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This thread is about any content of fathers bottoming for their adult sons, but without being too weird and extreme, just a casual place for those who have a fetish for incest, but still with some boundaries!


1) * No pedo or grooming stuff please, this thread is about non romantic, consensual and wholesome sex between 2 related adults over the age of 20 years old who trust in each other and still have some boundaries to be respected.

2) * Only content of fathers bottoming and sons topping is allowed, be it real or fantasious/fictional. This thread simply just wants a role reversal of th repetitive "twink destroyed by daddy". The contents allowed are: real or fictional stories, your toughts or desires, images, caption images, videos and etc...

* Remember to moderate yourself and don't flood the thread with repetitive content! The son has to be a small top (but still, as a legal adult) and the dad, a big bottom.

3) Watch your content! This thread may allow images/vids that may seem like real father x son content but aren't in reality. Remember to take care about your or someone's identity, some countries laws are very unforgiving about incest, even if it's consensual.

* Remember that this thread is about anything related to father x son incest, specifically, sons penetrating their fathers asses and being on top. No rape, no grooming, no manipulation, cheating, etc... just consenting adults having adult fun togheter in a non romantic way that strengthens their friendship and trust in each other :D
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Unrelated images are allowed as long they are still relevant to the thread and non sons are being topped, by the way! Like a simple nudist shot of a father x son chilling and being playful per example. This thread can be also about fathers x sons being intimate (without being sexual) and playful. Just wholesome vibes in general :)
* And no sons are being topped/fucked/penetrated, etc...
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Not a fan of captions, but it's the last one in my gallery lol xd
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Found this one on Motherless. Saw this one specific shot and tought it was cute, i loved how cuddly and playful they are :')

Not sure if they're really dad x son but still, it was very fun to watch. (4chan thinks Motherless links are spam so have the title instead: "Father And Son With Same Facial Features Play For")
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This is one of my favorite fetishes, but I don't really have any content for it
Same, i only have a fetish for incest when the bigger one is the submissive. Without weird and agressive stuffs, such as rape and reptitive lewd speeches. Don't you just love to see a role reversal where the most mature and wiser sub is the one receiving? In this case, dads! It's always a delight to see bigger and mature subs bottoming for unexperienced but ready small tops :D
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Source? They look so casually chill
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Not sure how i can help with this thread but i have some kinky toughts about a african fit trainer on Tik Tok, he has a HUMONGOUS ass and his son is just like a mini version of him lol. Nothing of what i'm about to say may be real but, i can't stop thinking that the son has secrets wet toughts about his father's ass. The sexual energy these two emit when they're togheter on screen is so hot lol.... i can't help but imagine the son secretly bangs his father like a machine when they're alone. Sadly, that's just a silly fantasy of mine that probably will never happen. They are two lovely and responsible men, i hope their relationship stays like this and they enjoy their time in a normal father x son relationship :')

Here are their links for anyone curious:

The father's account:

The son's account:
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Crap, my bad. Not sure if a real person already sent it or if i sent it again after a captcha bug.
The son has a contact number on his profile... the urge of asking what he thinks about his father's ass or if he ever had toughts of having sex with him is strong lmao... but i don't wish or want to be intrusive and make him unconfortable and act like a weirdo.
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Haha same, if i had to guess in what position these two would fuck, it would be totally Mating Press. Just thinking about the son's long dick going up and down inside his father's ass while he strongly hold his legs up and creampies the heck outta of his dad's meaty mancunt makes me see stars xD
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Lol hot. But wait, i have an even better idea! Imagine if he squats for his son while having a determined goal? Like, 100 squats? Then every squat he goes like: "1...2...3...", while the son gets milked dry. The father would give "Squat King" a new meaning lol
Nice one! I'm not sure where i read it but the father is around his 40s and the son would be around his 20s so far?... so, i suppose they would probably last for a really long time togheter in the act, not to mention they seem pretty healthy and energetic. But who knows?
Nice file name xD

Lol i got carried away, sadly it's just a fantasious gif. If these two opened an Onlyfans or something i would give them my whole credit card password. Bonus points if the dad is the bottom. But that probably will never happen, even if they have each other's consent and just wish to have an "adult fun between father x son", without the intent of harming each other and etc... people would probably still judge and witch hunt them... for now we can only fantasise and imagine fictional stories :')
Anyways, always nice to see such a different thread about incest, without problematic and too extreme stuff. Specifically one that at least has rules and with the roles reversed. Such a delight to see sons/smaller tops/twinks, etc... getting some respect and being treated like genuinely human beings and not sex toys by their father, it normally fills me with hatred and disgust when someone who's into incest says that "i wish daddy would choke me to death, rape me and run away after he destroyed my insides. Ah yass DAddy thANk You, yes Please yadda yadda yadda". It sounds so normal for them, no wonder why people get so shocked and worried at first when they see someone who's into incest. I'm sorry for the yapping, but i hope at least some of you all understand what i tried to say. Maybe take this thread as a example for when you plan to make a incest thread. Try to stabilish some rules, mainly focused on age, consent, respect between individuals, intimancy and affinity (without being romantical), again, sorry for the babbling, it's just that these types of threads tend to rotten pretty quickly... or maybe i'm just new around here haha! Hugs from a bi woman! (^^ ;)
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Well, gotta post some goodies now. Have fun y'all! :)
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Nah u fine. It really do be lik that people around here do be rotten on purpose lol. Hope this doenst stops you from enjoying what you like, take care! :)
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Be welcome to 4chan xD

But jokes aside, i agree with you. It's not everyday you see people with a fetish for incest that actually have delimited limits.
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Such as, usually i forgot incest doesn't need to be necessarily about smaller bottoms getting violently pressed against the floor by their own fathers. Why not a casual fun between two adults? Even better when the father is actually a big goof and gentle sweetheart of a person towards their offspring and has no desires of harming them, even when they top. The thing that bothers me in both regular or incest porn is that literally every content feels like the same, just smaller somebodies getting aggressively dominated by bigger somebodies and that's it. It just shows a masculine and savage side of men (not wrong with those who like "masculine" and hardcore content), but have we ever stopped to think about the tender and caring side of a man? Like a father bottoming to his own son? As a act of trust, friendship and loyalty...
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Lol, this sounded better in my head. But i hope this was clear and easy to understand. Give it a try and try to imagine how many different personalities some fathers, sons and men out there have, aside from the stereotypical manly, tough and violent dad who requests sex whenever he wants and the stereotypical submissive twink son who only lives to be his dad's slave. Why not think about a playful and cheerful father (still, with a nice fat ass) who is really close and playful towards his son, who totally feels safe and protected being around him? :')
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Or better yet, what about a silent and quiet father who doesn't communicate very often with his son but still, is very supportive and present on his life, usually hugs and tells him that "everything will be ok" in hard times and is a gentle giant whose son sees as a safe fortress or haven and has a special place for him deeply in his heart. Two someones who would not be ashamed of opening themselves for each other, even for sex. But not for sexual pleasure, but as a act of affection and genuinely care for each other. Just actual wholesome and sweet content in general x')
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Cool wholesome dad thread
I never understood the incest fantasy.
It's just a fantasy. A personal interest or taste. Remember it does depends from a person to another and it isn't a uniform fetish. Just like people's personalities, some people are naturally shy (but not necessarily anti-social) and some are more extroverted. Altough the thing we should worry about is the way and how it is presented.

Per example, you can't simply expect someone to keep a smile on their face the moment another someone say to them that they have a fetish for incest. The person in front of you would probably get worried and scared about you being a possible pedophile or raper. My reaction would be the same, altough, keep in mind it ISN'T a synonym of not just pedophilia, but sexual exploitation of others adults aswell (this is the BAD side of incest. Just like regular porn has one too, usually in the repetitive and cheap way of how it treats women and men as disposable sexual toys)

In few words, it's just a personal fantasy that can vary from person to person. Some people like me per example, prefer to fantasise in a non-agressive way, you know, without rape, exploitation, manipulation, cheating, traumas, etc etc... while some... some people are basically into all of what i mentioned previously. I usually prefer to stay away from them, the rotten side...


...It's as if you were a simple happy and gentle straight man who's into grown women and only wishes to treat them with respect and dignity, no violent toughts, heads empty, only love and happy toughts :D

But then there are THOSE types of individuals who give straight men a bad reputation. Rapers, pedophiles, kidnappers, catcallers who harasses little girls on their way home and their married mothers aswell, etc... :(
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But if you're asking in a more primitive and straight-to-the-point way, take me as an example. What makes me wet about incest is the idea of increasing you bond with a close relative (not in a romantical way), kinda like what >>2627889 said. For me, it's more about going on a secret intimate adventure between you and someone who has been with you since the beggining of times and is willing to protect, still take care of you for genuinely pure love (again, not in a romantical way). Preferably, i'm into tall, manly, maybe muscular and caring fathers who bottom for their sons (legally adults above the age of 20 yo), not because for quick sexual pleasure, but as a way of telling them that they have their trust and have no toughts about exploiting or using them someway. Usually from places who are far away from society, but still, without intents of breaking any laws and lose their humanity. I think it's pretty manly haha! xD
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Art by Teresa Brutcher.
Is there a way of seeing private videos on Thisvid? It seems that it has alot of father x son content and this one seems to be relevant here. Altough, it is set to private and only the uploader's friends can watchin it.


I usually find the most convincing real incest stuffs there, not sure if it's real or not but it surely looks genuine sometimes. Like a hidden cam footages

I mean this just looks like a regular loving relationship between a son and his father, like, I don't see the gay and/or incest innuendos. It's just regular non-incestual family relationship lol

Nah i'm fine with it lol, as long it is father x son content, it's allowed here. As long no sons are topped or domined in someway. Not sure if i already said it on the rules up there
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Oh yeah, and no underages. Even tho if it's sfw content... these types of threads normally tend to get ugly the moment these words are mentioned... :/
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One of the fun little rituals I've done with Daddies I've role played with (no actual incest, everyone was of age) was that he'd tell me to "Give my brothers a kiss," meaning to kiss his balls. He'd do the same for his "grandsons."

Some of the dirty talking during sex would be things like "You have your mother's eyes" or "You've become such a handsome, sexy man, son." I'd respond with something by telling him how much I love him and how safe I've always felt in his arms for as long as I can remember.

And as far as Dad bottoming, it was always part of it. Not exclusively, but the idea that Dad would help his son practice, build stamina, learn what feels good to bottoms. It was instructional, albeit fake and role played. There was still a sort of power dynamic involved, and Dad was still "in charge" but it was like he was putting aside his dominance for the development and well being of his son. Dad was King, but a benevolent and loving one.

I'm bi, and one of my biggest fantasies would be to have a Dad who, after tons and tons of practice on him, would "select" a girl for me. My "first time" with a girl would be with him in the room, guiding me, praising me, and would result in round 2 with just me and him, with him saying just how proud he is that I'm a full man now, even if I'll always be his boy. Again, just a fantasy, but a hot one, and one I've never seen porn even try to portray.

I think that's the sad thing about porn. It doesn't ever even try to capture the true, loving sides of sex. Even if they faked it I think it could be a huge net positive for a lot of people. Too many kinks are about dominance/submission, about inflicting pain or shame or humiliation, about dominance hierarchies and belittling the ones at the bottom of the ladder. Dad/son role plays are best IMO when they forgo this. There's tons of potential for it, but no one even wants to go there.
DAMNNNNNN!!!! Well said :'-(
I literally have no words for your explanation... you literally said exactly what was in my mind and transformed my toughts in real and understandable/readable words. Tysm for that... and yeah i totally agree with you, the porn community really seems to glorify and portray porn in a awful way. That's why i'm ashamed of having this fetish, i've never tought that way and i knew something was wrong with it, not because it's prohibited and a taboo, but because of the way it is portrayed and people present it. I hate those stepdad fucks son/stepdaughter shit where this grow ass bald headed creepy old man casually flirts with his daughter/son and they just go along aswell (i mean, its porn i should not expect lore or something lol, but they think its so normal to portray situations like this that it makes me feel ashamed of being an legal adult with the right and free will of consuming casual porn, not from these cheesy "2 minutes previews, the full link is on my description, only 20 dollars per month and you can receive a bonus of 1000000 Power on raid shadow le-....)
Ive always liked fantasizing stories of men from the past like a caveman or something. Like buff and manly tribal dads bottoming for their sons as a ritual of becoming a man and learning how to breed. It's so manly... (//^^//)
>Too many kinks are about dominance/submission, about inflicting pain or shame or humiliation, about dominance hierarchies and belittling the ones at the bottom of the ladder
i really dislike this too. turns me all the way off in porn and in person. i just want everyone to have a good time (yes i know that is just how some people have a good time)
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Glad to know i'm not the only one who's also annoyed about some things from the porn world :-")

Well, here's a little bump for the thread. It's not too much but i hope it does help.

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is that a corpse
does anyone know who the bearded young lad is?
Nice to see a black father who's there
PFFFFTTT LFMAO! No worries, it's a real person, i just took the standard thumbnail preview on my bowser image results.

>>2629637 so far, all info i could find is that the bottom is/was called Mr. Messy and the top is called King?... seems like the bottom is straight and only participated for money, not sure if he's still active on social media. All i could find was these videos of him:

> https://www.xvideos.com/video.hvpitpb4c78/the_king_fucks_mr_messy

> https://br.xhamster.com/videos/favourite-sexy-redheads-xhjTTW7

And his suposedly X account:

>>2629664 hell yeah, love some black bottom fathers.
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Might send some goodies i found on Motherless, i was thinking of writing the sources or at least the videos/images titles on the file names but the site is so shitty and outdated that its users just choose a random mix of words and left em that way. Seriously i'm not even kidding it's basically just "vid2013asjksjasj" or "GH1344n1njds" basically... but still, if you really try, you can find some good stuff on there i guess, still not recommed visiting it, not to mention those intrusive ads >:/

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Artist is Roger Payne
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Couldn't identify the artist
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>>Couldn't identify the artist

I never have understood why people get turned on by incest. Can someone please explain it to me?
Thank you! Couldn't remember the artist name :')
>>2630433, someone made a similar question and it got answered earlier on this thread. Take a look on the replies made for >>2627975 :)

But in a short summary, basically, it does vary from person to person. Some are into rape, abuse, molestation of minors, cheating and problematic stuff. While me and this thread are into wholesome, consensual and non-problematic incest stuff between ADULTS. I'm only into father x son incest where the son tops cus it annoys me to see the ordinary "twink/young gal bottoms for daddy" steryotype in every porn content. As a bi woman, i find it pretty hot when 2 close relatives who lived with each other since the beggining in a tender and welcoming household get to experiment having sex. I'm only ok when the dad is the one bottoming, you know, a wiser, taller and more mature male individual, a figure of protection and masculinity, spreading his legs and laying on his back to show his son he trusts in him. Kinda hot lol, just a silly fantasy of mine. It's a really... primitive urge of intimancy and trust... i really don't know but all i can only imagine is about caveman families ages ago. Like a only-men family sleeping togheter cozily to share some heat on a cold night but then the sons manly hormones start to act up and the dad notices that and offers his own hole to teach his sons about sex. So primitive, lmao.
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Got these from Motherless aswell
What gets me into this fetish is not necessarily the sex. But the sexual tension. Kind of like sleeping with only underwears in the same small bed as your humongous dad and he leans sideways, in a way you're left without space to move and the only way of getting comfy is by embracing him from behind and Involuntarily pressing your dick against his meaty ass. You got it, like taking a shower togheter, watching movies togheter on sofa when a spicy scene comes up, sleeping on the same bed, acidentally seeing each others erections and chilling on the pool with tight speedos. Damn! xD
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Geez, these two should not let be alone togheter lol

I hate the webm vid format and mb limit here :/
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Well said yall. Thanks for putting my toughts into words. Sometimes i feel ashamed for being gay because of the bad side of it there and here and all the steryotypes that people usually associate against homosexuals and stuff. Can't even blame them because of all the weird stuff you can easily find out there. Heck! i dont even wish to engage and participate in the lgbt community thing. While in reality im just a man who just likes others mature men. no questionably young boys and twink bulshit. only mature and adult-looking men
so aparently his name is nkululeko dlamini
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hope i can contribute to this thread someway. might send some dad-looking men, altough i may not know its sources. Got them from Pinterest (somehow... not sure how they passed trough the mods)

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Got this one from the cop thread.
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From rammchacon on x or twitter
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He gives me super friendly supportive dad who is always in a good mood but in reality is very stressed due to his community/enviroment, but refuses to lash his anger on his son and only comes back with a big smile on his face and a tight hug. Sorry if this sounded personal i just tought it was wholesome, i wish there could be actual more wholesome dad x son stuff out there. i'm in love with this thread :')
From James Thomas on:

ignore my goofy ass file names, just a silly fantasy of mine lol
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* Altough i may not know some sources. Got some of them from Twitter/X, Pinterest, ThisVid, Flickr and Motherless.
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Couldn't find the source
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Couldn't find the source. got it from motherless
Source seems like to be on the corner
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He seems so naive desu lol... Like a dad trying to follow his son's trends and involuntarily embarassing him
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fricking 4chan auto corrector. I meant *desu
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OH, didn't noticed someone already sent some pic of him. anyways, before someone asks for the source, there it is:

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Please tell me i'm not the only one who's into men with grey marks on their jaw/chin or inferior face zones. I find it so masculine, love some good ol' shaved mature men with these grey zones. Do they have a specific name? I couldn't find nothing about it, my bowser only gives me results of goatees and hairstyles :/

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Men with these dark spots are automatically dilfs for me, i'm a sucker for these dark spots on men jaws xD
Do you mean hair stubble? Like a 5 o'clock shadow?
Mmmm... kinda?... The "5 o'clock shadown" one was pretty close, except it's not a hairstyle i'm looking for... it's more of a, natural human body feature. Like the dark spots under some peoples eyes or the different skin colour of humans. I tried to make a quick dumb ahh drawing on ms paint, not sure if this helps. But basically, i'm referring to these grey/blue-ish marks on men face, usually when they shave their beards after a long time, no hair at all.
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Kinda of like these army men, except the grey coloration on their head is due to their scalp, the bodily place where hair grows
What the hell are you talking about man
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Bruh as i said, i'm just trying to find how that grey area around men chin/ jaw area is called. There must be at least a scientific term that could help me finding it. I'm not a north american so i'm kinda struggling to what to call it. At my place we don't have a name for that i guess, so we just call it "the grey face area" :I
So far all i could find was some Jake Gyllenhall and Jon Bernthal pics (great dilfs btw too lol)
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Oh bruh, i see what i did there. I meant, * "(...) except the grey coloration on their head is due to their scalp, the skin tissue that provides a surface for head hair to grown. sorry for my awful lack of english grammar :p
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Hope these are enough references (and dilfs aswell), i don't want to spam this thread with my silly quest to find a specific term for this grey coloration on men face thingie. Pardon for the incovenience! ;_;
Kind of a dumb question but does this word you used, "fantasious", exists? For some reason i feel like it does, but tgere are no results when i try to search for it on any online dictionary.
Yeah, kinda. I initially tought it existed, but when i tried to search about it, i just found very few info. But the meaning i choose in this thread context is pretty much the same: Fantasious - something related to fantasy :)
You're good, don't worry too much about that. I think the most appropriate and close term you are looking for is: "clean-shaven". As the name suggests, it means having a shaved face, not necessarily the zone and coloration of the face you're looking for but i hope this helps you on finding more clean-shaven men pics and learning english. Thanks for the pics, i love both of these actors too XD
where we can find this video
Why am i in a love/hate relationship with captioned content? On one side, they're cringe and cheesy. But on the other side, they're kinda hot someway, because they actually make you imagine a real situation? I really don't know lol xD Anyways, i got these 2 vids from a father x son reddit server before the people changed it to only straight content. I hope these contribute to the thread someway. Top sons x bottom fathers forever! xD

>>2631925 by the way thank you fellow op very much appreciated for the help! :)
Not sure about the sources. The server where i was in was also deleted due to "violating reddit policies"... Basically, just because of porn and sexual content, as if there weren't similar roleplay/fantasious servers out there with worse content aswell involving real threats to the platform :/
JESUS CHRIST, "Snowhite", I FUCKING DIED LMAOOOOOOO. Thanks for uploading content for the thread but seriously, may i ask who made these rule34 goofy ahh roleplayer sentences? xd
No idea where the person who made these is now. But he used to do alot of incest captioned content, usually of mating press gifs of bottoming dads x topping sons and moms x sons. Such a shame, but life goes on as they say :^
back to facebook please
Damn how unfortunate. At least you saved these, haven't had a good laugh in ages lol
Did y'all noticed that when the op gives a incest thread rules, suddenly all these weirdos who share unwanted stories of how they fell in love with their pedo fathers at 7 years old, these people simply disappear? So far i didn't see almost any annoying mf on this thread like roleplayers creating unreal stories for attention and mfs who insist to share unrelated incest stories towards the thread's main focus like, spamming brother x brother stuff instead of father x son (where the son is the top and the father is the bottom). Now we just wait for the homophobic gang to show up with made up arguments that say homossexuality is a disease and we're all fucked from the head (lfmao, even tho HM is basically about posting gay content)
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At least let's enjoy the remaining time we still have left before this thread becomes hijacked, spammed and destroyed by said mfs :p
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These pics are all from Thisvid btw
*these pics are all from some thisvid and xvideos private galleries btw
Yrs please share yum
I found this one on Thisvid but i forgot what the title name was. I found it by searching "Thisvid real son fucks father" and then browsing ramdomly trough Google images. This is the only way i know of finding father x son related stuff. Not to mention that Thisvid is the only place for me that has "believable" incest content. Way more than Motherless, and it seems more safer to use too (at least with adblocks)

My bad, i forgot to mention you two. Just replied to myself. I answered your questions above
Who's that actor?
there’s no word for that
it’s just what hairy-faced men look like after shaving
even after a clean-shave, you can still see their many hair follicles on the face
Thx for the info, and also for making me want to rewatch the Flinstones with my dad like the old times.
That masculine urge to dominate and cum inside your father meaty pussy in a no-escape position like piledriver, missionary or mating press...
I've been fantasing about fucking my dad recently for no reason in this position. I honestly don't know why, maybe it's just my hormones acting up but i can't help it that he's a genuinely big gentle guy, with a bubble butt, usually walks around the house with white tight socks and a underwear and is a gentle giant in general. But i'm too afraid to ask him if he ever had any toughts like mine aswell or want to experiment it... this sexual tension only gets worse when he comes home on those business suits with those tight blue pants that highlight his firm ass or when i accidently meet with him past-midnight in the kitchen looking for a snack (not to mention that it's pretty quiet
and cold here).
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>>...this sexual tension only gets worse when he comes home on those business suits with those tight blue pants that highlight his firm ass (...)

Yeah no, you're all good, no need to be ashamed of yourself. Dilfs and suits are a extremely deadly combination alone, even more deadlier if it's your own father, who has a fat, juicy and plumpy but prohibited ass. If you have a strong and well developed bonding with him, i recommend you not to proceed with such horny toughts. Even if he agreed, think about the risks of post clarity nut and how both of you would feel about that later. Remember that fantasy and reality can be really different, keep your horniness to yourself and enjoy your father company while you can, in a platonic way :)
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Fr, ikr?

Oddly specific, but who am i to judge? I got some very specific situations of dad x sons in my head too. Like a dad and son going shopping but the son is always behind his father who'se ass is clearly visible and he's posing like this:
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Or a strict father wanting to talk with his son about his grades but the son's
hormones can only make him pay attention to his dad's ass. All of this while they are home alone, on the son's small and tight bedroom and past midnight...
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Or... idk, what about a god of uh, masculinity trying to teach his twink/girly son to "man-up", by offering his muscular and tight mancunt... you got it lol! It's always a pleasure to see something different in incest porn aside from "oh wow, look at this stepfather/father fucking his twink son ass, oh wow so hot yes yes, omygod harder daddy (insert random ass lewd text here used for the 9999th time)"
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Very cool, what about ancient soldiers dads?
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God I love the fantasy of son fucking their own Dad. Wanna do this with an older guy in a roleplay setting, just get deep into it with him. Put him in the missionary position after eating him out for awhile, look directly into his eyes as my cock rubs up and down his crack, teasing against my Dad’s hole. Both of us panting in lust for what we know is about to happen.

“I want to fuck you Dad” I’d manage to say to him while thrusting against his ass. “I wanna fuck my father…” I’d groan, feeling my cock pulse as I admit it.

He’d be gently milking his cock while staring into my eyes. The excitement and taboo of what we’re doing sending our lust into overdrive. “Yeah son? You wanna fuck your father? Go on then, show me what a man my son has become. Fuck your own Dad.”

I wouldn’t be able to hold back at that point and just thrust inside him. Both of us moaning out loud as my cock slides deep inside my Dad’s warm welcoming hole. “Dad…” I’d moan out. “Fuck…”. I’d start picking up the pace, thrusting my hips into him faster, unable to control my lust and just giving into my primal urges. Leaning down to make out with him and then meeting his eyes once more as we continue to talk filthy to one another.

“Fuck, I love incest with you Dad. I love feeling my cock deep inside the man who made me, my own fucking Dad.” I’d growl while pounding into him.

He’d moan at my words and respond “There’s nothing I love more than having my own son’s cock in me. You know how much I love our father/son bonding time; our special incestuous bond we have together son…”

Just kinky verbal stuff like that while we fuck before I ultimately cum deep inside him, make him cum, and we cuddle and make out.

Sorry if that was too much or weird, but I’m horny and that’s been on my mind a lot lately.
not to be rude but you kinda sounded like one of these spam roleplayers accounts from rule34 after some time. But i appreciate your enthusiasm, didn't failed to draw my attention, hell yeah man! :)

For me, i'm both interested in my dad and my older brother. My older brother looks like this guy: >>2631422 ,both use glasses, are kinda "nerdy" but have a "thick" body appearance, not too muscular but not too fat aswell, and have those glorious plumpy white melons. Both are incredibly chill and literal mountains while i'm almost the size of a gnome lfmao. I always love fantasizing about non-stopping bouncing my dick inside my big bro's ass past midnight under our bunkbed... home alone... without condoms... emptying my balls inside him without wasting any sperm... fucking untill morning comes... AND WITHOUT BREAKS!!! FUCK YEAHHH!!! These same toughts do apply to my father aswell, with the exception that the position i would want to choose would be either "Piledriver" or "Missionary", while i would fuck my bro while he lays on his belly and his ass is facing up, so it would do all the job for me as a trampoline every time i hump him. Just really horny toughts, sadly, it has been years since the last time i've visited them. Really busy with work and now living in a different place :/
Is this a roman soldier statue? I forgot its nationality and origin but i feel that i've already seen this fine ass (literally) fella somewhere in an art expo
Sorry to hear! I was horny while typing it out but I have done roleplay with older guys like how I described. Incest has always been my biggest kink
Nah you good no worries. Didn't wanted to sound rude, i still enjoyed reading about your kinks. Who am i to judge a horny fella? I'm also a very horny mf or fatherfucker lol xD

Btw, the position i mentioned about wanting to fuck my bro is called "speedbump position", just remembered its name now

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