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only the most sexy men of the past
bonus points if they’d be homophobic
cheggy vara
I've always been attracted to Marcel Proust
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He's just such a cutie to me, can't explain it
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John Locke is such a GILF
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>ywn snuggle with Maurice Ravel in 1930 France
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>ywn tug on those tufts
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He was a handsome young man but he was an even more handsome middle aged man.
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Young William Penn was literally Griffith with dark hair.
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dilf material
/hm/ has helped highlight the level of mental illness in the gay community, and this thread is just one example
Ernest Hemingway with a machine gun while deep sea fishing.
Ernest Hemingway admiring his mirror image, bare-chested and sporting boxing gloves, 1944.
Antonio Ordonez and Ernest Hemingway by the pool at La Consula, Spain,1959.
misogynist cock so tasty
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Jean Genet
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Albert Camus
orson welles was so daddy
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Young Freud can get it. Also old Freud too.
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Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
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Damn! Love that facial hair. His views on homosexuality were quite surprising.
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No one's going to post Bram Stoker? *sigh* fine, guess I'll do it.
Don't know if this qualifies but Oliver Sacks was fuckin hot. He died recently but finally came out of the closet and found a younger boyfriend towards the end of his life.
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Robert E. Howard (author of Conan the Barbarian) was husky and cute and very much my type
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jean lannes, only downside is he's french
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and here's camilo cienfuegos
what's up with cuban commies being so hot
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i ship it
>husky man writes about husky man
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Hunter S Thompson
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Harry Houdini
Hermann Rorschach (German: [ˈhɛrman ˈroːrʃax]; 8 November 1884 – 1 April 1922) was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. His education in art helped to spur the development of a set of inkblots that were used experimentally to measure various unconscious parts of the subject's personality. His method has come to be referred to as the Rorschach test
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Mark Twain
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Oda Nobuyoshi
織田信福 おだのぶよし

A roughly wound collar on a novel hairstyle and stubble. It's like a hairdresser in the backfield, but it's actually a dentist in Kochi Prefecture.

If anything Meiji person However, I wanted to introduce it, so I was specially ranked in. By the way, the dental clinic he founded was 「Oda Dental Clinic It still remains as 」.


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Australian bushranger Ben Hall, a notorious member of the Gardiner–Hall gang, carried out raids across New South Wales and was eventually shot dead by police in 1865.
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Ulysses S Grant


Yes to all of these
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Gene Krupa has my heart
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Sexy fellow
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ra ra rasputin
there's something as depraved as alluring about his face
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John Steinbeck
i know i have a type but it amazes me how hotter men can be with curls and a moustache
first story I found erotic and creamed myself to due to copious descriptions of esau’s hairiness and jacob dressing in furs to trick his daddy that he was his hairy brother into giving him his birthright
Absurdly the argentinian physician used to persecuted gays, associating them with the US.
This couple was/is the hottest.
Nicholas II of Russia had such class.

One white russian please !
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yukio mishima anyone?
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Obvious choice is obvious
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Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were the hottest Hollywood couple ever.
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>be handsome af
>probably can slay pussy left and right if you wanted to
>still become a nihilistic fuck
Maybe if he had a twink to ride him he wouldn't have been so depressed
>authors I like turned out to be hot too
Please someone tell me that Arthur Conan Doyle was a dreamboat too
They would have been so happy together in these days
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It wasn't absurd within the context of Marxism at the time, the overwhelming majority of them considered homosexuality bourgeoisie decadence. Pasolini got expelled from the PCI for being gay and the PCI was one of the major Eurocommunist parties, pro-NATO, reformist, democratic and seen as cucks by the other Marxist tendencies. The only big exceptions to this before the 90s (when both China and Cuba started getting more pro-LGBT and when intersectionality gets mainstream on the Western far left) afaik were the Lenin era USSR where there was factionalism between a more sexually progressive line and a bourgeoisie decadence line, and East Germany in the 80s where the government decided to come to terms with a gay protest movement and ended up giving gays a ton of rights. For the most part though the Western bloc was and remains better on LGBT shit, Cuba these days is pretty decent but it's top down and there's still a lot of societal homophobia and China is getting worse the more it leans into muh heritage autism, they just banned femboys from appearing on TV a year or two ago.

Marx himself was homophobic too, not exactly a surprise for a 19th century guy but it wasn't universal on the left back then.
Marx is definitely up there in the "The world would have been better if they just didn't existed" list
Eh, trying to take Marx dogmatically is retarded but he's been very valuable for a ton of different fields. And without the threat of revolution and competition from Marxist states we probably would not have gotten the welfare states that we have, and those are a good thing. It's always weird to see LGBT Marxists try to whitewash how absolutely shit they always were on gay rights until they didn't have a choice anymore though.
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Made for sloppy toppy
Both Maxwell and Planck were downright beautiful when young. Good thread.
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i could've fixed him
What quantum physics does to a mf
Damn, he was dreamy af
Brap Stroker
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Yes, I love Yukio. Great author, it's a shame he seemed a little bit fascist and was a monarchist who wanted to restore the emperor. I do respect the fact that he was willing to die for his viewpoints, even if I don't agree with them. Wish I could've changed him.
Read Temple of the Golden Pavilion again. Dying beautifully was the point of the "coup", he knew it was never going to succeed.
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Rupert Brooke. Fellow poet W. B. Yeats called him "the handsomest young man in England". Shame he died so young.
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SEXO with Nicky
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His nice ass
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Greatest man that ever lived also the best Roman Emperor.
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Ramon Novarro
Holy shit he cute
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Fidel Castro and maybe his comrade Camilo Cienfuegos
He cute
Like father like son
ew he’s too twinky
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Marinus van der Lubbe
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Gerald Ford
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Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich
I'm in love
Bill Evans
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Glenn Gould
He's so cute ;3
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"The flamboyant Custer paid great attention to his appearance. He wore a black velvet uniform with coils of gold lace, spurs on his boots, a red scarf around his neck and a large, broad-brimmed sombrero. Custer took particular pride in his cascading golden locks, which he perfumed with cinnamon oil."

Not at all uncommon the previous century. Whether with wigs or their actual hair a lot of people used to use spices as perfume. I've read various reasons why, such as to drive away pests, cover up smells, but a lot of people probably just wanted to smell nice. One recipe was described as smelling like a Christmas cake with cloves.
No-one posted Ludwig II yet huh?
Or Stephen Tennant
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Damn, so many cool pics of him also he looks like a real adult version of Schroeder from Peanuts lel
Daddy emperor starting a twink god cult is peak Rome
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American artist Robert Rauschenberg
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Ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev. He defected from the Soviet Union to the West in 1961, despite KGB efforts to stop him.
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German painter Otto Dix. I love his grotesque satirizations of Weimar Germany, wonder what he'd have to say about the 21st century.

I see this is a thread of taste.
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Leonard Bernstein
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Bernstein again
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Those legs and thighs were to die for
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Wow, I am from Pennsylvania and never knew that William Penn used to look like that. The older painting they used to represent him resembled the old Quaker stereotype. He went from a Griffith resembling pretty boy to Mr Quaker Oates lol. Twink death hit him hard.
pierre curie was too hot for his wife desu
The legendary mexican singer, actor and daddy Pedro Infante
That's what I love and find erotic about him. He turned every aspect of his existence into art. You can disagree with his principles as much as you want but I think few men have ever lived as authentically as he did.
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Fun fact: he approved of gays and described them as "entertaining to be around".
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Hear me out
THANK YOU. I absolutely love Taft, I wish I could be impregnated by this adorable man.
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Handsome af
John William Polidori, British, author of the first modern vampire story.

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