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Post your pics of Mexican and other Latinos. Macho or Cute, Muscular or Thin. Tattoo or no Tattoo. Cut or Uncut. Gangster or Nerdy, all are welcome.
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Dorian Garcia
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I'd fuck any of them or all of them.
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Lil' Devil
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Nice little dick. Looks perfect, almost as if it's never been used.
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Looking at a picture of a penis is about as interesting as looking at a package of Armour Franks. Without the body and face of the owner it might as well be a cartoon. It would be more for your own gratification than any viewers.
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Hambino, Northern California
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go fuck yourself, nobody appointed you /hm/ police
Is he a dwarf or is the perspective fucked in this pic?
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Puerto Rican in Florida
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is there more available?
I'd love to cum watching him jack off.
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That’s one hell of a fat cock & huge nuts
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creaming my pants rn
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Rodrigo boy. He's on the left in this clip too
eew this fuck?
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I've had this huge crush on my homeboy Carlos on the left. We've been Compas' for at least 15 years, and I had a crush the first time I met him, and still do. He was cute back then, but I've always kept my crush secret. I think Maldito is pretty much 100% straight, but that can't stop me from dreaming. I doubt if I'll ever let him know how I feel, because I don't want to lose him as a friend. And no, that's not me on the right. If he only knew what it does to me every time he puts his arm on my shoulder or touches me.
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Don't want this thread to die so I'll say I've always thought cholos were hot since I was a kid. I am mostly enamored with their footwear. The long, knee high socks + gangsta slippers like >>2633176 on the right's wearing are especially hot to me.
These days there's no better way to give a subtle hint that you're secretly not 100% straight but are bi or gay than to pose in front of a Bud Lite display.
Gotta admit there's something really special about having a few 40 ouncers with a cholo that you thought was straight and then finding out he's a closet gay or bi. Then you see him again tomorrow and he acts like it never happened. Too cool.
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>Don't want this thread to die
It's always like that: someone starts a Latino thread, it maxes out, some anon goes for a second round and it dies after a handful of posts.
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Muy Flaco, but I'd still fuck this little homie like he's never been fucked before.
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hot boing boing
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Love it when they're thick. Is there a specific race in SA that's super girthy?

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