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To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Finally, please do not reply to users who ask for a source by creating their own thread. This removes porn from /hm/ and they should not be rewarded for their actions.

Previous Sauce Thread: 2622868
this link in the copy is dead
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Anyone know who this is?
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saw this guy posted here once and reverse image search only ever directed me to a repost on twitter
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Need the original video
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Anyone know who this is?
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either or both please
I need to know who this man is badly. From here:https://thisvid.com/videos/straight-jerk-off9/

forgot the pic
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I am once again asking for any information about this guy.
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No idea who he is but a quick google search found the video:
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According to this he is hunkmarcrose on IG, there's a link in the description. But the guy on that IG looks nothing like him. Then there's an OF linked to THAT IG and the guy in that IG barely looks like the OP guy and goes by a different name. So honestly I have no fucking clue.

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Ryan Smith. A few LPSG threads on him, this photo is ancient tho - from early 2010s iirc - and I don't think I've seen or heard much of him since then.

If you do try searching, be warned there is another Ryan Smith with an OF, which is not the requested guy.
If you click on more on the insta post it shows the actual account and name of the model as jossmooney.

Who you said it was might be the photographer?
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Pic from r/gaybrosgonewild from ~2020
i don't remember guy's name and he his deleted profile
Does anyone have more pics of him?
What's his OF/deets?
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What's his OF/deets?
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Anyone know who is this?
Anyone got an idea?


My future husband. Fuck off and get your own.
Looks an awful lot like Patrick Leblanc but I'm not 100% on that
Chad Hunt on the right
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Who is this angel???
Who is this?
Looking for a short video, think it was sort of a promo short for an onlyfans or the like.
White guy on his back on a bed getting fucked by another guy, who I think is also white. Top is holding the camera so it's sort of a top POV. Roommate starts knocking/calling out to bottom, bottom puts finger on lips to "shush" the top. Roommate knocks on door more so the bottom laughs and the top pulls out.

I'm pretty sure I saw it on someone's twitter feed but I can't find it in my history, so I either didn't click on it/haven't found it yet (have a lot of non-descript x. com entries that it could be hiding in) or I'm missing it completely. None of the feeds of twitter accounts I visited yesterday have it either.
I neeeed more of this

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Anyone know a source for this?
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I bet this cocksucker had a goldmine.
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Who is this?? Please help <3
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source or at least an ID on the guy with the star tattoo?
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Who's he?
Johnny Forza
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There must be more of him
That’s abelmilder on twitter
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Sauce on the white guy?
@lucasprive_ on twitter and @piquezika on instagram
He was on chaturbate under the username livingclean. He had a tw account under livingclean11 but its been suspended. He appears to be in a payed relationship with this Asian guy (the one in the pic you posted) and there are a few videos on his tw:

There's also an active lpsg thread on livingclean. Basically it seems like Livingclean is a pretty simple naive guy and Asianguy is taking advantage of that and using him as a toy boy.
I saw him on Chaturbate and he was out of it on drugs, he definitely has a drug addiction
Thickjer, he is a married str8 power bottom. love his content on CB.
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any ideas who are they?
that poor dog
lol my first thought
sauce on these cuties?
Ah, I hate them, they never actually have actual sex, just those ultra sanitized simulations like dry humping and shit
Anyone has the sauce of this pic?
Top is amirpouding, don't remember the bottoms name but he's a cockyboys actor so you should find him in their vids

Same with that Peach wtfever guy.

I'm also like 100% convinced Romeo uses a body double because I've never seen his face in a single vid with actual penetration.
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its from a video I think that used to be on pornhub maybe
im begging guys
the bottom is jeremy jordan
ryan pitt bottoming for michael boston
Michael Boston topping? That's something you don't see every day
Source on this or name of the guys? Feel like I found it a while back, think it was a twitter user but fucked if I remember who it was

Names of these guys? Been trying to reverse search but always comes up with videos
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Anyone have the name of this cam guy? Somebody has got to know him, he seems to put out good content.

Watch the video, the photo doesn't' do it justice.


they go by the name Wapos 25. they have YEARS of content out there.
Jesus and Jacko

The guy with the ram tatoo is called Rikiya
thats Persian Alpha Wolf or whatever, he has an of and I think hes my favorite top

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Dirk Caber and Dominic Santos.
I knew someone here would know. Thank you!
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sauce? got it from a gay Middle Eastern telegram chat
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Source on this vid? Tweet doesn't source/promo them:

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Still lookin' for this guy
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any idea who the bottom is?
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is this ai or is he real?
I am once again asking for info on this person's identity:

Warning, he's straight so potential women in his content.
He's real

Username is in the tweet but it's deleted or suspended?

doin' gods work
Does this position have a name? I think clothed sex is pretty hot, but have no idea what to call this with the guy on his back, his pants pulled down his thighs a bit and his knees pushed back toward his chest. I like the easy, the eye contact and the humiliation on his face while I use his hole.
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More of this
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Mating press is the position I think but idk if the clothing changes the name of it.

Well, the bottom is in the mating press position, top would have to be ontop pushing down into his hole for it to be mating press /shrug
Thank you very much!
Ok. Thanks! Something about the clothed part just elevates the hottness and dominance aspect for me.
He's a Thai model known as "Boizze," x.com/Boizze_42
That's firstyouno2 (also known as semenx) and backstory_m. Here's their video, asiangayporn.me/mm-backstory-m-semenx
Anyone know this guy's info?
Been seeing this all over Twitter, any clue who r they ?
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Anyone know who this guy is?
Anyone knows where can I find the full video?
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Source on this man?
That looks like JD Phoenix, but I don't know which scene it's from, sorry.
is that ass real, or is it a bbl/implants? looks huge but his legs don't seem that muscular
It could plausibly be a BBL but a lot of guys with that build do just randomly have a huge donkey ass
Who are they? Who's the guy getting rimmed? What's the source of it?

Aarin Asker (guy getting rimmed) and Jacob Durham from a Treasure Island Media scene

Anyone have a link to the full Treasure Island Media scene of Maxxx Stark and Reymond McKay? I've seen the 1:00 and 6:00 videos on various tube sites, but I can't find the full length one.

Anyone know the name of the guy on the right (tattooed chest)
Does anyone know who this guy is?





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id please?
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anyone know what porno this is from? I know its trans focused, but the trans person in this scene looks like the ideal twink, so i can ignore their chosen gender.
Keegan Whicker @klwhick
Joe_steel1 on chaturbate
Please help me find this video - the masked fucker is a Latino / brown dude with a luchador mask and he comes in, rims and facefucks the bottom and then fucks him. The bottom fights back at first and then he gives in

Used to find it in Myvidster which linked to Redtube but it’s been removed for the longest. Any help would be appreciated
Need help finding a video, watched it late last year but I can't find it or the content creator despite my best efforts.

Video is of a lean white guy (content creator) fisting a latino-looking guy (very tan, but not black) who is standing on a bed. Guy getting fisted is sort of straddling the white guys shoulder, so the white guy is reaching between his legs and up into his butt. Not very deep, wrist at deepest, I don't think the bottom was very experienced. Ends with the top pulling out and the bottom kneeling down and kissing the top. Bottom was also wearing a hat/baseball cap iirc

There's also another video on his channel with the same bottom, where he's on his back with his legs in the air.
I want to say the white guy is british, but I'm pretty sure he wears a mask in most of his videos.

Video/channel was on either pornhub, xvideo, xhamster; or maybe thisvid, gay.bingo, or gayfuror - leaning more towards the first 3 sites.
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Any idea what his twitter/onlyfans is? In the video version you can hear him say he has one but never says what it is
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please for the love of God does anyone have more
Anyone know where I can find more sauce on goodlookingmisc? All I have are some low res images but can't find anything good. Went by "ripped8inch" "misclegend" and "goodlookingmisc"
Any other alias or source for sauce?
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Know I've seen this guy before but drawing a blank. Any assistance?

Jacob Johns. Most of his stuff is paid so don't know how good it is

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Any ideas on this couple?
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Anyone recognize this guy?
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need the full video on this, i found it from a compilation video.

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who is this
Saw 2 gifs on tumblr yesterday but the blog has since deleted them. Looking for the video they are from.

2 guys lying on their sides, top on the right is a white ginger with shortish hair and short facial hair with a massive cock, bottom on the left is light skinned black with a short afro. Bottom has his legs bent at the hip, "top" leg raised getting fucked deep while looking directly at the top. Top has his legs down but is just fucking away. His cock is thick and fairly long, never saw him pull out completely in the gif. Not sure if bareback or not.
its a sean cody video, but which one? can someone help me with this one?
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its a sean cody video, but which one? can someone help me with this one?
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Who is this? I see him a lot
Anyone able to identify any of these 3?

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I think that's Fabien Sassier. His Instagram username is yetifit__.
He also has OF and Fansly pages.
Link to full video?
SeanCody - Stu and Pavel

no clue of who they are, but here the full vid:

Looking for a video or it's full version.
Version I saw was maybe 2 minutes long but it's pretty evident it's a snippet of a full scene.

2 men making out. Older muscular daddy type on the right, younger but also muscular guy on the left. Both hairy and generally manly looking: daddy type had medium length wavy salt and pepper hair, combed back behind his ears. Younger guy has short hair, but is dark in colouration. Clip ends with the young guy presumably going down on the daddy type, he disappears but the daddy looks down at his junk for the rest of the clip. Based on this I think its part of a full scene. Quality looks older so maybe early 2000s, late 90s?

Saw it on twitter but didn't tap on the tweet so it didn't save in my history. Have a vague idea of what twitter I saw it on (was a retweet) but have yet to find it.
Starts at 31:00, does anyone know where the video is from?

Sauce aswell, this is hot
I'm looking for a video, posted on /gif/ not too long ago -taken from behind- of a bottom getting a thigh job. The cock touched the balls a bit and the top groped the other guy's ass. They were making out. Thanks to anyone who can find this, its been driving me nuts.
I am once again asking for the full video of this clip: https://thisvid.com/videos/black-muscle-fag-sucks-bwc/
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Anyone know what this is from?
Cocksucker is Gabriel Cross.
Found it. It was part of a full scene for a porn film, the scenario is a bit off putting but the guys are damn fine, especially the longhaired, older one.

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Anyone know who this is? It's the OP image for another thread on hm, but the OP says they don't know who it is and got it from a tumblr a bit ago. I can't get google images to search the image itself, it either focuses on the Pescience logo or just gives general similar images. Same for Yandex.
austin wolf holy shit have you only been gay for 5 minutes honey?
jfc what a boner killer
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Anyone know the scene name or the names of the performers? Presuming it's the same scene just different locales.

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kinglouisix (top) and his bf tampatomxxx
Max Chevalier & Alexy Tyler - "Room Service"
Ty anon!
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Anyone know his name? He was in a boys halfway house video
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anyone recognize this? Not into the BBC NWO kinda crap, but the bottom is totally my type.
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>handcuffs as a cockring
>handcuffed to his dick
anyone know the source or who it is?
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Who is this magnificent specimen?
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Who is this?
Chip Tanner
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Who are they?
Fernando Torres & Valentino Medici

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Anyone know who this is?
Fran Manent (aka. Valentino Medici)
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anyone know this vid or have a link to it? sry i only have thumbnail. it was a vid from a few years ago but it was deleted
but shopped

anyone have the full video or names?
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anyone knows who these guys are?
Bump on this guy? He's sorta average but also incredibly attractive. Like he would have potent dad nut.

Feel like that tattoo would be a good lead but its not clear enough when it's in frame.
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Anyone know who this is?
Found this gif on tumbler ages ago. Wonder if anyone could tell me what it's from.
does anyone know what Twitter account I'm thinking of?

>it was a couple, two dudes (no shit), and they retweet their own shit all the time. they have some unique ones where the top can bareback the bottom but stretch his foot out for the bottom to lick and sniff. there's some pet-play and other videos where the bottom is caged and teased with the tops feet. the top is circumcised (idk if that helps). I legit have been trying to find this account for a while now and I'm going insane.
You guys know that most of these can be found with google lens right?
ok, go ahead and tell us the source of most of these then, smartypants
the bottom is God
I know the watermark says it’s from MEN but I can’t find this video of these two suited guys in a car


The link in the video brings me to the MEN homepage
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that's the longest video I could find that is not behind a paywall
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Who is this guy?
Dakota Lovell (twink) and Lawson James (daddy). From a Walking Dead porn parody.

Massive shot in the dark.

There was a twitter account or 2 several years ago, definitely pre-Covid. Main account was a sorta ottery guy with an average build who had a boyfriend. 2nd account was this big beefy guy who apparently just started getting into the gay scene, and would occasionally stay with them during certain festivities.

One video that I remember clearly was the otter guy filming the beefy guy fucking his boyfriend on a couch under their back patio/verandah.

I have no idea what any of their account names would be. I didn't keep track of accounts that far back.
there was this moderately popular xvideos channel called carlossimpsons where a guy shoved unbelievably large objects up his ass and gaped his hole so wide if you talked into it there'd probably be a 3-second echo. he also had a Reddit account: u/1234bottle1234. he recently deleted everything before I could get a chance to save it, which sucks because I had a good decade. he'd been uploading since 2014.

does anyone know if there's a mirror of his content anywhere or is he just gone for good
Search 'pornpics click 1234bottle1234'

Brings up a site that appears safe (never heard of it but nothing intrusive popped up). Has several images and unplayable videos of his.
Apparently this guy had nudes out there and an OnlyFans. I'm thirsting over him so any help would be appreciated. He goes by officialchriscook on Instagram, greenwinteryeti on Twitch, chris.cookofficial on TikTok, he has a locked Twitter called lumberjackhbo.
Can anyone link the video of the latino guy at a food court that's being filmed by someone cruising him, and the latino guy shows off a little, groping himself and stretching to show his body some?

I have been thinking about that vid, but cannot find it.

Any help appreciated!
goes by masterdancwb or bitchboymd
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Frank Osmat @frank_osmat
this is the original www_instagram_com/p/B-wrYKilV5w/

Could you help me with this redneck?
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pretty sure that's David Cihacek

the photo apparently comes from a series of reference photos that don't mention the model
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Hello good people. Any chance for this?
(looks a video is about 25:40 long)

Thank you so much!
(more screens from the same below)
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Well, the too is Felipino Souza if that helps (calf tatt is a match and the "grass wall" is the backdrop in the room he films.
>if that helps

By all means! It's 'Felipinho Souza & Alex Roman', if someone else interested.
Thanks so much!
Anyone know where this from or who they are? I just found it on twitter.
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Anyone know what’s this from or who they are?
quad worthy post anon well done
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Seen on reddit i think someones gotta have sauce or more
sadly, i don't know who they are but recognized them from a video (incomplete, missing the frame you posted) that i bookmarked a while ago.
i hope anyone else knows

I remember someone posting it a while ago but it was a quick video of a young guy with his friends and he shows the camera his butthole. His friends say things like calling him gay and telling the viewer how much they want his hairy asshole. Forgot to bookmark it but it was really hot because they seemed like such a candid group of straight friends just doing gay shit.
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I’ve seen this circulating twitter, does anyone know who he is?
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AI ruined a generation of gays…
FUCK yes moar
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Does anyone know who he his?
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who is he? His penis is small, but I love his energy.
who is he? His penis is small, but I love his energy.
nice roll but i think his dick is average and would suck 9/10

I think I accidentally found him. Ass, legs, and tattoo seem to match. Cock looks similar too.
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anyone have more of this guy? I need more
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Who is this angelic being?
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Who dis?
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I need to find the bottom's name or the studios site

Daniel Knight
>Daniel Knight
Looking for a video I saw on twitter/x a while back. It's a video of a crusing encounter but it's been chopped up a bit to show 'key moments'.

2 white guys, bottom is on all 4s on a towel on gravel next to a black sedan. Top walks behind him from the back of the car. Top pounds him like a jack hammer. Like, the term 'breed like rabbits' was coined because of him. Bareback, he dumps several loads. Gets up and leaves behind the car. We get a good view that there's a garage door behind the car, so it looks like a gravel driveway.

Any help would be appreciated!
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Seen this a few times but never seen if theres a longer version. Probably not since it seems like he's getting up at the end but who knows
Always turns into this when I'm at home trying to watch the game and my gay neighbor wants to come over and hang out with me.
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Does anyone know who they are??
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who is he??
Seconded, damn that dick is long af
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can someone find me full res pictures of this slut from mff? they used to be on Instagram but they have been deleted. I'm not paying the subscription just for the only good sheer socks set.
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here's another
his dick is a fucking beer can
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Anyone know the sauce on this? This 1 minute videos been around for years but who are the guys in the video?


And this clip is edited.
Post 50 in this thread has the normal dick size which matches the first clip posted here.
He's @jack_baileyxxx on twitter the url for the vid is https://x.com/jack_baileyxxx/status/1758111006310486303?s=46
Wow I'd given up on this being found. Thanks anon!

What's their justforfans?
tyvm anon god bless you
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Found it on thisvid but i think it's missing a few secs at the end. Anyone recognise the guys or know the source?

went by Arni on rsite RuTwinks.com
pics are really old, and the site only list this one photoset


Whos this?
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is there a full version?

i found this video here: https://thisvid.com/videos/str9-uncle-1/

but its marked as private and only friends of the uploader can view. it also says member sign-up is closed so can't make an account. anyone know if its possible to view the video? or find it available on another website?
or can anyone recommend other websites that are similar to thisvid.com? myvidster is always down and most of the video links are broken/deleted

Haven't watched through all of it but it seems to work
Trenton Ducati and Corey Haynes
I know this is closing soon, but anyone know that short video/gif of a guy thrusting in a pool/hot tub? It's basically this tanned-white muscular guy wearing a black speedo, thrusting as the water splashes. Like, 5 seconds long at most it's that short. I'm not sure if it's real or cg/ai, but there is some weird details that makes me think its the latter.

Would still like to find it though.
On X

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