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There are more hot next door dads like him from this studio. Where can I get them?
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The studio is mybestfriendsdad
I found alfie on chaturbate. That's where the webm is from. He seems to cam fairly often under the username daddyskool
I need that fat biology in my mouth right fucking now
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Can this be unblurred?
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Your cells are decaying
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this thread is always so funny because all the men are old and still trying to look hot and desirable lmfao
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Lots of them are, to their own age group.

german grandpa reads erotic literature whilst naked and hard
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You have one where he shows his face?
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Shame he doesn't cam anymore. Such a hot daddy. I know he did show his face when he cammed at first. Hard to remember because he made so many different usernames.
He's perfect
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>be me
>get to talk with a married man on a datingsite
>picrel is him
>he seems interested in me
>not clear yet if we will meet up

He seems really hot. Usually with married men it seems like they just want to fuck you, but our conversations have some depth and I don't get the impression that's his main goal. I don't like it when I am treated like a sex object. It would be nice to meet him, but not sure whether or not that will happen yet.

How do you all feel about having sex/contact with a married men? You stay away from these type of men or you don't mind him being married?
Prime mature men shouldn't be shackled to ugly hags. Men only go up in value with age whilst women hit the wall early. And they're probably bored of each other anyways, who wouldn't be after 50 years together? I hate moralfags who claim that meeting married men is "homewrecking"
why do you want special treatment from a man who is clearly married
>I hate moralfags who claim that meeting married men is "homewrecking"
The mental gymnastics some of you go through is truly wild. You will end up alone and bitter just remember that
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Hooked up w a lot of married guys, and they rarely wanted to fuck me--that's one thing they can do w the wifey. they chow down on the cock though, they crave it. Lots of times they love rimming, too. Some might want you to fuck them.

I've found these experiences to vary from a clearly "transactional" thing to men who would open up & chat if you liked to do that (I do), especially if they are so closeted they've never really had anybody to talk about gay issues with.

They are usually so grateful to have a naked man to play with, they'll let you take the lead on what activities you do.

Just make sure ahead of time that there is ZERO percent chance the wife will come home early, if it's at their place. The 2 I had the most fun with only had one car & had taken her somewhere (hair appt etc) so there was no way she could come home.
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DADDIES are the best Type!!
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Ken Mack
Think this is from a couple years ago. Still looks great.
Do you have more?
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That show his face? Yeah a few.
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So unfair, I go on Grindr to find an older daddy with a big cock and they all have small dicks. No one on Grindr has a big cock. Is there some where else ?
On Romeo if you have a subscription you can search for men with a dick size filter. It's strange how no other site has that. On SilverDaddies people have nudes as profile pictures
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Geoffrey Hinton... daddy...
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Where do I find this video at?
hot af
definitely deep throat that one.
Wow it's so thick and creamy, love to lick that up.
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If you ever get to have this view of a daddy dick, consider yourself lucky
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Anons i found a sexy dad in his 60s (he's a lean muscular bearded daddy - 10/10 holy shit)
but here is a twist
1) he is fucking married and has kids
2) but he wants me to fuck him and be bottom for me (we sent lots of photos in messages and talked for a bit)
3) im not that experienced
Is there anything i should know?
He will take me by car to his little house (where he has sex while his wife is not knowing) 4 miles away.

I really want to do this but i feel like there will be no turning back. somewhing will change in my life
if this isn’t a larp, go do it
he might even teach you the ropes if you’re upfront about being a nervous-wreck virgin

Plan and implement ways to protect yourself.
not a daddy at all, are you fucking retarded?
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All I want is a hairy not overweight 60+ British daddy.
>asking /hm/ for opinion
He's also pretty ug
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he's not even 25
My daddy looks younger than me
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stop posting fat retard
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more? love him
do you have one where he cums?
Can someone please let me know - how do I find hot, in-shape, masc, potentially rich older gay guys?

I’m a bald, bearded masc dude in my early 30s. Not quite young or pretty enough to be a twink anymore, but still above average looking and in great shape. I’m just not into younger guys, and I only get invitations from short, ugly, small dick guys who have roommates...

How do I find a hot 50+ Daddy like this thread? The age, size, and power dynamics make me so horny, but I’ve been on the apps for years and have yet to act on it; just can’t seem to find anyone that really does it for me irl
I want to suck this cock so bad
Because there are :)
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Holy shit, Bill Gates leaked??
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Bill Gates would have enough sense to rotate a pic before posting
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Not quite
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Please tell me someone has this video. I went to the previous thread but the links are fucking dead and lpsg is such a shit website.
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Here's another
He came in these ones too
who is this?
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I started using Grindr a week ago to find a daddy (i never had an experience with an older man even if i always preferred them).

And i fucking FUCCKCINGG
1) Hate my life
2) became bitter
3) feel terrible

It's awful...holy shit.............. I'm speechless.
I didn't even sleep for a couple of days.
(the first one because they guy disappeared even if we came to agree to meet at the morning. The second - because i feel awful after few days of this stupic circus of retarded Grindr experience. It's like everybody on grindr is some sort of scared-ass autist who lives in North Korea or something)
For example...i'm not even a picky guy.
These daddies: >>2630532 >>2630375 >>2630369
Look normal and "average". I wouldn't mind having some time with them - not even a full sex - just kissing/cuddling/sucking their dicks that would take probably 40minutes (all of that combined).

So I'm not asking for that much.
But even at such a level of men (or even lower than that) it is difficult to get on Grindr...
>But even at such a level of men

It's not about level or some shit. Have you stopped to think that maybe they aren't attracted to you? Daddies are in high demand on grindr, especially non-fatass daddies who look like they can give over 3 minutes of pounding without losing their breath.
>Have you stopped to think that maybe they aren't attracted to you?
Where did i wrote that this was the problem, you absolute mindfuck

Grinder is a field full of schizos autists and fucking terrible people
I was offered to be paid if the guy would lick my nipples and he sounded like a total fucking maniac. AND he was so impatient that i couldn't keep up with his typing speed and he ended up being angry because i wasn't responding fast enough.

Geez. what a bunch of insufferable faggots.
>3 minutes of pounding without losing their breath.
I'm the top and most of daddies i see bottoms.
The problem it's that difficult to see actual people here.
The only guy i actually managed to talk to was a married guy with 2 kids. What a cringy cheating dickhead.
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Anon, fags on Grindr have a TON of problems. It's just a matter of taking your pick of which one. At this point it's well-known that Grindr breeds animosity amongst fags and biscum because it's filled with miserable fucks.

I'm 32, have talked with hundreds of guys in my 20s but I'm pretty sure I've met <5 daddys using Grindr because most guys on there are genuinely shit. I used to be on Daddyhunt (before and after it became Mr. X), Scruff and Growlr. Hell, I think I still have an account with that decrepit ancient site Silverdaddies. My point here: I've actually met more guys using these platforms than I ever did with Grindr. Some of them I still talk to and am friends with to this day. The downside is that all the "low value men" (for me it's older men that are obese, ugly, too hairy, and too old) dominate these platforms.

Picrel is what I'd consider to be above average.

Lmao dumb bitch you are beyond fucked.

Attraction plays a big part, yeah, but I think the problem is that it's grindr. Grindr for some reason just brings out the shittiest in homos. If you use niche platforms, it doesn't seem as rat-racey to me.

>Lmao dumb bitch you are beyond fucked.

Haha, I'm not some sad queen crying about not being able to find a man. I just genuinely don't know where to find older guys like the ones in this thread...

I know my post wreaks of desperation, but I was being genuine lol. I'm bi, so I still gets mine. Make good money, in good shape, etc. so I'm looking for guys with similar or greater status, and I don't really know anywhere to meet guys like this.

I'm kind of a youngish daddy type myself, so I'm looking for hypermasculine older guys. I'm not worried about being able to attract them, I just need to find where they hang out
>too hairy, and too old
No such thing...
like...wtf. the hairer the better. and old is not a problem. I would totally have fun with 76lvl daddy/grandpa
>absolutely totally clean-shaved pink skinned daddy
oh i see it's your fetish then

I agree with you about other stuff.
wish silverdaddies still alive
>I'm bi
if you are in Europe, try romeo.com,
also you sound like a diva
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why is silverdaddies supposed to be bad? it's the only site where people have nudes on their profile pictures and you don't need a premium to see it. and the site works flawlessly, whilst other sites with their fancy modern ui crash, are full of bugs and take ages to load. SD is the best site. only issue is that you have only two messages per day on a free account, but you really don't need more than that unless you're a gigaslut
>if you are in Europe, try romeo.com
didn't know romeo has daddies - thanks
>also you sound like a diva
>why is silverdaddies supposed to be bad?
i didnt say it's bad.
does it exists still? i used it couple of times in the 10s
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Everybody knows Grindr is the most transactional of all the hookup sites (and that's a high bar to set!)

Older guys don't go for that kind of thing online--if they want something quick & impersonal, they'll go to a glory hole. Growler, Scrouff, or Silverdaddies is their territory, or male-only resorts like timberfell in Tennessee or Palm Springs or Ft Lauderdale, two very well-known gay retirement meccas. You can practically meet 5 silverdaddies just sitting at a sidewalk cafe' in those towns, and they're fun vacation sites besides.
i deactivated my account
holy shit this stupid ass thing is fucking awful... never again.
>Ft Lauderdale
yeah sure
i'll go to Lauderdale tommorrow or find a gloryhole in our local toy store.

There are no option. either a gay bar in a big city or such apps
>does it exists still? i used it couple of times in the 10s
btw i registered on Silverdaddies yesterday and had no idea its still alive...it looks so 2000s lol.
One daddy wrote me but HE WRITE IN CAPS ALL THE TIME and he sent me a photo of his ass...something tells me that he's 24/7 there and sends it to everybody

i fucking dont understand how that shit works.
im out

Jerking off to porn didnt sound that bad. I was doing just fine doing that.
I dont want to talk to autists and schizos anymore
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when youngshits say they like older men, they typically mean a guy 10-20 years older. to me, a fat nasty hairy 60 year old or older is really off-putting and you should feel bad being seen in public with them cause they're generally incredibly unattractive, like >>2630374 >>2629324 >>2629309 >>2627330

i can definitely see the appeal of some one like.. late 2000s alec baldwin which is what the absolute and maximum peak of what a daddy can be. definition of /PURE SEGGSO/
nobody asked you sissy queen, go back to twitter
>she's assmad cause i @'d her because of her garbage tastes
l e l
>I'm a super faggot
Good for you anon. Very brave of you to share how much of a faggot you are and so bravely too!
it seems my superiority has caused a massive wave of butthurt, oh well. ill let you get back to thirsting over dried-out 3/10 geezers that one of you clearly cant even get LMAO
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Every daddy thread always has a high concentration of autists. Post daddies you fucks
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that's what we were all doing until you came for some attention lol go back to twitter pls
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Hot guy, definitely in the upper percentile.

However I like mine a little more realistic.
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And technological dinosaurs, just like real dinosaurs, are far more competent and effective than modern tiny and weak animals. SilverDaddies has soul. Enjoy waiting for your basedllennial market-tested site to load the frontpage advertising some drag queen event whilst us patricians continue to use the superior product.
the first one would be regarded by everyone as conventionally attractive, and the second and third ones are wonderfully slender and clean looking men with perfect senile features. This thread is for gerontophiles
retard this a daddy SLASH grandpa thread. if you want to post your low quality 80 year old meme go go to the grandpa thread
>onions soï face
where the fuck do you live where men are that ugly
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Is it just me or do Asian daddies almost exclusively want to meet other daddies and never young guys? It's such a bummer :(
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Fuck off & be glad there are a couple of threads that are NOT skinny underage Asian boys making duck lips
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>be me , 19
>parent away have party
>cope come , people run and leave a scale and drugs
>im up shits creek with a turd for a paddle
>contact local attorney for helo , meet him at bar
>tell him cant afford services
>tells me he knows someone who would do it pro bono but i would have to work it off
>no idea what that means
>ask what he means and he just says "work is work"
>day later im contacted
>guy is attorney in town about 45 mins away
>explains the workload and travel times/fees
>asking me weird questions about girlfriend
>says other attorney told him I have lonigsh hair , I confirm
>says outright with no shame that if hes going to donate all his time he wants blowjobs when hes in town
>no choice.jpg
>really nervous so I google his name ... accomplished attorney , family with 2 boys my age
>first time in town , I meet him at my grandmothers house , have meeting in dining room
>he is cordial to grandmom
>meeting done , he asks to come out to car
>says hop in
>we head to hotel
>step inside hotel reoom and stockings/panties/lace teddy laid out on bed
>he says nothing , heads into shower
>anxiety.jpg ... just hope I can make him pop
>I dress up , greet him at shower
>suck him in every position
>night ends with me on bed laying on my back head hanging off bed and him pumping
>choke on his load
>that was 12 years ago hes now 71 and I suck him off behind my wifes back still
>came to wedding
>suck him off couple times a year in the living room while wife sleeps upstairs
pic related
Dude, what I would give
Yeah, that shit made me hungry.
post your taste then
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Thoughts on this grandpa
Why is it so god damn sexy?

Let's get back to the part where you met him in your grandmother's house over a drug possession charge? You told your grandma?

If there's no gray in the pubes, they're too young for this thread!

Nice but I wish his face was visible
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I know an older guy that is married. Things are getting a bit shakey and I am debating on telling his wife everything. Would it be wrong to do so?
Might destroy her life anon.
not cool for her sake, but you can threaten him that you will, and get presents...be practical
you are manipulating someone else’s affairs as a way to “get back” at the man like a duplicitous bitch
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>is it wrong to rat my partner out?
What do you think you treacherous snake
don’t care
but that won’t do any damage
what’s wrong with saying a few words of truth to a woman lol
>ad hominem
So you continued to fuck this man and suddenly you feel guilty? Why do you have morals AFTER having sex with him and not before? Either stop having sex with him or keep doing it and shut up. You aren't on some high horse because you all of a sudden feel guilty

Well, he's playing manipulative games now and he's cruising around on a hookup site. I've tried to reason with him, but found he lies and seems to be actively looking. That's why. I am not on a high horse, but feel like maybe she should know. He takes his wedding ring off, puts it on my hand and has me fuck him and sends all sorts of stuff in text at times.
The fact that you were fine with him being married and have changed your mind makes you a bitch yes. Even if you don't care about fucking up their lives he may snap and go after you as retaliation, do you really want to risk this guy running up on you at 3am with a weapon and no mask because you wanted to be vindictive because

>he's cruising around on a hookup site
retard he's cheating on his wife with YOU. Why would he be faithful to his side piece if he isn't even faithful to his main piece. Is this bait?
cockrings really do wonders to most faggots
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Nah you're a jealous bitch. Better off leaving this shit in your past. You think his wife will thank you and you'll be best friends? If you do end up telling her, let's hope she slashes your tires or something equally as petty. You wanna rat out her husband because he's now treating you exactly how he treated his wife?
I swear you kids have nothing in that empty hole in your head
Holy daddy hole ruination, source anon PLEASE
He can fuck me. Does that count as a thought?
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Good question.
Because it’s a real daddy who is masculine and kind in his soul, internally stoic yet externally gentle, and he is comfortable with his sexuality which shows a playfulness and understanding of life. A little bit of boyishness, underpinning the deep manliness…which shows he has a big heart, to find harmony in the coexistence of the two.

Everything I’m looking for.
It’s not a character.

It’s who they truly are.
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I need this daddy's big cock
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better body then many 20s
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Yeah, thinking you're some kind of White Hat because you're "saving her marriage" doesn't win you any brownie points. First, she very well might already suspect or know; second, it could break her heart & if they have kids, ruin their childhoods. Third, you aren't exactly innocent if you continue to see him, knowing this.
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Mitsotakis just reintroduced the six-day work week to Greece for the first time in Europe lmao. He's so hot he can do literally anything
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no one cares faggots post older men. anyway..

not into geriatrics but this guy is deff worth a fuck
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obligatory "gratuitous angle that makes your dick look bigger" pic
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last good pic, gramps has a really nice body. not a braindead gym rat or piggy oink oink fatso, just someone who takes reasonable care of him. yeah would def fuck
You can go to the gym and not be a gym rat
I think I just fell in love! Who is he and is he gay or bi?!
Yeah he's really good looking but I fear he's one of those guys that's got a body that would make me a do a 180 and leave. Many such cases unfortunately
yall are so fucking corny
wtf does that even mean pretentious fuck, you sound worse than the twitter queens jesus fucking christ
It means what it means you legally retarded fuck lmao. It means that I don't fuck fatties and uggos.
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>gay/bi boomers are literally never this hot
straight women really don't know what the fuck they have...

This is the hunkiest Daddy in this thread, and naturally he has all his clothes on dammit
>This is the hunkiest Daddy in this thread
Nah that's your opinion
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I have this photo and I have no idea where I got it from. Probably browsing facebook profiles.
This is my type, my future husband will look like this.
yeah.. next time please split the threads. grandpafags are the worst
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And yet you clicked on the thread...

You can find ones like this quite easily on Silverdaddies--usually married, but hey. they go for the cock more because they're more desperate for it, putty in your hands
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ironic amerifat
how do faggots always keep falling for the same generic genotype? is this an american thing? it's so crazy to me honestly
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this is a millennial, kill yourself
Me too. Hairy silver men with a nice Turkish moustache are the best
never mind, it's called lampshade moustache
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>baby skin
this is a young man, like he is at most 40yo (stretching it, he is probably like 35)
not considered a "daddy" by the typical criteria
Moar like this please.
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These kind of average American dads are simply the best. They can be so tantalizingly flirty in real life…I feel like almost all of them would go for cock given the right circumstances. And they have big hearts too.
Ugh, he looks so much like my first Daddy. Moaned loud and cummed buckets all over me. Not only are they flirty, they're attentive, unselfish and vocal. These men deserve to be worshipped fr. Seeing Daddies like this in the wild make my bhole pucker
Yes! This type of man is who I would love to marry. Sadly, most tend to he straight and/or married.
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Bet he's gotten a lot of mileage out of that pretty thing...

This would probably fit better in the "old ugly guys w big cocks" thread

No, it's probably the guy posting his own pics wanting attention
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I fell in love. Great
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I need this guy in my mouth
I would let him do nasty things to me
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There’s a 52yo daddy who I regularly suck and fuck. I’m 24
2 parts questions:
1. How did that happen?
2. Not your bio dad. right?
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Don’t you get it boys? We have to become Dads. They are running out, and all the young straight boys are the real faggots.

We have to be the Men.
literally just go on Scruff and message daddies until someone is interested.

t. sucks off middle aged daddies on the reg and has to juggle them
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Scruff definitely seems to be the best place to meet daddies.
There's also Doublelist if you live in a busy city. Mainly discreet older guys on there.
this is such a retarded mentality im sorry
Cute daddy, but what the fuck are you saying anon? It's like telling someone starving to cook food for others.
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>We have to become Dads.
No thanks.
If guys want to "become the Dads" that's fine. I'll be here when they want to fuck.
Is he literally saying "Be the change you want to see in the world." kek
I don't even go on Grindr anymore, there's more married Daddies on doublelist. When I feel like going 18-24, that's the only time I open Grindr.
Incredibly hot cums.
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I’m right.
You should want to grow up, boys. You can’t be sissies forever.
You need to take what Daddy taught you and apply yourselves. He was always teaching you to be just like him.
Every time he fucked you. Every time he came in you. He was teaching you what to do when you reached his age.

In all seriousness, you guys should want to he good role models for the next generation…otherwise, it’s just a waste of life. Be a man.

I don’t care if this doesn’t conform with the perspective of groupthink here. I’m so tired of the washed-up, pessimistic, meaningless cult of the internet.

The first step to being a Man is going your own way with thought.
>I’m so tired of the washed-up, pessimistic, meaningless cult of the internet.
The door is always open.
Nah, I'm good. If any Daddies need a Momma, let me know tho.
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Keep posting sexy daddies and you can keep spouting what your little rotting brain comes up with anon.
The darkness is not cool anymore. It shows that you are just wasting life.

Where oh where will people learn to think? Not here, so I will go and create it. It seems I’m the only one on this thread that has the courage to try and light into the world, to help it get somewhere meaningful.

Because I am focused on the light, there is no person who can take me off of that path. It is not simply Christianity. I am not spouting someone else’s beliefs. I have pursued light in life to the best of my ability, and gone into darkness with a torch and returned with a story that brings me wisdom and strength.

The universe is a mystical place, full of endless beauty and mysterious adventures. I honor that first, as a human being, meaning everything else comes second, including sexuality.

So how can sexuality be meaningful? If it is part of the quest for wisdom.
How can a boy continue to become wise without being a man?
He cannot.
Nigga shut the fuck up. Your autism is off the charts
kill yourself
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sauce much needed.. this is one of my favorite styles of video. so hard to find gay porn from this pov. if you search fpov you can find ladies sucking cock but i havent seen many gay scenes in this style.
I've always had a crush on him and he has turned into such a Daddy lately!
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Biden in his 70s was peak. Imagine his cock size compared to Hunter's and Frank's
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at least we got Blinken
Those hairy arms…
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As a bi Dad top, I agree 100%.
But, to each their own. We all choose our path.
Still fucking based though.
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>daddy dick everywhere
>but that post is the gayest thing in this thread
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I just love juicy dad bodies.
May them daddies all wear speedos and sport goatees/mustaches
I don't know which part of his body I'd dig my face into first
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where's the handsome guys?
Best in thread
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Please explain that filename?!

Learn to fucking rotate the picture, Gramps
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Small dick but ooh la-la...maybe the water's cold
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>go outside
>fall in love with at least one in five guys over 55
>log on a gay dating site (doesn't matter which)
>unless i set the location to the mediterranean, almost nobody is my type
does anyone else experience this phenomenon? is it because guys can't take good photos, or because the pretty ones are all taken???
read filename
I saw the filename but unfortunately there's a good few results on xhamster for "huge cumshot"
You and the people who spread these should be forced to get fucked by these monstrosities.
that's a bad thing? HOT!

They will get you warned/banned if you post them on 4chan.
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hot. would if it was real
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i KNOW one of you can get this file from gaytor.rent or has it, one of you posted a link to it in the previous thread and its kill. pls reupload
i mean link as in link for the full video.. not the torrent file cuz that's retarded
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Can anyone get pics/vids of these guys? Palm Springs CA
Don't bother. There isn't a single video of this guy cumming. This guy is the worst type of streamer: doesn't cum on cam even though he takes people's money.
Where do I find young guys to suck my hard dad cock? Utah here.
just tease the nearest blushing boy that stares and stalks you and make the first move since they’re too shy
How about you talk to them and get it yourself you faggot? It's not like they are straight where it would be impossible for you.
Post pics

Sure, we just need to find two shirtless 50-60 year old guys, I'm sure there are only 2...

How did you literally think anybody would know who these dudes are, lunkwick?
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Joseph Robinette Biden Junior
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Just know he's probably hung too. Runs in the family.
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Thank you.

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