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Nothing better than bwc
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Nice huge dick! Please share more
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Damn, this is my ideal man, source?
Fuck look at his nuts
you have to be really dumb to fall for a photoshop that obvious
That was my thought for half of this fucking thread
any more?
yeah like I'm not a particpant in the whole "BWC VS BBC" shit but like goddamn there are always so many blatantly photoshopped pics in these threads why bother.
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Nice big dick. But the dude still has bottom energy. Id love to fuck him til his eyes rolled back
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Yeah take me
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mine :P
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very low quality
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Wtf… Why?
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big small idk but its a 20 cent Australian coin
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Srsly tho I’ve been curious about this
Why do you think this cock is gross?
It’s my old doms I think it’s fucking beautiful

i like his dick anon. i would worship it with you together.
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Rate for more
amazing cocks
i want to become a whore for big white cocks!
white guys are so handsome and cute
i wish there were billions of white guys
Please fuck me
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I see we've entered the "If I just position my hand weird and put my cock close to the wide lens, people will think it's big!" era of this thread.
Someone’s jealous
Thanks for saying my cock looks big
It always looks like this regardless of how I hold it

I don’t have to use your little hand trick there bud
Jealous of what? wide angle lenses? Faggots will defend liars on the internet when they're thirsty and stupid.

post a measurement then and prove me wrong faggotus maximus. Should be easy
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Someone has a size comparison fetish and is in love with my cock
larpers never post proof. small dick loser. Probably isn't even his cock.
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This is honestly very flattering
oh look, another one >>2626712
Post ur tiny dick
I've got nothing to prove by larping. off yourself retard.
When you visit your brother at college
Words of a man with a micro penis
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Why complain if you aren't going to prove your point?

You're just sitting up the thread at this point
Very Thin
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Not “holding it weird” like u said
In this one
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My favorite married cock to suck
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I want to suck those balls like a bitch until you make me open my mouth for a deep throatpussy fucking

Pic definitely related
Still waiting for the complainer to put their money where their mouth is, so-to-speak

Quoting the wrong anon, anon

Eh, it's all relative but I do think it'd look nice thicker
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you're literally doing a crab claw grabbing it to a wide angle lens. If you are actually above 6 inches you're not doing a good job of showing it, and even so that's nowhere near BWC size. c'mon anon. I'm 7.5 but I know I don't belong in this thread.

in what fucking world is this BWC?
OC against the rules and your dick is below average
Sauce? I'd let him fuck my wife raw. She loves skinny nerdy boys that are hung as a horse.
My dick is 8 inches
You’re telling people the rules on 4chan…
Not only can you not see your own dick but it definitely has never been touch by another person
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Non photoshopped big dick
>My dick is 8 inches
You're the one saying it. Prove it. Post a measurement. You won't larp baby.
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absolutely fantastic. NEED!
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Well, just call me a bad boy.
Nice cock and feets
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I don't know why there's so much discourse around the size here when the important thing to note is, clean your damn fingernails man!

But 8 inches here too, so it looks around the same to me. 8 inches just doesn't look like much in a thread filled with dicks photoshopped to be 8 foot.
>dick as close as possible to camera lens
>Hand dug so far down it's covering the balls

why don't you guys post actual measurements instead of posting obvious lies to make yourself feel better. All you're doing is degrading what could be a quality thread.
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>why don't you guys post actual measurements
That ain't the thread bud, or the type of thing that makes for a fun picture. But here you go, a semi 7.5 because pressing a ruler into it isn't exactly a great way to maintain a hard on.

>quality thread
you're measuring it wrong lol. You're 7in MAX here with your ""semi""
>1 inch mark is at the base of the dick



KEK you're such a faggot liar. go cope with your average dick elsewhere.
If you think 7.5” bonepressed isn’t at least a little big idk what to tell you. Most white guys are like 6.5-7” bonepressed. Nobody starts measuring where you say the “base” is rofl
every average dicked loser says this. If you can't put it in hole or vagina, it doesn't count. You don't have an inch of dick hidden underneath your fat folds unless you're obese. Go be insecure about your size somewhere else.
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If you like to share your bwc cock, welcome to join our bwc group

You call that "big"?
My ass is LEAPING OUT OF MY PANTS for that cock.
nice roll nice pole
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Who are these two?
Nice cock. Would be even nicer without the bush.
idk how, but I can just tell you'd be a good fuck.
Nice baseball bat, anon. Uncut BWC is god tier cock.
I want it!
Looks fun to suc
Barrels. I'd suc
It's like a Smurf
I want to suc it and lap my tongue on the under side, spit bubbling out of my mouth
Hey officer can you tell me the time?
It's like a distressed banana
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Betas with huge cocks are something else
jesus christ keep the cringe to a single post faggot
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Can't stop staring at this one
Why did god mount a BBC on that white dude?
That's so perfect. Is it yours, anon?
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Even if I said yes, no one would believe me. Just enjoy the meat
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Do you know the measurements? I'm drooling
>On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dick
sauce pls
Roughly 8.5" length bone pressed and almost 6" around the middle of the shaft at its largest
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My pussy is wet, bro. I have a big fetish for big and thick cocks

Sauce nao!!!
That's fucking insane. More pls!
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Wish you were here
kek, what and average
Okay anon, you gotta tell me who that is or at least if they have an account somewhere where they post content. Please
man I hate when guys have legitimately big dicks and still try to fake the size by doing this angle shit. Turn off to lie about your size.
moar pls
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Not sure what to tell you
My new god
I'll just assume it IS you, anon.
You're hot. Post more pls,
Make an avcount somewhere and just post everyday idk
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Might already have an account but I am not here to shill, just to bloat my ego a bit
Could you record a video of your throbbing cock and catbox it?
such an uneven shave job for such a good meat
not big and not white fuck off

samefag kys
By any chance, are you Brazilian? I have a feeling I've seen this cock already
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>eyeglasses reflection at the beach
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ok but post your height as well, if you aint 3 meters tall you are one of us shorties
too much fapping, you ruin yourself
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3 meters is like 9 feet, lol wut. Nobody’s 9 feet tall
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Am I big enough for this?
Nice dick, bit of an odd bush though
Yes but really sad the bush is missing
Ok I looked up and Anon is u/banjosack.
(the dick is at least)
He is hot.
Heh, I expected you'd find my plebbit acc soon enough. Guess that saves me the effort of reposting my dick here, as you now know where to find more..
Nice dick anon! Like that you’re shaved too. Anymore pics or kik?
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Straight here but I would definitely try sucking cock just to put this in my mouth. I can't stop looking at it.
More of this big cock!
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Posting my fav bwcs that have bred me
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more of him?

and him?
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Really nice fat cock anon
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wide angle lenses have irreversibly damaged big cock threads and any retard fooled by it deserves to be catfished.
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Oh gosh, more, literal perfection
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>Straight here
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needs more camera angle
Smallest tp tube ever
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Def would
When my girlfriend at the time was struggling to fit my cock in her mouth she stopped mid gag and said. "I was talking about you to my girlfriends, we decided that men come in three sizes, penis. Small this child like and sad. Dick is like he has a nice dick, but you have a cock. A fat hard cock I can't fit in my mouth and stretchers me till I cum,"
If I'm going by that scale hand breeder, you have a penis.
Kys Reid. It so fucking thin your mom uses your penis to crochet.
That can’t be real … surely?
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Kik based_gaz for more
trying to quit fapping to gay pr0n but can't get off without seeing a big dick
my big fat softie
Damn even the smaller guy is about 2 inches longer than me.
dont listen to this guy, you have a great dick. a bit jelly how big it is
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Unbelievable meat
probably why its named yeahright.jpg
Learn how to type a coherent sentence, retard.
Span long cock?!
Some absurd photoshops of dicks that are probably already huge. Bunch of others, but too lazy to quote. What's the point? What retards fall for this?

Oh, these retards. nvm
cock group
mm nice fat cock head

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