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Let's have a good old fashioned story time. Tell a story nonfictional or fictional involving male on male action but with sexy male picture to accompany it. I'll begin with this tale:

This is called THE GIFT OF GAB, enjoy

Brandon was a charming, good looking man. He could win anyone over with a wink and a smile, and had friends everywhere. Everybody loved him.

But his persuasiveness was unnatural, a result of his magical lineage. Power flowed through his veins, and in the magical world he came from, the power to compel others was highly valued and sought after. They called it the Gift, and Brandon had it in spades.

Others like Brandon used the Gift to manipulate from atop positions of power, often at odds with each other. The world was their chessboard, and they constantly called on Brandon to join them, hoping to tip the scales against each other amidst their never ending power struggles. But Brandon cared for none of that.

Instead, he used his power according to his own whims, and on his terms, and those terms were all about indulging his own personal fantasies. There wasn’t anything more fascinating, and more alluring to him, than a man and his feet. Fortunately for him, no man could resist his charms, no matter how straight they were, and none ever realized they were being manipulated. Though he used his power on a much smaller scale than his peers, he was undeniably just as dangerous.

Brandon strolled through Cherub Park, a park that rivaled Central Park in size and lush greenery. He spotted an incredibly fit man in a baseball cap walking alone, his hands in his jacket. His sneakers looked brand new, and his feet fairly large. It was a perfect combination for Brandon.

“Excuse me,” Brandon said, walking right up to his next target.
The man glanced up and made eye contact. Brandon was struck by how attractive he was.

“I couldn’t help but notice your sneakers. Are they new?”

“Oh, these? Yeah, actually, just got ‘em a couple days ago.” The man’s face lit up, as if he were talking about his kids.

“Very nice,” Brandon said. “Say, this might sound weird, but do you think I could take a few photos of them? I run a blog about the latest sneaker trends around the city, and yours deserve to be up there. They’re awesome.”

“Oh, really? Sure, why not?” The young man smiled, and was flattered.

“Name’s Brandon. What’s yours?”


They shook hands, and Brandon led Alex to a nearby gazebo.

“I got a great collection myself,” Brandon said.

“Yeah me too. It’s hell on the bank, but you like what you like, right?” Alex said.

“Indeed,” Brandon said, glancing sideways at Alex.

The gazebo had an elegant park bench to sit comfortably on, and was unoccupied. There weren’t any people around in the area, leaving the two alone.

“Now if you could just stand there real quick, and I’ll go ahead and take some photos,” Brandon said, taking out his phone. He started taking snapshots with his phone focused on Brandon’s feet, as if he were a shoe photographer.

“Can I ask you what size you wear?”

“Eleven,” Alex said.

“Very nice. Again, these are really nice shoes, man.”


“How old are you, can I ask?”

“Just turned twenty two not too long ago.”

“Nice, nice. I’m not too far away in age from you either, couple years older actually.”

“Cool,” Alex said.

“You know what? Do you think you could do me a favor? Could I ask you to sit on the bench over there and put your feet up? I’d love to get some shots from that angle.”

“Well, actually, I was kind of on the run, need to meet my girlfriend for lunch and she gets pretty mad if I’m late…”
“Oh, come on now, it’ll only be a few minutes. You could do this for me, couldn’t you?”


“Doesn’t seem like a problem to me. Just a few minutes to spare, that’s all.”

The words bounced around in Alex’s brain, and his brow furrowed slightly. He knew that his girlfriend flew into a fit whenever he was late, but there was something so convincing about Brandon that he felt like he could risk it. He had no idea that this brain was already being manipulated by Brandon’s magic.

“Yeah, you’re right, no problem at all.”

“See? I knew it,” Brandon said with a smile.

Alex positioned himself according to Brandon’s directions, laying his legs lengthwise on the bench, his feet at the opposite end. Brandon proceeded to take more shots of Alex’s sneakers.

“So what do you do Alex?”

“Well, I just graduated college last semester.”



“What’d you major in?”

“I majored in English, but I’m hoping to go back after a break and get my masters. Right now my job is being a personal trainer.”

“Very nice. So I guess you could say you’re pretty fit, right?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Alex said with a laugh.

Brandon put his hand on Alex’s sneakers, which caused Alex to feel a little taken aback.

“Listen, can I ask you something?”

“Uhhh…” Alex couldn’t take his eyes off Brandon’s hand on his sneakers. It was as if he were keeping his feet captive, and it made him feel uncomfortable.

“Do you think you could take your shoes off for me? I’d love to get a few shots of your feet. For posterity’s sake.” Brandon began twirling one of Alex’s laces around his finger.

“Yeah, I don’t know. No offense, but it’s getting kinda weird now.”

“I don’t think so at all. In fact, I reckon you don’t actually think so either. You don’t mind showing off your socked feet. In fact, maybe you want to.”
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Alex’s mind began to soften on the position. His eyes seemed to glaze over slightly. Perhaps he was being stubborn. Maybe he wouldn’t mind showing his feet to a complete stranger. What are the odds they’d even meet ever again? And he always thought his feet looked good, though he had never told anybody that before. Where was the harm in it? These thoughts took precedence in his brain, and the confusion on his handsome face showed it.

“It’s just feet,” Brandon said, his lips curling into a lascivious smile.

“Yeah,” Alex said, his own mouth forming a smile, “it’s just feet. Give me a sec and I’ll get them off for you.”

“Actually, it’s okay Alex. I got this. Just relax and allow me.”
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“Relax and allow you, right,” Alex said, nodding his head slowly. He instantly felt at ease. He leaned back and watched with a slight fascination as this complete stranger began untying his laces, unsure of how or why he was doing this.

Brandon pulled one sneaker off and was pleased by the strong arch he saw on Alex’s socked foot. He traced a finger down Alex’s arch.


“Nah, not really.”
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“You sure about that?” Brandon furiously tickled Alex’s foot and he giggled.

“Dude, what are you doing?” Alex said. Taking off his shoes–fine. But tickling? What guy tickles another guy’s feet? Alex felt uncomfortable.

“Don’t mind at all. We’re just having fun.” Brandon said.

Alex’s face became slack as the words hit his brain like a tranquilizer dart. “You’re right. Don’t mind at all. We’re just having fun.”

Brandon tickled his socked foot again and he burst into a tiny fit of giggles. Not even his girlfriend paid this much attention to his feet, but Alex was finding it harder and harder to care. Brandon enjoyed the sound of Alex’s laugh.

He stopped, then brought Alex’s shoe to his nose. He took a deep inhale and sighed happily, as if he had smelled the most wonderful fragrance.
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“Ew, gross,” Alex said.

“What? You’ve never smelled your own shoe before?”

“Nah, man, that’s weird,” Alex said.

“You’re missing out, then. Why don’t you try it?”

“No thanks,” Alex said, wincing at the idea.
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“Actually, I think you might want to. You don’t want to miss out,” Brandon tossed him his sneaker, and he caught it.

Alex gazed at his sneaker and suddenly felt a strong urge to sniff the inside. It was almost overwhelming.

“Yeah, I think I might want to. I don’t… don’t wanna miss out,” he repeated, completely fine with his sudden change of mind. He drew the shoe closer and closer to his nose, eyeing it curiously until it was right at his nostrils. He took a deep inhale, his senses meeting his own foot smell.
“What do you think?”

“Well, it smells like feet. And new shoes, I guess?”

“Try again.”

Alex put the shoe to his nose again.

“It smells wonderful, Alex. The smell of your own feet, made from walking around in those sneakers of yours all day… what a delightful scent, don’t you agree?”

Alex took a sniff, and was surprised to find how pleasant he found the smell now. How could he have never appreciated this heady scent before, his own feet mixed with the fresh smell of newly bought sneaker?

“Yeah, I agree. Smells kinda good.” Alex said with a laugh. He smelled his shoe again and was taken by its aroma, as Brandon undressed his other foot. Now there were two socked feet before him.
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“Well, it’s only because you have such lovely feet. Such a lovely scent could only come from a lovely source.” Brandon said.

“Uh, thanks,” Alex said, still feeling a little uncertain. While he was okay with Brandon exploring his feet, some part of him felt that this was a little strange, especially in public.

“Why don’t I take your socks off for you too? Let your feet breathe a little?”

Alex hesitated. His mind was still finding this all too strange. But Brandon persisted.

“Sounds like a great idea to me,” Brandon said. “I think you’d like to have your socks off.”

“That… sounds like a great idea. I wouldn’t mind… wouldn’t mind having my socks off,” Alex said, somewhat surprised by his response. But Brandon seemed so friendly, what was the harm in it? Brandon was just removing his socks; there was nothing weird about socks after all.

Brandon peeled his socks off, and was highly pleased by Alex’s perfect, unblemished feet. His soles were so smooth and soft, and his toes neatly trimmed, just as he hoped. He had perfect, rosy feet.
“You have such great feet,” Brandon said.

“Thanks,” Alex said.

“They’re better than great. They’re sexy,” Brandon said.

Alex felt something stirring in his mind. Perhaps Brandon was right. He never thought about it before, but maybe he did have sexy feet.

“Thanks,” he said again.

“Sexy feet deserve to be touched.”

“They do… yeah. But who will touch them?” Alex said.

“I will. Lucky you, right?” Brandon said.

“Yeah, lucky me,” Alex said, agreeing though he didn’t know why. No man had ever touched his bare feet before, except for himself. But he felt fortunate that someone was willing to take interest them for once, to give them the sort of attention they deserved. They were sexy after all.

He remained silent as Brandon began to prod his toes, spreading them apart curiously one by one. He then brushed the back of his hand against his arches, relishing in the softness of his soles. His fingers circled the balls of his feet.

“Man, I could look your feet all day,” Brandon said.
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“Well, I really need to be going, but–”

“I think you should stay and let me play with your feet.”

“I… think I should probably do that. I should let you play with my feet, yeah.”

“There’s a good boy.”

“What did you call me?”

“A good boy. You like that term, don’t you?”

“I… yeah, that’s fine. I’m a good boy,” Alex said, smiling.

Brandon teased Alex’s feet, causing his toes to twitch. He tickled him gently, and enjoyed watching him giggle, his knees bending at times. Alex felt this was so surreal. He knew he was straight, and that he had somewhere to go, yet why couldn’t he pull himself away from Brandon? And why was he letting him play with his feet? It all felt so… overly sexual, in a way, almost like foreplay, but he couldn’t find any reason to stop. Sure his feet were sexy, but he wasn’t expecting them to be played with like this. And here, in a park? Thank god they were in a gazebo which helped to obscure what was going on.

“You know, Alex, why don’t you get up on the bench, on your knees, and let your feet hang off the edge. Can you do that for me?”

“I… yeah, I guess I can. But why?” Alex said.

“Because you want to.”

“I want to… you’re right…” Alex said, his voice a little hazy.

Alex did as he was asked, getting on his knees, and allowing his bare feet to hang off the edge of the bench’s seat. His feet from this position were even more mouth watering to Brandon. Alex felt a little uncomfortable, and his brow furrowed once again.

“Look at you, you tease. You just love showing your feet off, don’t you, Alex?”

Alex’s features softened as the words worked on him. Suddenly he no longer felt uncomfortable, but rather pleased to be in such a position. He enjoyed that his feet were getting so much attention, he enjoyed that they were being admired, even by a stranger.

“I love showing them off,” Alex said.
“You have such awesome feet. Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody licked them? Sucked on your toes even? Ever thought about it?”

“Hell no,” Alex said, his face instantly turning sour. But he paused as Brandon’s words stirred his brain, and his face relaxed, as an unnatural calm settled in, mixed with curiosity. “But now that you mention it…”

“Oh, you wouldn’t mind? Even though I’m a guy?”

“That is kind of odd, isn’t it? It sounds so gay,” Alex said.

“Nah, it’s not. We’re two bros out here in nature. It’s all good. Only another man could truly appreciate another man’s feet.”

“Only another man…” Alex whispered to himself, his eyes glazed over as he mulled over Brandon’s words. He nodded his head. “Yeah. It’s all good then.”

“I thought as much. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find it even turns you on. And we all like to get turned on.”

“We all like to get turned on,” Alex said to himself.

Brandon got on his knees and smelled Alex’s bare feet. There was something so electric about seeing another man in this position, his feet looked so vulnerable. Alex’s feet smelled even better without his socks.
Alex, on the other hand, found himself actually enjoying Brandon rubbing his face against his soles. Brandon’s suggestion started to take root in his brain, and he found that he actually was getting turned on by it. His cock started to tent in his pants, and a sheepish grin spread across his face.

Brandon began to lick Alex’s soles. He slurped on his heels, and took his time licking the length of his uber smooth arches. His feet felt so soft against his tongue. The warm strokes against his soles made Alex’s cock rumble.

Brandon took turns holding Alex’s feet and sucked on his toes as if they were luscious grapes. Alex felt like he was melting in bliss, and his cock pulsed with every tongue gesture he felt. He sighed happily as Brandon attended his feet.

“Feeling good, Alex?”

“Uh huh,” Alex said. “So good…”

“You know what would feel even better on your soles?”

“Nuh uh,” Alex said. He wanted Brandon to suck on his toes for hours. How could it possibly get better than that? He felt like he was in a dream. He had no idea that his dreamy experience came directly from Brandon’s magically induced words.

“What would feel better is having some cum on those yummy toes of yours. What do you say?”

It was like a lightning bolt had flashed in Alex’s mind.

“Wait, what? Cum? I don’t think so, man.” He turned around. “This isn’t right. What’s going on here? I don’t want cum on my fucking feet, what the hell? That’s nasty.”

“No, I don’t think so Alex. I think you really, really want another man to cum on your soft size eleven feet here. So creamy and milky, so warm. I think you’d even go so far to beg another man for it. You want it that badly.”
The lightning bolt disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Alex’s sudden spark of awareness was snuffed out easily by another of Brandon’s hypnotic suggestions. There was a faraway look on his face, as he felt an intense urge rise in his body, a curiosity that needed to be sated, not questioned. He had never thought about cum on his own feet before; it was a completely foreign and repulsive concept. But from the way Brandon described it, it sounded almost irresistible. Could it feel as good as having another man worship him?

“Well, Alex, what do you say?”

“Man, I’m sorry. I was kind of rude wasn’t I? That actually sounds kinda nice, now that you mention it.”

“It does, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah. You can go ahead then. You can cum on my feet.”

“I don’t know, you didn’t sound too convinced earlier.”

“No, please, go ahead. I really, really want you to cum on my feet. I want to feel that stuff down there, it sounds like it could be amazing. Please don’t leave me hanging. Well, I mean, my feet are kind of hanging, aren’t they?”

“I guess they are,” Brandon said. They both laughed.

“You sure you want me to blow my load on your feet?”

“Absolutely fuckin’ positive, man. God, I want you to cum on my feet just like I want to fuck my girlfriend every night after work. I’m already fantasizing about what that feels like. Please do it man. Be a bro.”
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“Well I guess I’ll be a nice guy then.” Brandon said.

“Thanks Brandon. You’re awesome.”

“No,” Brandon said, taking out his already hard dick. “You and your feet are awesome.”

He took turns rubbing his cock against Alex’s wet soles, and Alex closed his eyes and enjoyed it. It was an odd, yet fascinating sensation. He felt Brandon’s plushy cockhead massage his soles, like a stress ball. He felt his warm, throbbing cock rub against his heels. He was pretty sure those were actually another dude’s nuts he was feeling at the tips of his toes.

And yet he didn’t feel disgust like he might have thought he would. He felt pure, mind numbing pleasure. His cheeks were flushed and he moaned quietly as Brandon went about his business, using his naked feet as his own personal sex toys.

“Mmmm,” Alex said. “That feels amazing. M-more, please.” Alex felt his own cock tremble, almost simultaneously with Brandon’s own throbbing meat.

“Oh, just give me a minute, almost there,” Brandon said, as he rubbed his meat furiously against Alex’s soles. Alex even helped him by using his toes to grasp as much of Brandon’s cock as he could. He wanted to hold onto that cock for as long as he could.

Suddenly Brandon moaned, as he shot thick loads of cum all over Alex’s soles. Alex moaned too, delighted to feel the warm sticky juices run down the balls of his feet, dripping off his toes. He put his head down and relished in the pleasure coursing through his body, his cock ready to explode. He had never felt so horny in his life. The cum on his feet felt just as good as Brandon said it would.

“Shit that was amazing, Alex. Your feet were one of the best fucks I’ve ever had. Excuse me a moment, I need some photos of that. Damn.” He took out his phone and snapped some shots of Alex’s sticky feet.
“Go on and put your socks on now, Alex.”

“S-sure thing,” Alex said, feeling a little shaky still from the intense pleasure rolling through his body. He grabbed his socks and smiled as he covered his feet with them, grateful to have Brandon’s cum on his soles. He felt great.

But also hard.

“Man, looks like you’re pitching a tent down there huh? Going camping or what?” Brandon said with a smirk.

“Oh shit, my bad,” Alex said. He suddenly felt incredibly embarrassed.

“Don’t feel bad around me.”

Alex nodded, his shame disappearing in an instant.

“But I know the perfect remedy to cure that bad boy you got brewing down there, Alex.”

“Really? What is it?”


Alex felt puzzled and flexed his toes in his socks.

Brandon took a seat next to Alex on the bench.

“You’re feeling incredibly horny and the only cure for it is to worship another man’s feet. Since I’m the only one around, well…”

Alex’s eyes glazed over again and he nodded as if he understood.

“Hey, do you think… would it be okay if…?” Alex said.

“I’m thinking what you’re thinking of, my new friend. My feet are all yours.”

“Holy shit, thanks so much. You’re a real bro,” Alex said. He smiled, not even aware of the glassy look in his own eyes. His brain felt like mush, but only because it had been pushed so much in such a short amount of time by Brandon’s power. Human brains were not meant to be manipulated in such a way, but Brandon, and others like him, never cared about that.
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Alex fell to his knees and began undressing Brandon’s feet.

“Don’t feel ashamed Alex. You are feeling more and more consumed with your newfound lust for feet as you untie my laces. You want to worship my feet just as much as you want to have your own feet worshipped.”

“Want to worship your feet… just as I want to have my own feet worshipped…” Alex said to himself in a trance like voice, as he undid Brandon’s laces. His cock felt like it was going to blast off from his crotch; he was leaking just from gazing at Brandon’s shoes. His eyes were glazed over entirely, and his blinking had stopped. He was running off Brandon’s words more than his own by now.

He removed Brandon’s shoes, then removed his ankle socks with reverence, as if he were before a deity. Brandon smirked from above, content to see the effects of his brainwashing etched on Alex’s deadened face.

He raised a single foot to Alex’s face and Alex rolled his features against it, his cock thundering in his jeans. He took turns kissing and licking Brandon’s soles.

“The smell of my feet makes you harder, makes you hornier. You love feet, you crave it.”

Alex’s nostrils flared as he inhaled. “I love feet… I crave it…” he repeated.

He kissed his feet, unable to pull his lips away from them. Brandon rubbed his soles all over Alex’s handsome entranced face, even forcing his baseball cap off his head with a flick of his left foot. Alex was consumed by his newfound footlust. He worshiped and licked every inch of Brandon’s foot that he could, trying to satiate his new hunger.
“Beg to cum on my feet.”

“Please, let me cum on your feet,” Alex said, between worshipping.

“You can do better than that. You can’t get off until I’m satisfied.”

“I want to cum on your feet so badly, Brandon. I’m so fucking hard for them right now. They’re driving me crazy, please don’t leave me hanging like this.”

Alex pulled his cock out which was red and wet, then resumed his fervent worshipping. He sucked on Brandon’s toes as if they were tasty morsels, and his cock twitched wildly from the sensation, spitting out drops of precum onto the pavement. His tongue lapped furiously as if he hadn’t drunk anything for days, each lick bringing him closer and closer to orgasm, but not quite.

He didn’t want to blow his load prematurely, but he could have. He was saving it in the hopes that he could be granted the only thing he wanted in the world in that moment.

“I need to cum on your feet, Brandon. I’m dying to! Please let me do so. I’ll do anything for that, just give it to me.”

Brandon sighed.

“You’ve done so well Alex today. Fine. You can cum on my feet.”

Alex excitedly scooted closer and began fucking Brandon’s feet rapidly, as if he were possessed. Despite that he had never committed such an act in his life, not even with his girlfriend, it came so naturally to him; it was easy since it was all he truly wanted. He shut his eyes and cried out, as he blasted his own load, all over Brandon’s bare soles. When he was done, he didn’t stop, he continued to fuck them as if he never wanted to be parted.

“Oh Alex you’ve made such a mess. You’re gonna have to clean this all up.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t… I don’t know what came over me.” Alex grabbed Brandon’s socks and was about to start wiping his cum away.

“No, no. I want you to use your tongue. You want to use your tongue.”
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Alex smiled, his eyes vacant. “Yeah… I want to use my tongue.”

“That would please me very much, and you very much want to please me.”

“I very much want to please you,” Alex said in a monotone voice.

Without hesitation he began cleaning the cum off Brandon’s feet with his tongue.

“Every drop of cum you eat up makes you more and more a foot slave, makes you more and more a slave to me.”

Alex nodded happily as he cleaned Brandon’s feet, Brandon’s words sinking deeply into his unconscious. His vacant eyes scouted for every spare drop of cum he could find: on the ground, between Brandon’s toes, even on his own fingers. He feasted on the stuff, and in doing so, his mind was transformed permanently into that of a foot slave. There was no turning back now.

When he was done, he wiped his mouth.

“Put my socks back on, please.” Brandon said.

Alex did what he was told, then replaced Brandon’s sneakers, then tied his laces, as if he had just finished wrapping a present. He put his own cock away, and he was already longing to taste Brandon’s feet again.

Brandon instructed his new slave to put his own shoes back on, which he did, happily noticing the cum still stuck on his feet. He tied his laces then stood up, then faced Brandon eye to eye.

“You belong to me now, got it?”

“I belong to you now, got it,” Alex said. Brandon stroked the side of his face. Alex’s phone erupted in a little jingle in his pocket.

“Who’s that? You’re little girlfriend?”

“Yeah it is actually. I think she’s mad that I’m late again.”

“Well tell her to fuck off.”

Alex smiled as he typed the words.

Brandon picked up Alex’s baseball cap and put it back on his head. “Now listen here. I’m going to give you my number, and everyday, I want you to send me a pic of your bare feet. Got it?”

“Got it,” Alex said.
“I’m sure you’re going to find so many new things to do with your new tastes, aren’t you? I want to see some of those pics when you do. You’re so lucky to have a nice pair of feet to keep you company.”

“Oh yeah, I already got some ideas in mind when I get home.”

“That sounds like a good boy to me. I was so right about you.” Brandon typed his number into Alex’s phone and handed it back to him.

“Now I’ll be seeing more of you later then, won’t I?”

“I hope so,” Alex said.

“I’ll need to introduce you to the others as well. We’re gonna have so much fun Alex.”

“I can’t wait,” Alex said.

Brandon winked and smiled at him. They waved to each other and left the gazebo, going their separate ways. For Alex, he had a whole new life ahead of him, but for Brandon, it was just a Tuesday. He wasn’t lying when he told Alex he had a great collection earlier. He just neglected to mention that it was made up of unassuming straight boys just like Alex.
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anyone else have any stories with pictures?
Man, what I would give to spend a day as his shoe, his sock, or even better his very feet, I'd love to be Brady's foot and be used to massage his cock and have his juicy jizz creamed all over me.
I wish that Brady did porn movies other than showing his feet.
Whoa, I'd suck on those beauties all day long. Are there any of his cock?
Holy fuck that blonde dude is hot. Are there more of him?

Is he wearing some sort of lipstick? His lips seem to be an unusual color. He doesn't need any makeup. He's sexy enough as he is. I could bang his bussy and suck his cock all day,
Seriously, I want to see that guy's cock. Does he have an onlyfans?
Holy shit, I've met that guy. He's kind of weird. He's socially awkward and he wears makeup. He actually looks a lot better here than he does in person.
What is his name?
brady's sexy feet. pics seem to be from 6+ years ago. anyone have a recent pic of this aging zoomer?

steemit "Hot Gay Foot Fetish Pics and Links"

Weird thread, but really nice feet pics.
What's weird about it?
The whole "fiction writing" aspect is weird.
Not really breaking any rules, or even bad or anything, it's just odd, you don't see it much here.
I think that most guys are driven by visual stimulation. I personally like written "porn" because you interpret the written word easier than having it done for you with pictures. For example, when I write I don't typically describe a cock, leaving it to a reader to visualize it they way they like.
I want to see his cock and balls, see him be sucked, to suck, be fucked, and to fuck.

Does anyone have access to either of these two videos of Brady? I so badly want to see them.

Here's the first one in the next post....
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first video

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Second video I'd like to see.

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file DOT io/nsGFGBqmq87A
This doesn't have every Brady video XanderBeckett shot. If anyone has the rest of them and wants to upload/torrent that'd be pretty fucking neat-o (pic related, it's a frame from a video I don't have).
I enjoy reading erotica and writing it (as a gay male)...so I'm with you on this one. For that, I enjoy Literotica and have some stories on there. Biographical!
>be me, 25 year old KHV
>be stuck in traffic today
>think ‘I wanna suck cock’ all of the sudden
>download Grindr as soon as I get home
>see a guy in my area who wants to get sucked while he watches porn
>message him
>we meet up in his hotel room a few hours later
>he takes off his pants and underwear and gets on the bed, putting on a VR headset and watches porn
>he tells me to suck and kiss his cock slowly
>I take off all my clothes, get on my belly, and begin kissing and sucking the tip of his cock
>as he gets harder from my kissing and gentle sucking, I began taking more and more of his cock, sucking, slurping and kissing
>this lasts an hour, I literally suck the entire time, only stopping briefly when he told me to kiss his balls
>eventually he blows a huge load while thrusting in my mouth
>primal urges take over and I’m moaning and sucking like a total whore, swallow all of his hot cum (pretty tasty desu)
>I never stop sucking, I’m even more enthusiastic now
>same process repeate, except he tells me to grab the base of his cock and to stroke and suck at the aame time
>he’s moaning, and blows, thrusting in my mouth again
>I eagerly swallow down his cum and keep sucking
>fifteen minutes passes and he says he doesn’t think he can cum again tonight
>my precum all over the sheets near my cock
>I get dressed, he tells me I’m a natural cumslut
>I leave
>thinking of how on earth all of that just happened as I drive home
What really took me aback was how much I got into sucking after he came, it’s like it wasn’t me almost. It was super hot. Fuck
>just graduated from high school
>parents have family membership at gym
>work late hours so don’t get there until about 2100. Gym closes at 2200 so usually pretty empty
>work out and shower and sit at my locker drying off
>guy walks over and starts talking to me
>he’s older (60’s), flabby, gray chest and pube hair
>honestly question why he’s even at the gym
>he’s drying off too but seems to be concentrating on drying his balls off
>really tossing his balls and cock around
>they are literally about two feet from my face and can’t help notice his cock is chubby, uncut
>catches my looking and asks if I like it
>before I answer he tells me to get dressed and come out to his car
>dated girls but have been curious about guys, but this guy isn’t what I fantasized about
>almost ready to leave and he’s standing there saying “let’s go”
>walk out to the parking lot with him
>it’s dark, only cars in the lot are his, mine and two for the guys working in the gym
>he unlocks the car and we get in and he immediately opens his pants and pulls his cock out
>”c’mon” and pulls my head down to his cock
>smells clean like soap
>it’s soft so it fits easily in my mouth
>yeah, I’m a fag now
>I start working on it and can feel it getting bigger
>as it does my teeth start scraping it
>”watch your fucking teeth”
>try to do better
>he tells to add some hand action so I start jerking him while I suck
>now he’s fully hard. About 6” but thick so I can only get his cockhead in my mouth
>jerking and sucking until I hear him grunt and with no warning he cums in my mouth
>he’s telling me to swallow so I do but some drizzles out
>he holds my head in place until he’s not too sensitive that I can pull off
>he tells me to lick his cock and pubes since “no need for my wife to find cum in my shorts”
>tells me I’m going to be his go-to cocksucker and asks what my gym schedule is
>end up meeting him 2-3 times a week
month later he fucked me
>21 years old
>take job at hotel
>basically help with afternoon check-in rush 2-9 every day
>check in this guy every Monday for a two or three day stay
>business type, older, chunky, balding, walrus mustache (pic somewhat related)
>get friendly with him
>one night, slow at front desk, he stops to chat
>quietly asks whether it would be a problem if he brought a “guy friend” up to his room for a few hours
>tell him no, but he could also sit in the lounge if he wanted
>tells me what he wants to do would get him arrested if he did it with him in the lounge
>ahhh… got it now
>”so you want to bring a stranger to your room? Isn’t that dangerous?”
>he thinks it may
>ask him what he’s looking for and he tells me he just wants to get his cock sucked since his wife isn’t interested
>tell him I can do that for him
>agree for me to go up to his room at quitting time
>get there and he answers the door wrapped in a towel. Can tell he just got out of the shower
>towel tenting a bit
>he sits down, spreads his legs and invites me to kneel in front of him
>do and unwrap the front of the towel
>nice cock pops out. Maybe 6”, fat, uncut, thick gray hair pubes
>pop it in my mouth, start worshiping it
>he’s encouraging me, telling me how good it feels
>has me work his balls with my hands and mouth
>edged him a couple of times and he calls me a tease
>he tells me he needs to cum so I go to town and two minutes later he cums in my mouth
>some misses and lands on my hand and I see it’s a really thick cum
>he takes a minute to come down from his post orgasm high
>thanks me and asks if he can give me some money
>tell him no, it was my pleasure and let me know when he wants to do it again
>almost every night that we were both there I was blowing him
>begged me to let him fuck me. I said no for a couple of months but finally gave in.
Pic is what he looked like
Seems like you're pitching you're writings lmao

Dude wrote like a novel
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May I love dressing and rubber. It's a recent think. What's more recent is I want to become a rubber sissy in a made outfit cleaning up a guy's apartment and rather than paying me he decides to have his way with my ass and mouth. Hopefully in that order.
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When I was about 30, I was married, one kid and in sales. I had several customer but one (call him John, pic a good representation of what he looked like) was 90% of my business and commissions on that customer alone was seven figures. Since he was in another city, I’d fly there once a week and wine and dine him. After dinner once, he wanted to go to a bar so I obliged. We got pretty drunk and took a cab back to my hotel where his car was.
I suggested we have some coffee but everything was closed but he suggested making it in my hotel room. Went up, had coffee and he blurted out “You ever suck cock?” I laughed thinking he was joking but he stood up, opened his pants and said “give it a try.”
I did. Can’t say I liked it, but he did. Every week after that I was his cocksucker and he was my biggest (no pun intended) customer. After a couple of weeks, I convinced him to fuck me, sort of like “sealing the deal.”

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