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Post more photos like this pose. Triple bonus points for beach or public images!
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I get triple points for this beach image. Not sure if he's on a public one too.
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I have fucked this guy twice
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I presume you mean back views w penis pulled under?
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No dicks showing, but 3 backs...AND on a public beach!
that's a nice hairy ass
He has a nice meaty ass - Was he a nice fuck??

He's super hot--I'm more into sucking & kissing etc and he was good at that. He wanted to be fucked but I didn't cum. Still a lot of fun (obviously since I went back again)
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Lovely thread. Hairy male ass & taint are the best!
So, where does one redeem these "bonus points"? And if I have enough of them, can I buy a toaster oven?

Toaster ovens are for Lezzies
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Lunch is here
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Holy crap that's hot. I wish there was one of him HARD!
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I present to you the fabulous and sexy Kjell Pu, it's a damn shame he no longer does nudes. He had some of the sexiest videos ever.

There are videos of him masturbating and if I'm not mistaken eating his own cum. It was hot.
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I'm the only one who feel uncomfortable lying like that with dick between legs? It feel more natural to me to lie with my dick under stomach. Dunno, maybe it's the matter of getting used to it.
15/10 moar
my roll aaaahh
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No beach just bitch
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I wanna mount that peach

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