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They're actual Gods
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The irony being this is a literal caucasian dude with a beard.
i hope you wake up in the saw iii opening trap
That's Vander Pulaski. Not very ArabA
i'm surprised it got the text right
There's this hot Arab guy at my gym who stinks so bad but I can't get enough of it loooool

Or maybe he's Indian, I don't know, they all look (and smell) the same to me
Sometimes I fantasize about being a young crusader who was captured by a very angry Arab daddy-type king and kept as his sex slave. Then he rapes me in his dungeon every night, but kisses my body after he feels good.
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it's a shame that most of them are cut and murderously homophobic
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ai porn is so fucking cringe (not to mention the insane raceplay) please try to be normal

I currently have the hottest moroccan fwb wish I could show everyone but hed kill me
Fuck the refugees - Europe is FULL no piss off back to where you maggots came from
>mutilated at birth
>closeted as a result
That's the real same. Arab and Muslim world is basically the US in the 60s
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Sorry whiteboi you WILL be used as a fucktoy for arab BVLLS
>it's a shame that most of them are cut
that only makes them better and more desirable
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not brown enough
I could never travel to a Middle Eastern country, I'd be immediately arrested and stoned to death for degenerate homosexual acts against their chiseled brown godlike men
and they're all gay
we're all faggots and none of us will reproduce including you
so why the fuck do you care about muh white race
these men are hot
you're not
fuck off back to /pol/, incel
Can I get some dick pics?
Ooh, I think I got catfished by this guy
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There was this cute Paki daddy I catfished last week, sad he blocked me after not responding to video calls lol.
You mean catfished by someone else using his pics?
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Jew detected
I love this angle. Just look at that little fag suck that cock like the hungry manslut he is. God i need a bro to suck me off
What did he say?
Nothing he just posted AI generated shit which doesn't belong on this board
you can just see the inbred in their faces lmao
do you not know they're all gay? like its so easy to suck a married arab guys dick
You're literally on a board specifically designed for homosexual pornography, on a thread dedicated to arab on white raceplay, and you believe that people engaging in these posts are Jews rather than horny white fags with a raceplay fetish?

/pol/ needs to be contained
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I want to top an Arab guy. I want to feel my cock brushing against their beard when giving head or their hairy bottoms as I plow inside... god that's so fucking hot for me.
No wonder the white race is dying out. If I was a woman and millions of hunky brown men like this were pouring into my country I sure would want to have their babies!
Silly boy grow up
...how is the "Arab Hunk" thread dedicated to arab on white raceplay you retard. I'm begging you all to stop scaring the hoes
women are not having any babies. besides i want to tempt a hunky brown man to sin and fuck my man ass. not touch some childless thot.
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It just is don't ask questions
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Why do /pol/turds infest every thread related to ethnic minorities? Why are they such losers? I just want to enjoy handsome Arab guys pics not read your weird racist rants and obsessions, kill yourselves chuds
Sauce, habibi?
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That’s what’s my cock needs too. My Arab cock is made to fuck blond holes.
Imagine the smell
it's literally so over with men like this, how can you even compete
Arab men are actually so fucking hot it's unreal.
The fact that they would want to kill me for being a faggot somehow makes it even hotter.
Like half are fucking gay, I’ve hooked up with like 3 married Arab guys life isn’t always like Fox News says
How are they in bed? do fuck rough or carry you like a princess? tell us more pls

Can confirm, Muslim guys are the gayest from my experience.
I went to a hilton resort in Egypt last year, tons of arab guys, all hunks with big families. I hooked up with 2 during a 10 day stay and I didn't even try that hard. The second guy had seconds the next day. They really love white asses. I also got a tan so my ass looked extra white, drove the second guy insane. I think I got spoiled and in year I didn't find a man who wanted me that bad and who worshiped my ass.

As for experience, lots of rimming and not too rough but always going balls deep, loved cumming inside and staying in until going soft
Arab men are the ideal
hairy Italian daddies and high caste pajeets also do it for me
I always wondered why the Turkish guy I sexted on Snapchat wants to see my asshole so bad. He ordered me to put spit and finger myself. Then he sent himself spewing loads of cum. They really do like anal fucking.
>Arab men are the ideal
Huge Arab/Chaldean population around me. Always a young brown top around to fuck me when I need it. They're fucking GREAT in bed.
>high caste pajeets
I want a big, chad pajeet to fuck me so bad. All I've met is skinny little computer nerds though.
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i want a cute arab refugee bf
they range, the egyptian guy was the best, really treated me like a whore but he was the ugliest, the others were pretty vanilla...which I like (as long as they let me eat their ass), I like when theyre passionate and loving.

Arab bottoms can be insane though (like legitimately, be careful) but they're worth it
oh my face is fucking IN THERE, heavenly smell
>Arab bottoms can be insane though
Oh no, they're certifiably insane. Stalker level if you try to ghost them and they get dick sick. Arab sub bottoms are absolutely worth it though, you ain't lying.
That's fucking hot. Are there bearded bottoms? They're kinda my fetish currently...

Older Arab bottoms are rare imo, but I'd like to experience once.
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I once sat next to an Arab guy in train who smells like mixed woody perfume and mild sweat... it was so hot. Also he manspreads so my leg always brushes against his when the train stops. I almost wet myself that day.
enjoy and god bless
right man? the hair and the macho "toxic" masculinity makes my hole throb
Mmmmm I would be in heaven just sniffing him

Imagine breathing in the musk from his hairy asshole and his balls before he slides his big dick up your ass
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i love how they dont even have to try to have an "im better than you" look.

not sure this guys nationality, but seems iranian-ish to me
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post source or die
the first one is frenchdaddyxxl he has OF but you can see a few vids of him on coomer.su
i knew that face and cock looked suspicious. he isn't middle eastern
iranian/persian men have such charisma that no other has, they're my favorite
Mmmm fuck I would be pre cumming just at the part were I'm sniffing his hairy asshole
If I ever got isolated on a remote place with an Arab guy I'll get my ass ready because he needs to pleasure himself from time to time
forgot pic
Anyone from Germany and can recommend app where arab guys searching for sex? I need a musky arab top to pee on me ^^
as a bearded arab bottom myself, i can tell you the dick sickness is real. ig it's because of the conservative area and lack of a stable source of sex, that when you get a taste you latch on (god knows i do)
He's a French top, there are many vids of him online.
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peak male body, imagine his tits bouncing while he drives and bumps into potholes
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I've lost track of how many times I've nutted to this vid. It's perfect
He really enjoyed himself. I'd fuck him too with my big arab cock, white guys are great when taking cock
It's sad that this guy didn't do more vids. Wish to look something like him when my going to gym pays off.
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He didn't make gay porn though
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I hate walking by literal Arab sex gods in the gym
They smell so bad/good it's unreal
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