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Closeted Celebrities Thread

Continuation of >>2611058

Is this Shawn Mendes outing himself or just boring fan service as an 'ally? '
Uhmm sis I think you linked the wrong post?
I did anon, sorry :(

This is clearly a sinister homosexual
I actually don't think Shawn is gay or bi, feels he's too open to be closeted. I think he's just a hippie.
Jack Quaid. I don't think he's gay, but I do think he's bisexual.
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you are extremely blind, bro. i dont think he needs to come out any more than he has already since you will never be part of his life. but that girl's cat knows he is gay as a box of birds.
Bringing your sassy gay bitch today are we?

I just don't see it. He comes off as an oblivious straight guy. If I'm wrong then whatever, I really don't care that much. You can keep dreaming about him sucking dick all you like, it's probably delusion though.
i didnt say i will be part of his life, dolt. watch an interview with him. he makes lil nas x look straight.
Are you high? You keep bringing up being part of Shawn's life out of nowhere. Get off the internet and go take a nap faggot.
That's sexy but he's very annoying maybe its just his characters
Kek, this is true though. When speaking he can be more fruity than a ripe pineapple.
Not sure if they are closeted or not, but I don't want to bump off a post making a celeb post, sooo who else wants to se Viggo Mortensen and Mads Mikkelsen make out?
>Tom Hardy
>Jake Gyllenhaal
>Gerard Butler
>Hugh Jackman
>Ben Affleck
>Matt Damon
>Bradley Cooper
>Pedro Pascal
>Taron Eggerton
there's way too many to list them all
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Richard Madden is a favorite of mine. Fairly sure he's bi instead of gay though. His relationship with Froy was an open secret for a long time
Richard is one of the most beautiful men in the world imo. And he has nice feet to back it up
>Gerard Butler
God please, I've been fantasizing over him for so long
>Ben Affleck
>Matt Damon
I have no proofs ofc but I like to think they used to make out in their Good Will Hunting days
Pretty sure Viggo is bi, idk if proud but IIrc he's already out
>Jake Gyllenhaal
why and how?


i don't think shawn was ever really into the whole gay fanservice allyship. he wasn't vocally against us or anything, but i don't think he was doing performative shit, because he tried to stay away from the community since anything would immediately get the gay rumor mill rolling. so it definitely feels like a soft launch coming out
I see people discussing and lusting after (perceived) gay male celebrities, feels pretty spot on for /hm/ for me. Plus we just had a full thread dedicated to this topic without concern >>2611508

On topic, John Bubniak
Nah fuck off anon, the previous thread >>2611508 was full and way on topic.

Celebrities and handsome men usually overlaps anyway.
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Viggo Mortensen plays a tatted up hot dirt bag in The Indian Runner (1991), shirtless in some scenes, and handsome in military uniform at the start. PS if you have problems taking screenshots from tubi, use Firefox instead of Chrome, or temporary disable hardware acceleration.

The Indian Runner (1991)
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Hot damn, those feet are amazing
Really? It looks dirty and leathery
Who? Nevermind, don't bother answering, I do not fucking care about the "sexuality" of broccoli.
You need to get a job, young man - and stay off of porn boards, you're supposed to be over the age of 18 to post here.
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The tops are pretty but there isn't a clear picture.
Please tell me this is copypasta I've yet to encounter because this is the most boomer shit I've ever seen in the decade+ I've been on this hellhole of a site.

No boomer would unuronically call a younger folk "young man" (they are sensitive of their old age). This is just writing of some juvenile or mentally retarded manchild.
Do you think Tom Holland and Timothy Chamalet are gay?
I think Orlando Bloom actually does have a crush on Viggo Mortensen
>Tom Holland
Yes, definitely even
> Timothy Chamalet
Holland, maybe, but out of his cuteness I will hold any negative judgement about his closetness. If he's to come out, it will be long after his contract with Disney/Marvel long gone. A career suicide to cones out at this point.

Chalamet.. He had nickname of Timothy Chlamydia, due to him being a super spreader of the STI. The victims are all girls... So he is bisexual at most, probably straight.
Those stories must be fake. No way Timmy was getting laid before fame
His hairy bussy must be amazing
>No way Timmy was getting laid before fame
>rich jewish nepobaby
No way he *wasn't* getting laid, FTFY
Viggo Mortensen full frontal in Captain Fantastic:
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have you seen the videos of him performing at his high school? confidence levels off the charts. he was definitely getting laid if he wanted to
If you're using that video of him dance as proof, I'm genuinely concerned
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what about him, I think he's incredibly hot and super sweet, he's giving me bi vibes
Well, he's been in relationships with women before so there's that. He's really cute though, I love him
He was in a gay film called God's Own Country.
did you not go to high school? it's pure cringe of course, but it's the kind of cringe that HS girls eat for breakfast lunch and dinner
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this 20yo aussie rapper has realllly smooth sexy moves and a sexy voice. i'm in complete lust. judging by the ick face he made when the girl kissed him, i can only hope he's in the closet and when he's in LA on the 18th I'll sneak in to his dressing room and throat as many loads as I can before he regains consciousness thanks to the Xanax infused smoothie I doordash delivered dressed as a kangaroo. oh yeah and check out his latest drop "Girls" and imagine he wants to get busy with you. ooooooo.
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he's inviting you to glaze his tonsils.
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>Taron Eggerton

Loved his twunk character in Kingsman.
But I don't sense any closeted vibe from him, are there rumours?
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There are rumors, but there's also a lot of footage where he clearly wants to get fucked by Hugh Jackman
looks jew
I don't think I've ever seen a thirstier stare in my entire life.
you just know Hugh dicked him down real good once and Taron has been thinking about that aussie cock ever since.
A simultaneously troubling and hilarious post.
What I found really troubling is that Kid Laroi is looking kinda cute nowadays
Has nobody mentioned Harry Cavel???? Or maybe Henry. The Superman annoying bottom drag race fan who conditions his chest hair? The must toxic masc for masc queen I've ever seen?

I sure hope so
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they look like this every single time they're together in public
Idk if Taron is gay or not, but pretty sure that expression is simply a common reaction to being close to Hugh Jackman
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Kenny Chesney, bottom boy to the trailer park set.
You mean someone with a bigger nose and darker hair than you?
I sense drool.
I feel that there’s a lot of DL country singers or very discreet singers

My theory is that there contract with their record label is like the kpop industry on how the image of their brand is very important to them as a singer on their label. For K-pop the boys have to act gay or participate in fandom nonsense but still have to appear or be a single person so it gives the listeners the idea that they’re available to meet and date the fans while simultaneously giving the fans what they want to see. For country I assume that No matter how gay you are you need to cover it up because no radio station wants to hear a faggot talk about anything becuase most country listeners are “conservative” and “not interested” in hearing a gay man speak so they essentially have to keep their gay life off the grid
I just know there’s someone gay guy out there who actually fucked or got fucked by a country singer but had to sign a NDA or something to not leak their gay shit

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