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Big guys being fucked
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Goddamn who is that bottom?
how are these cocks so huge lmao wtf
Best part about being a weightlifting bottom is all the biggest dicks flock to you. It's actually crazy how many hung tops I have on call to stretch out my asshole
Today on things that never happened...~
and that nobody asked, actually...
Bless, anon
this thread has potential
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kek --> >>2626499 my first thought
Fuck, this photos is so hot.
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BeefyCanuck and SamsonSteed on twitter
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who dat?
>Muscle Bottoms
lmao all of them? Steroid abuse causes erectile dysfunction
Any pictures or videos of Muscular guys getting fucked by fat ones?
Found the sad skinny-fat bottom
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Am I good enough to consider myself a muscled bottom?
show hole
time date stamp
Anyone know the name of this guy?
You're not real.
You're made of moonlight.
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the peak of gay sex

you fuck manly muscled faggots instead of the feminine fags which reminds you that you are gay and you should fuck men and only men
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>no chase

Shame on all of you
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This is a beefy bottom
Chase who? Give his deets, silly
I need sauce NOW
He's boring as fuck, might as well watch paint dry it could be more entertaining
Bottom is a guy called paco colombiano or some shit like that
Every "muscle bro" I've been with has been 5 or 6 inches at most. It's the skinny/tall guys that always have the biggest dicks hiding on them, it seems.
There's no scientific evidence to suggest that, I think its just you being superstitious
Pretty sure bottom is @knitflexxxandc1 on Twitter. Don’t know who the top is in this particular clip tho.
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For me it's skinny top x muscle bottom
Dont say god and that dirt Word soo ofensive to god !
Good luck finding it IRL though, all the skinny tops only want fem :'(
that just means you and me have not ever been in the right place at the right time
Don't make me dream anon
I am a top, 165 cm and 53 kg (or 5'5" and 119 lbs in American measurements) and every muscle bottom I encounter wants someone of a similar physique. It's pretty disheartening desu
Try learning NLP (the occult side of persuasion/ charisma training that politicians train in)
If not that there is always cooming on chaos sigils and burning them

or just fucking go to the gym. Most people who lift actually invest a lot of time & energy into their physiques and its really not that much of a stretch to think that they'd only be interested in a partner thats done the same.
make love to a mirror then. everyone can see through those couples where they join the gym hivemind to all look and act the same. we appreciate body size differences over here
>I dont exercise, eat like shit but I expect someone who does to fawn over me and if they dont its fatphobia
>its their fault they're interested only in other people with the similar grindset

Its true, the second I joined the gym hivemind I lost my independence and autonomy. I only live to do bench presses and drink protein shakes. At least I get to top any gym-bro I want without having to resort creepy magick rituals to attract a himbo.

I'm being facetious here obviously, but the mental gymnastics that people go through to justify not exercising is bewildering to me
>I dont exercise, eat like shit but I expect someone who does to fawn over me and if they dont its fatphobia
where did you even get this from, you sound butthurt asf
also see his stats here >>2646589
>>we appreciate body size differences over here
calling card of someone who is prediabetic
>>you sound butthurt asf
not as butthurt as the himbo i topped because I joined "the gym hivemind"

Even with >>2646589, their stats indicate they are very underweight, which is fine if they are okay with that. But if they're bummed that a guy who makes it a lifestyle choice to eat a lot of food, and lift a bunch of weight to get a powerbottom physique doesnt want them, it seems like a very solvable problem. Its just so funny to me the first solution to his very solvable problem was "sex magick"
girl wtf are you on about, take your meds asap schizoid
i need to fuck a muscle sluts hole so bad
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Skinny arab top here
Been fucking muscle sluts only
Id say as long as your face is masculine and good looking and you have a big Dick they'll do whatever you want with them
Skinny white top here.
5ft 7in, 125lbs

My bf is South Asian, coming in at 5ft 7in as well and 100lbs heavier than me at 220lbs, and is pure muscle.

Shit is so cash. My dick gets sore everyday from topping him.
What a beautiful sight
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Morgxn Thicke will forever be my favorite muscle bottom. I’ve shot my load MANY times watching his scenes with the skinny Linkoln Ozark.
nobody talked about fatphobia but it's clear you're mentally still a fat cow
This is literally the first time I see him bottoming, please tell me you have sauce
im not even that anon i just randomly started reading this thread and you sound butthurt asf, i'm 6'3 barely 165lbs but keep seething
Just search Morgxn Thicke & Linkoln Ozark. I believe they did at least 2 scenes together.
This so so wrong on so many levels
First men do NOT have sexual relations with other men
Second, a man does NOT be violated by another man because it makes you weak
I just happens to be here be thankful someone with common sense arrived
Whose the top?
And source?
man on man sex is to reinforce masculinity, you didn't even try retard
>men do NOT have sexual relations with other men
then what the fuck have i been doing all these years
i'm in my 50s and have never with a girl, are you seriously saying i'm a virgin anon?

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