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Pups doing pup things edition
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Woof! Literally just got inside from playing as a pup naked and collared on all fours, running around my backyard like a dog to find this thread.
OP is a certified good boy
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Hopefully more good pups show up in this thread
How do I get a guy that is willing to do that stuff for my enjoyment?
Keep looking around Anon. We're out there.
Wish I had a dogwhistle
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that leash is obs ai giveaway
Damn. My bad
If you're near tally I need a good master to take care of me when my gf is on business trips(she's not into pups :(
And back in the day I had luck in a different city with doublelist
I need pup friends
Took some oc pics in the woods but idk if I should post
I've gone out in the woods for pup time a few times as well. It's fun. Describe the pics
Neck down on all fours lifting leg nearest the camera.
I'm slightly chubby (185lbs)
Woof. Sounds sexy pup
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Need to remember my tail next time lol
Good boy! Very sexy! You look like you'd be a fun pup to play with. A tail and a proper collar would complete your look for sure

It's always more fun playing outside. I've gotta take some pics of myself in my backyard now
Agreed, need more of this honestly.
By being his drug dealer.
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Who wants a belly rub
Deadass belly rubs are fucking amazing
Anyone know who this is?
I need a trainer to come give me belly rubs and keep me in the doghouse and I'll be sure to let him use my mouth and knot whenever as long as he feeds me and takes me on walks and picks up after me
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This is the life I crave. I want a man to own me and keep me as his pet dog all naked and collared. He can train me and we can play fetch and go on walks outside, then he can fuck my ass and call me his good dog every night as he cums in me.
Even better if he wants more than one human dog as a pet. I'd love our owner to throw a party for his friends while I get fucked or fuck another pup in the middle of the room, and they watch us, laughing and praising us as the good horny dogs we are
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Anyone know of some good long tails like this but with a small plug?
I don't bottom so I really can only take a 3-4 in plug max
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The small size of these look doable. https://www.mr-s-leather.com/square-peg-toys-puppy-tail-black
I don't think they can be too small or else you run the risk of the tail falling out of your ass. If you want a long tail to wag, you'll need to stretch out a bit
>don't think they can be too small or else you run the risk of the tail falling out of your ass.
I mean there's always the tail harness adapter to keep it in. Although wouldn't a design with a thin neck compared to the bulb also work pretty well?
Either way I guess I need to save up money. Damn niche fetish gear all being $90+
Yeah I've used one of those small bulb tails before. They're good for getting practice in having a tail or if you want a small one, but they are damn near impossible to wag because they're so small and lightweight. If you want proper wagging without the use of a harness, you've got to train your ass a bit.
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Any painted pups? I've found some puppy girls that get painted to look like dalmatians, dobermans, etc but never seen a painted puppy boy
I wish i was someone's doggy so much and only broke out of my role to work (because i have to) and exercise
be brainwashed through hypnosis videos with no hope of becoming or thinking like a human ever again
>>2630574 here
I wish I could be painted like one too additionally
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bump for pups
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Bump for name
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Wanna spend a night in a kennel with another pup and hump all night long
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Sounds fun
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moar ggggrrrrufff moar moar
You ever wish you could live 24/7 as a pup?
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anybody got sauce for these and picrel?


Can't remember his name, but this are pretty old pics.
frequently, if I'm being honest. I'm not sure how doable it would be, but even a weekend would be nice. it's next to impossible to find a good, real dom that clicks and is trustworthy though
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here ya go, pup
oops, wrong reply
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Someone must know who this is
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I met this pup at Atlantis cruise, he’s got a big cock
I want that toy so bad, does anyone know where to buy it?
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this might be too niche, but does anyone have any pics of the flurb tail raiser plug in action (picrel)
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another angle of it. it honestly seems like the ideal tail plug, but I never see it in use anywhere
Looks like it would be great for 24/7 pups. Never have to take the tail out except for the occasional cleaning

What do I do to become a pup slave? I did just about everything in life available to me and I'm too bored to do wagie bullshit for the remainder of my life, but I'm a great pup and hung/ trained pretty well/ flexible, just want to be consistently fucked and bred, chores/ work isn't much a bother, but damn is it hard to find a good dom. I'll literally drop everything and collar up for somebody who can do it well, I got a sheath/ tail/ hood all ready to go but day to day life is such a bore
that's what I was thinking too. It's the perfect tail plug, but I never see it in use
I pretty much feel the same way. it's next to impossible to find a good, attractive dom even for just some fun let alone long term or even a weekend. Also put your gear on and show it off!
I feel this. A few years ago I got lucky enough to find a good owner not too far away from me who kept me as his full-time pup for a whole weekend. I was naked except a collar, kept on all fours, and couldn't communicate other than barks and woofs. He called me a good dog all the time.
It was amazing. I think about it all the time. Even now when I get home, I strip down, get in my collar, and pup out by myself in an attempt to relive that experience. I miss it so much. I just want to be a good puppy again.
tell us more about this experience. How'd you meet, what did you do during the weekend, how did it feel?
We started talking on collarspace. He was an older guy, and he was looking for a live-in human dog who could fully commit to a dog headspace. I was in my mid-20s, and had been into pup play for about 3 years at the time. It sounded fun.

We chatted for a while and decided to meet up. I went to his house on Friday afternoon. While there, I was expected to be naked and on all fours at all times. I was no longer human, I was his pet dog. He saw me as a dog, and treated me like a dog in every way. He even had a secluded backyard so he'd let me out to take a piss when I needed to. I opted to shit in the toilet like normal, and he had no objections to that, but everything else, I was to do as a dog. It was both liberating and freeing, but also super casual. We were literally just "man and dog" together. I'd eat in a bowl on the floor next to him while he ate at the table, he would have me do tricks and give me treats when I did well, he would watch a basketball game or the news while I took a nap in his lap as he rubbed my belly, everything. It felt normal.

One thing we did not do was actually fuck. We didn't even sleep in the same bed. I slept on a huge pillow on the floor of his bedroom. He did welcome me to hump his leg though lol

The highlight of that trip was when he took me for a walk. He lived around the corner from a dog park, and worked nights, so we were up literally all night long. He drove me there at 1AM, and he walked me around this open grassy field under the stars. He brought a ball he threw and I'd fetch for him, I got to bark as loudly as I could for him, and of course I marked my territory. It was amazing.

Ever since then, pup play has been more than just a fetish for me. I'm 30 years old and I think about that dog experience all the time. I even wear only a dog collar whenever possible, and every night when I sleep. I don't care if I'm alone when I do it and it's severely retarded. I miss being a dog.
that's awesome and really hot lol. I'm surprised you never even fucked, but it sounded like he just wanted a full human pup. Why didn't you ever do it again with him?

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