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if anyone has more let me know
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last one I have for now
He's hot asf, who's he?
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Yeah I believe he's Fred, did you save them or want more?
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any anons want more of fred or nah
we are good brah, nobody even asked for this thread to begin with
May I ask who Fred is?
whys that?
I guess it's more like, does he have any social media or does he have any more pics?
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just one more, I don't think there are any socials though. You like the pics?
Perfect. Take one with your legs up showing your face too
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hows this? I know people in this thread didn't want to see this guy but think he'll get saved and posted around here? oops forgot the pic
You are right about that. All saved. Keep sharing

he looks a little down syndrome
We want to see him in action. I want him to put a cock or dildo up that fucking ass.
a cock is hard to come by, a dildo would be far easier so okay
Well let's do it, let's stretch that hole

I second that. Let’s see his sexy ass take it.
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it's pretty hard to convince someone to fuck the ass on camera, needs to get a dildo though.. damn it'll gape tho bros

anyone posts these pics elsewhere too?
Lord have mercy, this boy just looks like he was born to take dick. I mean, just look at that sweet, hairy asshole. I’d give anything to cum inside this cockslut.
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thick schlong too, dildos are pricey though, and OF should be made but there's not enough of an audience to warrant it desu
That's a dicklet lol
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Fuck a dildo, ride this dick.
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wasnt his handle lukelemurs or smth?
Yeah, he’s Fred now. He changes his name a lot, I guess? Idk, I’m just happy he’s posting his sexy ass again. Love his ass.
hot more pics?
have a link to his new social?
Wish I could see his face in this pic lmao
I don’t, no. But maybe he’ll post it. Or, rather, “the anonymous man posting his nudes” will clue us all in.
whys that?
I wish the pic was cleaner
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fake cum picture. not sure if this is a good one or not. >>2634140
yeah just don't access to a nicer camera
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another blurred out photo from the front
He ugly asf
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and the last flex photo
yeah whys that anon?
Anyone want more pics or nah, requests?
You’ve been requested to show your face unblurred, to shove a dildo/cock in your tight hot hairy asshole, and to share your socials. And you’ve shot down all of those requests, so.. idk, you tell us.
who the fuck is this retarded nigger, why does it have his own thread and why is it still up
Idk but his ass is perfect and I’m enjoying tf out of it while I can. Really wish he’d share his socials before the thread inevitably gets taken down, but, oh well.
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Post a pic showing off your ass and face with a sign that says "Fred's beefy ass" and write one of your socials
I second this.
Who is he? what is his onlyfans or twitter?
Nobody knows. The sexy little attention whore with the cute dick and hot, sexy asshole hasn’t shared it yet.
I dunno his real name, but he went by the usernames "lukelamela" and "lukelemures" in the past. He's american and he frequents in 4chan and reddit, posting his awesome fat ass, and his dick. He was chubby, but 2-3 years ago he started exercising.

I've chatted with him in the past, he's a good guy. He's definitely an exposure slut, countless times he said he "loves it" when random people see his nudes online. Also, I've noticed he's constantly asking the question if "he'll fit in the porn industry". He hasn't done anything though.

All in all, he seems very reluctant, changing names, sometimes blurring his fac, even. Maybe he doesn't want his social circle to find out? His coworkers? Who knows. But if he wants exposure so bad, he should be more open, and of course take better image quality photos lol.
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I can try to take this at some point today now that I'm off work
My social media is generally SFW now, I post pictures and videos of the muscle building progress I've been going through so I didn't know if it'd be anything people wanted to see here
I appreciate this comment a lot. It's fun to read, it's all true, been slowly losing weight and gaining muscle I'm glad you noticed anon. I'm also glad you think I'm a good guy, I try to be decent when talking to people online. The exposure is such a thrill. It normally doesn't happen because I'm an average guy but when I get posted here or on tumblr, it's a rush and makes my day being completely exposed like that.
I do have to apologize for fencesitting so much, I've talked to a irl buddy of mine that plunged into the adult industry and his life has never been the same. I sort of view it like pandora's box. Like I said though, since I'm a very average looking dude, I probably wouldn't garner much attention and just be another guy on set. God, it sounds like so much fun though. Not for the cash but just for the thrill
>I'm also glad you think I'm a good guy, I try to be decent when talking to people online
Yep, that's true. Others are acting like bitches, bc of the attention they get and stuff.
I'd definitely like us to chat again. We had a friendly convo about all things, and I remember asking you about gym/exercising, and you really gave me a boost to start taking working out seriously. After a while tho I found a tiresome job, so that didn't happen. And that's how we basically stop talking.

>I've talked to a irl buddy of mine that plunged into the adult industry and his life has never been the same
Yeah, that's probably correct. I've heard stories too, and that field can get pretty dark
also another pic, I know there needs to be toys and such
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My God, it’s beautiful. Got a kik?

Me btw.
OH, I have a few of this guys pictures saved from b a few months ago, I definitely would fuck
Post em man
seconded, post em
Hot as. Hairy thighs in stockings, dream come true
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i remember when this faggot used to go by sethcircles on telegram

here's a collage i made of him

Glad it was revealed that Fred/Luke/Seth suddenly invested in a jockstrap at some point apparently lol, an interesting development. The plot thickens… fuck it, I’m hooked and can’t wait to see the future exploits with this thread as we learn about more of his aliases.

Hope he takes a plug or something soon. I’ll just keep cumming to his pics
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Did a google image search for Luke Lemures and found these treasures on an archive site. About to search for his other aliases too, see what I can find
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Found these by searching up “sethcircles” on Google. This little cockslut has left quite the trail, dating back to 2022.
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Wish we could find a really close-up picture of Fred’s hole, like this
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will do, but damn those other pics aren't as good. I started using a cock pump and it got a lot thicker now. about 6.5 inches around
thanks bro, I do need to get a plug. still just posting for fun though. I dont have the strap anymore though, it broke :(

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