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Who was your first boy crush /hm/? Essentially who was the man that brought about your gay awakening?
Girl how am I going to remember that, probably some actor
You don't remember your very first crush... the dude who you went to sleep and dreamed about?
Zhane from Power Rangers in Space
Arturo Carmona, mexican actor, i literally stopped jerking it to women bc of him kek
Chad Douglas
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Probably from around age ten I knew I was different from other boys and had a best buddy in elementary school the same.
At thirteen I had fantasies about certain male teachers and older students.
Somewhere in there found my mum's "Viva" magazines (published 1973-80) which had male nudes -- dad's Playboy / Penthouse mags didn't do anything for me.
At age seventeen in 1983-4 I began to buy gay mags from the local suburban adult store -- careful to not be caught -- and gay VHS vids (back then under the counter) and nervously watched them on the family tv when my parents and brother were away socialising at the weekend.
The only gay "role models" then were some camp tv characters, or pop stars such as Boy George (I liked Culture Club).
Later it was music and literature that spoke to me (Joe Orton's diaries, The Smiths, Frankie Goes To Hollywood).
By the time dialup internet arrived I was almost 30. But I had a good collection of gay porn vids on VHS.
I've never understood the sexual attraction to mustaches. It makes me think of 60's porn stars and pervy heterosexual men.
staches feel nice when you are getting head from a middle aged man with a thick stache, it's a nice tingly sensation
It's not fun to feel up against your lips or tongue when making out though.
Roland Orzabal from Tears for Fears
i agree
either light scruff or 5PM shadow or cleanshaven
any kind of actual facial hair just looks like a bacteria collector
wrong, it's the same sensation, you might be a sissy fag, not even women complain about staches this much
wait til u find out that there's bacteria all over your skin and hair 24/7 lol you're gonna want to shower with bleach everyday
the best part of being with a man is feeling his beard all over.
Most women and gay men that I know like a clean shaven face. Next you're going to tell me that you like pubic hairs up your nostrils, while inhaling 2 week old unwashed crotch scent blended with smegma smells.
Wait, did y'all get your gay awakening really that late of age? Why are they are all daddy?

Mine was an actual model, Kek, teenager me realized I like a guy face, not just their dick, that was the confirmation.
i made my parents buy the hsm2 dvd and i'm pretty sure i only liked it because of this scene
Weird reach, but no one cares what women want. A man with a stache is hot. Men should have body hair and facial hair
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Bailey from party of five
i think you're a queeny twink that's why you're so afraid of real men, you do you tho
Actually my first time was when I googled "xxx goku's penis" out of curiosity. However, my first human crush was Ross Lynch in "Austin and Aly" in the Argentine gay community it seems to be the gay awakening of many people. Since I met him I can't help but feel attracted to blonde men. I really love fucking them and doing whatever I want with their tight asses!
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>>2623153 <<--- truthing
you are all wrong
the correct answer is:

full stubble that looks like every time he shaves, like Home Simpson -pop!- it reappears

sometimes/usually paired with a good moustache
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this guy's shadow is perfect
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Im old and this is oddly specifiic but... david spade specifically in this scene in the movie 8 heads in a duffel bag. Made me cream my pants.
I'm Korean, my first crush was a rapper from (what ended up becoming) my favorite group—they got famous when I was like ten and I would watch them on TV (variety shows, live performances) religiously, my parents would give me shit because why not a girl group instead? What's a boy doing watching so intently men dancing? They refused to get me tickets for their concerts when I wanted that as a birthday gift (fortunately my aunt would take me 'cause she was a fan too). I always knew I liked them for more than just their songs (though I do love their music), but T.O.P (his stage name) in particular truly awakened everything in me, I started jerking off at 12 and I would just stare at the fashion shoots he did for magazines, the amount of times I ended up jizzing on the pages... I was obsessed with his tanned skin and intense eyes and thick eyebrows and he has such a sexy husky low voice...
He had some rather slutty moves in his freestyle dancing repertoire so eventually I was able to move on from innocuous mag spreads^^
What is like to be gay in korean?
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One of his bandmates gave me the night of my life when I went to one of his solo concerts at 13, forever grateful to my auntie, humoring lil baby gay me taking me to see a man with the sweetest voice and the hottest body
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Knew I was gay since about 11 years old. First real crush was my high school bear english teacher though. Didn't know any better and nobody to talk to about it, so I was actually pretty devastated when he went to teach somewhere else.
He was kinda like this pic but not as large and fetishized
What a coincidence, I just heard that band being mentioned in that new BBC documentary
When I was in elementary school there was a boy I was best friends with & always treated me nicely, made me had feelings where I had a crush on him but didn't know what to do with them since I was young.
From then on it made me know that I was into guys, kept it to myself & never really told anyone
god he was perfect
It gonna eats you from the inside, anon.
Nicer if you're a bi, can cope out with girl.
David Jordan. I know shame on me but my taste changed a lot since then
Some guy in a home movie that my baby sitter was watching when I was in pre-K. I pretended to be asleep (not like I had to do anything because I was, before that, actually asleep) and hoped she would rewind it.
I googled "hairy naked men" and then I got caught like several (ten(s)?) of minutes later. That day I discovered internet history. They guy who went so far as to out a 7 year old bot though sucks ass as a person so I'm glad he was disgusted.
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This would have been my gay awakening. pic related is a similar one for those who had their awakening in the 2000's.
drop the doc pls
Hayden Christensen in Revenge of the Sith, shirtless and sweaty, I was too young to understand why I liked that scene
oh yeah
Angemon from digimon lol. But if you mean non-cartoons then men from telenovelas
I prefer clean shaven or stubble too tbqh, i like seeing a guy's face
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Hutch Dano in Zeke and Luther.
I was in my "too old for Disney" phase, but he made me not miss a single episode.
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I used to fantasise about sitting next to Michael J Fox by chance on an airplane and us becoming friends
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Jon Moss the drummer from Culture Club was my high school rock and roll crush
His culo is huge
This scene and the one in the world is not enough where he's strapped to that torture chair. Would fantasize a lot about those scenes.
Good taste. Mine was actually your pic related from Goldeneye. Pierce is an actual god
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In 1985 I was 18 and not a stranger to my feelings. I had secretly been buying gay magazines and probably renting gay porn videos from the local adult store.
But whenever the video clip for "We close our eyes" by UK band Go West came on the tv my eyes were glued to singer Peter Cox who was sweaty and greased up, wearing a white vest and dancing around holding a long handled wrench (like a mechanic ?!)
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Matthew Perry. He had a boyish charm and look to him while also being an adult man, idk why or how but that turned on some lightbulbs in young me’s brain. And from then on Ive never had crushes on men my own age, always older 30-40 year olds which was hard to deal with mentally at a young age especially once tom selleck was introduced into the show lol but Ive grown to embrace it
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shamelessy Trevor Moore lmao from "Whitest Kids You Know" comedy skits he was hilarious and just had that look idk about now tho.
this moment right here
i say shamelessy bc hes straight
now i just found out he fucking died. what the fuck.
GenX here. FIrst real crush/obsession was.... Christopher Atkins from Blue Lagoon and later A Night in Heaven!
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GenX here again, also Kirk Cameron in his Growing Pains and Like Father Like Son days. His political and christionist development later as an aside.
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One more, the closest he got to being shirtless on the show or in TigerBeat, etc. Maybe the cruise episode later where he was getting a back massage on a pool lounger?....I obsessed over this epsiode.
my first celeb crush
t. millennial
stunning teen idols back in the day
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x-files era david duchovny
>agent s-mulder
Sadly he is a cult leader now
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He's everything. He still looks hot nowadays
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Atkins in The Blue Lagoon movie 1980
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Atkins in Playgirl magazine 1980s
Chino from the venezuelan duet Chino & Nacho, back in like 2010 he was probably one of the first guys that made me feel funny looking at him
I'm old.
Some c lister blond actor in a b movie,he just have that weird look of a young Chad playing an old nerdo well dad and trigger something in me.
Make me dream being alone with him while I play with his cock and balls,then actively fantasizing interrupt him during bath or while he fucks his movie wife,
the kind of fantasy; "you only see?" "Want to help here?"
This lead me to be ok with being touched at 9.
I grow being bi,I miss being a cum bucket kid (half dozen times)true I know they were wrong but it was what I want.
As Been 10 years since last time I suck a juicy cock.
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Both van Damme and Dolph Lundgren in Universal Soldier. I swear to god that fight scene in the mud made my dick crazy for years as a teenager
Smallville was just fucking loaded when it came to hot guys
>Tom Welling
>Jensen Ackles
>Justin Hartley
Hell, neven John Schneider in his forties was hot as fuck too if you were into older men
Yes, I do lol
Honestly, only Chris Hemsworth has a body that can realistically compare to how Dolph was at that age... oh my fucking god.
Michael Biehn back in the 80s was an absolute dreamboat. God I wanted him so badly
You can critisize the acting of the kinds of Schwazennegger, Stallone, Lundgren and Van Damme all you want back then but they still fully dedicated themselves on staying fit as fuck no matter what. Actors nowadays only hit the gym if the role demands them to
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Stephen Dorff
I do not remember him being this hot. Holy shit
I don't get what people find appealing about korean por stars, tbey just look like lesbians to me.
Matt Leblanc was way hotter.
Idk why but he stopped being hot to me after The Day after Tomorrow
Like, I know he's objectively attractive. But he does nothing for me anymore
Him playing ambigously homoerotic scenes with Val Kilmer on Tombstone are great. Very recommended movie
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He cute
This picture reminds me of someone described stomach creases as "cum gutters"
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Seeing those sweaty pecs bounce in Predator changed me forever. Sorry dad for making you think I used to watch it every weekend because it was cool lmao
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He was real cute as Hicks in Aliens too. A real tragedy that he fell into the bottle
Jason Scott Lee from the Bruce Lee story, Jungle Book and Rapa Nui, all of which I watched years after they came out. He is about the same age as my father and he has aged terribly. He was very hot in his 20s and 30s however. Gave me a bad case of yellow fever as well.
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trips of truth
Telenovela men were a part of my awakening too. Eduardo Capetillo in Alcanzar una Estrella made me feel things...
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Another Gen X here. For me it was young Matt Dillon.
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He’s such a beautiful and soft spoken man, dreamy, but simultaneously so outdoorsy and manly and gets all grubby and stubbly
At first I thought I thought he was just super cool
My first crush was some schizo russian twink i met on discord. Extremely cute. Unfortunately not into me, nor did he live near me, but i knew for sure i liked guys when i daydreamed about him just from hearing him talk. I played draughts with him once online and lost miserably because i kept giggling like a retard. I just couldn’t think straight (pun intended). He was very physically fit and extraordinarily smart too. Cute guy. I had to make myself stop talking to him because i didn’t want to come off like a weird stalker or something. I don’t have a crush on him anymore really. Sry if this post isn’t horny enough, LOL.
He has his cock out in The Indian Runner, btw
He has a great sex scene in History of Violence
When Max takes his shirt off in Roswell and then the scene where he is tortured by the FBI
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I got excited every week watching Tom suffer under the effects of the Kryptonite and masturbated countless times watching Superman get punched and kicked by thugs in SR. My Superman fetish was born with Tom and was fully released with Routh.
It's fake
George Michael. I guess I actually wasn't attracted to him really, I just LOVED him. He was physically beautiful, but also just incredibly talented. I grew up with his music. I belt it out whenever I hear it in the grocery store. I still miss him so much. RIP.
Oh, Anon. I'm so sorry. This is how people always find out about it... accidentally. Yeah. Yeahhhh. We're all just hoping it really was an accident. Considering the kind of stuff he used to, you know. Parody.
Our neighbor. 40s, big, wide, hairy and "80s cut". Used to wear speedos to swim in and I think I'm leaking thinking about him. what I wouldn't have given to house him just once.
My Senior When i was in the Junior Highschool
(Me 8th grader and he's 9th)
Marsden had the cutest butt ever & nice eyes. With that bowl cut & tight ass/long legs, he was 90s perfection.
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It was seeing him in Marimar that did it for me. Loved his hairy chest lol.
Robin from batman forever. There was a dude in my summer camp who looked like him.
>My Superman fetish was born with Tom and was fully released with Routh.
Kind of a shame that Cavill never did any gay roles
>on camera
Well no one has leaked anything of him yet so the point still stands

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