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The MCU may be dead, but its hunks will live on forever
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>ywn dry Thor's sweat post-battle
Feels bad, man
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Do you ever think about how funny it is that he posted his own cock pics
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Imagine the smell
Needs hardcore anal
>The MCU may be dead
They should've pandered to fujos and reap the benfits of autistic loyalty, but they decided to pander to feminists instead
I'm amazed at how quickly it got memoryholed. Evans must have some real good people doing internet PR for him.
His dick was very nice. 10/10 would ride
Underrated one
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I mean, the pic is still out there and readily accessible to anyone who wants to see it. His PR definitely played a role, but I think social attitudes around leaked nudes (even if they weren't really "leaked" in this instance) have shifted enough that everyone just sort of quietly let it slide.
I'm never going to be over of how fucking pretty he is. He's unironically one of those kinds of people that should be having kids on masse purely to perpetuate his genes
No wonder his wife is always pregnant
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Twitter hates him for some reason but I think he's hot
Simu Liu? He's cute. Not my type, but cute
For some reason?
Nah he's hot, but that may be because I have a thing for no thoughts head empty Azn jock guys.
Too bad that Disney decided to shit on him by making him play second fiddle on all the movies. He's so beautiful
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he drew a totally reasonable comparison between gay people and pedophiles (basically saying both groups have involuntary attractions considered outside the norm), in the context of making a larger point. but people see "gay" and "pedophile" in the same sentence and just lose their minds assuming he's saying something bigoted, when he wasn't

he also just has kind of a cringey try-hard personality that rubs people the wrong way
But straight people also can't control their attraction, no? Why didn't he compare his own sexuality to pedophiles? Think about it.
How naive, or is it just because you want to fuck hi? kek
Even if you don't think comparing homosexuality to pedophilia is a bad thing he's still saying your sexuality is a paraphilia
>Why didn't he compare his own sexuality to pedophiles?
because straight people are not persecuted for being straight. please use your brain at least a little bit. he wasn't saying being gay is wrong or bad, he was pointing out the obviously true fact that some people see it that way

i'm the naive one? it is a paraphilia, just a harmless one
Yeah, it is now clear to me that you have some issues that need to be sorted out before you can have this conversation.
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>Yeah, it is now clear to me that you have some issues that need to be sorted out before you can have this conversation.
>I think social attitudes around leaked nudes (even if they weren't really "leaked" in this instance) have shifted enough that everyone just sort of quietly let it slide.
Definitely this. I feel post-Cloudgate really did a number on people because Matt Smith of Doctor Who/The Crown (then) had his cock out and his girlfriend in full shibari and it's never mentioned despite his fame.
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Yep. The % of the population that's ever sent nudes has reached a point where we've all collectively agreed it's normal sexual behaviour and not worth making a big deal about

Back on topic, the kid from Iron Man 3 grew up to be super fucking hot
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OK that's enough discourse, post more hunks
that's a cop out. i do not have the "issues" you allude to. i love being gay, and i wouldn't change it. i just don't see the need to defend it as anything other than a harmless oddity, which humanity and the rest of nature have in abundance. it makes us interesting

pedophilia is also an oddity, but a harmful one. some people think think acting on being gay is morally bad the way acting on pedophilia is, and they are incorrect. what exactly have i written here that you have a problem with?
Made for bottoming
Cute, but too twinkish
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That's not what paraphilia means. That isn't how this works, that isn't how any of this works.
>Guard that pussy
Very nice cock. I wish I was one of the lucky ones who got to ride it
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I miss when he used to play angsty reppresed gay men, but he indeed looks better in capeshit
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Not enough appreciation for him in this thread, for shame
it triggers the one autist
I want to taste that armpit
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Lewis Pullman

Thunderbolts is going to give him to us for five minutes as Sentry, but then kill him off. Wasting another actor they could have done hot things with. Calling it now.
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He cute, but I just can't see him as Sentry.
But then again I guess Hemsworth already fills the role of blond, long haired beefcake.
Neither can I. I'm super into him, but he doesn't fit the role. But... eh. Maybe they'll find him naked in a lab or something.
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God I need to cum inside him so fucking badly
Forever grateful that he showed his cock on that Monday movie. It was beautiful
In a lewder timeline we got this on screen
A shame we didn't saw him shirtless on those movies
If you're gonna post celebrity fakes at least post a good one
idk what looks more painful, tom's neck position or his missing fingers on his left hand. keeping your hand floating while you're getting fucked is probably not comfortable either
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I think it's just a natural limitation of the medium that for every one fake that looks passably okay there's a thousand eldritch abominations

I'd tap that.
>Matt Smith of Doctor Who/The Crown (then) had his cock out and his girlfriend in full shibari and it's never mentioned despite his fame.
Because he's hideous.
I wonder if those old rumors that he had to put out for Kenneth Branagh were true
Yes, anon. You know that hot straight guy? He's secretly gay, trust me
Being whored out by Hollywood isn't the same as being gay
Are you gonna claim that he's the only member of the famously-world-class-beautiful cast of the MCU who was whored out? While he was at the peak of his popularity, wealth and clout?
Then... isn't it weird how none of the dozens of those famously world class beautiful sex slaves who are now famously wealthy and powerful... isn't it weird how NONE of them have come forward with allegations of having been trafficked for gay sex...??
Because he's average looking at his absolute best. Which he seldom is because he's a haggard, flabby imbecile. And a fascist. Not like "tee hee fascism~!" but like "let's round up all the gays and burn them in a pit but pretend we're normal until conservatives seize power" fascist.
Brainrot on the level of than In Praise of Shadows guy that tried to cancel several """conservative""" YouTubers. Remove offtopic brainrot.

Ontopic: Scott Adkins was seriously wasted in his MCU role + deserves to be a bigger star
I don't get where this image of Chris Pratt as a religious zealot out to burn the gays came from? Whenever proof is asked for this, these schizos either run away from the thread or point out the fact the man goes to church (which apparently means you support genocide in some form)
>pretend you're normal until conservatives seize power fascist
There is no winning with you troons. Boogeyman everywhere
Paraphilias are considered psychological disorders in the psychiatric diagnosis, homosexuality is not, be honest and say you don't know shit, you just want to fuck that empty headed uggo
>homosexuality is not
should be
You are making a strong case for it, that's for sure.
>I don't get where this image of Chris Pratt as a religious zealot out to burn the gays came from
Ellen Page's shcizophrenia, I even had friends who used to go to Pratt's church and they said they had nothing against gays
>Ontopic: Scott Adkins was seriously wasted in his MCU role
Iirc he said he's not very interested into being a capeshit hero
>+ deserves to be a bigger star
Indeed. His action movies are amazing
>has nothing against the gays
those things don't go together. it's a church, ofc they're homophobic. there's no such thing as a gay friendly religion
The only hate I've ever received for being gay was from other gays for not thinking like them. Never had a negative interaction with any church goers. You have a mental illness. Maybe you should interact with people instead of scrolling social media for half of your day. West Borough Baptist Church isn't the blanket group for religion you know
What the fuck are you people even talking about
i'm european, wbc isn't a thing here. we got the vatican and all the muslim invaders. the catholic church isn't gay friendly. muslims have literally been attacking gay people on the streets.
americans have a batshit crazy prude version of catholicism. your branches of protestant are just as bad if not worse than the catholics
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Please have your schizophrenic mental breaks elsewhere, this is a Marvel hunks thread
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No one cares about your muslim problem. That's a you issue
Actually the hate is mostly due to him being outed as an incelbrained chronically online loser. People found his Reddit account and the guy used to be on AZIdentity every day and would even organize race baiting raids on /pol/. Seriously, look it up. His insecure, tryhard personality and constantly putting his foot in mouth only contributed to the animosity and confirmed most people's impression of him from his online activity.
>and would even organize race baiting raids on /pol/.
He's just like me, fr fr
Seriously. Link the threads of you have them pls, I want to laugh
ellen page a week before she trooned herself said something something chris pratt bad
immediately after that she cut her tits off and called herself a man
His hairy ass must feel so good, I just know it
This scene made sitting through Love & Thunder more than worth it. I know Marvel has always pandered to women and non-straight people but I didn't think they had it in them to so blatantly frame a male lead as little more than a walking talking himbo sex object for an entire movie. Pretty much everything about Thor in L&T, from the way he acts to his outfits, are like the result of horny brainstorming sessions of a bunch of fanfic writer pervs
>much everything about Thor in L&T, from the way he acts to his outfits, are like the result of horny brainstorming sessions of a bunch of fanfic writer pervs
Not horny enough considering that they wasted Hercules in that movie by not making him act flirty around Thor
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I've thought a lot about that scene (lol) and I honestly don't think it landed for me. While I'm not going to sit here and complain about getting to see Hemsworth's ass, it just felt like them giving up the ghost of "we know this movie is shit, and we know that post-Endgame there's no real reason we're still making these things other than to squeeze as much money out of these properties as possible, so here's Thor's ass I guess." The best fanservice finds a way to have its cake and eat it too by doing something gratuitous while still making it feel in-context and in-character. (This is why the shirtless reveal scene in CA: TFA is the best pander scene in the entire MCU). But the ass scene in L&T is the cinematic equivalent of Kevin Feige shrugging at the camera and saying "this is what you piggies want, right?"
I think I will never be able to get over of how pretty Evans is
I would have paid insane ammounts of money to have them in a horny R18 movie together and making out
I get where you're coming from and agree to an extent. The Cap scene from TFA is indeed a great example as I love it too. But something about the shamelessness of scenes like that L&T one just do it for me. The whole blatant nature of the "this is what you piggies want, right?" type attitude. I find it very hot. It's not like these movies are any good or anything, so to see them essentially acknowledge it and cut the bullshit turns me on. Guess I'm just perv.
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Imagine if they fucked...
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Nah, I think that's fair. Still think it pulled its punches for a scene that's ostensibly supposed to be just unfiltered fan service slop. Like I just know there was a full boardroom meeting at Disney HQ regarding how low the camera would be allowed to crop for this specific shot.

Still very weird how Endgame goes out of its way to set up a GOTG/Thor team-up movie and than that just goes nowhere. Another symptom of their total lack of a post-Endgame plan I suppose
>Like I just know there was a full boardroom meeting at Disney HQ regarding how low the camera would be allowed to crop for this specific shot.
Their movies are getting so bad that at this point they should just go rated R and show cock and titties
I'm happy with what we got. Frankly it was a bit shocking to get an ass shot at all. For a modern PG-13 Disney movie I actually think they did push the boundaries a bit, especially for this type of movie, that usually has boring prudes clutching their pearls at something like Black Widow's intro scene in Avengers or Scarlet Witch's corset. Obviously though, if I was in charge I'd go all out and get an R rating.
>Another symptom of their total lack of a post-Endgame plan I suppose
I think that's more a sign of Marvel prioritizing shared universe bullshit over coherent, consistent character development and organic plot developments. Like Spider-Man going from rejecting an invitation to join the Avengers in one movie to fist fighting Thanos on a different planet in the next one. And that's just one example. They've always done this sort of thing, even in the lead up to Endgame.
>sexualizing a guy while he's being tortured and brainwashed
There must have been an old pervert on the set of this movie giving Feige ideas
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IMO the "America's ass" joke was a more effectively realized version of "we know he's hot, and we know you watch these movies to see him being hot" compared to the flick scene in L&T. Doubt that Evans showing his ass was ever on the table though, considering they couldn't even get a second shirtless scene out of him.
>considering they couldn't even get a second shirtless scene out of him.
Funny enough he *did* wanted to take off his shirt in Civil War during his famous bicep curl scene with the helicopter. The directors just didn't allowed it.
Also that scene with the one of him in white undershirt in TWS was good enough. He can be lewd without showing off too much anyway
>wanted to take off his shirt in Civil War during his famous bicep curl scene
lol how would that even work? Would he flex so hard that his shirt would just spontaneously rip to shreds?
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>lol how would that even work
Idk but it would have been nice to watch. They already found a way to get rid of his jacket in that scene to show off his guns, I'm sure they would have thought of something
What I wouldn't give to have a night with him
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Doubling down on hope that Lewis will get to do more stuff as Sentry. Especially if that fat ass gets in spandex.
>posts a twink
you would though
Lol no, he's shit
Not that guy but I would, yes. Though I admit I have low standards for white men
he's a twunk. twinks don't have that amount of muscle
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Holland qualifies for this thread
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The guy really feels like a discount Jensen Ackles.
Who's already off-brand, mind you
Zoom zoom
I don't think you understand the timeline of the people involved in this discussion.
would give a kidney to watch that
Holy shit taste, batman
God, I would let him cum inside me so many times...
Truck stop hooker look
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Fun fact: he used to play a couple of gay roles back in the 90s
Hardcore sweatynand unprotected gay sex, the whole ass eating, armpit licking and hairy hole fisting kind
is there like a no deepfake rule or something, why hasn’t anyone posted any of the chrises or something
Post all deepfakes you have, anon
A favorite of mine
Okay, hear me out
Agents of Shield
Absorbing man
34 seconds in
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I don't think I've ever seen a male celeb deepfake that actually looked hot. They all have a weird uncanny quality that prevents me from being able to suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy them. The "draw an illustration so close to the actor's likeness that it's basically an illustrated photograph" approach seems to be a more consistent in quality, even if it does still often produce some weird looking shit
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This one is really well made.
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Marvel may deny me Lewis in sexy outfits or multiple movies, but at least Lewis seeks those things out himself.
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Yeah I honesty think I prefer fakes that don't even try to do verisimilitude/realism and just go kind of full-tilt with it
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He's so forced
this, no idea why people like him, he is a twink and an ugly at that, not sure what the hype is/was about him.

Or who is fucking and promoting him
I assume that him being spiderman while the current generation was young made them develop an unnatural allegiance towards that bum
This one's fucking hot. Any more like it?
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I miss his rough trade era
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Source is fass_fks on Twitter
is there more? this is hot as fuck
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i just know he simply lays there and does none of the work in bed, and i'd absolutely be 100% ok with doing all the work as long as he only addresses me as his faggot
So far Evans has aged incredibly well, good for him
Yes, I think he's hot. No, I will not elaborate
I really hope those roids didn't damaged his dick in any way
... Sweetheart. Darling. Precious. No one needs elaboration. From you.
Who would give a fuck if they did - do you fucking SEE HIM?!
Who is he?
>do you fucking SEE HIM?!
I mean, sure. But even him looking like that would be a downer if his dick didn't worked anymore
NTA but that would be kinda hot imo
Forget the dick, imagine the hole instead
I love tom holland getting fucked fantasies
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My two husbands
>tfw no Brokeback Mountain sequel with them
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Buckycap reunion at Feige getting a star on the Hollywood walk of fame
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