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Not sure what it is, but the method of circumcising in the Philippines leaves their dicks looking ugly. I've seen Filipino Americans who were circumcised in the U.S. and their cut dicks look beautiful. Why do the circumcisions in the Philippines fuck up their dicks so much? Never understood why.
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Not sure. He's on Chaturbate a lot and goes by the name of "Pusa" says he's from Davao
Do they still have those weird circumcisions where there’s skin hanging off the bottom?
found a guy in pornhub https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=663e4c49c9f2b
fucking kek

I got these from a Telegram Porn Account I subscribed in.


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That's a product of Islamic circumcision back when Precolonial Filipinos were Muslims before the Spanish converted them to Christianity instead of the recent Jewish influenced circumcision in America wherein the whole foreskin is removed.
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Here's a poor ass security guard man-whoring himself from a webcam at a slum in the Philippines, but man that security guard is handsome with a big dick too.


You get hotties like these in the Philippines even in the poorest of villages because of Spanish and Latin American descent.


Practicing forensic anthropology, while exhuming cranial bones in several Philippine cemeteries, researcher Matthew C. Go estimated that 7% of the mean amount, among the samples exhumed, have attribution to European descent.[57] Research work published in the Journal of Forensic Anthropology, collating contemporary Anthropological data show that the percentage of Filipino bodies who were sampled from the University of the Philippines, that is phenotypically classified as Asian (East, South and Southeast Asian) is 72.7%, Hispanic (Spanish-Amerindian Mestizo, Latin American, and/or Spanish-Malay Mestizo) is at 12.7%, Indigenous American (Native American) at 7.3%, African at 4.5%, and European at 2.7%.[58]
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JC Tan de Guzman

Islamic circumcision (Pre Spanish Manila was a colony of the Brunei Sultanate) vs Jewish influenced American circumcision.
Powerful smexy Filipinos!
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I'm Italian American and I love Filipino men, yum yum.
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Brandonis at Chaturbate



The Philippines is the only Asian country that I know of where the vast majority of males are circumcised. Something like 97% or more.
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That's a produce of combining the Islamic circumcision they had in common with their Southern Muslim neighbors; Malaysia and Indonesia, as they were formerly Muslim before Spain came, and then added with the Jewish influence in American style circumcision which results in them being Giga-circumcized.
It's too bad Filipinos are so weird about circumcision. Filipino here. I remember a thread from a while back with another Filipino guy talking about all the crazy teenage circumcision practices he saw. I was born in the US and luckily dodged all that and stayed uncut.
South Korea is the same and due to the postwar occupation by Americans. Basically Korean women got fucked by cut American soldier cock and loved it so much they got their sons cut too
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Gibs me Filipino Teen Twunks
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Imagine waking up to a man like this by your bedside.

I’m not on about whether they do it or not

Filipinos specifically do it a weird way where they have like a scarf of skin hanging off the bottom and it just looks bad

Jews/Muslims/Americans don’t do it like this. If you’re gonna do it at least do it well
Post pic otherwise who gives a fuck
That's just a different style of dick, and dicks are good. Vive la différence.

Every thread on this site, when we already have one for circumcision discourse.
Wrong link.

Here's the correct one.

Filipino men are so cute.
Hella hot
gross thread
Last time I hooked up with a Filipino guy, he had to bring his own extra small condoms which I would have been okay with if we hadn't spent an hour doing foreplay trying to get his dick hard and eventually gave up

tl;dr Filipinos are only good as bottoms
Whats so gross about this thread? Gay sex and Filipinos are beautiful.
That's not my experience though. My Filipino fuckbuddy had a nice dick and smelled good however he was part Spanish though.
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Nta but the pinoy threads here are weird. Half these guys have never even had sex with Filipino men, or even seen them, so the posts get unhinged.

You have a couple autistic anthropologist posting about pinoy admixture every thread. Yet simultaneously so few anons have seen pinoy dick irl that they don't even know what the standard filo cut looks like. And on top of that, most of the guys they post are either uncute or VERY clearly mixed race, like 1 non-filipino parent type mixed. So why the fuck would you incessantly post about an ethnicity you've never fucked? It's coomer shit at best

Am zoomer, the last two Filipinos I hooked up with had the trademark cut
>tl;dr Filipinos are only good as bottoms
if this were actually true for any race of people, then that race of people would not exist

Hey, all the dudes I posted as far as I know are Filipnos. They might have foreign admix from other ancestors way back but no recent ones.
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Sex with dreamy Filipino singers.

Filipinos are my California Kings.

>The first Asians to set foot on what would be the United States occurred in 1587, when Filipino sailors arrived in Spanish ships at Morro Bay.[50][51] Coincidentally the descendants of the Muslim Caliph Hasan ibn Ali in formerly Islamic Manila and had converted, then mixed Christianity with Islam, upon Spanish conquest, transited through California (Named after a Caliph) on their way to Guerrero, Mexico[52] where they played a future role in the wars of independence.


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Any twinky guys like Clarke here?
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BRB searching. In the meantime here's a Tiktok.
his name is CJ Clark, he isn't Filipino though.
Dafuq I was fooled, the GIF Watermark said PHvideos, short for Philippines Videos. I thought he was just some type of Spanish Filipino, among the bunch I picked.

There's lots of em.


Apologies for mistaking.
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It's off-putting when guys believe they're oh-so-hot, straining to perform those kitschy emotes like that. Dude. You are not that bitch. You are not that hot. You are not that cute. And even if you were... that's fucking gross. You are not a cartoon. Cartoons are not real life. Cutesy and childish is not attractive. Especially for a man. Go touch grass. Interact with a human. Or don't. But just please fucking stop.
And lose some of that fat.
Just a reminder for the newfags and other forms of child who still have some cynicism they need to develop quickly: do not download random mega links you find on sleazy darkweb-adjacent porn boards.
Especially not from an anonymous user who admitted they got it from a telegram group.
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Lorenzo (Davao)
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He would be hot if he wasnt so malnourished.
Sex with singer Patrick Quiroz



Marlo Mortel is sex

Sam Mangubat

Jason Dy

Kris Lawrence

Daryl Ong
Bugoy Driilon

Jay R

Erik Santos

Arnel Pineda

Nigga this is a porn thread not a fansite.
Why is nobody posting more porn? Please post!
You're wrong. It can be porn or simply nudity. Sometimes even without nudity. Sometimes, just a comment, without a picture, as you just did.
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so ma-arte as in itim in fairness~
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Circumcision wasn't the problem, just the style of circumcision done in the Philippines. Most Filipinos I know who were born in the states, even in Hawaii are happily circumcised, and have beautiful cocks.
So true. Not in all of course, but in a great number of Filipinos, the Spanish influence is so obvious. Some to the extent that they look more Latino than Asian. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who seem to need to deny this, thinking that by admitting the Spanish bloodline it somehow robs them of their Asian status.
They're Asian-Latinos and they're unique sorta Asians because of that.
The most common circumcision method here in the Philippines is the dorsal slit, in this method the foreskin is not removed, it's topically done in clinics or in free circumcision programs done by the government during the summer for boys aged 9-14.

In my mind, it's like "Quantity over Quality" it's fast and the method can be done by medical and non medical personnel (Police, Army, ect.).

Sorry for the yap
Not a pretty boy for sure, but I like the swimmers body and love that little hint of pubic hair.
Luckily for most Filipino-Americans, on the mainland U.S; the circumcision is done at infancy, where the boy or man has no recollection of the event.
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Cute :3 Where do you get these twinks?
Post more please.
Romeo MSC
It's hot because the little dangling nub of foreskin is extremely sensitive and you can bully most filipinos into submission
I'm an American Top and I want a strong fiesty handsome Filipino Boyfriend who I want to bully into being a bottom as part of my conquest.

I will roleplay that it's the Philippine-American War again and I will colonize his ass.

I Imagine wrestling and submitting this muscled cute Filipino dude before I devour his cock and slurp in all his man-juice as my award for defeating him in honorable combat.

Stop the foreplay and post some cute Filipinos.

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Cute Filipino Twink of Spanish mixture.

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Moar Cuties

One of my faves. Bicol where the handjob was filmed is the very first stop for galleons from Mexico going to the Philippines. Thus, the cute dude jacked off is mixed Mexican-Filipino. Bicolanos are so cute, 20% of them are part Mexican.


Filipinos are the only people in Asia with Latin American ancestry.
^Sorry for the low quality. The actual video is in HD and I had to compress the graphics to a level acceptable to 4chan, the video in MEGA is a much higher resolution.
Used to go to the Philippines every year back in the day and used to bang girls and ladyboys. They don't do circumcisions properly there. Saw some hideous cut cocks. used to look for uncut to avoid that.
That's hot! But I'm not looking for ladyboys though, but their local men.
Damn I wish some cute filipino guys would hit a white guy like me me up. My snap is vituperava.
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I'm a Filipino but I'm old and have a bf so I'm not young cute and handsome. But I know the places where you can go to pick up young cute Filipino men.

You can sexpat to these provinces in the pic I posted if you want to snag Spanish-Filipino and Mexican-Filipino bussy.










Post more porn please.
Ok imma post more videos BRB
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is phimosis common or something?
Thoughts on Cebu? Mactan in particular?

According the census only 2.17% of Cebu is Spanish-Filipino and around 1% are Mexican-Filipino. A much less prominent ratio compared to Manila which is 19% Spanish-Filipino and also where the majority of the Mexican-Filipinos are stationed at. However if you want to look for native men, Cebu is where that is to look for, considering even though Manila has more Spanish and Mexican ancestry its also swamped up with Chinese immigrants and immigrants from other provinces pulling down the average of good looking people. If you want more good looking people look outside the capital into other areas where there is high Spanish and Mexican admixture but not much Chinese and Malay interlopers, places like Pampanga, Cavite, Bataan, Bicol, and Zamboanga.

As for Cebu city, its thankfully free of much Chinese immigration, altering the demographics of the people and chinkifying the people and native Malay there is mixed with a bit of Indian as the former Rajahnate of Cebu was Hindu, so the indirect Pajeet ancestry sort Aryanized the native people and they just have enough Spanish and Mexican percentages at 2.17% and 1% that you would see the occasional Caucasian and Latino in a crowd of 100 people.

As for the city itself its great! Well developed with lots of skyscrapers, but it also has its poor parts. Its very historical, Cebu city has Magellan's Cross and Mactan has a shrine dedicated to where Magellan fought Lapu-Lapu and where Magellan died in the first Circumnavigation of the world. They also once excavated Hindu Artificacts around Cebu and Mactan. There is plenty to do in Cebu however the men there aren't chill though, because its a known expat and tourist destination there are a lot of scammers and social climbing plastic people but its a nice place for a quick fvck with an occasional handsome Filipino.

BTW, Cebu City is where many manly Filipino men are.

Firstly, Cebu is the epicenter of Filipino Martial Arts, the oldest Kali Escrima martial arts schools were invented in Cebu as Cebu was a military city in constant engagement with the Sultanates in the south.



Cebu is also where the main base and headquarters of the Philippine Navy is being constructed (soon to be finished).

Alot of burly Filipino sailors will be there.

you're a saint anon, could you post some older men?
My Filipino porn collection is usually a bunch of twinks as the Philippines is a very young aged country (Median age is 24) so there ain't alot of daddy or grandad porn but if I find some I'll post. :D
I do love this kind of men. They look like deviant sex addicts hehehehe
This whole thread sis not just those posts..
Post more Filipino men please.
Ok it gets weird when we start acting like 1800s skull measurement race scientist, we can just say he's really hot
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Here's another Filipino porn star who can pass for Latino. Jake Perez of Pornhub fame.

Jake Perez

Do you have snap, filipinon? Not gonna lie I enjoy your academic autism and I think I’d enjoy getting to know you.

filipino here, thought id share my experience with filipino gay porn

a lot of it is amateur, low quality shit with bad angles and lighting. guess that makes sense for a country that's 58.4% lower class. most of the quality stuff i do find are quality because they involve twinks which is just standard for the industry

a lot of filipino guys blur their faces out in gay porn. i guess if everyone lives like sardines and spends more time on porn sites than the rest of the world statistically then someone's probably gonna recognise you. it's not like in the west where every gay white guy is just one in a million other gay white guys. still though i don't think there's a point

like anon mentioned it's especially difficult to find good quality porn of older guys, but i dont think it has anything to do with demographics. i honestly have no idea why cause god knows there's a lot of horny old men here

and lastly, absolutely no one shaves. gross

as for me, i like the young, chubby ones. i wanna violate them and eat their soft, hairy manpussies
Wait I thought that it is due to the fact that prostitution is illegal in the Philippines? And, since pornography and the prostitution industry are literal crimes, all you get is shitty amateur materials compared to the nice high quality porn you get in Thailand or Japan where their Buddhist asses are less prudish than Christian Philippines even though Filipinos overall are hotter. The hotness is wasted on the low quality of porn though.
shit dude you're right, i never realised creating porn is literally illegal here since it never seems to be enforced

i remember visiting the Philippines in the past and getting hit with a site block on pornhub, which was easily workaroundable at the time but has since been withdrawn anyway. ive even seen a guy at a computer shop in manila straight up looking at tits, albeit on facebook. furthermore even if half of people in porn cover the dickless portion of their face with underwear there's still the other half with clearly visible faces and sometimes even NAMES (i.e. this thread) and they seem to be just fine. im sure these jesusfags would gladly block every porn site in existence (like saudi arabia did) but i guess they just don't have the funds to hire a couple thousand workers to revoke the people's rights to access, privacy, and boypussy

>Gay sex and Filipinos
I do miss high school...
>Filipinos are only good as bottoms
I fucked with a whole group of them growing up, a couple of them had pretty big dicks. Yes, a couple of them had micros and they were bottoms but >>2628187 is right.
Ha! Put two 6'+ white dudes in there and this was our buddy's basement on the weekend.
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2 Guys
Post more!
>I fucked with a whole group of them growing up, a couple of them had pretty big dicks.
did you bottom for any of them anon?
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I dont have the experience of philipinos with these small dicks. granted I have just had 3 or 4. but my boyfriend is pinoy and has a 7 inch thick cock...
Post his face and cock, anon.
I lyke dis thread UwU
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Yep. My white buddy and I were both vers and flip fucking with the kid in our grade. He invited us over one night when all of his cousins and brothers were home for an east/west fuck fest. One of their youngest cousins became a side piece bottom for me for a while. We were kinda crazy about each other.

Do you have naughty pictures of them naked? :3
fuck, i like them chubby... clean shaven, big dick, too. he's perfect. thanks anon
>Do you have naughty pictures of them naked?
I wish. This was an age before the smart phone camera. Shit, it was barely the age of the cell phone.

>i like them chubby
I got addicted for a while. Chubby filipino bottoms make the world go round
> Chubby filipino bottoms make the world go round
speaking of bottoms, this thread needs more ass.
Chubby filipino bottoms
>let's call him Cherry
>fairly big filipino pop in my high school
>Cherry's outside of my friend circle, friend of a friend stuff
>but all summer him, his brother, a bunch of our friends play basketball like every day
>we talk, I send mad signals hoping he's gay or at least bi
>I'm a big dude (6'3"), I'm almost a full foot taller than him
>straight up bubble butt, had his shirt off for a bit, cutest little nipples, absolutely hairless, just a touch of baby fat still on him
>all taking off from the park, I live pretty close, saying bye to the dudes
>catch up to him and his brother, ask them what they're doing
>Cherry is on it. Tells his brother to head home, mention some non-existent thing on my computer I said I wanted to show him, brother says bye
>have the hottest conversation on the way home
>talk about what we've done, what we like
>Asks if I'm a top, say yeah, I like to get fucked too though
>says he has a pretty small dick, say that's fine, that bubble butt makes up for it
>plus mine's big enough for us both, we laugh
>(not that big, run-of-the-mill 7", on the thicker side)
>get into my room, have about an hour and a half til Mom's home
>great kisser, all over my body, top-tier head, toe curling shit
>rub that bubble butt as he blows me
>stop before he makes me cum, eat his ass, about to dive in
>"Go slow. I want to feel all of you."
>kid is just the smoothest, says the hottest shit
>vise-grip tight asshole sucking my white soul out of me
>asking me if I like it, asking if it's good
>slippin and sliding now and he's loving it
>telling me I'm so fucking big, feel so good
>dude could make me cum just talking to me
>tell him I'm gonna cum and he tells me to cum inside him
>kiss him as I cum, ask him how HE like it
>asks for more lol
>Mom's coming home, tell him to call me, come over tomorrow if he wants
>asks if he can bring a friend
>plot twist: he brings his brother
>not the last family I'd fuck/would fuck me
baby fat is hot. thanks for sharing anon
Does anyone have any full videos of ace7inch1/batmanghamog? God he's hot and he has an above-average Pinoy dick.
>Mom heads to work, Cherry calls tell him to come over
>gets there, older bro in tow
>was hoping to fuck him all day but guess they're here for a hang
>chilling, watching tv, Cherry on the couch with me, Bro in the lay-z-boy
>ask them what they want to do today, Cherry slides over and starts rubbing my crotch and Cherry hits me with it
>he and Bro have been a thing since they were little
>most of their cousins bang, too
>asks if I'm cool with it and I think it's hot af actually
>Bro sits on the end of the couch, Cherry between us
>talking with bro as Cherry blows and jerks us
>he's been fucking Cherry since they were 12/10
>Bro's got a nice dick, 6" or so, smooth, hairless, skinnier and cut a bit, taught and hot af
>says he's straight but will fuck dudes, whatever that's supposed to mean
>tells Cherry to get on the floor, Eiffel tower while Bro fucks him
>hard, rough. Cherry's just eating my ass and taking it
>Bro pulls out, Cherry moves and he starts fucking me
>barely feel him, other friend that fucks me is way bigger
>Try to kiss Cherry and he pulls away
>figure maybe he doesn't want to kiss me in front of Bro for some reason
>Bro cums inside me, sits on the couch, says Cherry and I can fuck now
>Tells Cherry he can kiss me
>not really a fan of the brother so I'm gonna fucking show off
>tongue Cherry down, suck him and swallow him
>fuck him missionary, kiss him the entire time
>make fucking love to him in front of his brother
>moaning, vocal, actually enjoying it
>Cherry's hands on my hips pulling me into him deep
>don't even announce I'm gonna cum, just stay deep as possible and release
>never stop kissing him, best kisser ever
>Bro gets dressed and Cherry and I are laying on the carpet
>Says cool, we can date, but don't tell anyone, yada yada
>spend all day dicking Cherry down until he can't take anymore
>shower together
>most of the day just lay in my bed kissing, in my arms
>heads out before Mom gets home
>Cherry is over, I think we were playing Forza
>my other buddy calls, asks what I'm doing
>tell him I'm busy, with someone, asks who, don't say
>tells me to call him later, wants to fuck
>Cherry asks who that was, tell him it was "Chad"
>"Wait, he's gay? REALLY?!"
>Dude is 6'5", physical specimen, big ol dick
>ugly as fuck and full gay to boot, total closet case
>Cherry says I can still fuck him if I want
>say I'm good, got what I need, he swoons hard
>asks if I can invite him over to Cherry's cousins house on Friday
>that's when Cherry tells me about their "parties"
>good chunk of family on vacation
>those that aren't are all nurses and radiologists and shit, never home
>him, his older and younger brother, their two cousins all fuck around
>thought the older bro was weird but now it's really odd
>says they're all "straight" tho, he's probably the only one that's gay
>he's offering me and my buddy 4 hungry bottoms, what the fuck am I gonna say? No?
>call buddy, lay it out, he's in (duh)
>we get to the house, Cherry meets us at the door
>sends "Ugly" downstairs, we make out for a minute
>"Before we go down there, will you promise me that you'll only cum in me?"
>Tell him I don't want to go down there, just want him
>drags me into his sisters' room, fuck on her bed
>hope Ugly is doing OK
>Cherry and I shower together, then head down there
>there's a couch with a full karaoke setup on the right, two rooms on the left
>open the door to check on them
>Ugly is on his back
>Cherry's little brother under one arm kissing him
>a cousin licking his nipples and rubbing his chest
>another cousin all smiles as he bounces on his cock
>sit Cherry on the chair and blow him as he watches Ugly's dreams come true
And that's the summer I got a filipino boyfriend and my buddy got 3.
Any more stories you can tell? Sounds like you have a great situation going on there.

Damn that's so hot.
Tell us more stories!

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