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Damn do they have 4 to a room? Ugh (unless they were all hot & nice)
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Any roommates' stories?
and they were roommates
they're actually brothers according the video story
yeah, i sprinkled a crushed ruffie in his chow mein, and when he was feeling amorous, i gave him the best blow job ever. then i helped him to bed, where he slept like a baby. that's when I lubed him up and dumped a load deep inside his hole. wiped him up. put his boxers back on. he smiled at me in the morning. me thinks me subconsciously enjoyed getting sleep fucked. then he got busted for selling meth to grade schoolers and is now enjoying getting pounded daily by his protectors Bubba, King, and Leroy, in federal prison.
Somehow the dude on the right being barefoot makes this so much hotter.
true dat ya perves

My Freshman year in college, I had a potluck roommate but came out to him pretty early, like the 2nd week or so after "testing the waters" w some comments.

A week or two later, he came out to ME as we lay on our respective beds talking after dark. All I could think was "Thank God, I don't have to worry about a homophobic roommate".

We started getting really flirty now that both of our secrets were out [not that 2 gay roommates necessarily are attracted to each other. I had other gay roommates I had no interest in], & one night we were going to somebody's birthday party & I said something like "Be careful how much you drink tonight--you might do something..." & we both chuckled.

So you know where this is going--we went to the party, had some beers went home earlier, I sat on his bed, blah blah blah--next thing you know we were having sex.

This was SUPER convenient when you've just left home a month earlier & already have a built-in "boyfriend"! So we had a sweet little relationship for a few weeks, I took him to his first gay bar, etc.

Unfortunately, taking him out & us both meeting a larger gay crowd was too tempting for him; he started going out w them w/o me (He was much more social than I) & long story short, we "broke up" but then had to share a dorm room for the rest of the school year--which I do not recommend :-/
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You FOOL, you could have tried keep up with him socially and be a package deal. Imagine both of you holding hands, your busses in the air, waiting for college cock. For shame anon, for shame.

I got plenty on my own, thanks--more than he did
Amazing nuts and bush
In the dorm room next to mine my freshman year there was a guy that I met on move-in day. We hit it off and did a lot of things together and were also in one class together.

One evening we were talking about going to a couple of parties. I mentioned that I thought that a certain party would have a lot of girls we could meet.

He looked at me very seriously and ask me "you know I'm gay, don't you?" I didn't and told him so. We talked some more and I asked him what it was like being gay - what was it like having sex with a guy?

He told me about it and one thing he really liked was that it seemed like guys gave better blowjobs than girls (he had gone out with a few girls in high school).

I really cannot recall if I asked or he offered, but he was soon giving me a blowjob so I could feel for myself. In my limited experience he was right, his blowjob was better than I had from a few girls.

I reciprocated and sucked his cock. I don't think I did it very well, but he did cum.

We had sex a couple times a week after that. He was versatile and I learned that I was too so we sucked and fucked a lot.

He still had a couple of boyfriends and I had some girlfriends too. He lives in Boys Town in Chicago now, and whenever I am in town for business we get together.
Not really roommate but after high school me and some mates went on a cheap ocean cruise to celebrate. Had a shared bunk cabin with another guy who was laid back. I had a bit of a crush on him. He let me wear his tie-dye tank top so there must have been some connection there. I remember after he showered he would grab his soft cock and "spin it around and around" and said it was called "helicopter dick". I don't remember if my mates witnessed it. Maybe it was just for me.
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And now you are stalking /hm/ making sure you mention your "girlfriends"...give up the subterfuge, Grrl
let them have their delusion
oh my god, they were roommates
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Gamer thread was full
I'm bi. Still have girlfriends.
This pic hits me right in the feels. One of my college roommates had a mild exhibitionist streak and I used to have like 50 pics of him like this. I ended up deleting them because I was very unhealthily obsessed and pretty much jerked off to those pics exclusively.
I've never lived in an all male share house but one time for some reason was just me and this other guy (kind of wiry muscle dude, his household "job" was to chop wood for the fireplace).
Anyhow I convinced him to try taking a bath (he preferred showers) and I stood there talking to him while he was in the bathtub his entire body on view. Nothing came from it and I didn't expect it to but it was a nice moment and memory.
Dwight 'The Stone' Johnston and Jim Cema
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In my freshman year of college, I was put in a room with a guy a couple years older than me. He was pretty friendly with me but he did think I was weird because I didn’t drink and I was an oblivious dorky virgin twink (I was very sheltered). He was never in the dorm except when he would come in late at night to sleep so we’d never really interact or see each other very much. Then he started working out a lot in the spring semester and he got so hot… and at the same time, I was obviously going through a puberty hormonal bump as well so I was very horny but still sexless because I was too socially awkward.
One very hot day he left his very sweaty boxer briefs in the bathroom floor after he came from the gym. I couldn’t help but sniff them out of curiosity. That triggered a musk fetish so I held onto those for the whole semester, huffing into while I jerked off— it was perfect.
I was friends with "Mike" for about six months, going to ITT. I'm 20, he's older, early 30s. Me, him, a few others in our class form a bit of a clique, hanging out all the time. Mike tells me, "Hey, you live at home. I'm buying a house and tearing it apart. Why don't you come live with me and pay for rent by helping with demo and whatever else. Need to get out of my house so fuck it, absolutely. Pack light and don't bring too much. Work, come home, we tear apart whatever part of the house we're working on, make something to eat, pass out. May not be paying rent but I am putting in work.

There's been a few times where I could have asked to suck his dick, cause boy did I want to. He's short, 5'8 (I'm 6'1"), VERY good looking, scruff. Lots of product in his hair, very well kempt which always made me think, "maybe." Spend all night getting sweaty and dirty with him, constantly hoping he'll come onto me. We're both "straight" as far we know, obviously I'm not, but I'm closeted as fuck. Now I live with a really good looking dude sweating and I don't even get to clean him up.

Then it happened. We were finishing up the dining room pulling up the floor, shirts off, hands and knees, bent over. Looking at him glisten and that's it, I've got to do something about this when he just says, "Do you fuck with guys?"

Such a trick question. If I say yes and he's a homophobe, I'm fucked, moving out, lose a friend. But if he's asking me it has to be because he's going somewhere with it.

"Yeah, a few times." (a lot of times) "Mostly my one friend." (and most of the rest of our friends on the dl). Tells me it's been at least twelve years or so since, just hasn't had the opportunity."

He gets up, hot ass hairy chest, stands over me. "We should probably get in the shower."

Progress on the house slowed quite a bit after that.
Green text your first time with him
Is this vintage posting? All these images make me feel like we're back in '11
>first time with him
(cont) >"We should probably get in the shower."
>"Mike" heads upstairs, I finish up the section I'm doing and head up
>shower door is open
>can see his outline behind the foggy glass shower doors
>"Are you coming or what?"
>stumble through a response and he interrupts me
>"Just get in here man. It's cool."
>strip, stroke my diamonds
>slide open the glass door, sexy, short little hairy body
>wiping some suds off him as I stand there no clue what to do
>I'd been sucking dick since I was like 11
>but it's all I've ever done. gone down, swallowed, all over
>never done "this" with a guy
>sudsy hand grabs my dick and starts stroking
>grab his, just a bit bigger than my hand, about half mast
>start to rub each other chest, squeezing firm strokes on me
>bends over and sucks my dick as I rub his ass
>tells me to play with his ass so I do
>pushes me against the shower wall
>backs up on me and sits back on my dick
>tight af, all pretty quiet and slow
>grab his waist and start to fuck him
>I get deep in him and I moan pretty loud, he start talking more
>"You like that? You like my ass?"
>"hhhnnngg You got good dick. Fuck me. Harder."
>I'm hard as adamantium at this point
>every time I've been with a dude it was "do the deed, don't say shit, forget it happened after it was over."
>like I'm fucking a cumslut girl, shits cash
>get to clapping him and I need to cum, legs are fucking burning trying to hold my feet in the right spot so we don't slip and die
>"Give me you cum. I want you cum. Give it to me."
>moans like a bitch, thanks me (which just made me hotter)
>we kiss, fucking prunes at this point from the shower
>lather each other up again, clean up, get out
>get dried off, I head to my room, get changed, sit on my bed
>"What are you doing? I have the bigger bed and better TV."
>Walk in, he's laying on the bed
>take my shirt off, lay down
>chilling , laying there with each other dicks in our hands
>that's how it started
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> rented a room in my house to a cute Russian guy
> he's 22, twinky, manlet size, cute smile, pale, totally hairless
> he looked similar to pic
> he's also into rock climbing and has nice, lean body from it
> i'm always sneaking a peek when his shirt lifts up during pull ups
> regularly drink with him and talk shit
> end up crushing on him super hard
> when he was out i'd go through his room looking for cum rags
> never find anything
> once he left his computer unlocked
> went through all his files and his browsing history
> no dick pics, no porn, nothing
> he's pure
> regularly take his worn gym clothes and huff them to jerk off while laying on his bed
> become intimately familiar with his natural smell
> think of a hundred different ways of having my way with him
> he heads away on a climbing trip for two weeks comes back dead tired
> falls asleep with the door open
> i creep inside
> he's in his underwear, snoring softly
> gently touch his leg
> no response
> gingerly caress his crotch and feel him harden
> pull down the waistband and eye my prize
> it's neither big nor small
> it twitches and i lean closer
> his snoring changes and then he rolls over
> next day i find the undies he slept in
> precum coats the inside
> greedily lick all of it
> what the fuck is wrong with me
> he leaves the country a few months later
> in his room i can still smell his sweet smell in one corner
> breathe deep the milky sweetness and jerk off in the empty room
> hate myself for not setting up a spy cam or drugging him or something
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