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When where how often do you?
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In the shower
In the sink at the gym locker room once
Do you jerk off while you scroll /hm/?
Constantly... wife gets mad that im in the washroom for so long.
Do you fuck lads behind her back?
Please do tell
I don't. I'm too desensitized on pictures. I need videos to get me started.
No I don't fuck behind her back. Told her a few years ago that I was bi after she found my porn stash. She's been in denial about it ever since, even though in the moment she said she was fine with it.
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>Usually in a morning when I have morning wood
>In my bed as I keep my lube in my bedside drawer
>Usually once a day, sometimes twice
Any sauce on this? I need him as my neighbor!
When? Anytime.
Where? Anywhere.
How often? Well, adding all my sessions together, recently I've been closing in on 7 hours a day, and increasing. By the end of the summer, I expect to be flirting with 10.

I used to think I have a problem, but now I understand how wrong-headed that concept was.

B8 über alles, fellas.
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Bed or office. Whenever I get horny or see something that makes my dick hard, which is like 2-4 times /day.
gooning all day every day barely could type this message
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Not as young as most of you and your sex drive diminishes after 40 or so :(

I can barely do it twice a week now :( :(

I'm 72, and I bate upwards of 8 hours a day, every day, usually resulting in 3 or 4 orgasms.

Our sex drive diminishes only if we let it.

Or maybe not ... I've been like this my whole life. Maybe I'm just wired this way.

By the way, I've defeated the refractory period, too, which has really opened up new vistas.

You bate with your brain; your dick only follows orders. At least, that seems to be how it works for me.

Porn is a distraction; I don't bate to it at all. It's all about being my dick, and knowing how deep in my brain this goes. Just typing this, I'm hitting those parts of my brain, and I have a raging hard-on.

And it's good for you. My doctor says I have the constitution of a man half my age.

I certainly bate like one.

Sorry guys, gotta go ... duty calls.
Wtf...Take care gramps...
Yeah yeah okay grandpa let's get you to bed now.
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It's so strange to me when people care. I'm very bisexuality and my gf actually thinks it's hot when I tell her my gay hook up stories. I want to ask her about her thoughts on gay hook ups on the side but ik she wouldn't like that convo.
I can cum 6-7 times on a good day but mostly jack off 1-3 times. Host nudie parties a few times a year. We spend the day and night naked. Lots of jacking off to porn. Usually from 12-20 dudes. Some give head but mostly jacking it
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Timestamped videos of you cumming or it didn't happen
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Anywhere I want to (for real), 2 to 5 times every day :D
>Anywhere I want to (for real)
Such as?
Usually late at night after wife is asleep, few times a week
In my room, barely everyday, or whenever I am able to. I get almost there then go to wr to cum.

I watch porn (sometimes straight, sometimes gay, mostly amateur).

Rarely I get on cam to find a jo bud
5 times a day on a quiet day. when im hungover easily 10. before and after work in my room. I’m 27 now i thought it would simmer down but if hasn’t unfortunately. I’m horny 24/7, and would fuck like more than half of the people at my job, men and women. can’t wait till this calms down as i get older. im tired and distracted of being so fucking horny all the fucking time
That's hot anon, so many times though
Does she not let you hit the pussy?
Locked up by my boyfriend, so I don't get to jack off at all, but I get to cum once about every week or 2. At this point, I don't ever ask to cum I just do what I'm told and cum whenever my boyfriend tells me to. He jacks off occasionally but he mostly cums inside me
>5 times a day on a quiet day. when im hungover easily 10.
Hot if true. I'm the same way, but not quite that crazy. I can cum multiple times without going soft (have video proof) but 10 times is kinda pushing it. I'd have sex with you based on that fact alone though, purely because I know it'd be amazing.
Do you find being hyper-sexual also leads to developing every kink in existence?
who is that hunk?
In bed most nights before I go to sleep, sometimes in the morning. I don't always cum tho since holding off for a few days makes it so much better.

here's a video from a simple Google image search. get brain cells
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At least twice a day
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Masturbation is how I live.

Everything else is NBAs (non-bate activities).

Like, this posting is an NBA, for example.

Think I'll go live now.
Flawless. Sauce?

Thanks, anon.
I host similar parties with a few friends of mine. I can muster up 3 a night (I'm late 40s) but these 18-20 years old tops we host hit double digits some night, I swear. Well hydrated, apparently.
Do you cum when he fucks you? We don't cage me but he's big into denial cause he only wants me to cum when he fucks it out of me. Saving it up seems to lead to bigger Os.
2-3 times a day on work days.
5-6 times when I have a day off.
A little less when I get laid regularly, but still like 1-2 times a day.
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I used to masturbate twice or three times a week since puberty. Normally I have a wank in my room after school. Always a quick fast wank full dressed to not get caught.
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i pop off once a day. if i don't for a few days, the amount that oozes out when i do is more than double this.
what a handsome body
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Any other bed/pillow humpers here? Not sure how common it is but I need that friction and full-body action
Wow, I'm the same age as you and that would be INSANE for me. I've never done it more than 3 times in one day, but even that only happened a few times when I was a teenager. In my early 20s it was usually once every 3-4 days. Sometimes two days in a row if I went an entire week without it. Now it's becoming even less frequent, probably because I've been living with untreated chronic depression since I was in high school.
... Bill?
72 huh. you're one of the youngsters around here. rememebr the good old days, hot chatting by morse code over the newly invented telegraph...
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at my pc, once a day, usually whenever desu
Yeah i grew up in house with no privacy, secret bed humper while wearing pants.
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On long drives.
No pants.
I have to be careful when I jerk off or it can ruin a day. I get a huge physical and mental energy drop whenever I cum, which can disrupt things if I'm planning to socialize or do something very involved at work.

It causes the opposite problem at night however, and will keep me up for 3+ hours afterwards, making the next day shitty.

I've found that the best time to jerk off is right after I get home from work, which is at like 1PM, which makes me take a nice nap, and wake up after the heat of the day has passed. I miss being able to jerk off whenever I wanted to, and have no consequences, but that seems to be changing as I get older.
Only /hm/ would post shit unironically that /b/ once posted for shock value. Why is this board so fucking disgusting?
Work parking lot.
On lunch break.
I shared a room with my little bro briefly and he used to do this when he thought I was asleep. Was oddly cute.
My penis has absolute dominion over me.

I wish for all of you that you one day are able to achieve this happy state.

I am literally living the dream.
That’s really hot, I need to know how many times a day you blow your load

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