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Share it all: guilty pleasures, cheating stories, weird fetishes.The hornier the better.
>Have always been into bondage and there's no rush like it. There is literally nothing better than being tied up by a horny man who will do whatever he likes with you.
>Nothing can compare.
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>One time I hooked up with a MMA fighter anger problems.
>Red hair, buzzcut. Hairy as fuck. FAT cock.
>He facefucked me so hard I left this place with a busted lip, two black eyes and bruised neck from being choked, bruises all over my chest from him punching me.
>He would choke me hard and get in my face growling at me, then push me down and slap me very hard.
>Fed me poppers till I could barely think. Not once did I take out my dick, he just spent an hour trying to kill me with his cock and fists.
>It was the most erotic experience of my entire life.
>He was impressed with the amount of pain I could take and how hard he could fuck my throat without resistance, but unfortunetly never saw him again.
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>I've had at least one sexual encounter in every establishment I've ever worked at. Customers, coworkers, arranged hookups.
>I find the places without cameras and just go wild. I don't give a fuck.
>Have always been into bondage and there's no rush like it. There is literally nothing better than being tied up by a horny man who will do whatever he likes with you.
>Nothing can compare.
Fuck wrong text

>This year I've drank 6 daddy bladders of piss straight from the tap, haven't spilled a single drop yet.
>I cum hands free every single time without fail.
>Plan on alot more during the summer.
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I love breeding guys raw. A couple of weeks ago I was with a teenager, he had only ever used protection before. When things got frisky he said it was time to get a condom, I just rubbed my cockhead against his hole. I whispered in his ear that it's better without, that he needs to experience getting bred at least once. He was saying no at first but eventually agreed. As soon as he did I popped it in and fucked him till we both came. It felt amazing knowing I was the first to jizz in these guts. He seemed to like it too, afterwards we lay there while I fingered his cummy hole.

He’s looking into prep now but has come round since then to get barebacked.
Since OP posted a priest, how about a priest fetish. I hooked up with four priest/priest-related guys. First one:
>see strange ad on craigslist
>guy complaining someone is trying to out him
>drop him a note that happened to me, too
>we chat back and forth and it turns out he's a priest
>mid 60's, slight
>got caught being gay so they moved him out of parish work and into inmate counseling
>finally they force retired him (but still a priest)
>we agree to hook up
>go over to his house (left to him by his mother)
>he took me up to his bedroom, decorated with
>crucifix over the bed
>picture of the Virgin Mary
>7 different dildos lined up on his bureau
>gay porn on the big screen TV
>we get naked, get on the bed and he starts sucking my cock like a champ
>turns me over and massages my shoulders, back and ass
>I like my ass being played with and I let him know
>he takes a string of balls and inserts them in my ass
>more cock sucking
>I lube his ass, pin his legs back and start fucking him under the disapproving eyes of the Virgin Mary
>he tells me to tell him when I'm going to cum
>fuck him for about five minutes and feel my balls tighten so I tell him I'm going to cum
>just as I start to cum he starts pulling the balls out of my ass
>mind blowing sensation. probably in my top 5 orgasms
>roll on my back and watch him jerk off
met him every week for about a year. Once with one of his friends.
I've cheated on every person I've ever been with. I just love sucking cock and don't think it's a big deal.
>met a guy through an online group for married bi guys
>turns out he works a few blocks from me
>we agree to meet for coffee
>chat, complain about not getting any because we're married
>he shares with me he was molested by a priest
>feels guilty because he got a large settlement, even though he actually enjoyed it
>would like to recreate it
>tell him I'll do that for him
>arrange to meet at the mall
>pick him up in my SUV with tinted windows
>I'm wearing black slacks and a black shirt
>drive to a secluded spot in the parking lot. not so much that we'd stand out but not where there is a lot of traffic
>get in the back seat and I tell him to start sucking my cock
>tell him he's a good boy, god loves him and wants me to give him my "blessing"
>have him pull down his shorts, bend over the back seat, lube his hole and start fucking him
>"do you like Father Anon's cock in your ass?"
>"yes Father Anon"
>take my time fucking him and giving him a reach around
>I cum first then let him finish himself off
>remembered to bring paper towels so we clean up and I send him home to his wife
met several more times
Same. Been married for 20 years but I need to suck some dick a couple times a month, couple times a year I get my guts rearranged. I just need it, never feel bad about it.
>Be me straight M23 >
>love to show off >
>get on dirtyroulette com and start chatting with older men >
>undress and do everything they want >
>show my hole, spread my cheeks, finger myself etc. >
>make them cum >
>On a good run i make 4-5 daddys cum to my ass >
> feel like a slut after finishing>

I do this weekly lol
>Be me, bi 24 masc, muscular top
>I am basically addicted to fucking twinks
>Have made it my goal in life to stick my cock in as many twinks as possible.
>It is easy af for me to get twink boypussy when i want it.
>Always looking at grindr/sniffies for new boys to fuck, or going through my throw away snap to see if any of my previous boys want to fuck.
>Have a job where I get to travel every couple of months for 1-2 weeks, so I have a new pool of twinks to choose from and fuck regularly.
>Lost track of how many twinks I have fucked after I hit 20, but I can't imagine it is any less than 100, and I only want more and more.
>Currently have a gf who has no clue that I have fucked dozens of different twinks on the side, many of whom I have met up with regularly have been raw. Since we still have great sex, don't live together, and I am not retarded, she doesn't know. Turns out it is very easy to not get caught cheating.
>Last week I took my gf on a date night. Right before meeting at her place to drive her, I stopped by one of my regular twinks to breed him since he is on the way. I bred him, showered, and then proceeded with the date. The night concluded with me cumming in my gf.
Basically, I can't stop, and don't ever want to stop fucking twinks. I think until the day I die I am going to have twink boys cycling through my cock.
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> be me, young intern at big law firm
> first day, meet hot older male lawyers
> Mr. Smith, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Thompson
> they all seem so professional and put-together
> little do i know, they all have a dirty secret
> they all want to

fuck me
> and i'm about to find out just how far they're willing to go

> few weeks in, i'm working late one night
> hear moaning coming from Mr. Smith's office
> peak in and see him jerking off to porn on his computer
> instead of being grossed out, i'm turned on
> can't help but stare at his cock
> he catches me and i'm terrified
> but instead of getting mad, he invites me in
> tells me he's been watching me and wants to fuck me
> i'm hesitant at first, but he convinces me
> we have wild, passionate sex right there on his desk
> word gets around the office about me and Mr. Smith
> next thing i know, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Thompson are hitting on me too
> i'm hesitant at first, but they promise me it'll be just as hot as it was with Mr. Smith
> they're right
> before i know it, i'm fucking all three of them on a regular basis
> we have secret meetings in empty conference rooms, quiet supply closets, and even in the parking garage
> i'm their little office slut and i love it
> one day, they propose something even kinkier
> they want to fuck me all at the same time
> i'm nervous, but they assure me it'll be the hottest thing i've ever experienced
> they were right
> we find an empty office and they take turns fucking me in every hole
> it's the most intense, mind-blowing orgasm of my life
> i'm their cumslut and i wouldn't have it any other way
> from that day on, i'm known as the office cumslut
> but i don't care
> i love being dominated and used by these hot older men
> and they love having their way with me
> it's a match made in heaven and we all know it
> i'll never look at a law firm the same way again.
did ai write that story for you too or just the picture
Last one, fairly simple
>getting my father's house ready to sell since he passed away
>see account on a dating site from an older guy looking to please a younger guy
>arrange to meet when in the town my father's house is in
>show up, he's eager to please
>sucks my cock, spreads his hole and I get my rocks off
>chat for a minute
>as I'm walking out I see a degree from divinity school
>he's a Episcopalian minister
>doesn't have a full time job but fills in in parishes when the primary minister isn't available
>fool around with him three more times before I sell my dad's house
Coming to this board is unfortunately what I've reduced myself to, but at least it's a place where I can vent. Hold onto your asses, this is going to be a LOT to read.

Just to be on the safe side, I'm not going to be using any names of any kind whatsoever unless for required context. I'm clearly american and won't pretend otherwise. Just imagine some average dumb fuck from a 90's family sitcom and you're in the right ballpark in some way.

>Happily married for 12 years to loving wife.
>Currently with 2 sons. 8 years and 13 years, both are doing great for their ages.
>No serious difficulties or hardships aside from rising cost of gas for transportation.
>Wife works at salon and has issue with 'assholes next door' to her job, asks me to come have a talk with them on my day off to keep things calm.
>It's a hookah bar, guys seem pretty chill, but music is always blasting after 1:00 pm.
>I try explaining the issue to the bar owner, but he stresses that it's some kind of arrangement he has with extra special guests who come 2 to 3 times a week around noon and I would have to address them.
>I leave and stop by just around after noon for a few days until finally encountering said special guests, half of which look like middle-aged, middle-eastern men of varying ethnicities, most of which are in expensive and fancy clothes.
>Ask around about all of this and get directed to the event organizer, who is Slim, chiseled-looking Iranian male dressed business-casual and diamond-encrusted gold watch sitting at a table with this 6'8" swole beefcake-looking spanish guy in a cowboy hat and some short, thin nearly feminine-looking german or russian-looking dude wearing guyliner.
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>Thinking this is some strange sort of drug cartel gathering scene out of a movie and try to put on a cool, calm, yet tough guy act in front of these guys and start rolling up my cuffs all slow-like, asking them to try keeping it down for the local businesses.
>Iranian guy stares at me for all of ten seconds and mumbles something like "That's gonna cost you." and I ask him to repeat himself. He smiles all friendly-like and says. "It's no problem. it's just gonna cost you some time." but I swore the way he worded it sounded different the first time.
>The skinny short looking dude with guyliner looks at the Iranian and the Iranian gestures at him with a weird look, then shrugged at him and nodded, like there was some sort of unspoken understanding and guyliner guy stands up from his seat, offering me that spot while the Iranian guy asks me to take a seat to talk with him.
>Iranian guy talks with me and explains what's been going on and the whole issue with the constant parties.
>Tells me where he comes from and tells me about some of his associates and what they do. Turns out that his father is the owner of a foreign oil pipeline and he's been doing favors for his father in america by using money to good favors for certain struggling businesses and small upstart companies on top of making anonymous donations for local infrastructure and hospitals.
>Every time something they invest in is completed or becomes successful, they come to this hookah bar and celebrate.
>Sounds too good to be true, so start inquiring about subtle little details, but Iranian guy susses me out and pulls out a tablet, showing me certain saved stills and pictures from a ton of things they helped invest in from 2023. I notice as he's moving through folders that there's dated folders charting back to at least 2017 or so and other countries listed other than America in the sub-folders.
>Iranian guy notices I keep eying up the beefy looking dude who has been quiet at the table the whole time who I think is his security guard and starts chuckling, then explains that the guy is literally just there as a scheduling assistant and that he's a career gardener and botanist.
>Spanish guy proves it by pulling out an actual notebook, then going on a whole-ass 10 minute spiel about how roses are an inferior breed of plant and lists off like, 13-14 different other kinds of plants that are better suited for whatever the fuck the occasions might be.
>Too passionate and genuine to be fake, but his voice gets progressively squeakier the more excited he gets, which ruins the quiet-looking threatening vibe he first gave off.
>All these dudes are good dudes and bring down the volume as I requested and I just hang out and chat with them for the night, as the Iranian guy just seemed to like getting to know local people.
>Iranian guy insists that I come by again next time he is at the bar, or else he will turn the party volume up high just to make sure I come to visit and even threatened to pay me money if I declined.
>All seems cool and even some rare, exotic drinks are brought in to make a few celebratory toasts. The shit in the tall, black bottle shaped like a bowling pin tasted like the finest Tequila ever crafted.
>Air conditioning and humidity seems oddly wonky from what I remember
>Wake up at my brother's house and on his couch, but don't ever remember having gotten there.
>First hangover in nearly a decade and making a scene vomiting in the toilet while brother explains what happened.
>Turns out I was laid out in the back of the bar near the bathroom after the place was closing and long after the group left. Bar owner answered my phone when my wife was calling and she sent my brother to come pick me up.
>My car got towed and I had to make it up to my wife.
>All in all, I remember only having a good time, but find it odd that my wallet is $500.00 heavier.
Not even a week later.
>Got car back, but wife calls the next day. Complaining again about the Hookah bar being loud, but warns me to not get drunk again if I go there.
>Tell her I'll handle it and go to visit.
>Hookah bar is much louder, but same trio is there, but at different table, farther in back.
>Iranian guy is excited to see me, immediately remembers and asks for all music to be brought down before I can even get a word in. Has me join the guys in the back.
>Iranian guy shows me a picture of bunch of people standing in front of a building with big pair of scissors cutting a red ribbon, then shows me a video of some law office being opened, explaining that two projects were completed on the same day, so it's two celebrations at once happening.
>Big Spanish guy has been texting on his phone and saving and sending all sorts of pictures of flowers and instructions for plants right next to me this entire time without a word.
>I try to keep conversation short, but Iranian guy really, really will not stop insisting that I stay.
>Rare, exotic alcohols make a return and I ask about them, Iranian guy says most of them are imported and beyond expensive for average people, keeps insisting that I enjoy them.
>Notice the second and third drinks seem to taste far better than the first glasses offered.
>The air conditioning seems weird again and I'm suddenly sweaty and feel that creeping humidity again.
>Just now thinking that I am always just then offered glasses the first time the last time this happened and poured my own after drinking the initial glass, but never given a chance to actually notice or recall how this went down during the previous party.
>Iranian guy keeps insisting that I stay and wants to take pictures with me and has me engaged with a video chat with one of his friends overseas from what I can remember.
>Wake back up over my brother's house again.
>Almost near repeat of the last time, only now my brother is pissed off.
>Wallet is $1000.00 heavier, but car wasn't towed, is in brother's parking lot as his wife helped drive it back.
>I slowly start recalling being glimpses of things and feel like I did something disgusting with somebody.

A week passes.
>Wife doesn't call me to check in on noise, due to repeat troubles, but I stop by anyway.
>Notice that the Hookah bar isn't quite as active yet, but Beefcake Spanish guy is chilling outside in his jeep.
>Talk to him, he says the Iranian guy isn't in, but I need to go in the bar before he arrives to keep the noise down early.
>Go into bar and Guyliner Twink is chilling at a table.
>Just now occurring to me that he used to always, ALWAYS be glaring at me in complete silence before, but he's now smiling and waving me over to take a seat with him.
>Immediately is patting on my shoulder and rubbing/stroking on me all affectionate-like and it feels weird.
>Is batting his eyes like he's lovestruck and I'm sort-of not okay with this and I ask him to ease off.
>He keeps asking if I need more money and I immediately freeze up. He's been the one paying me.
>I tell him off at first, but he pulls out phone with pictures of me with my mouth wrapped all around the base of his dick and my face is beet red and sweaty. Pictures are with me wearing two different shirts from the different afternoons I was there before.
>Immediately accuse him of slipping me roofies in my drinks, but he acts so calm and mellow that I feel like a complete shit since it seems like I'm overreacting to the people that's there and my wife doesn't yet know I'm there, so I try to keep it down.
>Guyliner twink doesn't entertain the idea of roofied drinks, nor does he insist that I can't handle my drinks, just more concerned about whether or not I think he's attractive or whether or not I really liked him at all.
>None of this is fucking computing, but feel strangely guilty about this.
>Twink is about to simply leave in tears and I stop an try consoling him.
>So distracted by the smell of this distractingly fragrant fucking perfume on this dude that it takes a few moments for something to dawn on me. Just touching him and trying to hug him made me rock hard.
>Thinking to myself, "Wait, am I into this dude? am I bi?"
>Sit him back down at table and try talking to settle him, but mostly really just sitting down to hide raging boner
>He needs to take a moment, he goes into the bathroom.
>Iranian guy arrives with party, asks about Guyliner Twink.
>I don't tell him things other than fact that he went into the bathroom and never came back out.
>Iranian guy strangely sits back and just stares at me for like a whole minute without a word.
>I get up and go check in the bathroom.
>Guyliner Twink is there, reclining against the wall and on some "took you long enough." energy.
>Immediately begins groping and fondling, confessing that he realized how hard I was earlier and thought I just needed privacy.
>Does this jumping, leglock thing, wrapping his legs around my arms and back from the front just to meet me face-to face and starts frenching on my face like a goddamn leech.
>The way he grinds his hips and groin into my belly just shuts me right the fuck down and I drop to my knees.
>He dismounts and whips his dick out before I even realize that I'm turned on and I'm deepthroating him without a care in the world.
>God damn his skin is so fucking hairless and smooth and that perfume around his entire crotch is something on a whole different level. It reeks of a person being primed for sex.
>I swallow a fat load and he's petting on me like I'm some lost and frightened animal while it's slowly setting in how much I'm ruining my marriage.
>Guyliner twink is all calm and quiet-like and explains that so long as I'm giving him the 'time he needs' with me, He'll make sure the Iranian guy keeps the party volume down.
>Pulls out another thousand dollars and hands it to me before I leave the bathroom.
>Spanish beefcake is guarding bathroom door like he was in on it, making sure nobody was interrupting. Otherwise isn't treating me any differently.
>Iranian guy eyes me with a knowing look like he was in on it, he even pulled out a napkin and insisted I wipe off my mouth properly before soiling the liquor glasses with the 'taint of seed' on my lips. But doesn't seem at all like he actually cares otherwise. Also treating me no differently with the same jovial attitude.
>Twink emerges from bathroom and insists I scoot back my seat and he just squarely plants his ass right on my lap like it's nothing and carries on like nothing at all is wrong.
>I try to point out and comment about it, but he keeps interrupting all casual-like by rotating his position or just straddling so we're face-to face and frenching all slowly like while he's hard again and pressing his junk against my abdomen through his pants.
>His ass is unbelievablly warm on my dick and the urge to fuck him has never felt so strong.
>Nobody seems to care, completely foccused on different things and I'm hating how turned on I am.
>He leans in and whispers. "Isn't it better when you're not all drunk and fucked up?"
>I am fucking addicted to him and just can't properly word it or don't want to admit it, but nothing more than that happens before we part ways for the night before the bar comes anywhere close to closing. We mostly just sucked face for the hour before leaving.

Very next day.
>Wife calls and asks me to come by.
>Twink is in the salon getting his hair done.
>Wife is doing his hair.
>She's regaling me about the stories from the Twink's, specifically about the Iranian guy doing favors or the community and asking about why I didn't tell her before.
>Twink is giving me this piercing look. Wife is utterly clueless.
>I'm terrified that something is going to be said, but nothing ever happens.
>His hair is finished and he simply pays and leaves. Wife talks shop about how things have been calmer, but is really worried about youngest son's grades slipping and making arrangements for her family side's family reunion or some other shit I couldn't care less about right now.
>Leave salon and go next door to hookah bar.
>Twink seated near door table and just approaches, and pokes his finger at my chest, angrily talking about how he'll be pissed if I ever do anything to break my wife's heart.
>Too confused by this to even comment on how out of line he was for even approaching my wife and don't even manage to bring it up. Also still furious that some kind of line feels crossed somewhere, but too choked up on my own guilt for my own infidelity.
>Twink mans up and insists we stop communicating, making me feel like the bad guy, but I genuinely don't even follow how well this tracks since It's really unclear if this guy started this by slipping me roofies or if I flirted with him while blackout drunk.
>I just agree and back off and try not going to the Hookah bar again.
>( (Wife never mentions a word about loud hookah bar in two weeks.) )

>Start to get worried and check in with bar owner.
>Bar owner says the Iranian guy and his group was only a recent special guest and had important business elsewhere on the far west coast.
>Feeling conflicted about this, but bar owner had seen me plenty with Twink and clarified for me, naming the Twink specifically was the actual regular to the hookah bar and the Iranian guy/Spanish beefcake were confused as to why I kept interfering with the Twink's celebration.
>Bar owner proceeds to make me feel like a retard with a back-and-forth for somewhere between five and ten minutes, helping me to understand that from their perspective, I was just a nosy and uninvited individual and the Iranian guy had travelled personally to see to assisting the Twink's local business startup complete it's opening operations for the first month. I had unduly focused so much on the obvious wealthy-looking Iranian guy that it never even occurred to me to question the importance of the smallest, youngest-looking individual who the parties were for all along.
>The Twink was always a regular at the Hookah bar, even before wife got a job at the salon, Bar owner even found it nice that me and the Twink eventually got along and appeared to hook up. Apparently the Twink was pissed off that I interrupted the party and was insisting that security remove me over and over, but stopped getting fed up with me when it was clear we were doing something together in the bathroom.
>My brain is tapped out. Split from the Hookah bar and drive home.
>On ride home, I start realizing the name of the Twink were on certain business billboards I've been seeing pop up all over the past few months and suddenly it dawns on me this big-dicked twink is going to be living rent-free in my head forever unless we move out of town.
>Get home before kids get home and throw a such a ballistic tantrum, Wife calls because neighbors hear a disturbance, downplay it by blaming it on a bad PS gaming session. End call and fabricate evidence by breaking right analog stick on one of the controllers, then proceed to contemplate how to best approach wife with the idea of moving.

>Kids get home and I barely bother interacting with them. Wife gets home and her woman senses are set to stun before I can even start asking anything. Too startled by how invasively perceptive she is. She gives this look, like, THE look of "I know you're full of shit, what's really wrong?" and I'm deflated on the spot.
>Here's that same fucking escalade parked around the corner from the construction site early hours in the morning and I'm nervously looking up at it every so often, expecting the Twink to pop up somewhere, but he doesn't.
>A co-worker asks why I keep looking over there and I dismiss it.
>Co-worker makes a complaint behind my back and boss makes a call to the police to check out the vehicle. Not aware of this until Police arrive and start searching around the Escalade.
>Twink comes out of the building across the street and addresses the police about what's going on, but I don't even recognize him by his face or hair from behind, it was that fucking WALK. The way his hips bounce from side-to side as he approched those officers immediately registered in the corner of my eye.
>I practically lose my shit. "ARE YOU FUKKIN' KIDDIN' ME?!" at the top of my lungs.
>He hears it and sees me. Looks visibly startled.
>I approach the officers and address them and my boss that there's been a complete misunderstanding.
>Go on break early and try to figure out wtf is happening.
>Twink spells it out plainly. I'm a complete ignoramus. The Iranian guy already explained all of this before. The donations and financing that was done helped pay for the building the Twink owns and the roadwork I was doing. The fact that I was doing the roadwork near within such close proximity of his property was an unintended consequence of my job. He didn't even know this was my job until now, giving doubting looks to my filthy appearance.
Something about the way he gave that look, just that one moment. It rubbed me the wrong way in the worst way. That look of disgust or contempt of every moment I've known this little shit makes me want to punch him in the face.
>I ask why he's looking at me like that and he just looks around to see if anybody's around at first, then is like. "I wish you weren't so dirty right now and nobody was here because I really need to fuck your throat right now."
>I'm now suddenly sitting on a barricade and crossing a leg, folding arms and bending partly over because I can't stop the flaccid to diamond dick biological response that is sabotaging my jeans. Damn that fucking perfume at that minute had me choked on what we did in the bathroom and I was just gone to the point he had to start snapping his fingers at my face.
>He notices the discomfort and just tells me to go to the damn hookah bar after work.
>I did exactly as he said, only bothering to go home to wash up first. It wasn't even a question how desperate I was to get it.
I remember how most of these details so vividly because I initially started taking notes as I was trying to document events as I suspected that I was going to file a complaint, so the details are mostly accurate to a point, but I'm not even trying to bother with following through since I don't have the spine to open up a matter that was long since resolved, especially since it's going to lead to something unsavory I don't want to be bothered with telling to my family.

The last event of the construction road work meeting was practically half a year ago and almost a distant memory so far as what it feels like to me and such a minor footnote that It's not even really as important as anything else.

So, for the record, what's not been documented is this:
>I want to fuck twink in the ass, but he won't let me. He tells me to save that urge for my wife.
>I don't know what perfume he's usually wearing so don't ask. I haven't asked and am never going to. It smells arousing as fuck right-off and I'd rather not know in case other imitators or wannabes attempt exploiting that shit the asme way he does.
>I've been to his home. It's nice and a whole lot nicer than mine. I won't go into details, but it's clear he has a lot of engineering interests and he hates gothic architecture. He's one of those "Barefoot indoors at home" people who have dedicated slippers for navigating as soon as you get in and would perfer to not have guests just because he hates maintainig the floor. I mention this because, it's not as if we fucked there... because we've never fucked anywhere in there. HE's fucked MY face, hard. Once in the bathroom and once more in the upper hall just outside of his bedroom, but not quite in it. I scratched and bruised the back of my head against the doorframe because of how rough he was. He refuses to entertain the idea of doing it in his place ever again. Only because he mentioned feels a compulsion to over-clean anything we've come into contact with after he's done.

>He's smooth and shaved almost all over to the point of being annoyingly smooth in the most uncomforting way imaginable. I've never seen him with facial hair, even once since I met him. The reason this bothers me is because keep getting this feeling than he's far, far younger than he puts on just from his nearly hairless skin from the face and neck on down - but he's driving a fucking escalade and runs a business. Like, he's the age where he's commented on firing employees and moans like a little girl when he cums. The disparity is constantly fucking with my head. I have to keep reminding myself that he's just a well-groomed foreigner.
>He insists that he never roofied me and that I drank alcohol far beyond my wimp ass liver's ability to handle. He might be telling the truth since I barely drink much beyond a can or two of Coors every 4 or 5 months when with friends.
>He has some ridiculous oral proclivity I don't understand. He sucks face hard as hell and is needy for tongue to the point of being hostile when he doesn't get it, then when he's nice and hard enough, he has me suck him off. This is entirely a one-way-street, he won't suck me off to save his life.
>We've long since stopped bothering with meeting up at the Hookah bar because it's obviously too fucking dangerous since all my wife needs to do is peek next door to catch us. We have a few private places to get it done. Bottom line is that we have plenty of time to ourselves in most cases before she gets home from work.
>Strangely, he has this whole issue with a certain celebrity. I won't say which one, but they're not as popular as they used to be now and my having mentioned my liking for them just once sent him up the wall. He's VERY hostile towards said person's mere existence for very complicated (business?) reasons and it resulted in the very first time Twink denied me any fun. The following day or so after was the first time he insisted I eat his ass before sucking him off, which is not precisely what I want to be doing here. He clearly knows that and was sending me a clear message.
>Yes, I am still clearly involved with this guy and he's just increasingly more and more possessive to the point of calling me a piece of his property when he's annoyed or pissed at something or just pleasantly trying to mock me, which isn't too far off from what it seems like. I don't exactly have a dominant position here and that's completely contrary to what I want. The most telling comments he makes about this situation are the 'dog' comments. Shit like:
"You made your cage in my backyard and laid in it yourself. You think I like untamed dogs on my property?" -1/22/24
"The parking lot is out of the question and no amount of barking you do is going to change that." -2/17/24
"Heel, boy." (several occasions)
"I'm half tempted to smack you over the nose with a rolled up newspaper." -4/05/24
"Good boys swallow. Just be a good boy." (several occasions)
And the only, one, single time I didn't swallow a load was the once he wrenched me off by my hair, bent me back so I was laying on the hotel room floor, straddled on my chest and blasted it all over my face and declared it flatly:
"There. I've put off marking my territory long enough." -1/09/24

>He's not married. He's clearly just using me to get his rocks off, but I can't really do shit else for leverage. It's his way or I'm left wanting anything. He doesn't engage in any roleplay or S&M shenanigans or nothing. He just likes being sucked off and sucking face. It's at least something, but it's all he ever seems to want. Nothing original or terribly interesting for his likes.
>He's never implied, inferred or even insisted that he's threatening to tell anybody anything about this and I don't mind being intimate with him, but he knows I can't stand being his bitch. It doesn't even feel or look right since he's so short and thin. Like, I can and could overpower and fuck him if I wanted, but he's super adamant about not wanting that. Not in a playful way, but like in a direct, stern and legit fussy "No." way that is a huge boner-killer for me. If I'm not on my knees, he's not up for it. I remind you, this dude is thin and light. I could lift and carry him with one arm. I recognize how imposing I am compared to him, so it's a bad look even for me to insist too many times beyond his every decline and denial.
>Looking at men has never even crossed my mind until meeting him, but now I'm not even denying myself glances of looking at other guys. Problem is that because of him, I'm not too keen on other short, effeminate guys just in case of encountering some other fucker with a selfish napoleon complex like his. I also don't even really know how to approach other attractive looking guys, so there's that.
>My wife strangely benefits from this because, like Twink says, I'm pent up and I save it all for her on some nights and now she's pregnant again as of last week. She's been enjoying the extra hard fucks she's been getting just based on the surprise onset of breakfast in bed and other pleasant gropes and grasps she's been giving.
>Twink dresses modestly and isn't some freak-looking booty-shorts wearing street hussie or a rainbow-haired screeching activist. He's business casual most 95% of the time and unassuming in most cases unless he styles his hair in a way that makes it readable as 'gay' even from a distance. I'm not sure he's ever going to get much taller than Justin Bieber, if at all.

>I only recently learned that he has an older brother overseas who's a complete fuckup that has been in prison for a decade. Imagine my shock when I found out that the older brother is a sexy looking skinny guy with the only charge on record being raping another man, which raised immediate red flags about my own situation here. It's shit like this why I never stopped questioning myself that I'm being gaslit about the drinks in the Hookah bar, but I'm now so far deep and into it that I don't even care. He could confess that he did and It probably wouldn't stop me from swallowing another hot load of his if he asked. Admittedly, it does make me want to believe he did roofie me just so I can leverage it as a reason to finally fuck that perfect ass of his, but even that is conflicting because I don't want him to be unwilling for it as he always has been.
I know I'm all fucked up now but I really just don't even give two shits anymore one way or the other about being his personal cum dumpster since nothing really horrible has come about yet. I figure almost anybody being unfaithful is at least having a more interesting time of it than I am given the circumstances. At least I feel like we could quit any time we wanted, but I'm more likely to be the one to separate, probably as soon as I ever get around to maybe convincing him to ever let me fuck his ass at least once or twice so we're square.
Missing post
>I back off of from asking her anything and just pretend that I'm dancing around the issue of a broken controller.
>She half-believes that I'm pressed about a goddamn game. I'm not stupid enough to think she's really buying it fully, but she's accepting of it.
>good enough for me. I end it with that.

>This stupidly comes back up less than a week later when I'm out doing road work. Don't remember if I called her during break or if she called me, but she asked some weird shit over the phone about ever getting the controller replaced in the middle of an unrelated conversation and I tell her I don't care. I recall this specifically as being completely left-field.
>Get home from work and wash up.
>Knock knock, Twink delivery at the door.
>The, FUCK?!
>My dumb ass was so focused on the fact that the Twink was a regular at the hookah bar next door that it never even computed until just then that the obvious gayness meant it was convenient for him to get his hair done at the salon.
>My wife was apparently on such good terms with him as a regular that she trusted him with the favor of delivering a new controller she picked up.
>He's offering the controller out to me but... that fucking perfume, god damn. I want him, but feeling conflicted because of this fucker feeling a bit like an invasive little shit jeopardizing my marriage.
>He says nothing and treats it like an ordinary thing, not even giving me a second glance before leaving, but I nearly lose my shit.
>He shushes me and points out that It's a bad look for me to even communicate with him in public because of possible prying neighbors and I back right the fuck off and close the door. Desperate pervert I am can't help but peek at his tight ass through the window as he sashays to his escalade drives off.
>Only thought in my head is why the FUCK are his waist so thin, but his ass so bubbly and round, the fuck?
>Return to shower and have the hardest spank of my life
Literal next day, shit you not.
Jesus fucking Christ anon.
What did I just read? Cumguzzler macho dude?!?
A long time ago
>19, college student
>5-7 130#, long hair
>back then there was no such thing as a femboy or trap, just a manlet I guess
>classes on Fridays are fucked. First class at 8, next class at 4. 7 hours to kill
>girlfriend at the time works in an office downtown and suggests I come in for lunch on Fridays
>take the bus, have lunch, kill time until my last class
>start going to movies Friday afternoons after lunch
>a couple of movies had gay parts (prison rape and two male lovers) and suddenly my interest is piqued
>next Friday after lunch walk down to the seedier theaters (for those from Boston, the old Combat Zone)
>one gay movie theater so I buy a ticket and go in
>maybe 200 seats, five people in the theater
>start watching movie and some guy walks in and sits two seats away from me
>five minutes later he asks if he can sit next to me. Not sure what to say so he sits down
>minute later he has one hand on my leg and the other rubbing himself
>pull out his cock, stokes it and then takes my hand and wraps it around his cock
>feels nice. hot, both silky and hard
>another guy come in and sits a few rows in front of us
>guy zips up and tells me to follow him
>we walk out or the theater and he tells me he lives up the block
>walk up to an apartment building, he presses the elevator button and we go up to the 12th floor
>nice apartment with a view of the Boston Common
>he sits down on a chair and tells me to take my clothes off
>as I strip he’s rubbing his crotch
>I’m finally naked and he tells me to kneel
>when I do he stands, walks over, opens his pants and pulls his cock out
>first time I can actually see it. cut, 6.5”, not real thick but lots of veins and a HUGE mushroom head
>tells me to put my hands behind my back and open my mouth
>when I do he slowly slides his cock in my mouth
>can immediately taste precum and it’s nice
>he slowly fucks my mouth
>while he’s doing this he takes his shirt off and drops his pants
>get a view of his body… gray chest hair and pubes, flabby body with developing moobs
>there’s a degree of degradation having to service this old man
>every few minutes he pushes his cock as far as he can into my mouth until I gag
>my chin and chest are covered with saliva
>he tells me to go into his bedroom and lay on the bed
>when he comes in he’s carrying a jar of Vaseline
>has me scoot to the edge of the bed and bends my legs back to my chest

>fingers my asshole with the lube
>can feel my asshole getting stretched. At one pint feels like he’s putting his entire hand inside me
>pulls his fingers out, positioned his mushroom cockhead at my asshole and pushes in
>I wince as this knot of a cockhead pushed through my asshole
>he just stays there, cockhead just inside my asshole
>pulls it out again and I can feel my asshole slam shut
>again his pushes into me, just enough to get the cockhead inside my asshole
>pulls out and repeats the process
>finally he pushes all the way in and his cockhead rakes across my prostate
>my cock isn’t even hard but I can feel pressure all the way to the tip of my cock
>he starts fucking me hard now
>I feel like it’s an out-of-body experience, watching this old guy fuck me
>suddenly the pressure builds and I shoot ropes of cum out of my soft cock, covering my stomach
>guy mumbles “nice”, gives a few more thrusts, groans and pushes deep into me as he blows his load
>he pulls out, gets up on the bed, lays above my head and strokes my hair for a few minutes
>tells me we should shower so we walk to the bathroom, cum dripping down my leg
>shower together, get dressed and he walks me to the door
>gives me a kiss and hands me a slip of paper with his phone number
Really felt confused by the whole thing yet the following Friday I was at his door looking to do it again
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I'll share oc in hopes of reviving this thread.

>be around 8
>spending night with 2 year older cousin, his sibling and my siblings as well
>we all sleep in one room with multiple mattresses
>he wakes me up late while everyone was asleep
>tells me to follow him and takes me to the bathroom
>he asks me if I've ever kissed, said no, then asks me if I wanted to
>I say no initially but he's really pushes and eventually give in (he was bigger than me)
>we make out
>terribly, teeth hitting teeth, idfk what I was doing
>after a bit we went back and laid down in our mattress in the dark
>he asks me if I want to try his penis in my ass
>I said yes, got on my belly and let him fuck me
>we reversed roles and I put it in him, I remember it felt warm
>eventually got tired, we played with each other's penises and slept.

Needed this backstory to tell my gay confession. That event wired my anxiety and sexual arousal wires together so now I do risky stuff to get off. Stuff like meeting up with him on a family trip and making him fuck me.
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>be 16
>hormones and porn made me extremely horny
>loved girls, but the rush of that night all those years is incomperable
>felt extremely guilty but I would jack off to the memory and soon fantasies
>Thought it was okay, since they were just fantasies
>summer we take unexpected family trip back to see the cousins after 8 years
>we are staying at my cousins house
>see older cousin after almost a decade, we pretend things never happened between us
>being in the same room with him gave me anxiety, I did not like it but the rush was definitely there
>distant thoughts suddenly started becoming reality as opportunity arose to meet him in private
>one day parents go with my siblings to see an event, older cousin is not going and his siblings are at school
>faked feeling bad so I could stay behind, I was actually going to make him fuck me, as a twisted way of getting revenge for the things he did to me as a kid (my horny ass mental gymnastics)
>Showered as they were leaving, got my ass nice and clean, fingered myself too. I tried last minute shaving but I was inexperienced. My heart was racing.
>The door to the bathroom was wooden and it had a small, but see-through crack down the middle. I swear he was on the other side as I heard footsteps and saw a shadow move when I turned off the water.
>Stepped out of the shower, meet him in his room. Knew his parents were downstairs and wouldn't come up
>He was looking for something, so I made small chat with him while helping him look
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>purposely would bend down and stick my ass out at him. I caught him glancing a couple of times
>He seems to get what is happening, he passes by me as he pretends to look for his thing and "accidently" strokes my ass with his finger.
>I start getting hard
>I made him follow me to the bathroom, the same one he took me when I was a kid
>we were sharing memories as we walked, in the bathroom is when I reminded him that this is where he kissed me
>he looked guilty and shy, but I was fully hard by then and he noticed
>without asking I walk up to him and pull his shorts down and started sucking him off

>I got on my knees and sucked the dick that fucked my sexual life up like a depraved whore
>I sucked until I couldn't stand it anymore and needed his dick in my ass
>I turned around and he started eating my ass
>after lubing me up well, he teases my ass with his cock
>I tell him to put it in, but it's so damn tight it takes a while
>eventually wet enough he could thrust in me easily
>he pounds my ass in the bathroom while his parents are upstairs
>all this time my adrenaline is pumping, I'm getting raped by this man again. And the worse part is that I like it.
>I seduced him, acting innocent and made him tear my ass apart again
>At this extreme state of adrenaline, guilt, shame and pleasure and I cum the hardest i have ever cummed
>He rams me against the wall until he pulls out and is about to cum
>my porn riddled brain kicks in and thinks its the best idea to have him cum in my mouth like the videos
>he does, very yucky feeling and taste.
>We clean up and agree to not talk about this again

Havent seen him since. Afraid to, i don't know if I will lose my control again and fuck and I am married now. I still get pretty dark gay fantasies. Shit almost made me seduce an electrician that I was left home alone with but I chickened out. He did bring me beer and asked me if I was of legal age so I knew he wanted me. Pls forgive my sins.
Went to an adult theater on the 4th. So this older guy, 60? Big dick, stroking. Sucked him a while and went to check out the rest of the place. Not surprisingly, dead. This guy finds me in a different common area, pulls my shorts down (actually it was boxer briefs). He fucked me silly. His cock was perfect, just big enough to get too deep but not unbearable. People kept walking by and watching me take this man's cock. Finally. He wanted me to cum in his mouth. He choked a bit on the volume but fuck..... I'm getting hard writing this
I have an extremely strong interracial, BBC, and BNWO fetish that I constantly think. I generally don't get attracted, in a way that gets me really fucking horny, with anything but black guys or BBC shit. That's pretty weird or guilty pleasure-esque to me.

I've got a female friend who is a snowbunny who always presses me to live the BNWO lifestyle and get blacked etc. It's always really hot. I guess fantasies are always about being enslaved or forced to pay back a debt. That or moving to Jamaica or the Carribean and becoming some guy's houseslave on the beach permanently.
>Went to an adult theater
I guess my confession is I'm married and I frequent the adult theater nearby. Mostly Saturday afternoons. I've had as many as 6 guys fuck me (with condoms) in an afternoon and I've become addicted to the attention and being used all day by random men, some sticking around for a couple hours to fuck me multiple times. I have to fight every urge in me to become a cumdump and let them cum in me cause that's what I really, really want, just know it's not safe.
>Back when i was 15 or 16 I would see my 40 y/o uncle sleeping on the bed next to my room, completely shirtless.
>At the same time that room is where my game station is, so I had to play vidya on mute just to don't disturb him. I knew I was gay at the time but I paid no attention to him because he's literally my uncle
> Saw a glimpse of his abs and got a raging hard on. He was working in carpentry, so his body is really ripped. I'm so in love with him that I started cooking for him once he gets home and offer to wash his clothes.
>Hesitant at first but he gave me his dirty laundry. Said he owes me a lot and I would get cash allowance.
> I once slept beside him when I repainted my own room.
>He's on my left side, I gently rub my legs against his and put my head on his biceps. His body feels like a warm nice hug. Got a hard on all night long.
>Tried to touch his abs, but I'm afraid he would wake up, so I snuggled a bit to let it rub against my thigh. At that point I was probably leaking precum.
>Next day, he told me he had to hug me while sleeping because he was cold from the A/C and he was lazy to turn it off (jokingly)

I took a pic of him once when he was changing ( I almost busted myself because I thought the flash was on) And saved it on my phone. I had to jack myself to his pic for days.
Mostly feel guilty about looking at gay porn and the idea I'm turned on by this. I want to do it sometimes, but I'm in a straight relationship and don't want to make the worst mistake of my life.

So I've turned to things like crossdressing and sucking myself off as outlets, but I'm often thinking about doing more.
mental illness
Can't really disagree. Oh well, what's one more.
I'm in a straight relationship and when I'm done getting fucked the last thing I think about is "That was the worst mistake of my life." Shit makes me feel alive, can't help it.
He's definitely gay and him sleeping shirtless was to impress you because he knew you were gay.
I used to date a guy who admitted that he'd been getting fucked by his bio dad since his mid-teens, and that he'd even cheated on me with the guy.

He stopped short of saying he'd been molested, but clearly felt guilty and conflicted about the whole thing. When he confessed it to me, it seemed like he... idk, wanted me to somehow put a stop to it? Even though he claimed it was consensual? Either by rejecting/dumping him to shock him out of it, or by taking control and telling him it that he had to stop and be exclusive with me?

Instead, I found it insanely hot, and actively encouraged it. Drew a lot of lewd details out of him, convinced him that he shouldn't feel so ashamed of it, and gave my permission for it to continue. I eventually landed some hot threesomes with the two of them.

I feel pretty guilty about pushing the guy deeper into such an unhealthy/dysfunctional relationship just to satisfy my own fetishes. But on the other hand, he seemed really relieved that I didn't judge him and gave him permission to be a degen, basically?
least insane 4chan user
I hope he gets better. Don't feel bad, you pushing it was not in bad spirit because he said it was consensual between them.

I hate to admit too, I felt feelings towards my dad when I saw his old photos when he was younger. It got to a point where I get hard on whenever his face crosses my mind. I hated it and started cutting myself to clear my thoughts. He was emotionally unavailable and work-busy type, and maybe that lead to me wanting "closer relationship" with him, but now I'm fine and moved on.
When I was 25, I used to work for Amtrak as a sleeping car attendant taking care of my passengers. It’s summertime and the train is full of people on a three day trip to Chicago. After we left LA, I went around and introduced myself to All of my passengers. I got to this wide room that had these two passengers that were riding in a suite. I’d say they were in there mid to late forties to 50s in age. They asked me if I could get them some glasses and ice and also asked if I would be on there for the trip with them. I said I would and yes, I would be on all the way to Chicago, what happened to be where they are also going to. I went and got there requested supplies brought it back in for the first time career they gave me $100 tip! I said well let me know if there’s anything I can do for him and then I left, That evening, they were the last ones who were still up there went to sleep. I can come and make their room up for the evening. Made the bed need anything else it kind of looked me up and down smiled asked me what time I got off work. Let them know my work was done after I got through putting down their beds. What guys offered I wasn’t doing anything stop by I have a drink with them. I told him maybe I’ll have to see. After I left them, I went to my room and sat in there. These guys are really coming on me. Must straight guy, but it’s getting really aroused thinking about the way they looked at me. I went and showered like I usually do before I go to bed. Around midnight, you should do my last walk to the car and I came back by their room and the door was cracked. I see the light on so I knocked open up the curtain. I told him maybe just a night cap before I go to bed. They let me in the room and I sat down on the other side where they’re still seating. Some wine. Well, I toasted to the trip. After they open up the second bottle of wine I was really feeling it. Getting buzzed. What guys behind me start massaging my shoulders.
Continued… want the guys in front of me his hands on my knees looking at my eyes. Started tongue kissing. In my head I kept thinking what the hell am I doing? They started taking his clothes off in front of me. After all past down immediately in my mouth starts sucking cock. Soon we had all of our clothes off, and I was sandwiched between these two guys in the bed. I stayed in there with them for about an hour fucking each others cocks And I swallowed my first load. I ended up staying with these guys at their hotel in Chicago Before I head back on the train at home to my wife. I end up getting together with these guys either one of them or both of them for the next couple years.
Fitting picrel, OP. My first experiences were with a youth Pastor at church. I was 14, chubby bubble butt blonde, no attention from girls or boys and he and I were always close, lots of contact growing up until one day he started rubbing my neck (which he did a lot) and kissed me, shit took off fast from there. He was my first everything, in his later 40s, hairy, outdoorsy type, beautiful, thick, 6" cock. Fucked each other regularly in his office, the youth group storage room, and various hotel rooms and cabins for youth group retreats. Hooked up a few times through college when I was home but once I started fucking guys my age I kinda lost interest. He died a few years ago. I went to the funeral, still see his wife at church when we go on the rare occassion.
I have so many fantasies about old ugly fat men using me and enslaving me. Obviously I’m not straight but I’m not into men either, I think it’s a result of low self esteem or whatever, but my dream fantasy is to have a revolving door of 20 or so bears come into a hotel room one at a time and have them do whatever they want to me while I have to cater to them, even if I don’t really want it
Raised by a single, thick short latina (5'5, 156 lbs). Had phimosis, mom used to massage my foreskin after showering together until 7th grade. Now addicted to chubby gilfs with fat pussies.
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I've also got a hot uncle. He was my first gay crush when I hit puberty, which was very confusing. And I was bad at hiding it too, but luckily he just seemed to think it was cute.

He teased me about it in private, but in a jokey/encouraging way rather than a mocking one. I guess you could say he was maybe grooming me, but I don't think he was serious back then, he never got physical.

He didn't seem to get genuinely interested until I was about 16, when I'd grown into a bona fide twink and had started getting brave enough to flirt back. Went back and forth like that for about a year before he finally let me get in his pants.

I've never really had a good feel for how taboo uncle/nephew stuff is, at least among gay guys? I've only told a couple guys I know IRL about it, and some of them reacted positively, like they thought it was hot or at least relatively tame compared to other kinks. Others acted like it was a big fucking deal that must've had some deep unseen effects on me.
>I've never really had a good feel for how taboo uncle/nephew stuff is, at least among gay guys?
Taboo or not, if I could have gotten my uncle to breed me I'd have been a very happy nephew. He was so hot af, omg
>be me, slim twink with long hair and shaved body hair
>had some gynecomastia so without pecs it looks like i have small titties
>previous roommate's gf left some lingerie in the room he used to occupy
>i got the idea to put it on to pretend to be a girl on chatroulette
>it works, most men i get seem to be into it
>some ask if i'm a boy but either most don't realize or don't care
>would do anything they ask short of showing my face or non-existent pussy
>made a bunch of pervy old men from around the world cum
>one time i got a guy i knew from a class
>tall, overweight, very hairy, nerdy, with a beard
>he started speaking dirty to me and ordering me around
>danced for him, fingered my ass, etc.
>got rock hard and it was getting hard to hide
>he started begging for me to show him my pussy
>said fuck it and showed him my big veiny hard throbbing penis
>he stops masturbating and stared blindly into the camera for like 10 seconds
>i panicked and closed the chat
>wasn't close to him and never even tried to get to know him after that

Nowadays I'm a muscular masc vers guy and I enjoy it, but sometimes I fantasize about going back to my old habit.
get out of this thread your cousin was not molesting you while he was two fucking years old you retard
Heya! 25/M/Germany with uncut BWC here. "Straight" but fantasies...

kik sadboi138 or snap: marce_soc
Yet another incest confession. My brother's been fucking me since we were teenagers.

He's "straight," and we've gone through countless repetitions of this cycle where his guilt catches up with him and he says that we've gotta stop, for really real, this is the last time, no but for real.

But sooner or later, his horniness always catches back up with him... usually cause he's going through a breakup or a rough patch with whatever girl he's dating, but sometimes it's just outta nowhere... and he'll find some excuse to get alone with me and bend me over yet again.

A few years ago he got married to a girl after he knocked her up, and right before the wedding we did another one of his "this is the last time okay" things, and I thought maybe it really would be that time. But nope! Apparently they're miserable with each other and not even having any sex at all, so he's been wanting to me to help him out more lately than he has since we were teenagers.
Fuck that's hot.... did he cum inside you? :3
What's your relationship with your uncle like now? He still fucking you?
Describe both of you please
Sometimes when I go to the bathhouse with my bf I sneak off to the urinals to drink random strangers piss. He's germophobic and kinda judgy so I just keep this fetish to myself and indulge when I'm being a little slut, as a treat.
can you not fucking read? 2 years older
>guilt cycle
>this is the last time okay
If I had a dollar for every time Dad told me that...
i want to suck my best friends cock
I'm a closet bifag. He's straight.

We hang out almost every week.

I know he has a big dick.

How do I blow him without ruining the friendship?
>How do I blow him without ruining the friendship?
You always run that risk, bud. I blew a few of my buddies growing up and some stayed friends, some got weirded out and didn't. Can't avoid it, really. If he sticks around, it gets really fun tho...
long relationship 15+ years with a girl, love her to death but
I've been bi always and she knows but she doesn't want to share
still, couple times a year I arrange a gangbang for myself
I manage to get 3-5 daddies to have their way with me for the whole night. It's easy for me since I'm hot and been pushing my hard limits so these perverts can't wait to get a piece of me.
I started when I was 17 and I don't think I'll ever stop
>couple times a year I arrange a gangbang for myself
>started when I was 17 and I don't think I'll ever stop
I did my first one at 16 and got hooked on them and put one together whenever I had an itch. Haven't had one since college and I'm married with kids and I'm fucking dying to be used up like I used to be.
I know what you mean.
Sometimes I tell myself 'this is the last time' and then I don't do it for a couple of years but then it catches up with me.
It becomes all I can think of, to a point where I obviously stare at my collages in wc when pissing and I have a constant hard on and fantasies about being fucked stupid. It usually makes me agree to new pervy stuff to try.
>Fuck that's hot.... did he cum inside you? :3
Yep lol. He's actually the only guy who's ever bred me. With guys my own age I'm mostly a top, and I used rubbers with the few exceptions.

>What's your relationship with your uncle like now? He still fucking you?
Me and my uncle still have a solid relationship and get along just fine, but I've got a steady boyfriend who I'm exclusive with, so it's been a few years since me and my uncle hooked up. There's definitely still sexual tension there, but I'm not the sort to cheat and he's not the sort who would encourage me to cheat, especially since he actually likes the guy I'm dating.
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You can't drop that and not elaborate, anon. Give us the deets.
Give us the deets.
>started when I was really little
>he'd lay on the floor in his underwear
>I'd lay on his chest, under his arm
>said one day I started playing with his dick as it poked through his boxers
>as I got older he taught me how to stoke, holding my hand on his dick
>I think he cummed the first time about 7 or 8
>just never stopped me, considered it our time since I always said it was fun when he asked
>"our secret" never told anyone growing up so he figured I wanted to keep going
>i remember I knew it was wrong and I'd get in trouble
>but I liked doing it, looked forward to it
>couldn't wait until after dinner TV
>11 or 12 I should be thinking about boys but I just want to get over to my dads
>spoils me, my room at his house is fucking awesome
>12ish I just leaned down as I was stroking him and started sucking him
>it'd been all I thought about and was afraid if I asked he'd say no
>serious post-nut clarity, says we need to stop, I'm crying
>thought he'd like it, he storms off
>next morning he apologizes for reacting like that but we can't do that again
>spend the rest of my teen years shamelessly rapebaiting and luring my dad's cock back into my mouth
>every couple weeks he breaks down, comes into my room late at night, says this is really the last time and we suck each other off
>never speak of it during the day
>move in after graduation, start dating a guy shortly after, Dad hates him
>turns into a petty, jealous dick trying to control and ruin my life and relationships
>come home from my bf's house one night and he practically rapes me, fucks me for the first time
>finally "gives me what I want"
>I let him, obviously
>could have been nicer about it
>move out at 20 cause he makes my life fucking miserable being a dick
>could have been fun the whole time but he ruined it
>he's dead now, drank himself to death a few years after I skipped town with my Mom and moved down south
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Sorry to hear it went so poorly and that you lost him over it, anon.

I was curious cause I've got a fuckbuddy who has admitted to having a sexual relationship with his own dad. His case seems to have gone better than yours, he still has a positive relationship with his dad, but from what he's described they've also struggled with a lot of "guilt cycles", shame, and jealousy issues. I guess drama is to be expected from such a taboo and inherently imbalanced relationship.
I can't imagine any of it working out well. I don't regret having sex with him, I regret him not being a Dad first and maybe when I was older, make it happen then. Not ruin a little kid. Obviously, it fucked me up.
i sorta had semi sex with my direct cousin
well no penetration but it was really wild
i will say this is not fictional and i just like to come on here and post about it from time to time just to "relieve" myself
That's not uncommon at all anon..
i never said it was
it's just a really dark secret of mine that i obviously cant tell anyone about
Tell us about how it started
we were around 14 and 15, grew up in a very conservative area, and at the time, internet and smart phones werent that common to have
he was always acting macho (wanting to pick fights, strong arming everything) but ig half of it was him lashing out cause he has very dysfunctional abusive parents
i was the nerdy scrawny goody two shoes kid
we were very close and he moved to a place down the block from where i lived back then so we were always hanging out
we played in the neighborhood together and our parents always took both of us together on family outings
as kids, you talk about kids shit like TV, games, etc.. but obv when you hit puberty, sex talks come up just as often
i was super shy and uncomfortable with anything sex related because i was a sheltered stupid only child, i didnt even learn how to jack off properly till later in my childhood
when sex came up, with other friends or not, he was obviously way more aware, but it was hetero sex talk, like (i saw this videos of girls in bikinis going hugging this guy and pressing themselves into him, it was so awesome) or (man i wish that teacher would jerk me off)
i usually just nodded along because the experience of talking about sex, with someone, irl, was so wild to me, a person who's nb. 1 sexual content was from a dirty erotic book i found at the local library
this would go on innocently for a while, during which i would come to watch porn for the first time and learn how to jerk off properly, and would tell him about videos i watched from time to time
the catalyst for the sex stuff was another cousin we had who we would see occasionally when we went to the farm house his family owned. he was 2 years older than him and more sexually experienced (aka watched more porn)
now, both of these guys are 100% straight i'm sure, but being a sexually frustrated kid can lead you to do some of this stuff ig. what happened was, during one of these sex talks, while we were out in the woods, the topic derailed to-
-comparing dicks and who was the biggest or something like that, i dont remember this part clearly because i was very fucking hard and excited to hear sex stuff. as a guy who didnt even know what gay meant back then, i didnt realize i wanted to have sex with them/ touch them, but i was very pent up.
eventually, we all wound up whipping out our dicks and jerking them off casually, which i was unable to process at the time. they both sorta checked each other out and held each other's dicks for a second while i was too afraid to do anything. when i felt that the moment was gonna pass i quickly reached out and grabbed my cousin's (the one this story is about) dick and stroked it for a bit, at which the older guy commented "wow, look at how eager he is". a minute later, we would hear a noise, someone was coming, and we all tucked out dicks back in our pants and pretended like nothing happened.
fast forward to back were we lived, me and my cousin continued our normal routine, but the sex talks now had more edge to them. but since we didnt have anywhere private to actually do anything, we never did or talked about it.
one day, when were both coming back home from a football game at midnight, he started talking about this move he saw in a porn video where the girl held the guy's dick and balls from behind and made him march in front of her. after a bit of chit chat ("how did she do it?", "i kinda really wanna see how"), he agreed to show me in the ground floor of my building (my house was the one we reached first on the way back). and he did show me, when we were sure there was no one around, he did it rather suddenly by grabbing me from between my legs from behind and pulling on my genitals. he then pushed me in front of him and made waddle for a bit.
i laughed but it hurt a bit, but the sexual gratification was off the charts. there was two large wall mirrors on the ground floor, which meant i could see myself being toyed with and it turned me on ever more-
-.after he let go, i asked if i could do the same to him and he agreed reluctantly. so i did, i grabbed his package from behind like he did to me and i was so excited i dont remember how it actually felt, but he lightly pushed me away saying i was tugging too hard.
after we both did it, we kinda of stoof in silence for a moment before i worked up the courage to say that felt good, to which he nodded nonchalantly. i asked if he wanted to try something more, and he said he's down. so we went to the roof room pulled down out pants to play with each other's dicks. i was so happy ngl. his dick was medium length but he was thick, and he smelled (which i found out after i smelled my hand later) musky. we did it for like 10 min before we both got freaked out someone will catch us, pulled out pants up, he said goodbye and left while i want back home. i was so fucking terrified my mom will know i did something dirty, my heart was beating so hard it hurt, but i was able to play it cool by just thinking hard about Digimon (i loved that show) as to not behave or act weirdly
and that's how it started anon >>2633116
>>met a guy through an online group for married bi guys
where are these groups?
They were the old Yahoo groups. I belonged to three. One was local to my area, the other two were national.
AOL Chat and Yahoo Chat Groups got me so much dick back in the day. It really was a golden era.
>obviously stare at my collages
If my coworkers only knew what they do to me in my head lol
man... when i was 16 i used to find all sorta of randos to sext with on kik
i felt guilty about it everytime so i decided to stop
but obviously after a while, the urge got to strong and i got on there again and i was so horny, i happened to find the perfect daddy who praised me and was just so hot i ended up sending him so many pics with my face in them. only time i ever did it
Trying to convince one of my straight friends to sleep with me how do you guys do it?

Long story short
> be me
> masc 25 top
> met this married 46 year old guy at
> call him friend A
> short (5’5”), scruffy, cute, small belly, country boy guy.
> talked to him
> he’s homophobic…but
> find out a lot of things check off the in denial or dl gay man or bi curious labels
> asked around
> turns out I have another friend who was related to him
> friend B tells me that friend A’s father and many people thought he was gay because he couldn’t get a girlfriend or wasn’t committed to a relationship despite being a traditional man
> friend B also thought he was gay too because he doesn’t seem committed to being with a woman
> find out from friend A that in his past he had a difficult time finding girls because of his height
> but he loved being out with his guy friends more because he grew up in the country side and like hunting and fishing
> one day he was sharing his story about himself and he was on the verge of tears
> found a blind spot and I hugged him
> really liked it
> “I like it when men are open about themselves it’s hard to let go your manhood and be vulnerable like that, thank you anon”

Get him alone and try being honest with him.
Tell him I think he’s gay?

There’s a few situations I think can happen if I do that but honestly I would rather wait for him to make a move first because despite being homophobic I still care about him and what he got going on any way to convert him to seeing gay people as acceptable?
If you can start rapebating him. Wear less, find reasons to be alone, that kind of shit. His homophobia is likely cause he's a self loathing faggot that needs to get the cum fucked out of him.
I finally opened up to my wife about this. She now encourages me to find a nice cock and gets so turned on when I let her watch
Enjoy aids.
Really good friend in college was straight, knew I was Bi before pretty much anyone else. Was one of the first people I told.

He gained a pretty decent amount of weight through the first few years of college. Was a handsome guy and I was very into bigger bear type guys so I thought it was super hot but it made him get girls a lot less than he did at the beginning.

Very drunk together once during a big slump for him, he was complaining about it and how horny he was and I joked that I’d put a sheet up between my closet door and the rest of my room a glory hole him. Was very surprised when he just kinda shrugged and said fuck it and agreed.

Ended up sucking him like that basically once a week at least for months until he eventually just let us forgo the sheet. Eventually started fucking me too.
Might go out drinking with him soon this month

What should I ask or find out?
Get him drunk. Get him alone.
The real question is what do you want?
If you want to fuck him, try to get his attention on your dick.
If you want to suck him, too, offer to blow him.
If you're drunk and alone - if it's gonna happen it'll happen. Just gotta roll with it.
Has anything sprung up to replace them?
A lot of groups moved from Yahoo to groups.io but I never looked over there.
>old Yahoo groups
They were great. While I was entirely too young to be using it, it helped me find my first Daddy. While I went looking for it, they were wholly unpoliced and so many kids were taken advantage of. I wanted to be taken advantage of, but still. Parents didn't know what they were dealing with.
Hi, sorry if my post is off topic for the whole board, but there is something about me I've realized and I'd like to share and also ask for opinions.
I'm normally a straight guy (only been with women), who happens have a latex fetish. One of my fantasies is to get dressed fully in latex (head to toes) and make out with another guy who is likewise dressed. No skin on skin contact, but feel each other through latex, and ideally engage in oral and anal (again, with cocks in latex sheaths etc). I am not at all aroused by the looks or touch of men if they're not fully clad in latex.
How stupid would it be to go around looking for gay men with similar fetishes and expect them to indulge in such a fantasy with me?
There's a whole latex community out there and I'm sure people would be more than willing to engage so its not really stupid to have that as a fantasy. But I'm a bit disturbed by what you're saying, you're clearly a somewhat straight man that wants to have sex with other men in full latex, no skin contact. It seems to me that you're using this latex fetish as a way to allow yourself to engage in homo fantasies without "technically" doing it
Perhaps you are right. I am not denying that I have had homosexual fantasies, or that I've masturbated to guys. But thinking about my actual self doing it with a guy just doesn't work.
I do have a very real latex fetish though and often I even prefer to see women dressed in it than have them naked. But in any case, I think I'm ok if indulging in this leads to me wanting to have proper gay sex.
Not sure if I'm making much sense, but thank you for replying and reading into what I said over there.
I can't tell you how many kids I told to get out these groups/chats. I was older and when asked how old hey were, they were saying 12, 15, 16. They may have been larping but I told them to get out of there fast.
>2 years older
the same as saying two year old or someone who has two years of age you esl nonce
I have a huge CNC fantasy, I am a submissive bottom that has never gotten to live out a total submission. BDSM isn't quite enough, I want to be overpower and used and left leaking.

The problem is, you can't force the willing unless you are extraordinarily aggressive and I just haven't found that beast yet.
I have a huge exhibition kink, I never do anything that makes strangers involved in my kink in anyway they are aware of. For instance I love swallowing a load in a car and then walking into a crowd with cum in my mouth. Or getting fucked and taking a load in my ass then walking through a crowd with cum still falling out of me.
>I have a huge exhibition kink
>*rambles about non-exhibitionistic behaviour*

>be me, 25-ish, chubby complete virgin
>my only sexual release was jerking with guys on flingster
>preferred older, hairy stocky men
>one night come across this sexy daddy bear, didn't show face, but had an insanely hot, deep voice
>didn't want to get naked on flingster tho
>he's looking for submissive cubs to play with on skype
>up until then, only preferred to cum on flingster and go, didn't really connect with any of the men, but this daddy made me so insanely horny that i gave him my skype and agreed to a jerk session
>we add each other
>i get into position on my bed - legs spread, cock hard and oiled up
>skype rings
>i answer
>see his glorious beefy naked hairy body, sitting on a chair, thick thighs spread apart
>cock wasn't long, but it was a bit on the thicker side, and he was uncut with a big, thick bush
>"oh fuck daddy i want that cock so much"


>start furiously masturbating to that magnificent sight
>daddy tells me to slow down, since we're just getting started
>tells me to spread my legs as much as i can, and to play with my hairy hole for him
>trying to do that while still hiding my face from view was kinda tough, but i still did what he asked
>i only massaged my asshole a bit, and maybe put in the tip of my finger, but he really liked it
>daddy strokes his cock slowly, he's getting really hard and thick
>"oh, fuck yeah, whose hole is that?"
>"all yours, daddy"
>he picks up his pace and starts grunting
>i try to play with my hole and jerk off at the same time
>start telling him how id spend all night sucking his thick hairy cock, how horny he makes me, how i crave his sperm
>this pushes him over the edge
>gets up from his chair, approaches the webcam, pointing his cock directly towards it
>"open your mouth, slut"
>horny fag brain takes over, but i show only my mouth and my stuck out tongue to him
>he shot out three huge loads in succession, and then a few little spurts
>grunting and yelling "oh fuck oh fuck"
>i cum all over my beard as i was hunched over the laptop
>we both just collapse back into our seats, thank each other, then end the call
>half an hour later, we did this again

kept jerking with him for two years, wanted to meet irl so bad, since he lived like an hour away, but he was married to a woman and didn't want to cheat

oh well
There's Sniffies, retarded name I know. It's blatantly for cruising and hooking up so some of the mystery is gone. But still, give it a try
In my area at least...
>bottoms everywhere
So much so that I can be super picky and still get a hookup just about anytime.
Gotta be a bummer to be a gross bottom in a sea of bottoms tho.
>be me, 22yo and hard closeted
>had plenty of internet hookups but always felt gross after and wanted to move away from them
>enter LGBT bar
>living in Nola so there are a few of them, went to the least obvious one I could think of so if I saw someone I knew I could deny knowing
>music venue/bar with LGBT ties
>go in to just watch a band and see what happens
>chatting up group of people, getting tipsy myself
>in between sets place is more of a bar then a venue
>in the bathroom peeing, typical nola writing all over the walls. Unusually high amounts of phone #s
>glory hole in the 1 stall that comes from the urinals in the open
>back to the group of people I had just met, explain my surprise at the chaos of the bathroom
>informs me that the party starts after midnight
>Last band finished after 11, pretty tipsy myself but now I wanna see what a party is like
>close to midnight, now drunk and only 1 of the people I met before is still there
>guy sees certain person go into the bathroom, says okay the party is starting if you want to see
>bathroom light is now red
>we both go in and the stall door is open but there is a guy kneeled infront of the hole
>guy in his knees is young and super buff and says I can go wherever I like
>step into stall and close the door, unzip my pants and he starts blowing me
>good/10 head, someone else walks in bathroom and sticks their dick in the glory hole
>guy starts sucking us both
>few minutes and people have come and gone out of the bathroom, some people just pee and leave and one or two other stop and watch
>guy on his knees opens the stall and another guy comes in and stands next to me
>He's now blowing 3 dicks at the same time
>realize I'm not gonna get enough attention to finish, start jerking myself off, also kinda whiskey dick
>tell him about to cum, he makes strong eye contact and takes my dick when I start to nut in his mouth
>swallow my load with ease and keeps blowing the other 2

Good time, haven't been there post pandemic
>living in Nola
>glory hole in the 1 stall that comes from the urinals in the open
>implying this isn't every gay bar in New Orleans
>fun times down on the bayou
>student at community college in the city
>late Friday afternoon
>go into bathroom to take a shit
>shet the stall door and there is a sketch on the door
>as good as you'd see in a porn magazine
>guy on his back getting fucked by another guy
>scale, shading, effects all great (school of art is down the street, so...)
>start frequenting that bathroom, checking the other stalls incase Picasso returns
>one day sitting there stroking while looking at the piece of work
>hear someone come in
>stop and wait
>guy is taking a long time at the sink so decide I should leave
>zip up and open the stall door
>"like the sketch?"
>guy standing there is a few years older than me, blond, good looking in a gay way
>"what sketch"
>yeah, busted
>"go back in"
>he sort of backs me into the stall, shuts and bolts the door
>"do you like it"
>tell him I do
>he tells me to pick my feet off the floor, unzips his pants and pulls his cock out
>average size, uncut, skin is a lot darker than him but cockhead is red/purple
>he says to open up, I do and he puts in my mouth
>first time having a cock in my mouth so not sure what to do so he fucks my mouth
>takes his time but eventually shoots a nice amount in my mouth
>tells me to swallow. I do
>we clean up, he opens the stall door and scopes out the bathroom
>exchange numbers
>every Friday afternoon for three weeks I suck his cock
>4th week he gives me his address and we start meeting at his apartment
>at end of
i gave head to a man who was about to marry his girlfriend.

i am a 21 years old guy in italy, i live on the extreme southern side, many people in italy are tall, burly or bears and dad bods and it feels like a fever dream to me, except that not many of them are straight. My friend decided to make me meet his brother, a 34 years old man who had been in jail and in a few words he’s hostyle, he is burly, strong arms and legs but a slight belly. One day my friend decided to invite his brother with us as we were hanging out and we started to know each other. he is pretty serious and intimidating but he also treated me nice after my friend told him that i was gay, i thought that it was probably because i wasn’t gonna be a threat for his sister. He told me that he was gonna get marries sooner and that he wanted a baby and stuff, i was disappointing into knowing that because i really wanted to fuck him so bad, but to put it short he stated asking me how does it feels to be gay and stuff and sometimes later he admitted that he felt a weird arousal when he was around smaller and weaker guys, so i had the bold idea to tell him that he should try it out, he refuses but after a week he asked me for a blowjob, needless to say that i accepted quickly and blew him. We went to his house and he sat on the corner of his bed and made me kneel between his huge tights, when i starte sucking him and rubbing my tongue against the underside of his cock he tries to suppress whimpers and moans and praised me multiple times until he came. after he told me that i’m amazing but he should watch out for his girlfriend. it’s been a week now and i wonder if i should invite him over and have more than just a blowjob
just come to south italy
For years I was a married guy who played with other guys. It was difficult getting guys who could host. After my wife died I decided I was going to be the host, specifically for married guys. I went through craigslist and doublelist and a few others looking for married guys looking to hook up, met them for coffee and, if we were comfortable, would hook up at my house. I was upfront about seeing multiple guys but stressed they were all married.

I had a wide range of guys. Tops, bottoms, big, small, dom, sub. I was vers so it didn't matter to me. Some guys called once a year and said it was time to scratch the itch. Other guys called and asked how many times I could see them next week. A couple of guys kept their feminine clothes at my place to play in.
>but stressed they were all married.
Honestly they're just better. Always have full balls cause their wives ain't blowing them, I might as well.
Many years ago I fucked my girlfriends little brother.

>Be me around 18 or 19yo, skinny tall with blonde hair.
>have gf of a few months but the relationship is in its dying phase
>she has a brother, skinny, short twink with longish curly hair
>they live with their mom in this big house on the edge of the town.
>one day I get sweet talked by her mom into coming around and cleaning the roof gutters on that house.
>I get there one summer day to do it. GF is at some summer camp working as a counsellor for the kids.
>get greeted by the mom, "here's the ladder, thank you for helping yadda yadda"
>as Im about halfway through the job she comes around to tell me she has to leave for a work emergency and to grab anything from the fridge if im hungry or anything.
>when Im reach the little brothers window, I take a peep as I walked up the ladder and what dont I see, bro, only in his socks, with his laptop on his bed playing gay porn and him on his knees next to the bed bouncig on a pretty big dildo.
>watch him for a while and get hard thinking how he has a nicer ass than my gf.
>try to get down off the ladder quietly but I manage to knock the bucket on the windowsill and he notices me.
>quickly get down pretending I didnt just see him ram 9 inches of plastic up his ass and put away the ladder, clean the bucket, etc.
>go inside to grab my stuff and hes in the kitchen looking embarrassed.
>asks how much I have seen
>"If you dont tell anyone Ill suck your cock"
>that caught me off guard but I get hadr again and he sees
>he flirted with me before and groped my cock once before when I was drunk (told him no back then because things with gf were good then)
>pretend to think about it for a moment and then say yes
>he takes me by my hand and basicaly drags me to his room
>porn still on, box of toys in the middle of the room
>sit on a chair and he gets on his knees immediately
>takes my shorts off and Im already almost fully hard, slick with pre


>he doesent hesitate and starts sucking on my cock right away
>starts with the tip, sucks and licks the precum away then moves down my shaft
>damn hes good at it
>he proceeds to give me the best head of my life up to that point.
>no teeth which is impressive because Im pretty thick
>he can take me about 3/4 of the way and he spends some time there, proding the back of his throat then popping back up for air drooling all over my cock
>pretty soon Im close so I tell him
>he lets me out of his mouth with a pop
>"fuck youre good at that"
>he just laughs and asks if I want more
>obviously "yes"
>he stands up and gets on all 4 on his bed, arching his back and spreading his smooth ass
>walk over to him and hes still slick from before.
>slide my cock in
>can feel him tense up a bit so i pull back
>"dont stop, just make me take it"
>jesus christ this guy
>push back in, this time hard
>I start fucking him, hard and fast going in, then slowly pulling almost all the way out
>quickly picking up pace untill Im pounding this little twink into oblivion
>doggy turns into face down ass up with me pounding away and him stroking his cock
>when I feel im close i tell him and he tells me to cum inside
>I continue fucking and pump 5 or 6 ropes in him
>slow down a bit but hes still jerking so I continue thrusting
>a few seconds later he tenses up and cums all over his bed.

We keep this a secret (obviously) and I geel really bad untill I find out my GF fucked 2 guys in the summer camp and we break up.

Lil bro ended up going to the same city for college as me and we hooked up a few times then too.
I had 2-3 tell me their marriages got better since they were getting their sexual needs taken care of and sex (or lack thereof) was taken off the table.
op died of being gay halfway through this post
Sorry, that was the end. I cut and paste and cut and pasted a little too much.

However I did go on and get fucked at this guy's apartment.
poast that part man
I don't doubt it. It's a confidence thing. They leave us feeling good, feeling like men. I'm sure that confidence and boost bleeds over into other aspects of life, ya know? And knowing that resentment to their wife is gone cause he's getting drained - never thought about that. It's hot af.
Saw that in my marriage. Once the expectation of sex in a marriage is removed (and you're getting it elsewhere), you can live with a lot of other things.
>start meeting at his apartment about three blocks from the school
>at first it's just me walking in, him dropping trou, me sucking his cock and him blowing in my mouth
>one day I show up and he's naked
>light hair on his in-shape body
>contrast with his dark cock is a real turn-on
>suggests we'd be more comfortable on the bed
>I strip down and go to town on him and only takes a few minutes for him to cum
>he encourages me to jerk off and I do
>next week we're naked on the bed again and we start making out
>really nice
>we're playing with each other's cocks and he tells me to roll on my side
>he big-spoon cuddles with me, biting my ear, kissing my neck
>tells me he's going to put his cock in my ass
>tell him I've never done that before
>he grabs some lube and puts his finger in my ass. also coarts his cock
>he's still kissing and biting me
>he tries to put it in several times but no luck
>on one attempt while trying to get it in, he cums
>lets me jerk off before I go
>next week same routine but this time he tells me to get on my stomach
>lubes me but this time he puts his full weight on me and impales me with his cock
>both of us groan
>he alternates between a slow, intimate fuck making me feel every inch of his cock and a ball-slapping pounding
>all the while telling me how good my hole feels
>when he finally cums it's a feeling of sexual ecstasy, but disappointment that he's finished
>he rolls off me and I jerk off faster than I have ever done before

I eventually moved into his apartment and basically became his sex slave. His libido was unbelievable and fucked me at least five times a week plus BJ's twice as much.
is a fuzzy concept in relationships of power
boss-employee, clergy-layperson, and parent-child
>gave him permission to be a degen
there are two degens in your story
the guy you dated was victimized by both
the reason there is taboo porn is because it's an outlet for there being taboos irl
Had a similar encounter with my sister's bf when he was at our house. When i came down from my room my sis was in the bathroom and he was on the couch scrolling through his phone.

When i passed by i noticed the grindr notification on his phone. I confronted him about it of course and he just said he was experimenting and of course begged me not to tell my sister. Told him I wouldn't tell if he let me suck him off. I wasn't attracted to him or anything but the idea was thrilling honestly.

I got back to my room and after 10 minutes he followed me there. He dropped his pants and boxers and showed his dick. It was average and nothing special but it's good enough I immediately got on my knees and sucked him for five minutes until he came into my mouth and i swallowed. He said I was pretty good at this and I did like it.

We hooked up a couple of weeks later and continued doing so a couple of times until he broke up with my sis (for unrelated reasons) I felt guilty about it but i'd be lying if I said i didn't enjoy it.
>basically became his sex slave
unless he physically prevented you from leaving, it was consensual and you were a prostitute, not a slave
you were an adult, presumably, and you received a housing benefit
how much rent did you save during that time?
that's how much he paid you basically
>Told him I wouldn't tell if he let me suck him off.
haha you extortionist little bitch you
you see it as extortion I see it as seizing an opportunity
I got gangbanged once. It was my biggest fantasies. It was very disappointing and i blame fraternity x for getting my hopes up
Alright, don't get your undies twisted. Stayed there on my own, paid my own rent. he just used me whenever he wanted and yes it was consensual.
lol, why no greentext
like he said it was disappointing
yeah but i still want to know
>Be me, 14
>Parents signed me up for after-school club that took place for an hour after the school day ends (3pm to 4pm) for the entire school year.
>Start skipping it because why the fuck would I want to still be in school for an extra hour?
>Eventually get kicked out, but I couldn't tell my parents
>Had an idea to just chill at the community center (which had a gym) for an hour to make my parents think I was in the club
>Hanging out in the gym locker room to kill time because I never exercised while I was there for entire school year.
>All of the other gym members were older dudes, so they didn't give a fuck as long as I wasn't annoying.
>locker room was empty most of the time, obviously because all of the guys are exercising
>Get horny, because 14 and hormones
>Decide to snoop around in the lockers of the other guys, since most of them didn't use locks.
>Would take their underwears and sniff them, occasionally even putting the crotch part in my mouth.
>Would do this daily, rubbing one out once, sometimes twice a day

>Eventually I get caught by this older mid 50s arab dude
>Just gives me this death stare while I put the underwear back in the locker
>Sit in the corner awkwardly wondering what the fuck am I doing???
>He goes to take a shower, fully naked because older guys just do that.
>Hairy as fuck chest, stomach, and cock.
>Cock was meaty and thicker than my wrist.
>Only took a quick glance before staying back into my corner
>He walks up to me with a towel across his shoulder, shouts at me "HEY!"
>"He says in broken English "You gay? You like this? You faggot? You like cock?" While pointing to his dick.
>Too scared to reply.
>Takes the head of his dick and puts on my lips
>I open up, almost like it was an instinct
>He thrusts a few times (3) before taking it back out
>Felt like I had a whole arm down my throat
>His wet hairy balls slapped my chin all 3 thrusts
>Looks like he was ashamed of himself a bit, then goes back to his locker to put his clothes on and leaves

That experience gave me an extreme fetish middle eastern dudes as a result.
>That experience gave me an extreme fetish middle eastern dudes as a result.
Same here. I have a long story about me and arab guys. I'll just post a few.
>grew up outside Detroit
>large Arab population in certain areas of the city
>as some got better jobs in the auto industry, they migrate to the suburbs where I am
>I’m 14 and I meet Adhi who is 15 at school
>my friends and I play street hockey and Adhi loves it. Calls it stick soccer.
>one late afternoon six of us play
>getting dark so game breaks up and Adhi and I sit in the backyard talking
>we’ve downed bottles of Gatorade and Adhi says he needs to piss so we both walk over to the bushes and pull our cocks out
>I’m immediately fascinated by his
>shower, not a grower, about 5” long soft with a foreskin that he pulled back to reveal a pink head that was a nice contract to the rest of his skin color
>had never seen an uncut cock and stare at it as we pissed
>finish and go back to sitting and chatting
>I come right out and ask why his cock looks that way compared to my 2” soft cut dick
>he explains cut vs uncut, showers vs growers
>tells him none of my friends look like that and that it was interesting
>he just says “go ahead and look at it”, opens his pants and flops it out
>he tells me to pull the foreskin back and I do. Nothing sexual, just boyish curiosity
>he explains that sliding the foreskin back and forth is how he masturbates
>I’m still holding his cock and he explains how he used to go to the spa back in his country and saw many other guys’ and boys’ cocks and they all looked like his
>ask whether he was embarrassed about being naked with all those guys and he explained that sometimes he would stare at the older guys and get hard
>he said he liked looking at their bodies, their thick cocks, dark black, sometimes gray, hair in their chest and pubes
>realize as he’s saying this his cock has hardened in my hand
>he tells me to keep stroking it
>explains sometimes he’s have to drape his towel in front of him to hide his erection
>tells me what I’m doing feels good
>keep stroking him, my eyes glued to the sight of his cockhead peeking out of his foreskin like a hand popping out of a sleeve
>suddenly he says “I’m gonna shoot. Put your mouth on it”
>hesitate since I’ve never done this before
>pulls my head down and the first spurt hits my face
>get my mouth on his cock and take the remaining spurts in my mouth
>he’s not pushing my head all the way down the shaft but does keep his cock in my mouth
>when he releases I pull off and spit out his cum
>says it takes some getting used to, apologizes for not warning me sooner
>it’s a new experience for me and I’m cool with it
>it’s time to split so he leaves and I go inside
>actually forgot I had his jizz on my face and luckily my mother didn’t see me
>over the next few weeks Adhi and I get together
>sometimes in my back yard like the first time
>a couple of times he brings me down to the old music room in our school basement
>no talking, just points to a chair, I sit, he pulls his cock out, I suck, he cums in my mouth
>three weeks after the first time I blew him I’m walking home from school and Adhi catches up to me
>shoot the shit for a few minutes like normal
>asks me if I like what we do and tell him yes it’s cool
>tells me he knows a guy he likes… “loving”
>I assume it’s a language thing and that he means doing what we do
>he says the guy, Moz, is older, smart, friendly and has a beautiful body
>says we should visit his sometime
>I say OK in a noncommittal “whatever” way
>we finish our walk his and say good bye
>next day at school Adhi catches up to me again
>”Moz wants to meet you. He wants his to come over tomorrow night after dinner. Interested?”
>I say yes, not sure what I’m getting into but figure Adhi isn’t going to jam me up somehow
>next night I tell my mother that Adhi and I are going up to the park to shoot hoops
>we walk over to Moz’s house and Moz greets us at the door and has us come in
>he’s in his late 50’s stocky, swarthy. He’s wearing a t-shirt and I can see his chest hair above the neckline. Very short hair but a 3-4 day stubble growth
>he holds Adhi gently by the arms and kisses him on the lips, longer than just a friendly kiss
>Adhi seems to like it
>Moz walked over to me, says hello and kisses me with the traditional kiss to each cheek
>then one on the lips, not as long as Adhi’s kiss but not a mom kiss either
>I sit on the couch and Adhi sits on a chair
>Moz brings in some traditional tea that tastes like oranges, puts it on the table and sits right next to me on the couch
>we make small talk and drink tea for about 20 minutes
>finally he says “Adhi told me about you. You are indeed a delicate blossom”
>note sure what he means but Adhi laughs
>Moz says “you be quiet. I mean this as a compliment to your friend”
>his arm goes around my shoulder and pulls me in tight
>”Adhi says you pleasured him. Did you enjoy it?”
>told him it was Ok
>he asks if I disliked it and I tell him no
>he tells me to get comfortable
>not sure what he means but while I sit there he pulls off his t-shirt, puts his arm around my shoulder again and pulls me in tight
>says that I was fascinated by Adhi uncut cock and asks if I’d like to see an adult’s uncut cock
>before I can answer he has his pants open and pulls his cock out
>the difference between his and Adhi’s is striking. His is thick and veiny and maybe 5” soft
>takes my hand in his and wraps it around his cock
>tells me I have a nice, soft touch
>I have to admit that it not only feels nice but I feel turned on even though I wasn’t turned on holding Adhi’s cock
>Moz uses his hand to guide me stroking his cock up and down
>it grows harder and longer in a matter of seconds. Now about 7”
>Moz pulls me to him and buries my face in his chest hair
>he smells like dial soap
>rubs my shoulder and tells me I’m such a beautiful maiden
>not sure what he means but I’m liking this whole thing
>more stroking, more rubbing
>I glance over at Adhi and he’s got his cock out and is masturbating watching Moz and me
>Moz is gradually pulling me towards his cock. Not aggressive. Slide down his chest, over his belly and eventually my face is at the bottom of his cock as we’re stroking it
>”will you please me by taking me in your mouth?”
>I just nod my head
>”will you please me by swallowing my seed?”
>not sure I want to say no so nod again
>a few more minutes of stroking and suddenly he says “now”
>pulls my head back, drops his cock on his belly and slides me back on to it
>he humps a few times, holds my head still and cums in my mouth
>it’s so different from Adhi’s. there’s a lot, it feels thicker, doesn’t taste bad but has a definitely different taste
>he holds my head there for about 30 seconds and then asked if I swallowed his seed. I grunt and nod
>he pulls me back up and kisses me deeply
>”you did wonderful my little maiden”
>he looks over at Adhi who is still stroking his cock
>”you must take care of Adhi too”
>tells me to crawl over to him and I do
>I just open my mouth and let him slide in
>Adhi is too aroused for a “regular” blow job and starts fucking my mouth hard but Moz chimes in
>”Adhi. He’s too delicate for your thrusts. Be gentle”
>Adhi calms down for a minute but starts going harder again and cums within a minute
>”swallow Adhi’s seed, my flower”. I do
>Moz chuckles. “Adhi is a young stallion and doesn’t know how to let a gentle flower take care of him”
>Adhi just laughs
>we sip tea for a few minutes, both Adhi and Moz exposed
>Moz finally says that we should go as it’s getting late
>we get up to go and Moz grabs me
>”my gentle maiden, will you come see me again?”
>I nod and he embraces me, kisses me deeply on the lips and says good night
>I walk home with Adhi and ask him why Moz calls me a maiden
>he explains that where Moz comes from it was not unusual for older men to have sex with girls as young as 12 and marry them when they are 14
>says his country frowned on homosexuality so Moz looked at young boys as maidens
>say good night to Adhi and go up to my room
>not even horny. Just hoping I can see Moz again soon
>Grew up outside Detroit


Bloomfield Hills here.
please share more stories with them
>over the next few months Adhi and I visit Moz about once a week
>Adhi gets his random BJ’s whenever we can
>pretty much the usual routine
>when at Moz’s house, Moz gets blown first, then Adhi
>I like the attention I get from Moz
>after one time we’re sitting there and Moz’s TV is on
>see women wearing boshiyas (what we call burkas) and ask how they can see out of them
>Moz tells me to follow him and leads me to a room that looks like a spare bedroom
>tells me to take my clothes off
>hadn’t been naked in front of him before so kind of embarrassed
>he takes a burka out of the closet and tells me to put it on
>helps me with putting it on
>hands me long gloves and socks and has me put them on
>leads me out to the living room and Adhi laughs at me
>Moz explains that more traditional women wear these and cover head to toe
>he tells me to sit and not to speak unless spoken to
>they chat for a few minutes completely ignoring me
>Moz finally tells me to sit next to him
>as soon as I do he’s opened his pants, roughly grabs the back of my neck and pulls me down to his cock
>Moz lifted the face veil so my mouth would have access to his cock and then pushes it into my mouth
>kind of awkward with the burka on so I turn and kneel on the couch while I service his cock
>he reached over and starts caressing my ass and stroking my back
>he must have liked what he felt because moments later I feel his cock swell in my mouth and cum floods into my mouth
>swallow and squeeze whatever cum I can out of his cock and lick it up
>minute later Moz tells me to get changed into my regular clothes
>when I come out of the bedroom, Moz says we should leave as it’s getting late
>Adhi and I say good night and start walking home
>get to a section on the road with no houses but there are bushes
>Adhi grabs me and pulls me behind the bushes
>he starts unbuttoning his pants and I know what he wants
>get on my knees and start blowing him
>there’s something different about him
>he’s usually passionate when I blow him but now he’s just mean
>fucks my mouth hard, gags me, slaps my face when I try to pull off
>as he’s about to cum he pulls out and splashes his cum on my face
>zips up and leaves me kneeling behind the bushes

>meet up with Adhi a few days later at school
>he apologizes and says he was pissed that Moz didn’t have me pleasure him while we were at Moz’s house
>tell him I’m OK with that
>immediately leads me to the basement where I suck another load out of him
>get invited back to Moz’s house weekly for a few more months
>one day Adhi and I get there and Moz sends me back into the bedroom to get dressed
>this time he has a hijab for me to wear
>spend longer than usual trying to get the scarf to sit right on my head so Moz comes in and does it for me
>tells me I’m a beautiful maiden
>back out into the living room and Moz tells me to serve the tea from the kitchen
>I do and wait on both of them
>Moz tells me I can speak and we talk about school, soccer, other shit
>he then invites us back into the bedroom, tells me to sit in a chair and has Adhi strip and get on the bed
>Adhi has started to develop… muscled, getting more body hair
>Moz gets some oil out and starts massaging Adhi
>strictly a massage from shoulders to waist
>Moz comments how Adhi is growing into a man
>after about 20 minutes of massage he gets Adhi off the bed
>Adhi’s cock it hard as a rock
>Moz tells me to keep the hijab on and tells me to lay on the bed
>I do and Moz rolls the hijab around my shoulders so I’m naked from the shoulders down
>he starts massaging me with the oil
>feels nice
>after a few minutes concentrating on my back he starts massaging my ass cheeks
>eventually slips a finger between them and runs it over my asshole
>I let out a groan
>he continues and eventually pushes an oily finger into my hole
>another groan
>continues to finger me, adding more oil, then adding another finger
>I feel stuffed and my hole getting stretched out
>feels like a third finger is added and now I’m uncomfortable
>don’t want to say anything so just bite the pillow
>finally Moz pulls his fingers out and I feel empty
>feel him get back on the bed and he used his knees to spread my legs
>feel oil drizzled on my hole
>feel my hole getting stretched again but realize both his hands are on the bed by my head
>bite the pillow again as he sinks his cock balls deep into my ass
>he leans his head down by my ear and whispers “I’ve taken your flower my little girl”
>he lowers his body onto mine and holds himself up by his elbows
>slowly draws his cock out and then just as slowly slides back in
>gradually picks up speed and starts fucking me
>it feels a little better so I open my eyes only to see Adhi sitting in the chair stroking his cock
>after a while I start getting the feeling like I have to pee
>I clench like it would help but it just forces Moz’s cock to push harder against my prostate
>few minutes later I cum from a combination of friction on the bed and Moz’s fucking
>cock gets sensitive so I arch my back to get my cock off the bed
>Moz sees that as a signal and really starts fucking me
>only takes a few minutes before he moans and groans “take my seed my maiden”
>when he’s finished he pulls out and gets off the bed
>I feel like my hole is wide open
>Moz looks over at Adhi and then tells me I’ll now let him use me for his pleasure
>Adhi walks over and says “Moz, you’ve ruined his hole for me”
>Moz just says “use his mouth” and walks out of the room
>Adhi is pissed again and fucks my mouth with a vengeance figuring he’ll finish before Moz gets back and sees him
>he does with a few seconds to spare, shooting his load deep into my throat
>Moz walks over and puts something in my ass (turns out to be a tampon)
I get up, straighten out my hijab and walk into the living room
>I’m told to serve the tea again and I do and end up sitting there with the tampon up my ass
>when it’s time to leave Moz takes me back into the bedroom, pulls the tampon out and tells me to change
>get sent on my way
>It’s been 7-8 moths since I met Moz
>there is a distance growing between him and Adhi
>Moz wouldn’t let Adhi fuck me
>Adhi was becoming more “manly” and less attractive to Moz. I have not become more “manly”.
>Adhi also has a girlfriend so even my one-on-one hook-ups with him have died off
>I go over to Moz’s house by myself
>sometimes I just end up kneeling between his legs and blowing him, sometimes he takes me into the bedroom and fucks me
>one Saturday I go over his house and he tells me we have to go out and see a man he wants a favor from
>says we’re going to an Islamic community center and I have to wear the burka
>find it kind of arousing that I’m going to be outside wearing a burka
>get dressed and we get in his car and pull out of the garage
>he tells me from this point on I can’t speak, no matter what
>says I could be in trouble, maybe danger, if people at the community center know I’m actually a boy dressed as a girl
>now I’m worried
>when we pull up he reminds me not to say anything
>we get out of the car and we walk into the community center
>not a lot of people around. Some women in hijabs, a few in burkas so I don’t look too out of place
>comes to a door, knocks on it, someone answers in a foreign language and we walk in
>Moz points to a chair for me to sit on and I do
>Moz starts talking to a guy sitting at a desk. Sounds like friendly greetings, then some serious talk
>glances to me, back to the guy. Guy glances and me and then back to Moz
>guy gets up and walks through a door into another room
>Moz comes over to me and whispers in my ear
>”this man is going to do me a favor. For this you must pleasure him”
>I’m about to say something and Moz stops me
>”you cannot say no or you will be in danger”
>takes me by the arm and leads me to the door
>”remember… say nothing and stay covered”
>opens the door and basically pushes me into the room
>the other guy Is sitting on a couch, pants off, legs wide open, short soft cock hanging there
>I walk over, get on my knees, head down, lift the burka’s veil and take his cock in my mouth
>It. Tastes. Horrible.
>I gag but push through it
>his cock grows in my mouth to maybe 4.5” long
>not really big enough to stroke while I blow him
>hold the base, play with his hairy balls while he mutters something I don’t understand
>next thing I know my mouth is filling with his cum
>I keep my mouth on his cock until it starts to soften and then he just pushes me off and onto the floor
>says something in his language and Moz comes in
>Moz points to the chair in the other room and I go sit there while they conduct whatever business I just paid for with my mouth
>Moz finishes, walks out and beckons me to follow
>ride home in silence. Not sure if I can talk now but Moz isn’t saying anything
>pull into his garage and the door closes behind us
>as soon as it does he grabs my head and pulls me to his crotch
>I know what he wants so I open his pants and pull out his stiff cock
>work on it still fully covered by the burka
>doesn’t take long before I take the second load of the day in my mouth
>few minutes later I let his cock slide out of my mouth and Moz tells me to get dressed and leave
Eastside burbs. Metro Detroit represent.
ty anon. what happened between you and moz? do you still talk?
I only did one more meeting with Moz, where he hosted four guys at his house. I had to serve them (food, drinks and oral) dressed in the burka. After that, he asked me to find younger boys (like younger than what I was when I met him) and I wasn't comfortable with that so I stopped seeing him.
God that's fucking hot
no contact with adhi after that point either? or did that keep going after moz
>23, curious about cruising for a while already
>see that local cemetery toilet is listed as a cruising spot on sniffies
>walk there during the day, it’s an old public toilet under the main building and smelling of pee
>three urinals and one stall
>go into stall, close the door and sit down
>pretty quickly I hear somebody coming down the steps to the toilets and enter
>I hear the sound of pants opening but nobody peeing
>this is when I get really nervous, it’s actually happening
>I come out of the stall and there is a gray haired man standing at the urinal slowly jerking his cock
>sees me staring and turns towards me to show me his hard cock
>heart beating out of my chest I walk over and hold his cock which makes him moan
>leads me to stall and drops his pants all the way once door is closed
>I begin jerking his cock and he is really into it asking me if I like his cock and how old I am
>gets even harder when I tell him 23, he is 60
>quite quickly he starts cumming and covers the toilet in the stall
>just says thanks and starts cleaning, I leave

Maybe I will go back again soon
Never talked about it with Adhi. I know he dated a lot of girls but we went separate ways. Moz lost interest in him (too old.)
Anyone had sex with married or in a relationship guy who was “straight”
I had sex with a few guys like this but this one always stands out on how much of a degenerate I am
> be me 23-24?
> super horny but I don’t feel like driving to get my dick sucked
> open Grindr
> guy who lived 600 ft away
> fuckitwhynot.pdf
> long story short he tell me to wait a bit and he can suck me off
> time comes and i walked to his place
> it’s just a shed, am I getting jumped? (I always bring a weapon on me just in case) pulled my pocket knife close to me
> I’m here
> ok
> he opens the shed and he guides me to his bed
> he’s 20 a 5’5” chub with a beard and bubble butt, kinda cute
> it’s a furnished shed but not a lot of room
> notice a crib with a baby in it
> “keep it quiet”
> ohboyherewego.psf
> gets on his knees in front of the crib and sucks on my dick
> while he’s having the time of his life I kept watching the baby sleep because he was making a bit of noise and was worried it might wake up
> I thought to my self
> man imagine you get older and you keep having this reoccurring dream about a man getting his dick sucked by your father and can’t tell anyone because it’s too absurd only to find out it did happened and it happened when your parents were still married
> busted
> got myself cleaned
> cum drooling off the guys face
> “thanks bro, I’ll see if we can do it again sometime”
> yeah

Any straight guy married cheating stories you would like to share?
I feel like the glory hole part of this kinda makes it hot as fuck
>Any straight guy married cheating stories you would like to share?
>a year ago, be me, done "dating"
>6'2" power bottom, thick boy, not a fatty
>it's impossible to find tops who are bf material being a taller, bigger dude
>giving up, just gonna hook up now and then, whatever happens, happens
>never done hookups, had all of 3 bfs my whole life, 5 guys total
>not getting any younger
>hit the spots, get some replies
>looking for someone around my age, white, tall, big preferably
>Bob checks every box. Won't send a face pic tho
>big, built, hairy, almost 50 but in great shape
>6'5" and hung like an animal
>just looking to get blown, tells me he's married and I tell him I don't mind
>just looking to have some fun
>comes over, not often I have to look up at a man
>sit down, talk, kiss a bit
>pull out that monster and it's the biggest thing I've ever had in my hands, mouth, other misc. orifice
>cums like a fountain in minutes, it's clearly been a while
>keep sucking him and licking this magic stick slowly as we chat
>ask about his wife, she had some shit, couple surgeries, can't have sex
>expects him to just jack off forever tho
>all the more reason to explore me man
>convince him, damn near splits me in half, takes forever to cum
>leaves me in coma when he's done with me
>asks if he can see me again
>you bet your ass you can
I really want to set one up, get 3 or 4 guys to come through over the span of a couple hours. Sound so fucking hot. Too pussy to go to one. Not sure where one would be, really.
Original story writer here lol. I did that in college which is why I happened to have it on hand. Can confirm it is very hot
>Any straight guy married cheating stories you would like to share?

Sort of a double-cheating story.
I used to meet with a guy who had a home office. I used to meet him there while his wife was at work. He used to set a timer to make sure we were finished and I was gone before she got home. Sex was great. We had it in one of his kid's room while they were away at college. So basically he was cheating on his wife.

When his kids came home, we started meeting at his office that he shared with another professional. The other guy would leave early on Fridays and I'd go to the office for sex. So now he's cheating on his office mate.

Great sex. First person to ever get me to cum from a blow job. But refused to kiss. My cock in his mouth? Fine. My tongue in his mouth? NO!
Kinda confession, though nothing has happened (yet)
>be in our 30s, me and a straight, married friend of same age. known each other for 20 years
>has a dad body now, but used to be quite hot. nice dick
>I'm openly gay with boyfriend for 4 years
>a bit drunk get together with a lot of friends during mid summer, talk for some reason turns into an old site for posting naked photos of yourself
>I imply that I have a profile and that the site is nice, polite people admiring each others bodies. he seems surprised and the topic changes
>got quite a collection of pics, every angle of myself and even pics and videos of getting fucked
>forget about the drunken mumbling, return to normal, half a year passes
>some dude on the site with a smudgy dick pic seems very keen on my profile, visits quite often and the site counts the views
>think he's some perv and just likes my profile
>the site has a tab for everyone who has their birthday, so kind of your exact birthday is known to all if you didn't fake it
>some old dude made a public comment for him on his birthday and says happy birthday
>realize it's the same as my straight friends
>age matches, now that I think even the smudgy dick matches (I've seen him named a thousand times, we're Finnish)
>nice, he's been jerking off to me getting fucked for half a year and quite often, even multiple times a week
>get mixed feelings but kind of turns me on
>post even more pics for him to jerk off to
>some months pass and he deletes his profile, end of fun
planning on arranging a situation where he'd end up fucking me, but seems impossible with his wife always with him
>Any straight guy married cheating stories you would like to share?
Hooked up with a married guy. Only once since I changed jobs shortly after so couldn't work out the time to see him again.

His wife knew he was bi and he says she's call him a faggot all the time, and I don't mean in a lovin way. So we arranged for me to come over his condo while she was out, made out in his living room, he knelt down and sucked my cock and then we moved to the bedroom.

Got naked, played on their bed, but he insisted we do it on her side of the bed. When he was ready to get fucked he got on his back, put her pillow under his ass and let me fuck him.

He later told me that she complained that the sheets and her pillow smelled funny and needed to be washed. Yeah, my cum was on the sheets and her pillow because I fucked her "faggot" husband on them.
>be me, 15/16 years old.
> My brother, 15 years older than me, drunk as fuck is sleeping in the living room, he doesn't live there anymore but is just crashing because he's a bum.
>I'm closeted, horny as fuck and can't jerk off to porn on the computer in the living room like I normally do because he's in there
>Get the idea to crawl over to him in complete darkness and touch his cock, idk what I was thinking
>I made a good bit of noise sneaking and worried he was awake but I do it anyway.
>He's only wearing boxers and is under a thin blanket. I lightly touch where his cock is and it's rock hard.
>I wait a bit and try again and he's still rock hard. My heart's beating so fast
> I go under the blanket and grab his cock and he moans.
> I jerk him for a bit, I can tell he's getting close but I stop because I thought I heard a door open.
>I go back to my room and rub one out
>He's gone in the morning and I don't see him for months
>A couple montss later he's living in an apartment down the road and my parents ask me to go tell him something, this was before cell phones were everywhere
>He opened the door in just sleep pants and as I'm talking I can see him getting a boner
>Nothing happens for years and we never talk about it
> Years later I'm staying with my family on holiday and so is he. We have a pull out couch bed and we both decided to get drunk that night and hang out
>He passes out on the bed, I finally start to get tired and decided to sleep too.
>Both of us are just in boxers, and he eventually rolls over and I feel his cock against my back. I was immediately hard.
>He rolls over again and I decide to turn towards him.
>He's hard now.
> I pulled up against him, making sure my cock was touching him
>After a while I could tell something was moving around his dick slowly
>I'm so hard now I can't stand it.
>At this point I don't know what to do. So I rolled over went back to sleep. I was too afraid but I think about it all the time
>touch his cock, idk what I was thinking
Same, did the same thing to my older brother one night. No clue why, just saw it and went right for it.
Did it stop there for you guys or continue?
>Be me in early 20s. Moved to Vancouver B.C. for school because I hated where I lived and wanted to try something new.
>Move into apartment on West Side. Great neighborhood. Little crime, lots of bars and restaurants and little grocery stores. Grocery store I shop at is just down the way from a gay bar.
>I get cat called every now and again when I go grocery shopping. Never pay much mind at first.
>Pride Month hits. See the LGBTQ community for the first time and dig it. Closeted bisexual so I go with the flow.
>Figure no one knows me here and will never find out so I go to gay bar. Immediately scared af since I don't like bars normally.
>Sit for a while and people watch and vibe. Older Bear comes and sits in booth with me. Leather chaps and vest. Starts asking me questions.
>Conversation goes on and he finds out I've done a few things but not a lot.
>He reaches up and starts stroking the back of my neck and head and scoots closer. He keeps talking and then pushes my head into his lap.
>Fishes cock out with other hand and slaps my lips with it. Scared but turned on I open up and he fucks my mouth, nice and slow.
>Soon he's using me like a flesh light. He grabs some napkins and hands them to me, then cums hard in my mouth.
>First time in a long time so I spit in the napkins. He pats my head and walks away.
When I was 16 I started photoshopping my straight friends faces into nude pictures. I would do it so often and got actually good at it too haha. This way I can see their full dicks on display and don't have to only rely on my imagination. I still do it but only with that one set of 7 people and not anyone new I meet.
>be me 17
>on a school trip
>I shared a room with 5 other guys from my class
>felt a bit sick on the third day so had to skip the activities
>stayed in my room most of the time cause there was literally nothing around our hostel
>used this opportunity to get into my friend's bag
>found his boxers he wore the whole day of walking around a hot city
>I got into bed and started sniffing them
>first front, then back
>it smelt so fucking good of his sweat, piss, musk and everything
>I imagined his cock and hole rubbing on my face
>I came multiple times doing this
>I put it away and he never found out

I regret not getting into other boys' boxers, but I was really obsessed with this one guy so everything else seemed like a downgrade
I'm aroused by America
Not Americans, though I find them hot too, I mean the actual Country, the Flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, everything
I've wanted to be American for as long as I remember, it makes me so indescribably happy
I've only met one other person who feels the way I do, so I know I'm not alone, thankfully he's also gay. I hope we can meet up one day and fuck on the flag, both thinking about America when we cum
Sometimes when I'm away from home I change my sniffles profile pic to me with full face cock and ass out, bio and stats kinky as fuck. I guess I want someone to recognise, approach and use me. I've gotten a few 'I saw you' messages but nothing really comes of it. Still, I enjoy the rush.
The following is what turned me bi, I believe. When I was 12 years old, an older neighbor (he was 15) asked me if I wanted to hang out in the wooded area behind the middle school. I said sure, why not. We went into the woods and found the small stream that flows through the area. He started to take off his clothes and said we should go swimming. Next thing I knew we're both skinny dipping in the waist deep water. After a while of splashing around, he looks at me and holding his cock, he tells me to suck it. I was like no way, I'm not doing that. So he hits me and tells me that he'll beat the crap out of me and make me do it anyway. After two punches and me trying to escape, his cock was inches from my face. I figured, what the hell. Next thing I knew, I was licking the head of his cock and up and down his shaft. Looking back, his cock was a little bigger than average. I remember I kept licking his cock from head to base, top and bottom. When I was licking the underside of the head of his cock, he forcefully pushed it into my mouth and let out a load moan. At that point, hearing his moans, I really got into it. Sucking and licking that cock the best I knew how at that time. After a few minutes, he started to thrust and moan, I had no idea what was going to happen but the next thing I knew he pushed me down on the ground a shot a stream of white goo all over the place. He then acted all embarrassed and quickly got dressed and left me there. One thing that I did not realize while this was happening, I had a raging hard on. That was a day of many firsts - suck cock, make a guy come and then jerk off until I shot my own load.

I've been married for quite a while and have sucked a few cocks while traveling for business - there's nothing like watching a cock shoot its load all over the place.
>Be me, bi 25 masc, good looking, with a perfect masc conservative top bf for 8 years
>Been bored of sex with my bf, he is totally against open relationships
>downloaded grindr
>found a really hung white Guy and uncut (me and my bf are both latinos)
>White Guy insist on fucking me now since he's gonna leave the city soon
>Bf is in our appartment playing overwatch with his headset
>tell my bf i got a call i need to make outside
>go to our basement, meet the guy, even better looking irl
>fucks my face, spits on me, turn me around and fucked me bareback, fill me, slaps my butt and leave
>best sex i had for years
>come back to my bf, still playing OW
>Washed my face and kissed him on the back of his head
Turns out the guy had a few more days in town, a few days later came back and fucked my brain out on my bf's bed
Asking me if he fucked better than my bf while filling my hole etc
Ultra hot, best sex i had for years,
My bf is way better looking than that guy and loves me so much, he wouldn't even understand that i cheated only because the guy had a bigger cock and treated me like a whore
Why don't you talk to your boyfriend? Just tell him you want to try new things -- you don't need an open relationship, just ask him to be a little more adventurous in bed
>bigger cock
Strap on, maybe?
>treated me like a whore
I'm sure your masc conservative top boyfriend can do this

Or is it the thrill of sneaking around you like?
Been talking to my bf about this for years.
He finds dirty talking cringe, won't spank me during sex unless i ask him to, which ruin the whole point of it
He like vanilla sex only and get mad when im in whore mode.
And im not into strap on and dildos..
And yeah he can't treat me like a whore because he "respect me" too much
So for now i stay with him because i love him so much and i know he does too, and from times to times get my guts rearranged by any guy that has a bigger Dick and are more dominant than him, i don't even care about their face or âge anymore

I'm curious about procedure.

Are these guys you know?

How do you ensure safety against STIs?

How do you make this happen without your wife/GF finding out?
>How do you ensure safety against STIs?
nta, but this can't really be possible, can it?
Like that anon, I'm married, too, but I have another married buddy that I get with. The two of us do not play outside our marriages and us, don't have the time. Get tested yearly. He's a family friend and we'd probably both be out there slutting out for dick had we not found each other.

No one can convince me a gangbang can be done "safely."
Damn, I feel for you bro. I've run into this before, where I wanted something less vanilla and I just couldn't get my partner to do it
Not that anon, but I'll add some thoughts.
>I'm curious about procedure.
Either post or look at posts. I was on CL, DL, old yahoo groups, dating sites. Find guys, talk (ignore "no more than two emails" guys). Chat, exchange thoughts, interest, limits. Meet in person first if possible.
>Are these guys you know?
I get to know these guys a little, but they are not close friends. Everyone I have met has been outside my family/friends/coworkers circle
>How do you ensure safety against STIs?
Understand what can be transferred and how. I've hooked up with about 55 guys but only caught chlamydia once from an older guy I stupidly fucked without a condom. Other than that, bare oral and condom anal.
>How do you make this happen without your wife/GF finding out?
Depends on your situation. For most of my fooling around, my wife worked retail so she worked nights and weekends. Separate email addresses, google phone number and not fooling around with anyone in the above-mentioned circles

This guy >>2636226 has a good situation that he has a single friend, married, who needs discretion and being safe. But I'll tell you that even married guys will take chances.
im a sexless virgin too ashamed of the men im attracted to so I smother mtr paneer tikka masala on my pits, crotch, and beard then masturbate to pretend im with a musky indian muscledaddy
cheap food ready to eat from the packet, just add rice
smells like an Indian
> too ashamed of the men im attracted to
Why, anon?

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