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most of these don't overhang
Foreskins are disgusting. He would be so hot if he got cut. It’s not too late.
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thank you for your content
you are totally off-topic
this thread is for extra-long foreskins that 'hang over' the glans of the dick
not flaccids, you're looking for >>>2613372
you're welcome
This guy has an incredible cock, amazing foreskin plus he has hot looking face & bob
Great pic, cock & ball sack just hanging there & a nice slightly hairy ass crack. I want to poke my ginger in his moist hole whilst t bagging those delicious balls
Thick average length cock.
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Lmao cope and suffer
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Geez monster foreskin
now that's an overhang
Pure ginge great cock & balls plus that hot ginger bush
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Incredible specimen. Any vids of guys with this type of overhang jacking it?
>Incredible specimen
are you blind
It would be nice to not have low quality oc in this thread ya
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Jeez that’s a fat cock
this can't be real right?
why not?
God, I love uncut cock.
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i'm sorry i made this thread
great thread
love uncut cocks, especially the ones with thick bushes
I was wondering what overhang means.
We learn something new every day.
yw anon! :o)
Beautiful uncut cock>>2629740
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Need sources
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You’re cut you stupid moron
Love this guys cock
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gorgeous dicks with actual overhang! Would nibble on both
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this is what i got
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here's my semi
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Better with the full bush

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