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Age gap between partners is hot. Post some pics and webms with mature men and younger boys
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bishop angus is my ideal daddy
beefy, has a beer can cock, and a deep gruff voice
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>>2622244 trips dubs for chad douglas rip
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Older men in suites are soo hot
Twinks topping older men is such an underrated concept imo
It sure is.
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rly hot
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Any dad fuckers/ boy fuckers here I got a question to ask of you guys

Every time I see zoomers complain about age gaps and age of attraction it always seems that being interested in grown guys or vise versa is considered a mental illness or groomed behavior instead of just a normal attraction also the “muh relationship dynamics” “muh developed brain” talk really comes off as excuses for not being interested in an older or younger partner or play mate instead of an actual issue that’s harmful to both parties or the “perverted creepy grown man”

Imo it’s not, we just like grown guys what’s the issue here? It’s getting to the point where the age gap thing messes with me interacting with guys because if it’s soo wrong and a big ass issue then why is it so prevalent in the gay community?

Not sure what your question was?

I'm 43 and dating a 24 year old for 2 years now. Relationship started like many others... went on Grindr, he approached me, I could host so he came over. We had fun. Became a regular thing. Started dating. Now we're monogamous and happy.

There are of course problems. I'm 40 years old, have a career, my own place, etc. He is no where near that, which is fine. At least for me/us.

Age gaps are hardly unique to the gay community though. Red Pill movement is all the rage now and they push this kind of age dynamic as normal so why would it be normal for straight couple and a problem for gay couples?
This is mostly a thing with straights, used up old hags in their 40s complaining that other 40 year old guys would rather fuck 18 year old chicks instead of them.
Women are mentally ill.
Why do these camwhore twinks always make that stupid face?
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Does anyone know these two?
its mostly the steps in life, a hookup is fine but actually dating its so.... different. like what will a 45 year old talk with a 23 year old, they grew up in different worlds, societies, culture.
another line roastoids repeat a lot, see >>2626614
contact me: francedistri@outlook.fr
What if I don't have Freudian issues and just like the look of older men?
You're not special bitch
>like what will a 45 year old talk with a 23 year old
Day-to-day life, movies, books, politics? Hell even vidya maybe? Anything really. People have personality, hobbies and interests outside of their archetypes' stereotypes, you have to be totally brainwashed by porn to think otherwise

Pretty much. While we can't talk about work, I have plenty of shared interests with my younger boyfriend. We go to movies. Out for dinner. Vacations. Then there's the obvious shared experiences when doing that.

Why would I want to talk about work at home? Even same age, married spouses can't talk about job specific stuff half the time because of different specialties.
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yeah... you have a very strange view. 39 dating a 20 yo... i didnt know his age until after we hooked up. yeah. he is an adult person. are there differences? sure. mostly our culture and ethnicity. hopefully you dont only date or fuck only your family or clones.

Whats your deal?
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tfw you want to date a hot dilf as a 19 year old but every single guy who wants to date younger guys in your area is ugly as fuck
>not wanting to get fucked by some old fat ugly bastard
>like what will a 45 year old talk with a 23 year old
I've always only dated MUCH older men. Never got along with "kids" my age. I was with my first older man when I was 15, he was in his 40s. We liked the same things already (movies, music and shit) so it worked. We were also ENTIRELY sexually compatible and, ngl, that made it easier to WANT to bridge that age gap if that makes sense.
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It's often the twink sucking off the daddy, how about the reverse?
what happened to bishop angus (the top in this pic)? can't find him anywhere
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you dated a pedophile
lawson and dakota have around 3 scenes together now, loves of my life
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chan bugging out
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what masonic ritual did he do to get that dick?
its a porn fantasy for old men lurking on young men
young men who are developing their sexual identity though porn in lieu of actual encounters because of helicopter parenting and social stigma see attractive older men with lots of make up and either literal cgi or camera angles to make their dicks look big
young guys get annoyed when dinosaurs actually reach out to them irl
What the fuck is your question, retard. You didn't ask anything.

>this embarrassing arm chair psychology
Found the dumb roastoid who gets offended that young people (like me) wanna fuck older men. Not worth giving you the (You)
the schizo zoomer is back, fuck
Well, yeah, it was one of my friend's Dad's who'd basically been dropping hints since I was 9 or 10 but that still didn't stop me. He may have got my attention but he didn't make me want him, I just wanted him.
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