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The tastiest looking cocks that need to be throated
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Damn dude you need some higher standards
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low quality dick
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Great cock bro
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the perfect man with the perfect dick
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gross there are pubes all the way up his shaft to his circumcision scar jfc man learn to shave and stop self posting
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Dubs. Oc?

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Bear Cock for you.
Public dream
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Whats the sauce??
Wow that’s the weirdest knob
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i want to be peto's bitch, lick him all over, suck on his nipples, sniff his musk armpits, bury my nose in his bushy crotch, play with his balls
amazing fat cocks
those are women ai
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yes but look at that cock head
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ok moar pls
but they would be even more erotic with thick bushy pubes that one could bury their nose into while sucking
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and now we've devolved into nasty selfies
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Not my cup of tea but nice curvature want to see balls
Would, specially kiss and those cute balls.
Ok ,I want to be a cum rag
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weird posture, but hot
nice dick too
he should grow some pubes
would love to bury my nose in his bushy crotch while i milk him dry
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i would shove fuck the base of your dick down to my gullet
cross post to >>>2621653
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Guys, how do I work up the nerve to suck my first cock? I’m “straight” but I fantasize about it all the time and really want to drink cum. But it just seems so scary.
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That’s a nice big dick! Anymore pics or sauce?
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Some guys just have the perfect cock huh
Nothing to be afraid of, bud. If you want to suck a cock that badly, then it's in your nature. There's nothing scary about giving in to your nature.

In fact, it's very freeing.

The first time you experience the taste of hot cum shooting into your mouth, you'll wonder why you ever hesitated.

Go for it, man. You'll be glad you did.
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love a ginger boy
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Go on grindr, chat up some guys, see who seems cool, meet somewhere at night n suck him off in the car. It's less awkward doing it in a car than going to someone's place in my opinion unless you are fwb
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Hey Janitors, this OP photo is definitely underage!

And someone's posting women's breasts in here... Just saying'!
Perfect, high race blond guy as usual.
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fuck yes
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Where are the breasts? I don't see any..
And what's your proof on your 1st point?
Sorry I meant that on the previous post... On post number >>2629828
Damn I got a semi just looking at some of these. I wish I had a boyfriend who was cool like these guys. Fuck this is frustrating. I need companionship and support from a big dick alpha bro and I feel deprived without that!
This is my friend, a super bottom that I'd like to suck off to show him the wonders of topping.
One day I'll suck him off, hopefully.
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Dubs and I find a cook to suck.
(I hope I get dubs)
then stop spamming this bs thread after thread and just go get laid, pussy
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That is a nice big dick! Anymore of this one or sauce?
Blonds are golden browns are shit. Any questions?
Short blogpost… but I was on vacation and actually did. Guy was fine, totally normal. Sucked his cock and made out. Really did nothing for me. Honestly, reaffirmed that I am primarily attracted to women, which I had been struggling with. I think all the cock sissy stuff was just porn brain. So it actually really helped me out and made me feel more sure of myself!
Anyways, if anyone is reading this that was like me, give it a try. Either you like it so that’s good or you don’t and that’s fine too.
Take it easy fellas. Much love
wow that is something you'll never be able to undo, fucking brain rot won, kys mr. "straight"
If I could zap this information back to my past brain, of course I wouldn’t do it. But I can’t, so there’s no sense in regretting it. The doing it is what made me feel better. I’ve been looking at hardcore porn since I was 6. I’ve always had mental issues with it. No need to be rude about someone sharing their experience in the hopes of helping someone else. You are here too.
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Murder weapon
Classic example of how a nice cock can make up for almost anything else. I'd fuck his brains out, even though I hate long body hair and beer guts.
that's the most intriguing looking femboy i've ever seen
Good God. Who is that! I feel dizzy looking at him
New thread >>>2635273

New thread >>>2635273
New thread >>>2635273
His Kik leakmyyoungpenis
Snap edgemyd23
Would gladly suck this cock dry my dick is bigger too
Has anyone ever seen a big Asian cock? I mean massive. Like thick, long, and meaty like bbc or some bwc/blc.
Put it in my mouth mmm

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