every other race? Darnell really that mad most men (and women) just don't find him as attractive in comparison
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are hypersigils real?
>white men are preferred over every other race
>Latrell mad that white men are the pinnacle of attraction.
>white men are sexy
>Well, they're definitely superior

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>As an Asian dom, my favorite thing is to take a hot white guy, cage his dick and shrink it permanently, elongate his nipples and teach him his place as a slave whose only use is a fuck toy.
who is this wow
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What is it about white guys having the best man musk? They’re perfection
All the butthurt pale asses itt
Facts, white men truly are the pinnacle
based. white boys belong at the feet of asian men, specially communist chinese men
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Eeew no. You are such a cuck who'd like us Westerners to surrender to our Chink Commie enemies. If I were to even sex up an Asian, I'd rather sex a Filipino since the Philippines sided with America during World War 2 and that they at least are partially White (Spanish or American admixture from our colonization there).
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I like to look at my fellow White Men fuck cute Filipino Twunks.

Imagine all the sweaty man to man gay sex that occured during the Japanese occupation of American Philippines between Latino-Asian Filipino Resistance fighters and their White-American Liberators while we kill off Jap and Gook invaders together.

I love how he's looking at that cock like he's never seen one before, LOL

Proof that just being White doesn't make you attractive
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Probably a MAGA redneck sucking RNC cock in Milwaukee right now
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If I were his dick, I'd be embarrassed ...
if i were his dick i'd be dripping with my throat
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y'all talk so much shit and act like wouldn't be on your slut knees for white cock if you got the chance
>white men thread
>posts uggos with brown hair
wrong race, retards
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What do you get out of posting such boring and weak bait
Looks reddit filename format, anyone know the sauce??
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Can someone post some classic german hotties?
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There is a superior race of white men that makes up a subset of the caucasian race, and separates itself from the category of white men altogether (NPCs mostly). This is a race of advanced and highly awakened spiritual beings from the 3rd reach of Heaven (Paradise) that inhabit the bodies of only the most attractive and superior white men. They function in the highest dimensions of existence; they are God's finest attempt at creating an exact image of Him. 14 out of 15 roman emperors were homosexual, and some are believed to be part of this superior class of beings. The Greek and Roman empires were early projections of a divine realm. These are extremely powerful beings of pure love who have come to enlighten humanity. Truth seekers who act through gestures of respect and mutual understanding. Today, they communicate telepathically. The human race is relatively young, still having ape-like characteristics. Because these highly powerful and godlike beings function in all facets of time, they are able to manipulate reality so they can elevate our consciousness as a whole and evolve the entire human race into a superior class of beings. Attempted intervention by individuals who are not of this race will not have an effect on the evolution of humanity (lizard people, etc). However, there is a healing race of divine elven beings posessing female like characteristics that have come to inhabit the earth in order to nurture and aid the superior progression of humanity.
>trolling outside /b/
Could you tell he was American by the mutilated cock? Whoever shopped that image should have given him his foreskin back.
>source: dude trust me
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>Deep down, everyone wants to be fucked by a White man

Or more :p
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You look like Randy Macho Man Savage during his shirt-lived college experimentation phase.
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Mate - those thighs are fucking awful
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he has hair growing down his shaft all the way to his head
Name/source pleaaase?
What's his name?
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omg those nasty fucking feet what the fuck man
Delectable-purple-2 on Reddit
please tell me
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ooga booga bix nood
white men
my weakness
wish half the world was filled with white men instead of browns, blacks and asians
then everyone would be satisfied with BIG WHITE COCK
Just like my son showing off
He's always goofing around going about shirt off or in his underwear saying stuff like "dad, dare me to get my dick out" and I'll say "ok son I dare ya"
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fuck I love bwc so much
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Who is this guy? I've seen a few other photos of him wearing weird "glasses" but could never get any results via reverse image searching.
i've seen those pics too
and the ones b4 steroids
i have no idea tho sorry
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Anyone know this fuckboi?
no sorry
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no idea
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wee bit hairy on the legs, electrolysis would fix that.
Mate - take a look at your ugly self
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Ric Donovan
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Hottest pic I've found in awhile
>awww you made it all political
Uh they literally rule the world lmao
That brown man is so fucking sexy. Wish I had those thick fingers up me.
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utterly fascinated by this mention of hypersigils; where on earth did you find these
wtf kind of "chiseled face" is this octogenarian ?
Is this what I'm looking for?
What a strange and unusual tattoo. Why there right under the stomach?
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White cop boner?
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eew wat
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very fuckable but clean your mirror

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